Sunday, June 30, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 7/1/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 7/1/19

7/1/19 is the number 11 and if you add the 7 + 1 =11. The number of disruption and electrical stimulus is lining up with the Solar Eclipse tomorrow. Fortunately, there are some aspects that move this energy into a deeper emotional place. You are challenged in ways that you are perhaps not prepared for. That is what makes this day a bit of a test. Let yourself expand and discover new places where your energy can open, move, and flow. I find that when things seem to be contracting all around me, choosing to expand is not just a choice but a counter weight to the constriction that is taking the fun out of life.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon remains in Gemini and conjuncts Venus in Gemini. Emotions are tender. Relationships are realized to be more important than you understood. Your talents and abilities come out.

Mars is in Leo giving you stamina to excel in your preferred ways. You feel passionate about what you need to face in your life at this time. You move towards new experiences. You are for the moment, feeling on top of the world. Be aware of taking things too far. You might just appear to others as being opinionated, dominating and seeking the limelight. The key is to not demand too many things and be responsible for your choices and actions. Dealing with the details is going to be the most difficult thing. Choose the least complicated way to get to a goal. Simplicity is rewarded. Remember to acknowledge others for their help and support.

At dinner time, the Moon will go into Cancer. A perfect time for an evening stroll in nature to watch the sunset. Let the natural world calm you down and reinforce your inner strength. You are going to need it in the future.

We are all at the passionate time of the summer. Let it infuse your life with  much energy and warmth. Bring more beauty into your life. Eat outside on the patio. Enjoy the birds and nature. Let conversations evolve into interesting places.

We are right on top of the Solar Eclipse that will hit tomorrow in Cancer. Make sure today you let yourself wind down and give yourself some wiggle room for what the eclipse may bring.

Make sure your actions are aligned with your heart. This energy will last into August. This eclipse will bring up deep emotions. Take care of yourself and your family.

Know that this astrology can trigger things along the path of eclipse. Watch out for earthquakes from New Zealand to South America.
~Suzanne Wagner~


“Human progress is neither
automatic nor inevitable. Even a
superficial look at history reveals
that no social advance rolls in on
the wheels inevitability.

Every step towards the goal of
justice requires sacrifice, suffering
and struggle; the tireless exertion
and passionate concern of
dedicated individuals.”

~Martin Luther King Jr.~








So many of my clients. In fact, most of my clients, have really been stressing probably because of this particular eclipse tomorrow. There are other astrological contributors to this stress that are manifested externally in our world at this time, but I like to blame the eclipse. Notice what you are beginning or ending. Let these natural cycles assist you in moving along your personal path. Know that your path is not everyone else’s path. Everyone is on their own unique journey. And the single greatest lesson you can ever learn …  is to let go. You cannot be another. You waste precious energy if you try to be something that you are not. Others may influence what and who you are. Your goal is to go in your own personal direction. You cannot be what you are not. Trying to twist yourself into something for others will only end up making you miserable. We live in a world where others project onto you what they need. While that is fine. The big lesson is that life does not do what you want. Life (and your life specifically) has certain lessons that are yours and yours alone. There are many places in life that you must walk alone. No one can save you from your own karma. You have to be willing to learn from your choices and take the consequences of your actions. You cannot go back. You can only go forward.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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