Sunday, June 30, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 7/1/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 7/1/19

7/1/19 is the number 11 and if you add the 7 + 1 =11. The number of disruption and electrical stimulus is lining up with the Solar Eclipse tomorrow. Fortunately, there are some aspects that move this energy into a deeper emotional place. You are challenged in ways that you are perhaps not prepared for. That is what makes this day a bit of a test. Let yourself expand and discover new places where your energy can open, move, and flow. I find that when things seem to be contracting all around me, choosing to expand is not just a choice but a counter weight to the constriction that is taking the fun out of life.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon remains in Gemini and conjuncts Venus in Gemini. Emotions are tender. Relationships are realized to be more important than you understood. Your talents and abilities come out.

Mars is in Leo giving you stamina to excel in your preferred ways. You feel passionate about what you need to face in your life at this time. You move towards new experiences. You are for the moment, feeling on top of the world. Be aware of taking things too far. You might just appear to others as being opinionated, dominating and seeking the limelight. The key is to not demand too many things and be responsible for your choices and actions. Dealing with the details is going to be the most difficult thing. Choose the least complicated way to get to a goal. Simplicity is rewarded. Remember to acknowledge others for their help and support.

At dinner time, the Moon will go into Cancer. A perfect time for an evening stroll in nature to watch the sunset. Let the natural world calm you down and reinforce your inner strength. You are going to need it in the future.

We are all at the passionate time of the summer. Let it infuse your life with  much energy and warmth. Bring more beauty into your life. Eat outside on the patio. Enjoy the birds and nature. Let conversations evolve into interesting places.

We are right on top of the Solar Eclipse that will hit tomorrow in Cancer. Make sure today you let yourself wind down and give yourself some wiggle room for what the eclipse may bring.

Make sure your actions are aligned with your heart. This energy will last into August. This eclipse will bring up deep emotions. Take care of yourself and your family.

Know that this astrology can trigger things along the path of eclipse. Watch out for earthquakes from New Zealand to South America.
~Suzanne Wagner~


“Human progress is neither
automatic nor inevitable. Even a
superficial look at history reveals
that no social advance rolls in on
the wheels inevitability.

Every step towards the goal of
justice requires sacrifice, suffering
and struggle; the tireless exertion
and passionate concern of
dedicated individuals.”

~Martin Luther King Jr.~








So many of my clients. In fact, most of my clients, have really been stressing probably because of this particular eclipse tomorrow. There are other astrological contributors to this stress that are manifested externally in our world at this time, but I like to blame the eclipse. Notice what you are beginning or ending. Let these natural cycles assist you in moving along your personal path. Know that your path is not everyone else’s path. Everyone is on their own unique journey. And the single greatest lesson you can ever learn …  is to let go. You cannot be another. You waste precious energy if you try to be something that you are not. Others may influence what and who you are. Your goal is to go in your own personal direction. You cannot be what you are not. Trying to twist yourself into something for others will only end up making you miserable. We live in a world where others project onto you what they need. While that is fine. The big lesson is that life does not do what you want. Life (and your life specifically) has certain lessons that are yours and yours alone. There are many places in life that you must walk alone. No one can save you from your own karma. You have to be willing to learn from your choices and take the consequences of your actions. You cannot go back. You can only go forward.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Friday, June 28, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 6/29/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 6/29/19

6/29/19 is the number 20 and if you add the 2 + 0 = 2. This is a day when the mind can run amuck. Do your best to maintain calmness and clarity regardless of what hits you. There is a tendency to take something too far. Be careful and cautious with words. Choose them wisely. People want to find fault today. Always practice kindness even when others want to blame you for what their karma hits them with. If you have attempted to maintain peace continue to try to do that. Remember, there are always situations and circumstances that others are not aware of. Nothing is ever what it seems. Stay objective, observant, conscious, and supportive of each person’s choices.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

It helps to have the Moon in Taurus positively influencing Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and Mars. So in the areas of organization, perseverance, empathy, art, love and adventure you are filled with energy and courage. Take advantage of this situation while you have it. Be patient with others. Let your resolve and determination handle things at home and work.

The Moon sextile Mars in Cancer gives you that courage to open your mind and create clarity.

The Moon is going into Gemini by midafternoon. You are more curious and asking for deeper questions to be answered. You know what you experience and have impressions about various things. Communication is more sensitive and it is packed with learning. Listen to your intuition and let the mind make sense of it all and construct a plan.

The Moon sextile Mercury in Leo. You have sound judgment and are learning to deal with situations more rapidly. Be open-minded.

Mercury forms a sesquiquadrate with Jupiter and that gives the energy for exaggeration and misinformation. You may have a challenge concentrating. Take your time and go slow.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Never hold the intention of hate.
Regardless of what others spew
in your direction.
Others want to blame you
for their choices,
their karma, their struggles,
and their life patterns.
But those patterns were there
before you ever showed up.
Your karma was cast
from the moment
you were born into this life.
It is yours and yours alone.
When people walk away,
it is not about you.
It is about whether
your karma is theirs.
Most often it is not.
And each of us have
enough of our own to do
to take on the karma of another.
Never blame another
for walking away.
Often they saw that staying
would only create more.

~Suzanne Wagner~








The stories that people play out in their mind are rarely based in fact. They are based on reaction and a mind that seeks to understand. But that understanding is only available based on their own experience. Often they cannot see past their own suffering to notice how their energy, reactions, words, and projected wounding actually cause the outcomes that they are being challenged by. They do not see how their dysfunctional emotions have fired up others to do horrible things and threaten the person they are upset with in the name of protecting their friend.
It is always easier to blame others than to notice that certain situations keep happening.
When that is the case, you have to ask yourself the question, “Why?”.

It is a hard lesson to look at how some patterns keep happening to us. Especially when the single consistent component is us. No one wants to own how our neediness and projections push others away. Especially when those projections do not fit the person. We often want someone to be what they are not. That never feels good to the other person and so they will walk away. That is because the burden of the projection that a person is pushing on another can be so heavy and a coat that does not fit.
Some people want others to rescue us. But life is about learning that everything in our world is of our own creation. We create certain things to force us to learn. That does not mean they are fun. They are not. And you are at choice in each moment.
Most people keep recreating the suffering outside that they are working through inside. Others are then just projections of the characters within us that we are working through.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Marriage Destiny

Image for 'Marriage Destiny' numerology article

When two people come together and create a marriage, the marriage itself has a numerology profile.

Properly interpreted, the marriage destiny number reveals tendencies and likelihoods related to the marriage's destiny.

The destiny position of the marriage numerology chart is one of the two most important positions. As for personal numerology charts, the two most important are the destiny position and the life path position.

This article is about the destiny position for marriages. The marriage life path article has information about the life path position.

The destiny energy represents what the marriage is known to be by the marriage partners and, also, what the marriage tends to become more of or evolve into.

The number for the destiny position of the marriage numerology chart is calculated with the combined birth names of the marriage partners. The energy represented by the result is then interpreted.

(The complete article is at

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 6/27/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 6/28/19

6/28/19 is the number 19 and if you add the 1 + 9 = 10.  It is time to shift something that has been lingering in the shadows. You know that clarity is essential for growth. And some people can hear what someone is saying while others will only hear what they want to hear. But truth is like an insidious brain worm. It slowly works its way through the garbage and turns it into something that can be a fertile soil upon which to allow for new growth. It is time for that risk that allows for eventual growth. You may or may not get to see that growth. That decision is not up to you. Each soul much grow at their own pace. All you can do is give them the truth. While they may deny it, that does not matter. Because in the end, what will remain, is always the truth.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

With the Moon in Taurus and the Sun in Cancer, comfort and connection is the key.

The Moon in Taurus will trine Saturn in Capricorn, giving you responsibility and organizational talent. It brings energy to your ideas and dreams. It will assist you in being more reliable and support a clear and logical side to spring forth. Your mind is inspired, enthusiastic, and deliberate. All great things when focused on career.

The Moon sextile Neptune in Pisces bring challenges to your personal growth. It is time to learn new things and bring out some of that hidden creativity. Your intuition and determination are strong.

The Moon trine Pluto makes you emotionally tender and sentimental. But you are also seeing the reasons for past choices. Things make sense and you see the dysfunction that led to your decision. You are maturing and changing.

There is a Mercury-Ceres trine which will be exact tomorrow, adding more imagination, warmth, and consideration to your communications.

~Suzanne Wagner~


The Four Horsemen of the
American Political Apocalypse

Influence – A person or thing with the
capacity or power to have an effect
to shape policy or ensure favorable
treatment from someone, especially
through status, contacts, or wealth.

Persuasion – A belief or a set of beliefs,
especially religious or political ones.
Any group or type of person or thing linked
by specified characteristic, quality, or attribute.
An action or fact of persuading someone
to do or believe something.

Manipulation – To handle another
or control in a skillful manner with the intent
to alter, edit or move them off a position
with the intent to mislead.

Coercion – The practice of persuading
someone to do something by using force or threats.

~Suzanne Wagner~








While we are in a time of great change, I also believe we are in a time of great responsibility. Each person is on a path to help them understand and grow in a way that serves their present level of consciousness. There are souls on all levels. And each level is essential for growth and development. Those levels can be re-prioritized but they cannot be totally skipped. Notice what level is calling to you. Notice where you are drawn in the bigger picture. Some levels are designed to point out where you are lacking in some way. Other levels are there to give you the next level of insight. All levels will point out flaws and point out solutions. All levels will assist you to progress forward if you are willing to learn and be open. But you can stay on some levels for lifetimes, looping around the same lesson, again and again. Notice if you are just standing and step forward. There are answers but you have to move beyond your old state of beliefs, limitation, and function.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Marriage Destiny Tool

Image for 'Marriage Destiny Tool' numerology article

The destiny of a marriage is pretty much in the hands of the marriage partners.

However, the marriage has a numerology destiny of its own. The numerology destiny is calculated by first combining the names of the partners and then calculating the values of the resulting letters.

Properly interpreted, the energy represented by the calculated result reveals tendencies and likelihoods related to the marriage's destiny.

The calculator you'll find below does the calculation for you. It then provides an interpretation of the result.

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To understand more about the marriage destiny numerology chart position, see the detailed marriage destiny article.

Now, the Marriage Destiny Tool.

(The complete article is at

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 6/26/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 6/26/19

6/26/19 is the number 17 and if you add the 1 + 7 = 8. If you cannot hear the sobbing and suffering of humanity then you have gone completely numb and you are at risk of losing a very precious thing …. Your compassion. Yes, I know that what is happening in the world right now in the world, is a lot for anyone to handle. But it is happening this way because sometimes your heart has to break.  You have to see that the deflections of your ego have been getting you to go into avoidance. And avoidance is a form of ignorance. But you cannot live and thrive in such a condition. The more I have allowed my heart to break, the more open and compassionate I have become. And ironically the stronger my heart has become. When you shut down your heart and feelings, you eventually create illnesses of the heart. When you allow your heart to be touched, it forces you to do something rather than to do nothing. In the evolution of consciousness there are levels of awakening that you have to move through to find enlightenment. The first level is selfish oriented and it says, “I just want to get enlightened for myself. I don’t really care about the rest of the world. I am going to be the first to get home and that is enough!” But eventually you recognize that it is not enough. So the second evolution happens. And that one says, “I cannot stay enlightened and in Nirvana when others are still suffering on earth. I need to do something and go down and help!” But even that one is not enough. Eventually, you recognize that good and bad are all still the Divine moving through the kinks of life in various forms. That God’s love and light moves through the positive emotions, such as; truth, integrity, love, compassion, pleasure, fun, and creativity. But that God’s love and light also moves through the darker emotions. Such as; anger, jealousy, hate, fear, desire, longing, and sorrow. And that a truly balance person knows and accepts all aspects of life and emotional expression within them as equal. You have to experience bad things at times, to know what is right and wrong. You have to learn what is important to you or not. You have to know who is really inside your being. A completely awakened consciousness sees the pain and the pleasure, the joys and the sorrows, and allows all that to be held with compassion within the soul and psyche. You cannot be whole if you only want half of what life offers. Life offers everything up for you to experience. If you only taste the sweet things in life, you will not find contentment. If you taste only the bitter things in life, you will also not find peace and balance. Embrace this moment, in all its horror and pain, in all of its shocking revelations, in all of its outrage and anger. Then motivate yourself to do something. You will do is what you are programmed in this moment to do. Everyone cannot do or have the same job in such challenging times. There is way too much happening right now in this world. But you are here for a reason. And all you have to do with the time you have is to find that reason. Let that reason ignite your soul, and then go out and do that in the world.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


While most of us are asleep, the Moon and Jupiter attempt to bring some luck back into the equation. It calls women to rise up and to move and say things. This aspect begins to move against the dominion of Mars and the masculine world that is destroying everything. It will be interesting to see how it all pans out. It is time to move the energy of Mars towards what promotes rights, freedoms, and liberty. It is all about moving the world towards a positive life reflection. Not this insanity that is destroying life.

With the Moon square Saturn, there will be a strong trigger as we see those with power continue to present obstacles and restrictions for the basics of life, causing melancholy and unhappiness for those that do not have the power to speak up for themselves. It will feel as if not enough is being done. And that would be true.

The Moon squares Pluto also, causing extreme mood changes. You notice the extravagance and uncontrolled looting and plundering of this world by the rich and it will make you angrier.

On Wednesday evening, Mercury moves into Leo. It asks you to review where your heart really lives. And gives you the courage to speak up for those that cannot speak for themselves. Your words and actions are a reflection of who you are and what you really believe in. Saying that you stand for something but then doing nothing is not what this astrological aspect is about. Your passionate side is being fired up and activated. Now what are you going to do with that energy? While this will encourage self-confidence, I ask you to use it for the greater good. Only those with the power of conviction will be able to move this terrible world situation off the cliff and back onto a rational level where responsive social participation becomes the norm.

The responsibilities that humanity has towards this planet are screaming loudly. Will you let those with power muffle your voice and tear down your conviction? The powerful are using distractions to make your energy fragment. Do not let them. Focus and do what you know needs to be done. Let this astrology piss you off and then motivate you to do things that are convincing, persuasive, and decisive.

With the Venus-Pluto quincunx, the world is grappling with issues of power, control, hate, and suffering.

~Suzanne Wagner~


A child with an intense capacity for
feeling can suffer to a degree that is
beyond any degree of adult suffering,
because imagination, ignorance, and the
conviction of utter helplessness are
untempered either by reason or by
~E. M Delafield~








This moment is so severe, to get us to awaken.
How numb has this world become that we need to create
this level of suffering to break open
our compassionate heart?
What will you have to experience
before you yield to love instead of hate?
What suffering are you going to cause in others
before you feel your own pain inside
that you use to lash out into the world?

~Suzanne Wagner~

Monday, June 24, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 6/25/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 6/25/19

6/25/19 is the number 16 and if you add the 1 + 6 = 7. At this time in the world over and over again, situations ask you about where your personal boundaries are? At what point is something too much? At what point do you draw the line? At what point do you say “No!” For each person, that line is crossed at different times and it is often when something hits on a more personal note and place in your psyche. For women it is often about if you hurt children or animals in any way. For others it might be when your finances are impacted in a way that others are taking too much and you are getting the short end of the stick. Each person will be forced at some time in their life to take a hard look at those lines and if your choices and decisions were early or late. Those that are early are like the canaries in the coal mine, warning of impending crisis when others want to fall asleep in their complacency. Those that are late are often ruled by a paralyzing fear of upsetting the status quo. They cannot see that they are complicit in the dysfunction until it is almost too late. Honestly, it matters to your karmic life journey, when and what you stand up for. No one can save you from your lessons. Many will try. But all will fail. Your path is yours and yours alone. You create it and those creations will follow you around to assist you is awakening.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon goes into Aries today, giving you a bit more energy to get those much-needed tasks and chores done. You mind feels sharp and more active. While difficulties continue you feel better able to cope with them because you just have more energy. The Moon is also at the half way mark and this can make things difficult with work and family life. Be more careful how you deal with those of the opposite sex.

Don’t start new projects but just finish up what you have on your plate.

Take a look at your life from a new perspective and reassess things from a calmer and more objective viewpoint.

Because of the Venus-Uranus semi-square you may feel that you are caught between wanting closeness and wanting freedom.

You are a bit restless. And that is not a problem but you might feel better if you just try a few detours so you can stimulate your mind in new ways.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Nothing so needs reforming
as other people’s habits.
~Mark Twain~








I learned to love through those who hate. I learned how desperately others really need love and how many in our world have been denied that basic love, connection, and understanding that is essential for a human being to evolve fully into the compassionate beings that they came to be. They taught me that the suffering they feel inside is so great that they cannot contain it anymore and it explodes out of them.
You hear about things that are gateways to drug addiction. And now we know that abuse is really the gateway to addiction.
But someone suffering for a long time silently, is the gateway to hate. Someone who has felt not heard, someone who has suffered in silence for too long, turns to hate.
Someone who felt they did not have a voice, turns to hate. And they hate that which they believe is the cause of their suffering.
But the truth is that they are the cause of their own suffering. Because when you do not stand up for yourself, you allow that suffering to continue. And underneath the feeling of hate and the feeling that they have no voice, is fear.
A fear that they are not good enough. A fear that they have no worth. A fear that needs to be confronted in order for the truth to be revealed.

What this moment in our history has revealed is that there are many more people out there than expected, that have been suffering for way too long. To find a way through their mind, they had to come up with an excuse and a reason for their suffering. It is never easy to take a hard look at yourself and see that your own fear has paralyzed you and left you in a small room with no light or door. The mind has to come up with a reason for such suffering. It is always easier to blame someone weaker than you in that moment.
A stronger person will stand up and tell you the truth about your dysfunction.
But such souls could not tolerate that.

So instead they attack someone weaker than themselves. And align with others that are
suffering just like them. Because when they are surrounded by others of like belief,
they feel stronger and more vindicated for their toxicity, fear, and hatred. The truth is that they cannot stand alone because they are not standing for truth, but pointing out to everyone that is awake, their own weakness, dysfunction, internal pain, and fear.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Friday, June 21, 2019

Personal Year, Month, and Day Calculator

Image for 'Personal Year, Month, and Day Calculator' numerology article

This calculator accepts a birth date to determine the personal year, personal month, and personal day numbers.

It responds with the numbers and with an interpretation of the numerology energy represented by those numbers.

A personal numerology chart can provide information about numerous cycles. The pivot or change points for most of those cycles are at a person's birth date.

The personal year, month, and day cycles, however, are calendric — their pivot points are on calendar dates instead of the day of birth.

The personal year cycle changes at midnight on January 1st. The personal month, at midnight on the first day of the month. And the personal day at every midnight.

To understand more about calendric cycles, see the detailed article about year, month, and year calendric cycles and how to calculate them.

Now, the personal year, month, and day calculator.

(The complete article is at

Numerology/Astrology for 6/22/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 6/22/19

6/22/19 is the number 13 and if you add the 1 + 3 = 4. Balance today feels like being on one of those wobble boards for exercise. You have to balance carefully and pay very close attention to what you are doing because a slight lapse in judgment and you will tilt right off the board. You are in training for more intense patterns to come in the future. So now, while the waves are still manageable, you will want to practice and let it be okay if you fall off the board. This is how all of us learn and grow. I find it interesting that being in balance and harmony is organic and easy in nature but somehow in humans (perhaps because of how our mind and brain operate) it seems a struggle to be “at-one-with” all the things that surround us. I think that is because our minds tend to only think about ourselves rather than the organic connection we have to all of life. Today, step beyond your mind and feel into the organic flow that is surrounding you. Attempt to become one with it. Find the center that is already there and merge into the greater flow of life.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

As we roll into the later afternoon, the Moon will go into Pisces. It is the most sensitive placement for the Moon so know that while creative energies are awakened in some, for others, it is an overwhelming time emotionally. Channel this energy productively by moving into spiritual patterns that help  your soul explain your present emotional/mental state. Reading books that help you expand your mind and heart are always helpful. Meditation and contemplative techniques are all helpful to keep your mind in focus and on task.

The Sun in Cancer trines the Moon in Pisces. This is a pleasant and positive outpouring designed to bring others together. Hopefully it will be for a good cause.

Mars and Jupiter in an interesting alignment will stimulate your motivation and hopefully that will translate into actions that help improve the world or the worlds of those you love and care for. You have resources that will help you make sense out of a crazy world.

~Suzanne Wagner~


A leader inspires you to become greater
than you are in the areas of kindness,
honesty, philanthropy, compassion,
listening, and making a difference in the world.
A tyrant inspires you to express fear,
hatred, violence, and to inflict suffering
in the world towards others.
Leaders inspire others to come together
to make the world a better place.
Tyrants oppress and use power to control
in cruel, unreasonable and arbitrary ways.

~Suzanne Wagner~








Take a pause, take a break.
When you heart has too much ache.
You cannot do when you are drained.
You cannot help when you are pained.
Learn that life is like waves on the ocean.
Some are soft and some a commotion.
You have to learn to flow and go.
You have to know when you need to slow.
Warriors cannot fight without a break.
Because bigger things are always at stake.
Battles come and battles go.
Not all are won, nor victory bestowed.
You have to see past this moment in time.
You have to know the goal is a greater climb.
Such things take time, patience, and insight.
Such a goal must have the power to ignite.
Something that is greater than the mind.
Something that brings hope to the maligned.
Then the struggle is worth the risk.
Because your heart is offering a kiss.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 6/21/19 – Plus Personal Blog

shadow boxingquote

Numerology/Astrology for 6/21/19

6/21/19 is the number 12 and if you add the 1 + 2 = 3. It is time to get ready to rock and roll. Something inside is moving and it may not feel completely fun. More like something that is imperative at this time. And that compulsion wants to make choices for you that have been difficult to address. While it is all good, it may feel intense. When blocked emotions begin to move, it can feel like you are pushing a boulder up a hill. And that is exactly what today is about. There is a point that the suppression and oppression is enough. And you will do whatever it takes to push back and get those with density away from you. The darkness that hides within all of us is more on the surface than ever and threatens to collapse things of great value, worth, and importance. The light within you is not going to allow that to happen. So push back in inevitable.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

We finally begin Summer. The Sun goes into Cancer and the Moon will be in conjunction with Venus and Jupiter. While that is the one favorable aspect and it helps love, money, and success, there are other astrological factors that just want to mess things up.

Summer Solstice is a bit complicated this year. Mental Mercury and assertive Mars continue to challenge Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. It creates a stressful energy that makes you feel like you need to “hurry up” and then suddenly wait because nothing is going anywhere.

While the sun is at full strength, Neptune stations and begins to turn retrograde until November 27th. I am sure it is the last thing you really want to do right now but you are going to reflect on the emotions that you have put out into the world and some of you might have to make a correction, reflect, and see things differently because of the changes in the world and the impact some words have had on others and your own perception of self. There is a veil being cast over your life and you are going to be challenged to be able to see things clearly. Some dreams will need to be put on hold because you do not know, cannot see, or are indecisive about what you are feeling. This is a good time to do inner work, personal growth workshops, etc. It feels as if situations have let you down but they are showing you the dysfunction in order for you to change. Focus on what nurtures you. Everyone’s emotions are running deep and in such moments it is hard to bring things into focus.

At the same time, nicer planets Venus, Jupiter and Neptune are in a complicated dance called a T-Square. It is like a three-legged race when you were young. It feels off center, out of balance, and glitchy. Take a moment to open to new relationships and enhance existing ones. However, Neptune asks you to look for the spiritual side of people and to know the difference between fantasy and illusion. (Clearly the whole world is still working on that one.) Because this energy is in the summer solstice chart, you are going to feel this pattern until it breaks at fall equinox.

The Moon in Aquarius trines Venus in Gemini. On the family level it shows some promising developments but the prevailing emotional upsets are still dominating, limiting your ability to modify them or adapt in a smoother way. Do your best to avoid disputes and know that you can always find a way to have joy in your heart, regardless of what the outside world is doing.

The Moon sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius. This will help you keep that positive attitude towards life. Something that is very much needed at this time. Let your artistic side reflect optimism, hope, and call others to awaken and move from their best side.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Hate is a reaction to personal injustice.
You hate what you cannot understand.
You hate what you refuse to be a part of.
Some people hate an idea.
Others hate what is different.
You can hate ineptitude.
Or you can hate incompetence.
You can hate those that hate you.
You hate those who have power over you.
Hate is insidious and can find all sorts
of reasons to continue to exist.
It feeds on your blight and fear.
It feeds on your stuckness.
It feeds on your inadequacies.
Hate says, “I don’t want that to be true
so much that I will attack and
try one of many ways to kill
what confronts my beliefs
and sensibilities.”
~Suzanne Wagner~







“Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
~Will Rogers~

So many, right now, believe in the things that are good and right in the world. But then they do nothing. They feel vindicated because they know in their hearts that they are on the side of right, but that is not enough in these trying times. I talk to those older and wiser than me that have seen terrible times and even they say that nothing like this has ever happened in their lifetime. They are horrified that they have lived through very difficult times and fought so hard for what is right and done everything in their power to create a country that gave freedom and opportunity to everyone, only, to now, in a short 2 plus years, watch everything that they have lived and watched others die for be torn down by incompetence, greed, deception, and treachery. It cannot be tolerated. The quality of millions of lives are at stake. The fate of the planet is at stake. The fate of life as we have known it is at stake. I know the scope of it all seems overwhelming. Many collapse because they simply do not know what to do first. They do not know what will work. Many have tried to write congressmen, to no avail. (I being one of those also) It is frustrating beyond comprehension to see the walls of Theocracy that have taken over our government stall all forward motion and outright ignore the people. They are not supposed to line their pockets and do things that actively harm Americans. They were supposed to work for the American People. That clearly has been lost in the glow of the golden handcuffs of money that tempt them beyond logic and rational thought into the greed and allure of money and power. Without radical changes we are headed towards a place that I believe no one should really want to be. We might be too late already. But we might be able to compassionately deal with what is coming with caring rather than avoidance. I choose to not sit on the sideline or in the middle of the road to block the path. I choose to not be run over by the hordes of people in fear and suffering. I choose to direct traffic to safer places of compassion and care.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

How to Calculate Personal Years, Months, and Days

Image for 'How to Calculate Personal Years, Months, and Days' numerology article

Arithmetic calculations are used to determine the personal calendric cycle numbers — the personal year, personal month, and personal day numbers.

The primary purpose of this article is to show how the calculations are done.

Most cycles calculated for personal numerology charts have their pivot points on the person's birth day, when the person's age changes.

Calendric cycles, on the other hand, have their pivot points at calendar year, month, and day changes.

A description of the pivot points and the calculations for each cycle are described further below.

(The complete article is at

Numerology/Astrology for 6/20/19 – Plus Personal Blog

two toddlers walking to the beachquote

Numerology/Astrology for 6/20/19

6/20/19 is the number 11. This number reveals to us that globally we cannot keep doing what we have always done. Because it is obvious that it is no longer working. We have to try new things (the number 11). But that is where we have to step into the discomfort of stretching into those new things even if they do not completely work the first time. When you see suffering and great need and you do nothing you are complicit in that suffering. When you decide to be blind to truth that is right in front of you, you go against the very laws of nature that rule this world. Human laws are flaws by ego and agenda. Spiritual laws cannot teach conscience, though they try. Sacred laws are written in your soul, in your very DNA. To deny those most sacred of laws, you have to go against the very rules of existence that you agreed to, and that allowed you to come down to this world. When you break those laws you forfeit your opportunities for another human life. This world is a constant game of duality (the number 2). The game is to take that push/pull of the duality and step beyond that density and transcend the elements of mind and evolve them into the greater whole of unified consciousness. Today, is a doorway should you decide to take it and accept that challenge.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

With the Aquarius Moon, there is a slight shift into a more friendly atmosphere. But because Mars and Pluto will also crash, I am not sure that the Moon will be enough to handle this conflict and problematic clashes that are bound to show up for the next few days. I hope we are wise enough to avoid violence but the world is literally on fire and emotions are fired up with this energy. Let’s try to channel the unusual mindset of the Aquarius Moon and bring in new insights and ideas for the present problems and circumstances instead.

The Moon in Aquarius squares Aquarius’s ruling planet, Uranus in Taurus today. Bad tempers are going to be very obvious. Expect terse and testy replies to simple questions. The mood of a situation can change rapidly. There will be those that intend to be willful and believe that they deserve to express their individuality. While that is true and this is America, such people also reveal their weak mind and broken soul for the world to also see. Restraint requires maturity. Without the ability to express mental and emotional self-control this world will be in a lot more trouble than it already is. The Aquarius Moon is known for being rebellious but it is also very principled. Notice what your personal principles are that you guide your life by. Remember, that Aquarius Moons are there to reveal where laws are unjust and where human laws can never be stronger than real moral fortitude. Use your mind in clever ways and be focused and solving the problems that are right in front of you. That is all you can do. But if everyone just did that every day, the world would be a better place.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Hate happens when a soul has lost itself.
Compassion is then concept forgotten on the shelf.
Love forgives and is always there.
But not if you are unwilling to care.
~Suzanne Wagner~







All things here are a force divine.
All life is sacred even the sublime.

I live by laws that are older than time.
They know what hate is and that it is a crime.
When you hate, you break sacred laws.
When you demean those you determine are flawed.
You tear apart the grid that holds life
You harm those suffering and cause more strife.
I will not be quiet when such evil flows
Out of the mouths that only ignorance knows.
Such people cannot see past their own mind.
They exist in a darkness that they eternally climb.
But they go nowhere because that road goes only down.
Until they remember truth and turn around.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Those that hate, know it is wrong.
But their pain is so intense, it makes them strong.
They cannot escape the suffering within,
So instead they decide to make others like them.
They spread the hate with lies and plots
The world is out to get them, and they are afraid and lost.
You cannot save those that believe in blight.
You cannot help those whose souls are night.
When you have lost what matters most
You will destroy all things that love wants to host.
You cannot stand to see the love
That you are now void of.
You will lash out and attempt to enroll fear.
You will cause such suffering and so many tears.
But those are the fears that you have denied.
Those are the tears you were unwilling to cry.
There will be a point that your heart will finally break.
And what you thought you must totally hate.
You will come to see is who you are.
Only then will love come back from afar.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 6/19/19 – Plus Personal Blog

out in nature with a dog'ssudoku

Numerology/Astrology for 6/19/19

6/19/19 is the number 10. Everything has a beginning and everything has an end. That is the nature of life here on this planet. It is the cycle of life, if you did not know that you will have to let go, you will crave more and more. But because there is an end of things you will have to let go of all that you have acquired also in this life. You will have to surrender up this most precious life and allow your energy to move beyond this body and form and regenerate into spirit so it can coalesce into a new pattern and form at another time. That is why grasping is such a pointless endeavor. Hoarding even more ridiculous. You grasp when you do not completely understand that things will never define you. What defines you is your experiences. And when you are grasping and holding tight to people, power, beliefs, situations, bodies, you are not fully living because you are instead afraid of losing. You cannot be at one with the magical matrix of spontaneous life if you are holding onto things in your past. That past was there to challenge you and to help you shape what is important to you and what you believe in that moment. But was never intended to define you. Life calls out to you to stretch beyond your known into the beauty that is still unknown to you. Life wants to show you so much more of who you really are but it cannot do that if you allow your fear to make you live in a small box. Life does not limit you. Your mind limits you out of fear of loss and fear of being hurt. Power comes when you face any fear. Power comes when you do not take the defined limitation that someone else wishes to impose upon you. Power is your essence and birthright. How that power is expressed is your unique journey. Do you know the moments that have defined you right now? Reflect back in your life to those moments that you stood up for something or someone. The fear was still there but you moved past that fear and stood your ground. You hit an invisible line inside that knew that you had no choice but to open your mouth and say what was true for you in that moment. And regardless of outcome, that was true for you. That moment is your center. That moment is your core essence. And that moment is trying to expand today out into the world to say and do more. Will you let it out again? I certainly hope so.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today

Today, you might want to keep a low profile. Don’t force things and avoid angry or impatient people. And there might be a lot of them. With critical constellations, this day if full of tension. Know that mood swings are likely. Little things will get to you. Your actions will either enhance your power or tear down the illusions that you have so carefully cultivated. Be careful about making major choices and decisions. In such a reactive time, you are not really clear.
There is a tendency to fall into overestimating your capabilities. There is no clear starting point so dealing with tasks is difficult. You might take criticism personally. Step back before you say something you will regret. In work situations difficulties will appear. You want to make compromises but no one is in the mood.
The Moon opposition to Mars causes irritation, quarrels, and over-reactiveness. Do not waste your time and energy on people and situations that have no intention of changing. Regardless of how passionate you feel; you will be wasting your time and energy if you persist in attempting to get someone to understand. Walk away, leave them hanging, say nothing, and let them feel the loss of your presence.
With the Moon Conjunct Pluto, know that those on the edge of depression might fall head first into the abyss of despair. Outbursts, temper-tantrums, and emotional acting out is going to be the response to conflicts that arise or any crisis.
The Moon opposing Mercury is asking you to make some serious decisions that need to be carefully considered. Your thoughts will change but do not speak from any place other than the truth. That will still cause conflict but you will at least be standing on solid ground.
This evening the Moon goes into Aquarius and some joy comes in through leisure activities. Have a social evening. Go to dinner with friends, have some fun, share your day, laugh, and find that common bond.
The bottom line is that you will have to continue to face ongoing obstacles and wrestle with your doubts and concerns. In certain moments you will want to talk with someone of like mind. In another you will want to listen and say nothing as you evaluate the level of insanity of another person. There are those of you that want to expose falsehoods. There is pressure to make a decision and yet you do not want to get embroiled in a power struggle. Do your best to not push and to also not resist. It may feel like everything is a personality contest. That is because the external world is undermining your own sense of personal power. You have to come to terms with the reality of each moment. Without that, you will continue to suffer and be pulled back and forth by the chaos that has the intention to tear down the very foundations upon which you have built your reality.
~Suzanne Wagner~


“Walking in Nature
Is a Dog’s Sudoku.”
~Suzanne Wagner~


When I die I want to lie on green grass,
And lay with a dog and cat beside me.
I would love for the sun to shine upon my skin,
And feel the warmth and love that this world offers.
For one last precious moment, I want to smell the flowers,
and reflect and remember those amazing moments
of connection and knowing that there is something
always present and watching in wonder at my journey.
I want to feel again, the love that was given in pure joy.
And know that my love lives on
in the faith and belief that I shared
and the kindness and compassion that was given.
Then I will know eternal life.
Because love never dies,
it just changes form.
It morphs into the next energetic evolution
that it is called to answer.
And the love that I gave out will light my way back home.
The love that was gratefully received
will be the anchor to find my way back
to those that I care for and can connect to.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Monday, June 17, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 6/18/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 6/18/19

6/18/19 is the number 9. How do you move from heart and intuition? You have to drop deep inside your core. You cannot think things through with your mind. The mind likes to think it has the answer but it does not. It is the hearts compassion that has the best decisions that serve the greater good. It is that part of us that intuitively moves to help even when we do not have the time. I have always noticed that the first to help if you are on the highway (at least for myself) have been the farmers, ranchers, cowboys, and those that have worked with their hands. Working with the earth teaches patience and there is a more restful place that their energy is centered within their body. It is hard to listen to your intuition when there is so much restlessness, worry, rushing, and mental chatter happening. You cannot notice the needs of others if you are in a state of chaos, unrest, and fear. So today, take a moment to slow down and notice the natural pace and order of life. Not the pace you have set for yourself. But the one that is Mother Nature calling to you to come and place within the natural world. Take the kids outside and have a picnic. Go to a swimming hole and laugh outrageously. Express emotions other than stress and the fear that is infusing the world at this time. You well feel better. You will begin to listen to your own heart and your intuition will finally have a door to speak with you that is not blocked by a mental mob.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

This is a different day because there are two powerful aspects impacting us all. Saturn and Neptune sextile and Mercury conjuncts with Mars. Together they support a turn. A positive turn to put you into a direction which is essential for developing your special and unique gifts in the world.

Mercury in Cancer is conjuncting Mars in Cancer. Two restless planets both in Cancer bringing up one thing after another. The key is to stay on task and to be diligent in discussing important topics and to take the time to really look at and address each one individually and fully. Do not rush over one and neglect another. You will work hard today. At moments it seems a bit much. Keep your mind and body language softer than normal and your disposition open and flexible. There is a lot to handle. There is a lot of information coming your way and you might just consider that completely understanding it all in one go might be like trying to drink water from a fire hose. Go slow because such moment cause mistakes and things falling through the cracks that are important. In this moment, appearing noble and wise is more important than being right. Others might be short-tempered, touch, unapproachable and obstinate. Don’t let their mood turn yours into theirs.

The Moon in Capricorn Conjuncts Saturn in Capricorn. Yes, you are going to have reservations. Yes, there are challenges that are now obvious and restrictions that add one more problem into the mix. The present situation is more complicated than anticipated. Take a breath. Behave in honorable and sincere ways. You may want to hesitate while you figure things out. Know that you do not need to make a decision today. In the silence you will find the answers you are seeking.

The Moon sextile Neptune in Pisces. This creates challenges and forces some deeper personal development. You recognize you need more information and seeking classes that help is not a bad idea. Creativity is right there if you reach for it. Allowing your intuition to flow will give you the direction and determination that you need to move forward constructively.

All and all, science and faith are attempting to come together. You have to find the balance within around your inner builder and inner dreamer. When those come together you will be unstoppable. There is no manifestation without a lot of effort. It is time to lift a few boulders and get a foundation laid for your future. What you have been putting off, you can no longer afford to keep doing. It is time to change. There are problems. You know how to fix them. Now it is time to just do what you know you need to do.

Know that thoughts come in that might seem a bit paranoid. Learn from your darker thoughts. That does not mean they are real. It just means that there is a message you need to hear that you are avoiding.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Political language … is designed to
make lies sound truthful and murder
respectable, and to give an
appearance of solidity to pure wind.

~George Orwell~






I start any analysis from the place of noticing what I feel.
I know that feelings are not always correct because feelings are transient and constantly change. In fact, if you are allowed to feel something all the way through then you discover that what you feel changes because you get to the bottom of what it is you are feeling.
You have a primary emotion but often we are afraid to feel that. And so we create a secondary emotional response to protect us from feeling the primary response.
In my case, I often feel hurt first. But hurt seems weak in my old mindset. Therefore, my secondary response was often defensiveness and anger.
Now, I know that … so well …. and have worked with it so much …. that I know if I am angry and getting defensive then I am actually hurt.
Now, I can admit that my feelings are hurt and attempt to lead from that place rather than the other. This gives a person a chance to also shift from a place that “Oh dear, someone is being authentic! Now what am I going to do? I could step back and be open!”
Not everyone has that kind of clarity nor do they see than as an option. But if you lead with anger, your only choice is to get angry back.
And that seems to be the world we are in at this moment.

But feeling is never really enough or adequate to make a decision. Because your feelings are based on your wounds, past, trauma, prejudices, fears, resentments, and ignorance. If you do not know or understand something such as a culture, a religion, or differences in people, your mind will tell you to be afraid and to defend yourself.
Your feelings are not an accurate gage to what is true. But they are an indicator to where you are at in your personal/emotional/spiritual evolution.
And it is not always pretty to notice those dysfunctions over and over again.
You would think that if you kept noticing that knee-jerk reaction and that it was scary and upsetting you would change.
But no!
The majority of people repeat such patterns again and again, never questioning whether such a pattern is correct or healthy.
Defending what you believe gives you a feeling of righteousness and personal, powerful indignation. It feels good to make other people wrong.
Let’s just admit that for one small moment.
Admitting gives you the opportunity to objectively look at something and discern whether it is a functional pattern or not. Whether it is true or not. Whether it is causing more or less karma. Whether it is causing harm to others or not. And that will eventually trigger the moral crisis that is needed.
Because it is really simple.
If you are intentionally causing harm to another, it is not good.
If you cause harm to others by what you say, it is not good.
And such behaviors carry a karmic burden that lingers beyond this life and into other lifetimes.
The more you cause harm and the more people that are impacted by your behavior, words, and actions the longer that karma is going to linger in your soul.
When you do things that activate a person’s worse self, their ego self, their hateful self, and incite violence in their words, actions, and deeds, then that karma magnifies.
And you do not want to bear the burden of such suffering for lifetimes.
Trust me.
There are people right now in powerful positions that are doing just that and with every word, action, lie, and deed they dig a deeper karmic grave that they will have to climb out of over lifetimes.

This is why we have the great teachings to guide us to behavior that is compassionate, just, kind, and non-reactive. But there are so many that twist the words of the greatest enlightened teachers to a place of such horror and hate that it is unimaginable how disturbed their mind actually has to be to make such a convoluted distortion somehow make sense in a mind.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 6/16/19 – Plus Personal Blog

baby birdquote

Numerology/Astrology for 6/16/19

6/16/19 is the number 7. There is power in planning the possibilities. There is potential hidden within following paths that lead you towards a goal. You discover the level of self-discipline you have when you need to follow through with things in your life that are hard. So often we just quit when things get challenging. But those are the moments that begin to define who you are now and who you intend to become. This number reminds me that growth is essential in life and that the moment you stop growing you actually begin to die. What would it be like to make a decision to allow states of continuous growth to manifest throughout this life? While that might be challenging it also might just be wondrous! You came here to discover and uncover things. You can find ways to embrace change and see it as your next adventure rather than a problem. Today, accept what comes with grace and ease. Discover what you have not yet fully expressed in the outer world. Never limit yourself or hold back. Embrace all that you are, all that you can become, and all that your body can hold in this dimension.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Happy Father’s Day! The afternoon is easier than the morning (unless of course you just want to sleep in and get a slow start to your Sunday). It is a generous day but know the difference between reality and illusion.

Saturn moves in opposition with Mercury and in this case Mercury is restricted by Saturn. If you have to work today, know that customers might be a bit stubborn and my not want to listen. It might feel like it is one resistant person after another. Moods feel untrusting and suspicious. You may feel as if something important to you is failing. Know that family is going to interfere. Do your best to stay kind and consider other outcomes.

There is a trine between Mercury and Neptune, designed to sharpen your intuition. Your imagination wants to seduce you and while that is fun, it may not be real.

The Moon Squares Neptune. It continues the dreamy and passive qualities. Let yourself get lost in thoughts or daydream. It might be a break from too much reality.

The Moon conjuncts Jupiter, which gives you a bit more money and social success. Just don’t overdo and let pretty things seduce you into paying too much for an object.

It is good to be enthusiastic but others may not be in a favorable mindset. Know that circumstances need to include what others are feeling before you blurt out something impassioned. Many are struggling with decisions.

You are noticing more and more where you have been misled by others and now you can see that your own unrealistic and inflated expectations have taken you down a path with real consequences.

There is a restlessness that is scratching in the corners of your mind and it is getting louder. Patterns of avoidance are no longer working and you can see your own justification in your words, actions, and tone. You know you need to find a new belief and philosophy.

You are going to be setting some new boundaries as you shed false beliefs, expectations, and paths.
~Suzanne Wagner~


A year from this moment,
you may wish that you started the shift today.
A month from this moment,
you will notice the missed opportunity.
Tomorrow will be too late
for some in this world.
Your love and care are needed now.
Your help and intervention
are essential for what is unfolding.
Something needs your love.
Today, may be all some of us have.

~Suzanne Wagner~






I connect to hearts that do not hate.
Those of the animals and creatures that are dying of late.
Hate can come in many forms.
It is hate that creates suffering and scorn.
When you hate, you care not for the life of others.
When you hate, you spread trash with no druthers.
If you do not care for what this planet holds,
You will not care how the future unfolds.
Hate exists primarily in the past.
Hate is an energy that lambastes.
Hate has no boundary or threshold.
Because it loops in the pain of a past untold.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Friday, June 14, 2019

Meaning of the Number

Image for 'Meaning of the Number' numerology article

You might be amazed at how often we are asked "What does this number mean?" This page has a quick calculator (further below) that will tell you the meaning of any number you are wondering about.

Or, you can put the calculator on your own web page for your visitors to use. Perhaps they are wondering about the meaning of a number, too.

Type a number and tap the button. The calculator responds with the meaning of the number.

The meaning of any whole number can be calculated.

No fractions, though, because there are no fractions of meanings. And no decimals. If the number that's typed in is a decimal number, only the part before the decimal number is calculated.

Every number represents certain numerology energy. And that is where the meaning comes from.

The meanings of multi-digit numbers are amalgamations of the meaning of:

More about number meanings can be found at the number meanings article.

The quick calculator and the code for your website follow.

(The complete article is at

Numerology/Astrology for 6/15/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 6/15/19

6/15/19 is the number 5. What can you do today to help your body cleanse and clear out toxins? I find the summer is one of the best times to do this because the warmth of this season is helpful while cleansing. Perhaps going to a hot springs is healing for you instead. All things that help you clear, sweat, move, and release are good to do today. Pay attention to the health of others also. Notice your animals’ behavior as animals tend to not show discomfort until they are really not feeling well. How in touch can you be with your physical world? How much can you feel into your surroundings? It is a good exercise to step past your constant chattering of the mind and feel into what is instead. I find it is always helpful to bring balance to my reality if I stop “thinking” so much and just let life be.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Before Noon, the Moon moves into Sagittarius on Saturday and it is time for a party, outdoor adventure, or philosophical pursuit. This will give everyone a burst of idealism designed to benefit the community. But the Moon in Sagittarius is also at times restless and unsteady. You can want to get out of town for a short camping trip, etc. Distance gives breathing room and more clarity of thought.

The Moon opposes Venus in Gemini. Under this aspect your actions feel emotional and passionate. There might be a tension between wanting to let go of your inhibitions and some degree of inner tension. There might be some small family issues that come up. Notice small things regarding your health and well-being.

Mercury quintiles Uranus and is moving towards a trine with Neptune and a quincunx too Jupiter. All while being in opposition to Saturn. You want to find meaning in your life. Something to aspire to. You will have a lot of details to handle because of this dream. While you have to expect criticism and negative feedback, don’t get frustrated. Sometimes others cannot see what you are attempting to do. Just move towards improving yourself and things will fall into place.

Mercury and Uranus inspire a creative project that might need a bit of technical skill. And the Mercury-Node alignment is asking you to look for help from those with more skill and knowledge.
~Suzanne Wagner~


“To live is the rarest thing in the world.
Most people exist, that is all.”

~Oscar Wilde~






The more awake you are and the more conscious you become the more present you are with all things that live and exist in the world. Most people are just surviving. They are going through the motions and doing what it takes to exist but they are not awake and then do not know how to make their life full, vibrant, and thriving. Some people long for a consistent life that is predictable. But those that are awakening know that real life is beyond the gates of safety. It is through expansion and stepping out of the ordinary that the extraordinary is found. I realized a long time ago that I did not want a “normal” life. I wanted a life that challenged me openly in a variety of ways. I wanted a life that pushed me up against my beliefs and led me to places of freedom and authenticity. When I looked at people having a “cookie cutter” life, they seemed like automatons. They seemed bored and caught in a repetitive pattern that did not challenge the established quo. While that allowed them to be right because their world was so narrow and so they lived in a bubble of rules that were established and habituated, they were also not thriving. They would even talk about the dreams they had as a child and how now those seemed so far away and ridiculous. I believe dreams are there to inspire us to stretch out and give things a try. I believe that lives that are boring feel like a slow death.
Many years ago, in my 20’s, there was a friend of my that had Muscular Dystrophy. Her house was set up to be accessible for ramps and lifts. There was a young Amish girl that came to see a doctor here in Utah, but she was dying from metastasized kidney cancer. Tumors were distending her abdomen and she had been sent home to die. But the family wanted to try one more thing, so they were here and had traveled a long way to get here. My friend put them up because she had the space and proper equipment. Out of kindness, I arranged for them to have tickets to go see Ballet West perform Sleeping Beauty. A beautiful story about good triumphing over evil. But the mother, kindly explained to me that they did not do any, “entertainment”. All they did was read the bible. I tried to say that this story was about good over evil. But that fell on deaf ears. I watched the joy fall from the young girls’ eyes, like rain falling in a quiet rainstorm. Hope and a real life were replaced by drudgery and deadening repetition. In that moment, I knew that this young girl would die. I knew it because if I had no other hope in life but to read the same book again and again, I also would want to find a way out of this life that seemed not alive but torture.
Life without dreams and hope is deadening. The one thing that to me is the greatest cardinal sin is to take away hope from a person. Because sometimes that is all a person has left.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Thursday, June 13, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 6/14/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 6/14/19

6/13/19 is the number 5. The Number 5 is a feminine number and is associated with the Mother Earth, the physical body, health, nutrition, and nurturing. The number 5 has gotten a bad name because it is associated with the 5-pointed star or a pentagram. But it was the symbol of magic. Specifically earth magic. Within each of us, we are connected to this earth. She is our “Big Mother”. And that connection calls to us at different times attempting to get our attention. If you ignore your body and the needs of the body, it will get sick to get your attention. If you are not taking care of something, that thing (such as a child) will cry to get your attention. I remember when one day I walked out to the garbage can to dump the trash and I heard a baby kitten crying. She was screaming actually. It was so clear she was in distress. Immediately I called out, “Baby, baby, where are you?” and she kept crying out till I found her hiding in an evergreen bush. That is how life gets our attention sometimes. Loudly and from the place that we have to pay attention. Notice today what is calling out to you. Notice today if you need to take better care of yourself or others. The physical world demands our attention and the more you listen, yes, the more there is to do. But also, the more skilled you become in mastering this complicated domain. You have it within you the ability to expand and include more than you presently are doing. Do not feel resentful that life constantly demands something of you. That is life. That is how it has always been and will always be. Resisting the physical worlds demands will make you go numb and tune out what is essential and very important. Stretch into the discomfort and provide the care that is being asked of you. Trust me. You will feel better and more confident over time.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Today, just might be a better day. Mars is in a favorable position to Neptune and in opposition to Saturn. This pattern will dominate for the new few days. This helps Mars be open to the intuitive instincts that come from the gut and it is also helpful for moving energy in a more intimate and sexual way.

Imagination is flowing and is used in new and more artistic ways. Things might take a more hectic pace. Try to not be harsh and short with others.

In the afternoon Saturn decides it has had enough of Mars and this results in the expression of some selfish tendencies and rebellious responses.

There are, however, some pleasant connections form the Moon and but the change of Saturn might just sour the milk a bit too much regardless.

If you wake up in the middle of the night with an idea or inspiration you can blame the Moon trining Mercury. So, you might as well get up and write down that idea for later or it will keep you awake.

The trine between Mars and the Moon gives you ample courage to start a new action and activity feels clear and concise. Your adventurous spirit is open to new ideas and directions. You may want to look at those travel books. You mind is hungry for experiencing something new.

The Moon sextile Saturn adds energy to your sense of responsibility and you are easy to rely upon. You feel more organized and your objectives seem doable. You are more enthusiastic than you have been in a while and that makes you actions more deliberate.

Know regardless of your choices and actions, in the near future you will be tested to see if your dreams and ideas are really going to work in this reality. It may feel as if people are standing in your way. Don’t let another’s fear stop you or frustrate you as you move forward. It will be hard to stand your ground in the face of another’s resentment. Do it anyway.

That type of energy can make you waver and have trouble focusing. Stay on task and do one thing at a time.

Walk humbly in the world and know that coming from an objective and mature pattern is important to build up a foundation that can sustain you over time.
~Suzanne Wagner~


“A poet is somebody who feels, and who expresses his feelings through words.

This may sound easy. It isn’t.

A lot of people think or believe or know they feel — but that’s thinking or believing or knowing; not feeling. And poetry is feeling — not knowing or believing or thinking.

Almost anybody can learn to think or believe or know, but not a single human being can be taught to feel. Why? Because whenever you think or you believe or you know, you’re a lot of other people: but the moment you feel, you’re nobody-but-yourself.

To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”

~E. E. Cummings~





Every generation believes that it must battle unprecedented pressures of conformity; that it must fight harder than any previous generation to protect that secret knowledge from which our integrity of selfhood springs. Some of this belief stems from the habitual conceit of a culture blinded by its own presentism bias, ignorant of the past’s contextual analogues. But much of it in the century and a half since Nietzsche, and especially in the years since Heaney, is an accurate reflection of the conditions we have created and continually reinforce in our present informational ecosystem — a Pavlovian system of constant feedback, in which the easiest and commonest opinions are most readily rewarded, and dissenting voices are most readily punished by the unthinking mob.

~Maria Popova~


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

About Numerology Number Meanings

Image for 'About Numerology Number Meanings' numerology article

Numbers represent numerology energy. The energy is where number meanings come from.

Numerology number meanings are interpretations of the energy the numbers represent.

Generally, a numerology number is interpreted as it applies to the situation the number pertains to — examples are a destiny position in a numerology chart or the resonance of a street address.

Extensive interpretations can be made. Entire articles or even books can be written by interpreting how the energy represented by a number applies to certain situations.

For numerology charts, the energy of a certain number is interpreted differently depending on the chart position.

The energy a number represents can have an innate meaning, a meaning not associated with a numerology chart or life situation. It would be an interpretation without any particular context in mind, just the number energy by itself.

Innate meanings are the number meanings this article addresses.

(The complete article is at

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 6/12/19 – Plus Personal Blog

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Numerology/Astrology for 6/12/19

6/12/19 is the number 3. While a positive attitude is essential in life, especially the “attitude of gratitude”. It is also important to see both sides of the faces of two-faced people. Now, know that I believe this is a world of duality, so everyone has two sides, a positive, spiritual, conscious side and a negative, hidden, fear-ruled side. So, one person is not better than another. We are all here in this duality to learn to come to terms with both sides of our nature. If you believe you only have a positive, light side, then you are in severe denial and that part that you hide, harms people in unconscious ways that you cannot or will not see. Those that we consider “enlightened” are very aware of both of their sides. They know and own their light and dark sides. They have learned to love both of them and honor both for the gifts that they offer. The integration of that inherent duality is what “enlightenment” actually is. You are not enlightened if you choose to only project out into the world your positive, light, spiritual side. And it is those people, in this world, that right now, are causing great harm. The denial of their own darkness gives that darkness permission to run amok in ways that their light side justifies with the delusions of polarized insanity. They cannot see that their own darkness is controlling and manifesting pain and suffering in the world. And when the darks sides of many come together, terrible things happen in this world. People glorify war to the horror of anyone awake. That is because all war is an atrocity. It is a sin against the greatest gift of life you have ever been offered. But when someone is at war with their own essential nature and in denial of it, they will unconsciously project their own inner conflict out into the world and war, mayhem, and suffering is the result.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon and Jupiter attempt to bring some deeply needed joy and happiness into this world today. The Moon sextile Jupiter bringing that desire for ideas and projects to be realized. Your artistic side wants desperately to be optimistic and attractive in the world. There is a desire for cooperation but I am afraid it will not fall on open-minded ears. Notice where you are withholding in your interactions with others. Notice you have a fear of not getting what you want. You might need to cut back on your goal to create a manageable pattern rather than an over-the-top dream.

But with the Moon in Libra squaring Saturn in Capricorn, it might prove more challenging than you want. Obstacles and forced restraint combine with deep seated unhappiness and emotional turmoil to form a bitter pill to swallow. It feels like there are no good choices at the moment. All positions seem to have a negative part to them. It makes it difficult to choose.

The Sun trines the Moon and this lucky combination attempts to cut through the melancholy of the above square to bring harmony into your relationships.

But the Moon squaring Pluto causes the potential of extreme mood changes. Do your best to control your financial budget and do not go too far overboard in spending.

Mars aligns with the North Node later in the day and you are moved to pursue your goals or make some new connections with others.

The Moon leaves Libra later tonight making it more intense as the emotional energy of Scorpio is activated. While this is passionate in its flow it is also serious and uncovering of things that have been hidden.
~Suzanne Wagner~


I stand with life. Not your opinion.
If your opinion in any way harms
any form of life on this planet,
you are part of a destructive force
of hate that is killing this world.
~Suzanne Wagner~






Other things have the right to exist. Humans do not have the right to destroy the habitats that are essential for other creatures to survive and thrive. Human greed does not give us the right to collapse whole ecosystems that benefit many for a few men out for money. I cannot imagine the karmic consequence for being a person responsible for destroying ecosystems and parts of this world. Because one part connects to another part. When you destroy one part you impact other parts forever. It is time humanity  understands that it’s lack of conscience and compassion is responsible for a genocide of this earth. Right now, your choices make a difference. Do you really need that plastic bag at the store for vegetables? Can’t you just remember to put the bags in the car and carry them with you always? Can’t you walk back out to the car and get them when out of habit you forgot to bring them in? Can’t you (if you really forget) just choose the paper bag instead of the plastic one? I know you can. I know you are being asked to step into wakefulness and to be more present with the small things that used to seem insignificant. But they are not. Those habits that were learned now have to be unlearned. There is more at stake than your own discomfort and time. Without all of humanity changing its behavior this world is in dire peril. You cannot wait for our ineffective government to make laws that serve the greater good. They have shown that they are deeply intrenched in bribery and are bought by big corporations that have no interest in doing good for the world. They have shown that they are defending horrible trends that harm this world and will eventually harm humanity. You cannot wait for them. You have to decide to do small things every day to change your habits that unconsciously harm the plants and animals of this world. If you stop buying things a certain way, those greedy corporations will be forced to change. It is up to us. You cannot count on those in government having a conscience and doing the right thing until all of those that lie and intentionally deceive are out of office.
~Suzanne Wagner~



Unveiling the Compatibility of Number 9 and Number 4 in Love

Unveiling the Compatibility of Number 9 and Number 4 in Love This blog delves into the fascinating world of numerology,  exploring the love ...