Showing posts with label Numerology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Numerology. Show all posts

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Suzanne Wagner Quote – The Land of “I Don’t Care!”


Suzanne Wagner Quote – Peaceful Hearts Make Demons Run


Numerology/Astrology for 7/5/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 7/5/19

7/5/19 is the number 15 and if you add the 1 + 5 =  6. Within you is the secrets that you seek. The greatest quest is never external but internal. Finding the way to move towards your own center is the greatest reward you can find. God is eternally within the body. The external quests only serve to make us confront those things within that have held us back from our uniqueness and gifts. Within the soul is the spark that guides us and inspires us to discover and uncover.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon begins in Leo but moves into Virgo late Friday, so plan to get something organized or cleaned up this weekend. So as the day begins you are inspired and willing to look for love and appreciate. Keep your heart open and discover what is your next step. But later in the day you may take a look at what you need to approach from a critical and analytical angle. Set the new focus and move from a place of reliability and responsibility.

You worry a bit too much about what others think. Let that go and allow yourself to find your own path.

Venus semi-sextiles Mars and you may be struggling with your approach to something that you feel you want and need. Life is not an either or an or. it is often a combination that is confusing at first to recognize and even more challenging to balance and bring into your daily life.

~Suzanne Wagner~


I know a peaceful heart makes demons run.
Every day my heart diffuses their drum.
Every moment my joy overflows
Even though demons words appose.
I walk in silence and not with fear.
I walk with love and falling tears.
I do not hide from the truth I see.
I turn towards those thoughts that bleed.
~Suzanne Wagner~








The Land of “I Don’t Care”

There exists a place beyond time and space.
That has one door but no exit gate.
It is a place where thoughts converge.
It defends against feelings that emerge.
It is called the place of “I don’t care!”

It exists in places where hate likes to stare.
In this place, love cannot exist.
It is a place where suffering is dismissed.
An empty void beyond where nothing comes to bear.
A place that leads to nowhere.
Life has to care. Life has to feel.
Life calls you to notice, so others may heal.
But in this selfish place of “I don’t Care!”
Lurks deep hurt that can go neither here nor there.
It festers alone in a place of pain.
It refuses to let others climb up and gain.
It wants others to hurt so it can win.
The endless game that their mind spins.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 7/4/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 7/4/19

7/4/19 is the number 14 and if you add the 1 + 4 =  5. The Number 5 is about getting real and getting grounded. Sometimes you have to “do” rather than just “think”. Ideas are wonderful but you have to slog through the hard work to make something really happen. Since it is the 4th of July, celebrating the “actions” that promote freedom are more important than ever. Reach out and share with others. Invite those different from you to your barbeque. Know that it is the kindness of Americans that was known world-wide. We are beginning to be known (world-wide) for things that are less than favorable. Let’s change that today. Let kind actions be your guide and compassion the expression of an open heart.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The USA July 4th holiday is under the influence of a Leo moon. Leo likes to have fun, so a good lunar sign for open-hearted sharing. it is a good day to enjoy family, share the love, and play. Moving the energy into a place of enthusiasm rather than arguments is a better way to win friends and influence people.

There is a Mars-Jupiter sesquiquadrate that will try to agitate things and bring a competition into the mix. Don’t let it distract you from what is really important.

There is a Moon square to Uranus and you will not respond well if anyone tries to tell you what to do or how you are supposed to act. You might make some decisions to go your own way and to cut your own path in the world. If you are doing it from a calm head and clear heart then you will be fine but be careful, because if you are doing it from trying to prove a point, over-confidence, arrogance, needing to be right, or over-estimating your abilities, you will make a poor decision and the actions that follow will be regrettable. Be careful to stop those you love from over-indulging in drinking under this influence. It can breed bad tempers, changeable moods, and fluctuations that can make things worse. Find places you can cut loose. Perhaps some tag football or other games that engage the physical and emotional energy.

The Moon trines Jupiter and will help you feel popular and generous. Let out your creative side and be optimistic about where you are headed.

~Suzanne Wagner~


“Those who
stand for
nothing, fall
for anything.”

~Alexander Hamilton~








Happy 4th of July. This is a good reminder that this country is in a Pluto Return that will continue to build right up to 2022. Every (approximately) 250 plus years, a country that is birthed, such as America in 1776, goes through a Pluto Return. It is a moment in time when a country either reshapes itself or it begins to collapse. I am all for reshaping. And everything I do is to awaken humanity to the situations that are potentially supporting the reshaping of this country and world or those that have the potential to break down (what I consider) the most progressive country that has ever existed. We stand at the threshold of “choice”. And those choices are important. Right now, especially. Every person is being called to break through the astrological pattern that is presently rearing its head at this time. A pattern that in the overwhelming majority of the time, breaks down countries and leaves them in the history books to be studied at a later time. I believe that there are more Americans that want to bring this amazing country back to the place where it was known for hope and goodness. So this 4th of July, I celebrate the accomplishments of this country and show the innovative structures that have allowed millions of immigrants to comes to a new world, make a new life, and move towards their potential. Everyone except the Native Indians have come from another place and this country was always designed to be a melting pot. And that is what has made us great.

I believe that the majority of Americans do not want to watch us become the fall of the Roman Empire. But have no doubt, the Huguenots are at the gate and it is up to us to change the trajectory that is destroying this country.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Suzanne Wagner Quote – I am a Ship – Built For Wild Winds


Numerology/Astrology for 7/3/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 7/3/19

7/3/19 is the number 13 and if you add the 1 + 3 =  4. If you are ready for balance then the journey to be in balance has begun. The problem is, if you seek harmony, the universe will show you in graphic detail the things about yourself that are out of balance. You can find your center in a storm. You can find your center in a prison. You can find your center by choosing equilibrium not frenzy. This world is very frantic at this time. You have to find a way to stay on your boat, in the flow, surrendered to the moment, and at choice regardless of what life throws at you. Fear is not a way to have center. Hanging onto the mast of the ship if it is sinking is a very bad idea. What used to be stable, is not really as secure as it seems. You will have to find a new way.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

On July 3rd, Venus goes into Cancer and it will remain there until July 27th. This may help heal some wounds, as Venus likes to make things better. Do something nice for yourself and others. Enjoy it while it lasts because shortly that calmer water is going to turn muddy. Make sure you don’t fall into the “Attitude of Platitude!” Notice if you are needing love and attention and don’t know how to ask for it. Giving others what they want may not ever change who they are. Be careful because callous people will hurt you deeply in this moment. Be concerned for others but make sure you are first safe and secure.

The Moon is in Cancer until late tonight. Take advantage of the nurturing, homey, protective, and cautious energy of this Moon while you have it.

The Moon Opposes Pluto making discomfort that seems to think that self-indulgence will be the answer and less self-restraint a much-needed release valve. Personally I prefer exercise over anything that smells of reaction.
The Moon goes into Leo by the time you are asleep. But know that tomorrow it makes you want to dominate others and you feel as if you have the power to do what you want. You never really have true power if you are stepping on the backs of others to get there. External charisma does not equate to intelligence. Though I wish it did.

The Moon Conjunction with Mars makes others short-tempered, irritable, and out of sorts. Know that their behavior is about inner tension, not enough sleep, and disagreements in their life. Don’t take things personally.
Mercury wants to challenge Neptune, so know that your concentration is not what you expect from yourself. Your choices may be impracticality or overly optimistic. Remember, neither are true.
With Saturn opposing the true North Node of the Moon, you will be challenged if you are unwilling to let go of old habits. Such behaviors are just preventing you from finding your own path. Clinging to things only makes you suffer more.
~Suzanne Wagner~


I am a ship,
strong and flexible,
tall and proud.
I am meant to be sailed
in the wild blue yonder.
I am admired when I am in port.
But it is on the oceans of the world
that my real glory shows itself.
I am not built for stillness.
I am built for wild winds,
strong currents,
and those with bold hearts.
~Suzanne Wagner~






On the positive note. I will be taking my 83-year-old mother and her 87-year-old friend for (what may be) the last big trip for the both of them. I will be going to Colorado with them both and revisiting our old “haunts” that we used to visit each year in the summer with my family.

My father loved Colorado and looked forward all year to going to Lake City, Pagosa Springs, Creed, Durango, Ouray, and that entire area on the southwest border of Colorado.

It is really “Gods” land.

My mother and I dropped my father’s ashes off in those areas as we knew that he would love that.

So we will go visit him also.

It is going to be a trip filled with memories and adventures. We will be going on Jeep Tours to one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited, “Yankee Boy Basin” and “American Basin”. Both high altitude pristine places where nature still rules and humans encroach minimally.

Because of that I will not be available for sessions from August 4th through the 18th. But I will be in Utah on August 19th for almost a month to work and connect with all of you lovely souls.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Monday, July 1, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 7/2/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 7/2/19

7/2/19 is the number 12 and if you add the 1 + 2 =3. Since it is eclipse day, all things will feel magnified and more intense. Making this number 3 is a bit of a wild ride. Do your best to stay positive. It might be more difficult than anticipated. Look for the good because the bad will be very obvious.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

This Moon-ruled Cancer eclipse may bring up deep emotions. You may need more security, safety, support, and understanding around issues that touch you deeply. Pay attention to your instincts. This day can bring new beginnings into your life. While others end and are to be let go. Know your circle of friends and family. You will look for the next 6 months about your relationships between your inner and outer self.

At the same time, quick Mercury and impatient Mars both make a challenge to the explosive earthquake planet, Uranus. You can take quick action to set yourself free of some dysfunction in your life.

The Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. If you are imbalanced in your mind and energy this can cause excessive sensitivity and interference in thinking. While some may be on flights of fancy, others may feel overwhelmed and overwrought.

The Moon trines Saturn. While this offers organizational skills and a sense of responsibility to make things shift. You can use this energy in a highly constructive way. You have objectives and your mind is aimed towards them.

The Moon trines Pluto. While you might be feeling in a tender place you also recognize that things are changing. You are being led to a new frontier and you recognize that things are changing. Factors are feeling a bit beyond your control.

The Moon squares Jupiter continuing to cause problems. Remember to not take things too far. Extravagance will lead to conflicts.

The Moon opposes Venus bringing tension into love dynamics. This can also bring up family problems. Watch for where you are susceptible and protect yourself accordingly.

Mercury goes into Aries and there is a desire to think in constructive ways. While discussions are fierce attempt to be calm. Know that there are people right now that are strained and off-center making them severe, inconsiderate, reckless, ruthless and reactive.

~Suzanne Wagner~


The whole essence of Zen consists in walking along
the razor’s edge of Now – to be so utterly, so
completely present that no problem, not suffering,
nothing is not who you are in your essence,
can survive in you. In the Now, in the absence of time,
all your problems dissolve. Suffering needs time, it
cannot survive in the now.

~Eckhart Tolle~








The past is what haunts most of humanity. The inability to accept an outcome makes situations not end but continue over and over again. Instead of letting things go, moving on, allowing things to heal, and giving yourself permission to move forward, things fester and continue to cause pain and suffering. Most things happen in life that are just life. They are not about you. They are not as personal as you make them out to be. Bad things happen to people all the time. They did not deserve it. They did not cause it. Others did not cause it to happen to them. Yes, karma is created when you intend harm to others. But if you never intended harm, you cannot be the cause of others bad luck or situational suffering. What I do know is that, like attracts like. Meaning that those vibrating at a particular level of energy will be drawn to those with that same vibration. It takes honesty within and tremendous effort outside to shift your vibration in another direction over the habitual patterns of this life experience.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 7/1/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 7/1/19

7/1/19 is the number 11 and if you add the 7 + 1 =11. The number of disruption and electrical stimulus is lining up with the Solar Eclipse tomorrow. Fortunately, there are some aspects that move this energy into a deeper emotional place. You are challenged in ways that you are perhaps not prepared for. That is what makes this day a bit of a test. Let yourself expand and discover new places where your energy can open, move, and flow. I find that when things seem to be contracting all around me, choosing to expand is not just a choice but a counter weight to the constriction that is taking the fun out of life.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon remains in Gemini and conjuncts Venus in Gemini. Emotions are tender. Relationships are realized to be more important than you understood. Your talents and abilities come out.

Mars is in Leo giving you stamina to excel in your preferred ways. You feel passionate about what you need to face in your life at this time. You move towards new experiences. You are for the moment, feeling on top of the world. Be aware of taking things too far. You might just appear to others as being opinionated, dominating and seeking the limelight. The key is to not demand too many things and be responsible for your choices and actions. Dealing with the details is going to be the most difficult thing. Choose the least complicated way to get to a goal. Simplicity is rewarded. Remember to acknowledge others for their help and support.

At dinner time, the Moon will go into Cancer. A perfect time for an evening stroll in nature to watch the sunset. Let the natural world calm you down and reinforce your inner strength. You are going to need it in the future.

We are all at the passionate time of the summer. Let it infuse your life with  much energy and warmth. Bring more beauty into your life. Eat outside on the patio. Enjoy the birds and nature. Let conversations evolve into interesting places.

We are right on top of the Solar Eclipse that will hit tomorrow in Cancer. Make sure today you let yourself wind down and give yourself some wiggle room for what the eclipse may bring.

Make sure your actions are aligned with your heart. This energy will last into August. This eclipse will bring up deep emotions. Take care of yourself and your family.

Know that this astrology can trigger things along the path of eclipse. Watch out for earthquakes from New Zealand to South America.
~Suzanne Wagner~


“Human progress is neither
automatic nor inevitable. Even a
superficial look at history reveals
that no social advance rolls in on
the wheels inevitability.

Every step towards the goal of
justice requires sacrifice, suffering
and struggle; the tireless exertion
and passionate concern of
dedicated individuals.”

~Martin Luther King Jr.~








So many of my clients. In fact, most of my clients, have really been stressing probably because of this particular eclipse tomorrow. There are other astrological contributors to this stress that are manifested externally in our world at this time, but I like to blame the eclipse. Notice what you are beginning or ending. Let these natural cycles assist you in moving along your personal path. Know that your path is not everyone else’s path. Everyone is on their own unique journey. And the single greatest lesson you can ever learn …  is to let go. You cannot be another. You waste precious energy if you try to be something that you are not. Others may influence what and who you are. Your goal is to go in your own personal direction. You cannot be what you are not. Trying to twist yourself into something for others will only end up making you miserable. We live in a world where others project onto you what they need. While that is fine. The big lesson is that life does not do what you want. Life (and your life specifically) has certain lessons that are yours and yours alone. There are many places in life that you must walk alone. No one can save you from your own karma. You have to be willing to learn from your choices and take the consequences of your actions. You cannot go back. You can only go forward.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Saturday, June 29, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 6/30/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 6/30/19

6/30/19 is the number 12 and if you add the 1 + 2 = 3. Let the energy of the number 3 and Positive Mind move you past the distractions and suffering of the ego and into recognizing how you created the outcomes that engage you and make you suffer also. It is not about being right. It is not about being wrong. Nor is it about projecting that out into the world and judging others. It is about owning that this moment is your creation. How you handle it is up to you. What you do and how you respond to external circumstances continues to catch you in your own karmic loop or allows you a door to escape and discover that everything is your creation. If that is true than everything in your life was there for your growth and evolution. All the challenges. All the upsets. All the losses. All the joys and sorrows. The world is not out to get you. It is there to awaken you to your own limitations and break you out of the bubble you are living in.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

With the Moon in Gemini, the communication moves more openly and you pay attention to things that you were ignoring before. For the moment, things seem a bit more friendly.

The Moon in Gemini opposes Jupiter in Sagittarius. The opposition causing trouble if you are engaged with the law. Best to not do anything that is illegal. This aspect makes people take things a bit too far and that is what gets them in trouble. If you are unconscious, you are at the whim of these forces. But now that you know, you can reign yourself in a bit and not make those mistakes. In love, there are conflicts that show up. Know that it is a day to support things that are good for your liver. Detoxing is the way to go.

The Moon squares Neptune manifests as emotional disturbances. Do not allow yourself to go into illusion. After all, escapism is not the way to solve anything.

While the Sun is parallel to Venus, you desire harmony in your life, while other aspects pull you out of it. Express affection to others, do no harm, let go, forgive, and move on. You can never go back. Everyone evolves in the way that they need to for their own karmic lessons. You cannot control what others projections are. But you can step fully into your own life and embrace what is yours to deal with in this one.

You prefer compromise over fighting right now. Battles of the past are revealed for the illusion and drama of your own mind’s creation to avoid taking responsibility for your own actions. Just that awareness is a step in the right direction.

This evening you might feel restless. You are being challenged to move out of your comfort zones and old habits. The mind will struggle with this but each attempt breaks the habits of dysfunction that have locked you in suffering.

~Suzanne Wagner~


“Just as ripples spread out when a single
pebble is dropped into water, the action of
individuals can have far-reaching effects.”

~Dalai Lama~








Sometimes I think the reason we die is because we stuff our body with so many things that we cannot let go of. I see it every day in my office. I know from personal experience how hard it is to let some things go. But I also know that holding on is a waste of precious energy and your own precious life. Things come and things will go. That is how life always is. People come and go and that is also how it will forever be. Nothing will ever remain the same. We are in an impermeant life and everything will eventually die. But in death, you cannot take those things that you have tried to hang onto with you. Eventually, everyone will have to let go of everything. Instead of hanging on to those things how about just letting them all go now. Do a ritual of release. Do it in a sacred way. The reason we do not do this is because we have to admit that we were wrong. We falsely believe that if we hang on then that thing, person, or circumstance will return. And that is most often a lie. In fact, if you let things fully go, that which is truly yours will return to you. But that may be in another lifetime. You cannot control the universal flow with your attachment. In fact, when you try, you push that thing away from you more and more. Attachment is a form of insanity. A mind locked in the past, unable to grow or evolve. A soul controlled by an illusion that perhaps never was.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Attachment is a form of Insanity


Friday, June 28, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 6/29/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 6/29/19

6/29/19 is the number 20 and if you add the 2 + 0 = 2. This is a day when the mind can run amuck. Do your best to maintain calmness and clarity regardless of what hits you. There is a tendency to take something too far. Be careful and cautious with words. Choose them wisely. People want to find fault today. Always practice kindness even when others want to blame you for what their karma hits them with. If you have attempted to maintain peace continue to try to do that. Remember, there are always situations and circumstances that others are not aware of. Nothing is ever what it seems. Stay objective, observant, conscious, and supportive of each person’s choices.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

It helps to have the Moon in Taurus positively influencing Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and Mars. So in the areas of organization, perseverance, empathy, art, love and adventure you are filled with energy and courage. Take advantage of this situation while you have it. Be patient with others. Let your resolve and determination handle things at home and work.

The Moon sextile Mars in Cancer gives you that courage to open your mind and create clarity.

The Moon is going into Gemini by midafternoon. You are more curious and asking for deeper questions to be answered. You know what you experience and have impressions about various things. Communication is more sensitive and it is packed with learning. Listen to your intuition and let the mind make sense of it all and construct a plan.

The Moon sextile Mercury in Leo. You have sound judgment and are learning to deal with situations more rapidly. Be open-minded.

Mercury forms a sesquiquadrate with Jupiter and that gives the energy for exaggeration and misinformation. You may have a challenge concentrating. Take your time and go slow.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Never hold the intention of hate.
Regardless of what others spew
in your direction.
Others want to blame you
for their choices,
their karma, their struggles,
and their life patterns.
But those patterns were there
before you ever showed up.
Your karma was cast
from the moment
you were born into this life.
It is yours and yours alone.
When people walk away,
it is not about you.
It is about whether
your karma is theirs.
Most often it is not.
And each of us have
enough of our own to do
to take on the karma of another.
Never blame another
for walking away.
Often they saw that staying
would only create more.

~Suzanne Wagner~








The stories that people play out in their mind are rarely based in fact. They are based on reaction and a mind that seeks to understand. But that understanding is only available based on their own experience. Often they cannot see past their own suffering to notice how their energy, reactions, words, and projected wounding actually cause the outcomes that they are being challenged by. They do not see how their dysfunctional emotions have fired up others to do horrible things and threaten the person they are upset with in the name of protecting their friend.
It is always easier to blame others than to notice that certain situations keep happening.
When that is the case, you have to ask yourself the question, “Why?”.

It is a hard lesson to look at how some patterns keep happening to us. Especially when the single consistent component is us. No one wants to own how our neediness and projections push others away. Especially when those projections do not fit the person. We often want someone to be what they are not. That never feels good to the other person and so they will walk away. That is because the burden of the projection that a person is pushing on another can be so heavy and a coat that does not fit.
Some people want others to rescue us. But life is about learning that everything in our world is of our own creation. We create certain things to force us to learn. That does not mean they are fun. They are not. And you are at choice in each moment.
Most people keep recreating the suffering outside that they are working through inside. Others are then just projections of the characters within us that we are working through.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Never Hold Hate


Thursday, June 27, 2019

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Right Wing Nuts


Suzanne Wagner Quote – The Four Horseman


Numerology/Astrology for 6/27/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 6/28/19

6/28/19 is the number 19 and if you add the 1 + 9 = 10.  It is time to shift something that has been lingering in the shadows. You know that clarity is essential for growth. And some people can hear what someone is saying while others will only hear what they want to hear. But truth is like an insidious brain worm. It slowly works its way through the garbage and turns it into something that can be a fertile soil upon which to allow for new growth. It is time for that risk that allows for eventual growth. You may or may not get to see that growth. That decision is not up to you. Each soul much grow at their own pace. All you can do is give them the truth. While they may deny it, that does not matter. Because in the end, what will remain, is always the truth.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

With the Moon in Taurus and the Sun in Cancer, comfort and connection is the key.

The Moon in Taurus will trine Saturn in Capricorn, giving you responsibility and organizational talent. It brings energy to your ideas and dreams. It will assist you in being more reliable and support a clear and logical side to spring forth. Your mind is inspired, enthusiastic, and deliberate. All great things when focused on career.

The Moon sextile Neptune in Pisces bring challenges to your personal growth. It is time to learn new things and bring out some of that hidden creativity. Your intuition and determination are strong.

The Moon trine Pluto makes you emotionally tender and sentimental. But you are also seeing the reasons for past choices. Things make sense and you see the dysfunction that led to your decision. You are maturing and changing.

There is a Mercury-Ceres trine which will be exact tomorrow, adding more imagination, warmth, and consideration to your communications.

~Suzanne Wagner~


The Four Horsemen of the
American Political Apocalypse

Influence – A person or thing with the
capacity or power to have an effect
to shape policy or ensure favorable
treatment from someone, especially
through status, contacts, or wealth.

Persuasion – A belief or a set of beliefs,
especially religious or political ones.
Any group or type of person or thing linked
by specified characteristic, quality, or attribute.
An action or fact of persuading someone
to do or believe something.

Manipulation – To handle another
or control in a skillful manner with the intent
to alter, edit or move them off a position
with the intent to mislead.

Coercion – The practice of persuading
someone to do something by using force or threats.

~Suzanne Wagner~








While we are in a time of great change, I also believe we are in a time of great responsibility. Each person is on a path to help them understand and grow in a way that serves their present level of consciousness. There are souls on all levels. And each level is essential for growth and development. Those levels can be re-prioritized but they cannot be totally skipped. Notice what level is calling to you. Notice where you are drawn in the bigger picture. Some levels are designed to point out where you are lacking in some way. Other levels are there to give you the next level of insight. All levels will point out flaws and point out solutions. All levels will assist you to progress forward if you are willing to learn and be open. But you can stay on some levels for lifetimes, looping around the same lesson, again and again. Notice if you are just standing and step forward. There are answers but you have to move beyond your old state of beliefs, limitation, and function.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 6/27/19 – Plus Personal Blog

greenbackgroundAlexandra Petri

Numerology/Astrology for 6/27/19

6/27/19 is the number 18 and if you add the 1 + 8 = 9.  This is that moment when change happens. When “enough is enough”, you will finally leap past complacency and do something that before you would have considered radical. And that is good. Everyone needs that line. A place where you will no longer tolerate certain behaviors and actions in yourself, in others, or in the world. This particular day (because of the astrology) has a ferocity to it. It is partially because of the protective feminine awakening to the horrific facts of children being abused. That is a line that no civilization should cross. The children are our legacy. Children are our future. And the number 9 is the ultimate feminine power number. Men should be warned, that challenging the perspective of the feminine right now would not be advised. When the goddess is on a roll, you just let her roll. She is wired to protect and defend the “small ones”. There can be no argument that will appease her except change in the direction that aligns with the values of honoring all life.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Do something out of the ordinary today with all this eclectic energy of Uranus happening. It aligns with the life-giving Sun and wants to do anything but humdrum activities. Be bold, be brave, let life be an adventure.

Mercury goes into Leo and stays there till the 19th of July. Your confidence increases and you will be willing to explain your viewpoint in clear and convincing ways. My suggestion is to listen to others and to not tell them what to do. You just might get a Lion roaring in your face. Use this energy to come together with family and friends for the summer festivities. This might be a good time to do a journal again. Sorting out all the complex emotions is going to be difficult as we come into the eclipse season. You can either have a therapist to talk to or write out your thoughts and feelings to make sense out of them on paper. Either way, you need to get them out of your body, so you can sort them to make sense out of them.

The Moon squares Mars. Know that you and others are going to be argumentative, triggered, and reactive. Know that most actions are going to be reactions to situations that you feel are unjust and unfair. Be passionate but also try to be delicate with the feelings of others.

The Moon will go into the homey and comfort sign of Taurus at breakfast time today. Know that security is important and feeling safe will be more essential than ever.

The Moon in Taurus will square Mercury in Leo. While you have spiritual gifts opening up. You do need to be careful and consider all options before you make a move. Know that highly reactive and changeable emotions are a sign that you are deviating from the truth.

The Sun sextile Uranus in Taurus. This sextile will give confidence and helps to preserve authenticity. You independent side wants to get some air and have a moment to aspire for excellence. Your spirit becomes more innovative and advances the things that are important to you.

The Moon Conjunction Uranus magnifies the imbalances in the world and in individuals. Your best side is not forward at this time.

The Sun sextile the Moon in Taurus. This aspect tries to pull sides together. Is your life supporting your ideas? If not, then you need to stand up.

~Suzanne Wagner~


“I am sick to death of this,
this brazenness,
this insult heaped upon injury.
This conflation of two things
that are not the same.
That the words he says to dismiss this
are “not my type” – as though a violation
would have been a compliment.
As though to be told the horrible things
a man would do in the name of attraction
is flattery, not threat.
There is a door in my head behind which
I am screaming all the time.
That this man is president,
that a man we think capable of this,
is president,
that this will dent nothing,
because this is what is expected.
That these are the words that issue
from him instead of a proper denial.
That he thinks to say
he would not rape a woman
is an insult.”
~Alexandra Petri~








I am sick and tired of hearing people take a situation that is horrific (such as the children suffering in the immigration situation) and attempt to turn it around by focusing on other things such as the sex trade, in an obvious manipulative attempt to pull the energy off one thing and deflect the energy onto another.

Let’s be clear.

Both are horrible.
Focusing on one (especially when children are at stake) is not a bad thing.
But ANYONE who attempts to take momentum off one situation intentionally to deflate the emotions rising for change, because of their own discomfort at looking at the truth of that thing is wrong.
And yes, there are horrible things happening all over the place.
And yes, you have to pick a position.
Go ahead.
Pick your personal preference.
But DO NOT attempt to strip energy and focus off of things that matter.
Let people be outraged at children suffering.
Let people be outraged at sex trafficking.
Pick your personal preference.
Just don’t attempt to steer outrage and break it down because of your discomfort and political slant.
It is such an obvious and immature manipulation and everyone sees it.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 6/26/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 6/26/19

6/26/19 is the number 17 and if you add the 1 + 7 = 8. If you cannot hear the sobbing and suffering of humanity then you have gone completely numb and you are at risk of losing a very precious thing …. Your compassion. Yes, I know that what is happening in the world right now in the world, is a lot for anyone to handle. But it is happening this way because sometimes your heart has to break.  You have to see that the deflections of your ego have been getting you to go into avoidance. And avoidance is a form of ignorance. But you cannot live and thrive in such a condition. The more I have allowed my heart to break, the more open and compassionate I have become. And ironically the stronger my heart has become. When you shut down your heart and feelings, you eventually create illnesses of the heart. When you allow your heart to be touched, it forces you to do something rather than to do nothing. In the evolution of consciousness there are levels of awakening that you have to move through to find enlightenment. The first level is selfish oriented and it says, “I just want to get enlightened for myself. I don’t really care about the rest of the world. I am going to be the first to get home and that is enough!” But eventually you recognize that it is not enough. So the second evolution happens. And that one says, “I cannot stay enlightened and in Nirvana when others are still suffering on earth. I need to do something and go down and help!” But even that one is not enough. Eventually, you recognize that good and bad are all still the Divine moving through the kinks of life in various forms. That God’s love and light moves through the positive emotions, such as; truth, integrity, love, compassion, pleasure, fun, and creativity. But that God’s love and light also moves through the darker emotions. Such as; anger, jealousy, hate, fear, desire, longing, and sorrow. And that a truly balance person knows and accepts all aspects of life and emotional expression within them as equal. You have to experience bad things at times, to know what is right and wrong. You have to learn what is important to you or not. You have to know who is really inside your being. A completely awakened consciousness sees the pain and the pleasure, the joys and the sorrows, and allows all that to be held with compassion within the soul and psyche. You cannot be whole if you only want half of what life offers. Life offers everything up for you to experience. If you only taste the sweet things in life, you will not find contentment. If you taste only the bitter things in life, you will also not find peace and balance. Embrace this moment, in all its horror and pain, in all of its shocking revelations, in all of its outrage and anger. Then motivate yourself to do something. You will do is what you are programmed in this moment to do. Everyone cannot do or have the same job in such challenging times. There is way too much happening right now in this world. But you are here for a reason. And all you have to do with the time you have is to find that reason. Let that reason ignite your soul, and then go out and do that in the world.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


While most of us are asleep, the Moon and Jupiter attempt to bring some luck back into the equation. It calls women to rise up and to move and say things. This aspect begins to move against the dominion of Mars and the masculine world that is destroying everything. It will be interesting to see how it all pans out. It is time to move the energy of Mars towards what promotes rights, freedoms, and liberty. It is all about moving the world towards a positive life reflection. Not this insanity that is destroying life.

With the Moon square Saturn, there will be a strong trigger as we see those with power continue to present obstacles and restrictions for the basics of life, causing melancholy and unhappiness for those that do not have the power to speak up for themselves. It will feel as if not enough is being done. And that would be true.

The Moon squares Pluto also, causing extreme mood changes. You notice the extravagance and uncontrolled looting and plundering of this world by the rich and it will make you angrier.

On Wednesday evening, Mercury moves into Leo. It asks you to review where your heart really lives. And gives you the courage to speak up for those that cannot speak for themselves. Your words and actions are a reflection of who you are and what you really believe in. Saying that you stand for something but then doing nothing is not what this astrological aspect is about. Your passionate side is being fired up and activated. Now what are you going to do with that energy? While this will encourage self-confidence, I ask you to use it for the greater good. Only those with the power of conviction will be able to move this terrible world situation off the cliff and back onto a rational level where responsive social participation becomes the norm.

The responsibilities that humanity has towards this planet are screaming loudly. Will you let those with power muffle your voice and tear down your conviction? The powerful are using distractions to make your energy fragment. Do not let them. Focus and do what you know needs to be done. Let this astrology piss you off and then motivate you to do things that are convincing, persuasive, and decisive.

With the Venus-Pluto quincunx, the world is grappling with issues of power, control, hate, and suffering.

~Suzanne Wagner~


A child with an intense capacity for
feeling can suffer to a degree that is
beyond any degree of adult suffering,
because imagination, ignorance, and the
conviction of utter helplessness are
untempered either by reason or by
~E. M Delafield~








This moment is so severe, to get us to awaken.
How numb has this world become that we need to create
this level of suffering to break open
our compassionate heart?
What will you have to experience
before you yield to love instead of hate?
What suffering are you going to cause in others
before you feel your own pain inside
that you use to lash out into the world?

~Suzanne Wagner~

Suzanne Wagner Quote – The Voices of Freedom


Suzanne Wagner Quote – This Moment June 2019


Monday, June 24, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 6/25/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 6/25/19

6/25/19 is the number 16 and if you add the 1 + 6 = 7. At this time in the world over and over again, situations ask you about where your personal boundaries are? At what point is something too much? At what point do you draw the line? At what point do you say “No!” For each person, that line is crossed at different times and it is often when something hits on a more personal note and place in your psyche. For women it is often about if you hurt children or animals in any way. For others it might be when your finances are impacted in a way that others are taking too much and you are getting the short end of the stick. Each person will be forced at some time in their life to take a hard look at those lines and if your choices and decisions were early or late. Those that are early are like the canaries in the coal mine, warning of impending crisis when others want to fall asleep in their complacency. Those that are late are often ruled by a paralyzing fear of upsetting the status quo. They cannot see that they are complicit in the dysfunction until it is almost too late. Honestly, it matters to your karmic life journey, when and what you stand up for. No one can save you from your lessons. Many will try. But all will fail. Your path is yours and yours alone. You create it and those creations will follow you around to assist you is awakening.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon goes into Aries today, giving you a bit more energy to get those much-needed tasks and chores done. You mind feels sharp and more active. While difficulties continue you feel better able to cope with them because you just have more energy. The Moon is also at the half way mark and this can make things difficult with work and family life. Be more careful how you deal with those of the opposite sex.

Don’t start new projects but just finish up what you have on your plate.

Take a look at your life from a new perspective and reassess things from a calmer and more objective viewpoint.

Because of the Venus-Uranus semi-square you may feel that you are caught between wanting closeness and wanting freedom.

You are a bit restless. And that is not a problem but you might feel better if you just try a few detours so you can stimulate your mind in new ways.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Nothing so needs reforming
as other people’s habits.
~Mark Twain~








I learned to love through those who hate. I learned how desperately others really need love and how many in our world have been denied that basic love, connection, and understanding that is essential for a human being to evolve fully into the compassionate beings that they came to be. They taught me that the suffering they feel inside is so great that they cannot contain it anymore and it explodes out of them.
You hear about things that are gateways to drug addiction. And now we know that abuse is really the gateway to addiction.
But someone suffering for a long time silently, is the gateway to hate. Someone who has felt not heard, someone who has suffered in silence for too long, turns to hate.
Someone who felt they did not have a voice, turns to hate. And they hate that which they believe is the cause of their suffering.
But the truth is that they are the cause of their own suffering. Because when you do not stand up for yourself, you allow that suffering to continue. And underneath the feeling of hate and the feeling that they have no voice, is fear.
A fear that they are not good enough. A fear that they have no worth. A fear that needs to be confronted in order for the truth to be revealed.

What this moment in our history has revealed is that there are many more people out there than expected, that have been suffering for way too long. To find a way through their mind, they had to come up with an excuse and a reason for their suffering. It is never easy to take a hard look at yourself and see that your own fear has paralyzed you and left you in a small room with no light or door. The mind has to come up with a reason for such suffering. It is always easier to blame someone weaker than you in that moment.
A stronger person will stand up and tell you the truth about your dysfunction.
But such souls could not tolerate that.

So instead they attack someone weaker than themselves. And align with others that are
suffering just like them. Because when they are surrounded by others of like belief,
they feel stronger and more vindicated for their toxicity, fear, and hatred. The truth is that they cannot stand alone because they are not standing for truth, but pointing out to everyone that is awake, their own weakness, dysfunction, internal pain, and fear.

~Suzanne Wagner~


April skies 2024