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Friday, April 19, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 4/19/19


Numerology/Astrology for 4/19/19

4/19/19 is the number 8. Letting go is what takes the real courage. You know when you are not in the right place but habits die hard. It feels good to help others. But today, it is about helping yourself. If you will not do what you can to protect your own interests, no one else will either. Letting go brings up grief, an emotion that most want to avoid at all costs. But life is to be filled with all the emotions not just the positive ones. Grief lets you know that you cared. Grief is part of that energetic shift that accompanies all growth. The old must die for the new to be reborn. Give permission to what you feel and allow it to move you into that new space.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Full Moon in Libra peaks this morning. Be more careful on your drive to work as many can be short-tempered. Disputes arise when you don’t want them and you may want to find a quiet refuge and stay there.

The Moon enters into Scorpio shortly after and brings with it a lot of energy. There is a passion that appears to want to move unimpeded. Remember your objectivity when choosing things. There are serious and significant changes to be made over the next few days. Things are different. You know it and now it is clear what needs to be let go.

The Moon opposes Uranus in Taurus. This is a bit of an eccentric position because desires combine with misguided emotions can cause erratic behavior. Heightened fluctuating moods stir more problems to the top than they solve. A new individualism is arising. What you want to do with this energy is up to you. You might want to revel in the pure sensual expression or you may want to restrain that same impulse. Notice if either is exactly correct because tragic and dramatic situations can arise in either direction.

You will be noticing where you think you are in relationship but where you actually are not. You are choosing to rebalance your relationships with your own individuality. The one caution is to not take on too much today. Over the next few months there is going to be a major restructuring happening globally.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Tears from the sky allow for new growth.
Tears from your eyes clear the illusions
that you have held onto for too long.
Tears from your heart break you open
and allow for expansion into
your definition of what love really is.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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