Friday, April 19, 2019

Career Determination Using Numerology

Image for 'Career Determination Using Numerology' numerology article

Numerology can be used to help make career decisions.

You'll still need to make the final determinations yourself, of course. But interpretations of numerology calculation results may provide useful information for making that decision.

Determining a career for oneself can seem like a daunting task. It can feel like finalizing a life direction — without knowing what the future will hold.

Careers that are compatible with the energy of a person's numerology chart are more likely to be successful. The reason is because that type of a career is more likely to feel right and to be satisfying.

There are things a person generally can't control and that are outside the realm of numerology calculations, which may affect a person's career — things such as the future economy, population shifts, and government regulations. The things a person does not know, and is unaware that the information is missing, generally can't be used to make a better decision.

But traditional numerology calculations can always be used to see what tendencies and likelihoods they reveal.

(The complete article is at

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