Friday, June 21, 2019

Personal Year, Month, and Day Calculator

Image for 'Personal Year, Month, and Day Calculator' numerology article

This calculator accepts a birth date to determine the personal year, personal month, and personal day numbers.

It responds with the numbers and with an interpretation of the numerology energy represented by those numbers.

A personal numerology chart can provide information about numerous cycles. The pivot or change points for most of those cycles are at a person's birth date.

The personal year, month, and day cycles, however, are calendric — their pivot points are on calendar dates instead of the day of birth.

The personal year cycle changes at midnight on January 1st. The personal month, at midnight on the first day of the month. And the personal day at every midnight.

To understand more about calendric cycles, see the detailed article about year, month, and year calendric cycles and how to calculate them.

Now, the personal year, month, and day calculator.

(The complete article is at

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