Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Drum beats


Suzanne Wagner Quote – When you know yourself


Numerology/Astrology for 5/1/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 5/1/19

5/1/19 is the number 9. Listening to your heart and soul and finding how to make them flow together is the energy today. Completion comes when you use all the tools and abilities you have to analyze and evaluate your choices and decisions before you move forward. That is a well-rounded person with a keen mind and a clear heart. I find that regardless of how strong my mind is, it is my heart that must move in a direction that supports balance, love, compassion, and truth. Without all of those, any choice is irrelevant. It seems that some of the world has forgotten that two or more negatives do not make a positive. It is a simple equation. It is a larger greater truth. No good outcome can come from people who make bad choices with no regard to the bigger picture or the welfare of others. You never get to a completion that way. But there are those that believe that completion can come if you delude yourself enough to justify bad behaviors of others. Justifying bad behaviors of others just allows them to “get away” with it and do it again and again. When you know yourself, you cannot lie about others. When you know yourself, you cannot be blind to the suffering that people create with their delusions.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Mental Mercury makes a challenging square relationship to restrictive Saturn as you are sleeping and that can make for a lot of tossing and turning.

The Moon moves into Aries at breakfast time energizing you to begin again.  This change will make you feel more directed and moving forward.

There is a Mercury/Mars sextile and a Mercury-Saturn square. And just to keep you in flux, there is a Mars quincunx to Saturn. Yes, it is complicated.

There is a feeling of rules, restrictions, and limits that feel heavy and difficult to coordinate with what you believe you want and where you are going.

There is a great deal of enthusiasm about your ideas and how to put things into place and yet there is a stickiness that is making your timing off. You want movement but you are emptying a cup and then being asked to wait for someone or something else to fill it. Expect to change and adjust plans again and again.

Uranus and Neptune form a semi-square and this started way back in August of 2017. You want to play and inspire but you feel restless and your old dream has not panned out the way you expected. Just be careful to not fall into some traps by needing something to fill the void. Just let the emptiness empty. You do not need to know where you are going at this time. Besides when you take off on an unplanned tangent, it rarely has staying power or the ability to get you where you want.

Today is a day of common sense. Don’t get too risky in your choices or actions. Prepare and carry out what you intend to do.

There is a mood of imbalance and mistrust. It can make people quarrelsome. Expect setbacks and disputed are common when things are this way astrologically.

Use this energy today to be energetic and confident. Brooding may not get you where you want in the long run. If you can align with this intense energy you could find the perfect moment for you to make a powerful shift.

~Suzanne Wagner~


When you know yourself,
you cannot lie about others.
When you know yourself,
you cannot be blind
to the suffering that people
create with their delusions.

~Suzanne Wagner~





Just because the world does a pattern, does not mean that you have to fall into the energy matrix that was created. You are here to operate as an independent energy field. You are here to add to and assist in the construction of the patterns that impact this world. I learned a long time ago that being a follower never works because you become habituated to the truth of information from others rather than knowing your own. Being a follower, a “belonger”, and needing to be a part of a group allows you to not take responsibility for your choices and actions. You get to blame others that their choices and decisions were mistakes and you were manipulated into their pattern.
I know that there are many clever people that are highly skilled in the art of manipulation. There are some that use if for the greater good and there are some that use is to bolster their own personal power.
Intention means everything. But you are 100% responsible for your decisions and choices regardless of if you were manipulated or not. Your actions in the external world are where you are held karmically responsible.
Yes, there is less karma is you are lost and confused in a world that is so complex that your personal development is not up to the task of sorting it all out. But you are still responsible none-the-less. It is your actions that tell the universe where you are in your spiritual development.
Or your inactions.
Laziness is not an excuse in any way for your refusal to choose because of “not wanting to get involved”.
Such a choice is all about fear. And fear holds a lot of karma.
Fear is what we are really here to overcome.
Fear is paralytic. Fear blocks objective overview and rational thought.
Fear reacts rather than reviews and reflects.
Fear is absolute and resists all types of change.
Fear needs what is familiar and what feels safe from your past experiences.
And fear is the greatest illusion.

Many times in my life I have faced death.
My spiritual friends shake their head in wonder at my life’s path.
What I have learned is that when death is staring me in the face, I have no fear.
In fact, there is a type of calm that overlays everything around me.
It feels as if I am in a bubble of truth and clarity.
And in that bubble, there are just choices and actions.
First choice for me is to no matter what be kind and calm.
Second choice is to know that everyone is doing their best to help.
Third choice is to know that all outcomes are perfect even if they are not what you expect or anticipated. Because in such special moments you are often clearing old karmic suffering and death experiences from other times and places. Such moments do not necessarily follow a rational flow. You are at the whim of your own karmic lessons and journey.
The fourth choice is to allow yourself to flow with everything that presents. Knowing that it is all of value.
The fifth choice is to let love in when it is offered. But do not (in that moment) allow others to drain you energetically as you are in a delicate position and you must first always honor yourself and what you need.
The sixth choice is to stay open and aware to the subtle information that comes in during such moments. The veil between this reality and the next is very thin and there are incredible truths that can come your way during such times.
And the seventh choice is to always remember those moments of truth and anchor them into your psyche so that your energy field is forever expanded and enhanced.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Monday, April 29, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 4/30/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/30/19

4/30/19 is the number 10. Astrologically and numerologically there is a change today that shifts the trajectory of your life. Choices open doors to new things. You may not know what that new direction is completely but that is not important. You have to clear out patterns that have not completely aligned with you for a while now. Once space is cleared out, then the universe can fill it with what is your personal next step forward. Remember, the universe knows what it is doing. Just because it feels like you are stepping off a cliff does not mean that you cannot fly.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon is still in Pisces and aligns with Neptune, harmonizes with Saturn and Pluto and clashes with Mars and Jupiter. We are getting closer to the Mars/Jupiter opposition. This brings about a time for healing, forgiving, and approaching your life from a more intuitive angle. Some may feel that they have ambitions that seem to be thwarted. But the goal is a calmer life.

There is a Mercury/Mars sextile that is exact very early in the day and into tomorrow but you will feel it the most today.

Then a Mercury/Saturn square happens and both push you to do something more productive, go forward, put an idea into motion but you may feel thwarted. This is a combination that is resourceful and at times can be zealous. That zealousness is a form or rigidity and it can make things more difficult rather than less. The issues under discussion seem heavy and serious. Communications are direct and clear without projection or blame. You may not hear what you want but you will hear what will propel you to the next level of your development.

The Conjunction between the Moon and Neptune reflect the desire to escape into your imagination and dreams. While that might feel wonderful it may also take you more out of balance.

Venus stays in Scorpio and it signals a time of trouble and a defiant attitude. Your thoughts may deviate from the truth. Being alone is not a bad idea.

The Moon squaring Mars makes you behave in a quarrelsome way and react rather than respond. Notice the tendency to be extravagant and wasteful to overcome this angry and irritating energy.

Use the Moon Sextile Saturn to get organized and make you face your objectives in a deliberate way.

Peak into Astrology for May

There are many energies impacting May, but hopefully that means you can tend to a wide variety of items on your list. There is a Blue Moon on May 17. The original indicator of a Blue Moon was the third of four full moons in a season, so this is a seasonal blue moon. Somehow, in modern day, the interpretation changed to it being two full moons in a month, and it stuck. In the middle of May, both Venus and Mars move into more stable signs, Taurus and Cancer, respectively. That will help everyone focus on what is important to family, home, and connection with others.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Some changes look negative
on the surface but you will soon
realize that space is being
created in your life for
something new to emerge.

~Eckhart Tolle~





There is a series of big planetary changes happening in May. There is a new social shift that is going to make a major turn for everyone. Mars is about anger and conflict and when it joins with Rafu it explodes into something much bigger. It brings things out into the open.
Saturn is going to conjunct Ketu and everything starts right at the beginning of the month with a bang. Even more things that have been hidden will be revealed. There is a heightened awareness that is raw and very real. That is good because it makes us wake up to a new level … again. Bad things have always happened historically. But now things are being seen in a very new way. All people and things are under a microscope. Old evil is being revealed so you can move towards truth.
The filters that you have had in the past are being modified. Most people move from their emotional body. But that is never an accurate way to live your life. This month, the world is beginning to get you to question beyond your projections and your personal penchant for how you want to see the world.
The familiar is being destroyed. That is the only way to break the back of your dysfunctional habits, beliefs, and patterns. This month you get to look past the superficial patterns and behaviors of world leaders.
We are in a critical breakdown on lots of levels.
There are forces of dark and light building for a showdown.
May continues to breakdown what you thought was so important. Your beliefs, religion, job, personal contribution, and laws are being broken and shattered.
This month is a time of accidents and violence. People are so connected to their opinions that there is going to be a shocking lashing out by some and that energy is so intense that it may startle you.
Believe it or not, this is going to force some much needed change.
Jupiter is going to back up and show the jealousy, greed, and dysfunction of this world. It is going to show you how it operates and how toxic it really is.
But that awareness is going to help clear the air. And it will force us to step past our habits.
Humanity is losing control. The realization of that is the greater purpose for all this upset.
This astrology can trigger people having major health issues and even death. Old leaders, the old guard, and the old famous people could be leaving because their job is done and it is time for the old patterns to dissolve away and clear the air to find this new truth that is attempting to unfold.
It is not about aligning with the famous people.
It is time to lead yourself.
It is possible that there are going to be upsets to travel, flights, and computers. I expect that the hackers are going to try to take over again. So back up your computer and make sure you don’t click on any “sponsored” links on the internet.
I expect the terrorists in the world to expand and be highly agitated and activated this month.
On the positive note, Jupiter will trine Venus. And that brings people together. It looks like events can be so severe that it forces us to find and connect to our humanity in big waves of compassion and deeper connection.

Expect severe weather to happen. Expect floods and lots of water to impact populations is ways that you have never seen.
May reveals where we are going for the rest of this year. Big events could make this world very, very reactive and angry.
Expect the markets to be volatile. Yes, it is going to be fearful because it is going to bounce back and forth, up and down.
It is all about noticing what has not been take care of. And finally taking responsibility and doing something radically different.
While this month sounds intense, and it is, it is catapulting all of us to a new level. Waking up is hard to do. We are finally hitting a threshold that is going to make people feel that “enough is enough”! And I find that powerful moments bring us back together again.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Number 300 Meaning

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 4/28/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/28/19

4/28/19 is the number 8. There can be moments of reflection as you look back in your life and recognize where you have wasted energy and time. Now, it is time to just choose from a place that is more authentic to yourself. Sometimes loving others means to let them go, honoring them and the places where they taught you so much. Appreciation is important to the progression of your life. You have to choose from a place of clarity, knowing that things do not always go to plan but choices are to always come from love and inclusiveness. Miracles happen when you accept and allow in other possibilities other than the ones you had hoped for. The pleasant surprises in life are there to remind you that controlling the universe will not always give you what your soul really wants and needs.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Have a quiet morning on Sunday, then a gentle afternoon or early evening movie as the Moon enters the emotionally deep and complex sign of Pisces in the afternoon.

The Moon is in the open-minded sign of Aquarius and Sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius. This works well for social and material success. It brings a positive attitude into your life and brings with it popularity. Projects could be realized and your artistic side feels optimistic and capable.

The Moon goes into Pisces at dinnertime this evening, bringing with it a dreamy and imaginative quality. You may want to have a movie that “takes you away”.

It is a great time to be alone and let your imagination wander. Meditation and contemplation are all desired and the external reality may want to fade into the background. Intuition is heightened and it is the perfect moment to detox, forgive, heal, and unwind.

We are heading towards a Sun-Jupiter minor square which will be exact tomorrow morning. This will bring that feeling of wanting more in your life. When you move with this well, you want to make improvements in your life but it can make you a bit restless. Remember to let things lie and do not get cut up in the games of exaggeration or overestimating your capabilities.

~Suzanne Wagner~


If we cannot now end our
differences, at least we can help
make the world safe for diversity.

~John F. Kennedy~





When we embrace differences,
we open to possibilities we had not dreamed of.
When we allow others to be who they are,
we learn tolerance and acceptance.
When we recognize that there are many paths
to enlightenment, we create a world of permission
to explore and expand.
You do not have to understand the reasoning
for another’s path to give permission for them to explore it.
Different ways create different outcomes and perspectives.
That is always helpful in finding
a way to wholeness and acceptance.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Friday, April 26, 2019

A Guide to Free Online Numerology Calculators

Image for 'A Guide to Free Online Numerology Calculators' numerology article

This website has dozens of free online numerology tools and calculators.

is to provide guidance about the three types of calculators — personal characteristics, life path, and love — with links to the calculators in those categories.

There are other types of calculators in addition to those categories, but the three lists contain most of the calculators on the calculators index page.

These are the 3 types of tools and calculators:

  1. The Personal Characteristics list includes character traits such as personality, destiny, heart's desire, and outlook on life.

  2. The Life Path list includes career suggestions and also events and circumstances likely to occur in the future.

  3. The Romance & Marriage list includes marriage dates and compatibility.

The lists are further below. A few calculators are listed in more than one category.

(The complete article is at https://affinitynumerology.com/faq/a-guide-to-free-online-numerology-calculators.php)

Numerology/Astrology for 4/27/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/27/19

4/27/19 is the number 7. Structure is the base upon which more complex things can be built. Your bones are the frame that the muscles, nerves, blood vessel, and skin adhere to. Without a good base the structures that are created are unstable and weak. What is your base in your life? Is it your beliefs or religion? Perhaps it is your family? Perhaps it is the journey of growth that you have committed to. Notice how solid that base is and if it supports what you are intending to place upon it. I find that when you rely on one source to be your base it may not be enough. I personally use all of the above avenues to help stabilize my base. When you know yourself and trust yourself, your life, your ability to grow, and your ability to keep going and figure things out, then very little can rock that foundation. Never completely depend upon others to be your base. Others are there when you fall off your base and they remind you of who you are, where you came from, and what you are capable of. But ultimately you have to take full responsibility to get yourself back on track. I find that many people are attached to an illusion or a tool to escape this reality. That is a recipe for disaster. You have to fully be here now and take fully responsibility for your actions and choices. That is how you learn to trust yourself. That is how you learn who you really are. Once you know that, what others do or don’t do is no longer a reflection about you. It is always a reflection about where they are at in that moment. You have to love others enough to have their own journey. Even if that journey is not one that you can walk with them. Each of us have a path for growth that is outlined in our astrology and numerology. And each path is perfect for that person. Do not judge a path that is not yours to walk. Allow each person to find their way. Besides everyone always gets home eventually.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

As the weekend progresses, you might find your sleep a bit disrupted. There is a vague sense that what used to inspire you and lift you up is no longer seeming real in this heavy and intense world that is circulating at the moment. Expect your mood to get disrupted as Mars forms a square to Neptune and a semi-square to Uranus. The desire to feel better can make you seek out and want to hoot into unrealistic things. Just look at all options objectively. Don’t allow yourself to get hooked by unrealistic dreams and expectations.

Today is not the day to make the big decisions. Perceptions can be easily skewed. Under this astrology, there is really no easy solution and no quick fixes. Your disappointment can fuel you to make much needed improvements because of the Moon still transiting the positive mindset of Aquarius. And the harmonious connection to Mercury and Mars will help you hold that optimistic frame of mind. Just don’t get carried away.

Those people living on the fringes of society can want to take their beliefs to an extreme today. This can make trouble in lots of places. So recognize that there are some whose self-righteousness intends to pick a fight.

There is an ability to think quick on your feet. Use this to find your own independence and know that your open-mindedness is supporting your ability to rapidly process information.

The Moon Trine Mars gives you courage in the face of others projections and actions. Let your will and your clarity sort out the mess-monsters that others are throwing into the chaotic soup of life.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Everyone has their own path.
Walk yours with integrity and wish
all others peace on their journey.
When your paths merge, rejoice for
their presence in your life.
When the paths are separated,
return to the wholeness of yourself,
give thanks for the footprints left
on your soul, and embrace the time
to journey on your own.

~Unknown Author~





Accepting others means to not judge.
Not judging means that you trust that everyone
is perfectly aligned with what they are growing towards.
That does not mean you are supposed to walk that path with them.
That does not mean that you have to hold their hand.
That does mean that you have to tell them the truth with kindness
and the raw and real honesty that is often painful to hear.
Life is not about sticking around
for a person whose path steers you off your own.
Life is about telling the truth as you see it with
the intention that you are only planting a seed.
And you cannot be attached to knowing
whether that seed will sprout and grow.
Some of your seeds are not really intended
for that person. And that is also good.
Perception is something that matures over time.
Great teachers spoke to me and planted many seeds
that now thirty-five years later are beginning
to make sense and to sprout.
I am sure that there are many others that were
planted lifetimes ago and that I am still
waiting to comprehend so that they can fully open.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Famous 33 Life Paths

What do Peter Dinklage and Meryl Streep have in common? Both are 33 Life Paths in numerology. Find out who else shares this Life Path number.


Famous 22 Life Paths

Master 22/4 Life Path: The Master Teacher & Master Builder The 22/4 Life Path is a highly intense vibe demanding the integration and actualization of the loving and emotional 2 with a double dose of the hard-working and pragmatic 4. Remember that the Master 22/4 is a fusion of both the numbers 2 and 4 […]


Famous 11/2 Life Paths

What do Chrissy Metz and Stephen Colbert have in common? They are both Master 11 Life Paths in numerology. See who else shares this Life Path.


Numerology/Astrology for 4/26/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/26/19

4/26/19 is the number 6. Listen, feel, and move from that inner knowing. When you learn to put your reactive mind to the side and observe, life becomes less chaotic and more in a place of acceptance and clarity. You have a good heart. While that heart might be really exhausted from all the big changes happening, take a moment to appreciate how hard you try and how much you attempt to bring gifts, joys, beauty, and caring into your world. Just because others may not be able to receive your gifts fully does not make you wrong in the desire to bring love and light into the world. People can only open as far as they have grown in their life. Know that there is always more expansion that your heart can do. Love is a limitless energy that is always inclusive. But the light and love of this world sometimes gets rebuffed. That does not stop hearts from wanting to connect to others. Let one goal of this life to see how much you can expand love in the domain of your family and friends.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon moves into Aquarius. This makes things more social and receptive to joyful and leisurely activities. It is a great time to start something new, just remember to keep things down to earth and to use your common sense. Let the bright and hopeful energy of this Moon illuminate the way through some of the other astrological stresses. This Moon is innovative. Use it but respect other’s boundaries.

The Moon squares Uranus in Taurus. Bad tempers might flare up. Be aware where your snap point is and step back from that edge. Your changeable mood can make problems for you. You are trying to deal with the problems at hand. You are trying to diffuse stress by moving into sensual areas. But the restrained emotions can lead to tragic and dramatic developments. Notice where you are stepping and look before you leap into any new encounter. Other people’s feelings are on the line.

Expect difficulties regarding your career, family life, and dealing with those of the opposite sex. There seems to be a gap in understanding as to what each person is trying to convey.

There is a Uranus-Juno sextile that is encouraging you to interact with others and there is a desire for cooperation and connection. Notice there seems to be a push me, pull me feeling today. Some may need some space while others may need us to lead and inspire them to move forward. This is a good time for group activities.

The Mercury-Ceres trine activated communication and gives some must need imagination, warmth, and consideration to others. It is the perfect time to teach, learn, and express your feelings, especially in the business world, marketing, and promoting. Just don’t make choices on a whim. It may not work out the way you expected.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Education is not to reform
students or amuse them or to
make them expert technicians.
It is to unsettle their minds,
widen their horizons, inflame
their intellects, teach them
to think straight, if possible.

~Robert M. Hutchins~





Education is not about validating what you believe you already know. A powerful learner, actively seeks out new information that challenges what they believe. The more information you have, the more you begin to see the interconnectedness of many different things and beliefs. You discover that where those many perspectives overlap is often where the core truths of this domain reside. You cannot have an insightful conversation when you hold only one perspective. You end up lecturing to others, as if you are on a soapbox. That is not a discussion, it is and battle of egos that need validation and need to be right. A weak mind lives in a domain of absolutes. A strong mind is open. An insightful mind listens and includes information from many perspectives and places. An intuitive mind reads not just the words but the underlying motivation and intention of the speaker. A wise person responds not just to the words of others but the deeper desires and intentions that motivate those words and actions.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

8 Life Path: The Powerhouse –

7 Life Path: The Seeker

7  LIFE PATH: The Seeker Personal Mission: To Develop Your Sense of Spirituality, Intuition, Trust, and Openness in Every Aspect of Your Life You were born to learn to have faith in yourself and in others. There is a lot of spiritual energy surrounding you, so you need a strong spiritual base. You would excel as a philosopher, analyst, or researcher because you’re always seeking truth and knowledge, and love delving into life’s mysteries. You tend to devour information and excel when you’re able to consolidate meaning out of a stack of data and then share your findings with like-minded people. Do you feel as though you’re a little out of place in the world? Many 7 Life Paths feel as though they’re old souls who are here exploring the material world. You're most often on a different wavelength than other people.  You’re bright, intelligent, and intense. You’re good with technical problems, at writing, and in discovering things. Do you feel intuitive? You have a natural intuitive ability that is in some ways at odds with your highly analytic mind. This can be a point of confusion for you. On one hand, you’re all about data, knowledge, and research, and you need accepted systems of thought to operate in your chosen realm. On the other hand, you’re constantly receiving intuitive data that you can’t qualify or quantify and it may scare you. Either you block and suppress your intuition—which could lead to dissatisfaction and ill health—or you learn to respect and balance both aspects of your highly calibrated mind. Perhaps you experience the opposite: You fully embrace your psychic awareness and refuse to use your grounded, analytical abilities. Either way, inviting both aspects of your cognition (analysis and intuition) to co-exist and co-create can have a profoundly positive impact on your life. Really, at the end of the day, yours is a highly internal journey where you're primarily purpose is to get to know who you are in the deepest, most authentic and soulful way.  And this will take a lifetime. Because of the push-and-pull between your belief in hard data and your intuition, it’s important for you to take time alone periodically to regroup. In Numerology, the 7 is the number of contemplation and of being alone.  Often those on a 7 Life Path will spend good portions of their lives on their own. Meditation is imperative. Nature is rejuvenating. You flourish and relax when you connect with the environment in some way. You need consistent exercise to move your energy around as well. Self-care is necessary for you to have a balanced life. You work best in a position where you can spend some time alone. In healthy, loving relationships, you tend to be honest, loyal, and direct. Even so, you often have trouble being supportive or praising your partner. This behavior is based on a fear that your loved ones might realize you’re not “good enough” for them and will leave you. The irony is that if people do leave it’s because they feel undervalued and neglected. In terms of relating: You can have a sharp tongue, so you need to think about your style of communication and the goals you have for communicating. You tend to get stuck in your head. You’ll over-analyze everything and every situation. You’re also not always the best at understanding people’s wants and needs. You have an air of secrecy about you and enjoy a sense of mystery. You need space and privacy and don’t allow others into your personal life unless you invite them in. You may appear aloof to others, yet you are simply observing the world and processing it in your own way. If you don’t operate with the higher-level vibration the 7 Life Path Number brings with it, then you’re probably exhausting to be around because you will focus on petty things and can appear to be somewhat shallow. In some ways, it’s as if you’re visiting the planet because you really don’t feel as though you’re from here. If you lack the anchor of solid spiritual beliefs, you’ll attempt to escape the rather mundane routine of daily life. When you’re off track and lack psycho-spiritual resources, you’re drawn to drugs, alcohol, sex, excessive travel, or overwork. You have profound gifts to share with the world. Powerful intuition, refinement, science, and philosophy are your strengths in a lifetime optimally devoted to study and inner reflection. We love many well-known 7 Life Paths for their mysterious, vulnerable, and complex persona's. Given that the Seven Life Path is continuously working with issues relating to trust and openness, no wonder we are fascinated with you—you’re so hard to figure out. Common threads when a 7 Life Path is working with optimal energies are being attuned equally to intuition and intellect, wisdom, being at peace with yourself, and not being afraid of opening up emotionally to others. Your life purpose is to develop your sense of higher purpose, trust yourself and  others, and trust in the process of your life so that you can feel safe enough to open up and share your inner beauty and wisdom with the world. 7  LIFE PATH: Potential Challenges Your potential challenges are: To trust and be open. Trust begins with self-trust, which doesn’t come easily for you. You often trust your thinking mind over your inner knowing. You need to be open to both forms of knowing. To develop your own approach to life. You tend to trust theviews and ideas of others more than your own, so you often attempt to fit yourself to their approaches. To evaluate the experts, books, and methods you learn about, embrace that which works best, and listen to your own instincts rather than taking all the information at face value. To honor your need for privacy. If you learn to balance your need for private time with your need for social interaction, you will feel more fulfilled. To come to terms with your feelings about past betrayals and instances of being misunderstood. The pain you feel has been compounded by the fact that you started out trusting and set yourself up for being misunderstood or taken advantage of. To overcome your mixed feelings about intimate relationships. You want them, but you don’t. In relationships you need and want a partner for companionship in order to feel a sense of completion, harmony, and balance. You can only have a balanced and healthy intimate relationship when you don’t look for completion through another. To realize you’ll feel most satisfied when you’re able to balance your intuition and your analytical mind. You’ll be challenged with balancing the two arenas (right brain/left brain). To deeply connect with your path of seeking deeper truths. If you fear the unknown, you’ll experience a sense of anxiety, confusion, or frustration. 7 LIFE PATH: Strengths to Develop You’re wise beyond your years. Learning to cultivate and embrace wisdom is your life’s purpose. You will learn more effectively through having direct experiences and trial and error experimentation than through reading books or being told. You’re incredibly intuitive. In order to find your authentic self, focus on cultivating your intuition, knowledge, and acceptance. Having a tendency to lack healthy personal boundaries, you typically share everything you think and feel, and then later feel hurt, betrayed, or misunderstood when people don’t respond well to your sharing. You’re an excellent communicator. Take the opportunity to express yourself directly and openly. When you come to trust yourself and your heart, you’ve got nothing to fear. When you trust your intuition, you’re an insightful guide for others. At the end of the day, you’re meant to be a spiritual teacher to yourself and others, in whatever unique manner this teaching manifests for you. You’re intelligent. You have a highly developed mind and so you also need an equally developed physical body. You need physical exercise, meditation, and time spent in nature. Good outlets or you would be hiking, dance, and martial arts. You have high expectations of yourself and others. Keep reviewing your expectations, allowing others (as much as yourself) their journey. This runs the gambit from letting go of your impatience with bad drivers to forgiving someone for having deeply hurt you.


6 Life Path: The Nurturer –

5 Life Path: The Freedom Seeker –

3 Life Path: The Communicator –

2 Life Path: The Mediator

All Your Other Names

Image for 'All Your Other Names' numerology article

You have a birth name, your name as first officially recorded at or soon after birth.

And then there are all your other names.

They may be names used with your friends, private for yourself, for convenience, for traditional reasons, or for professional reasons. Here is a list of other names a person might have:

  • Your familiar, informal name that friends and co-workers use to address you.

  • A married name — a name assumed because of marriage, generally in honor of tradition.

  • An official or other name change to have an augmented or different numerology chart.

  • A playful or private name assigned to you by a loved one.

  • An author pen name.

  • A professional name self-determined to better resonate with a profession or career — such as a stage name.

  • A name that you think of yourself as, perhaps privately.

  • Any other assumed name or nickname assumed by choice or assigned by circumstances.

Using a name other than the birth name can have a remarkable effect on a person. Or little effect at all.

Some of the effects may be unexpected.

(The complete article is at https://affinitynumerology.com/using-numerology/all-your-other-names.php)

Famous 2 Life Paths

What do Prince Charles and Kate McKinnon have in common? Both are 2 Life Paths in numerology. Find out who else shares the 2 Life Path.


Numerology/Astrology for 4/24/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/24/19

4/24/19 is the number 4. Communicating what you need and want in a clear, calm, and concise way is important to learning how to maintain harmony and balance in your life. Communicating is not only about expressing your needs and wants but learning how to listen to the needs and wants of others. This is a number of balance and balance is a two-way street. So many people live from the place that, “If you just give me what I want I will be happy!” But life is not that way. It is always a give and take. It is about compromise. It is about seeing beyond your own needs and into the greater whole that includes the needs of others. So today, learn to listen to what others say. Notice what is going on in your head when others are speaking. Because if you are still arguing internally to what others are saying you are not in balance and you therefore cannot be in harmony with them. You are not really hearing others if you feel the need to justify your own position. There are ways to connect that are beyond ego and support the essence of each individual. Today is a great day to practice that.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

You may want to pay attention late on Wednesday evening, to see if you can feel transforming Pluto turning retrograde. This is a subtle energy, but it indicates that something big is getting ready to happen. We have a moment to reflect and review our choices and make the adjustments necessary. This retrograde is designed to wake everyone up and make your attention become more aware of all the things around you that matter.

The Sun is in Taurus and it is trining the Moon in Capricorn. This is a very positive and fortunate combination that spells a moment of harmony and togetherness. Relationships thrive and give you critical moments of peace and contentment.

The Moon in Capricorn squares Venus in Aries. Sum this up to mean that in general, there are many emotional moments that bring you to take some leaps into new areas. You are going up against your personal inhibitions and that can create a degree of tension as you confront old patterns that have held you back and choose to break through them or not. Family issues are in the spotlight. That may not be the best way for anyone.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Hearing is listening to what is said.
Listening is hearing what isn’t said

~Simon  Sinek~





What would it take for the human population to really listen? Listen to the birds, the bees, the animals, the land, Mother Earth, each other? This seems to me to be what is being asked in the Universe at this time. Changes made without really considering others and listening becomes a waste of time, energy, and money. Because without a good overview, your choices are based on a limited perspective and it is that narrow view that will not give you results that will stand the test of time. Notice the aqueducts of Rome or the Ancient Peruvians. Most of those waterways are still working and some still standing. That is because of plans that are carefully laid out that work for everyone not just a few. It is time to broaden out perspective. It is not about making you or us great again. It is about cultivating a world that all of us can live and thrive in. And I mean all of us. All the plants, animals, birds, ocean creatures, bees, etc. Anything that harms this earth should be outlawed. And huge penalties imposed to make it just not worth it. That would change this destructive course. The question is if we can elect people in positions of power that are also on that same constructive and inclusive path.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Angel Numbers -

Famous 8 Life Paths

What do RuPaul and Martha Stewart have in common? They both have an 8 Life Path in numerology. See who else shares this Life Path number.


Numerology/Astrology for 4/23/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/23/19


4/23/19 is the number 3. The vehicle of your life is speeding up. You are on a fast track and you know it. You are prepared for the wild ride and it is a moment that you know is going to set the stage for a whole new level of being seen. Are you ready to leap onto that train? Are you willing to take it to the next level? Choose because you really don’t want to miss this powerful shift. Just because you do not know all the steps necessary to get to that goal does not mean those answers will not come in time. Often first steps are into the unknown and that choice allows your guides and angels to begin to plan that new directions lessons and purpose. You cannot always see the end results in life. In this moment you must leap into the void of a new day and allow the mystery to unfold before your eyes. What you think you are going for now is not really it. It is what you have concocted in your mind that allows you to risk and to take that leap. I have discovered that my own life unfolding is always more interesting than anything I could have constructed in my head. Learn to embrace the unknown. Let life live through you. Then you discover that miracles and magic are alive in this world.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


The Moon in Sagittarius conjuncts Jupiter in Sagittarius. Such a conjunction can increase your financial projections and give you opportunities for great growth to your retirement. It is also a big one for social successes. It gives a huge increase in your inventiveness, ambition, and constructive planning for the future.

This evening the Moon goes into Capricorn, giving a focuses and serious tone. Your determination is seen by others. Duty calls. Personal life takes a backseat for the time being. There is no time for leisure.

The Moon tines Uranus in Taurus making your powers of persuasion strong. Use your genuineness on this new path. Your authenticity makes a difference in the world. New paths open up and explored. New methods and ways are going to be put on the table. Sorting them is the challenge. This is a hugely prosperous time. Great developments are being forecast into the future. You are at the beginning and it is a great one if you keep on the path and do what it will take.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Learn to embrace the unknown.
Let life live through you.
Then you discover that miracles
and magic are alive in this world.

~Suzanne Wagner~





It’s what you can give to others that inspires and empowers. Thinking about the needs of others will often take you out of your own internal pain and misery. In our world, it is socially acceptable to be very self-focused. Even a bit obsessed. But that will not make you happy. Noticing the needs outside of yourself and doing something small that makes smiles happen on strangers’ faces is just the antidote to get you out of such narcissistic tendencies. I believe that we are seeing a shift in consciousness. One that moves us out of ego and more into self-less-ness. We are waking up to the pain and suffering of many other things on this planet. The old concept of “I have to get what I want, no matter what the cost!” is finally being recognized as too high of a cost. There are ways to get to goals and to not destroy this world at the same time. Society is finally judging those that will do anything for the “Almighty Dollar”. Wealth used to be the goal and as Honore de Balzac said, “Behind every great fortune lies a great crime.”
I do not believe that is necessary anymore. I believe that consciousness is arising to a new inclusive level of respect, integration, and honor. I know that the old guard will die slowly and attempt to manipulate in any way to hold on to the dying life of corruption and suffering. But even they can see the turn. Even they understand that they took it too far and now the people are going to go against those that continue to manipulate and cause them suffering. The People are waking up and now recognize that many of those in positions of power and that have great wealth, do not care for humanity, animals, oceans, plants, the environment, or the health and well-being of this world.  The People give power but the People will also take that power back from those that abuse it.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Let Life Live Through You


Monday, April 22, 2019

Famous 7 Life Paths

What do Stephen Hawking and Kristen Bell have in common? They are both 7 Life Paths in numerology. Find out who else has the 7 Life Path.


Famous 9 Life Paths

What do Mother Teresa and Elvis Presley have in common? They are both 9 Life Paths in numerology. Find out who else has a 9 Life Path.


Famous 6 Life Paths

What do Britney Spears and Warren Buffet have in common? They are both 6 Life Paths in numerology. Find out who else shares this Life Path number.




Osho Zen Tarot:  Completion, Playfulness, No-thingness
Medicine Cards: Turkey, Bear, Eagle
Mayan Oracle: Caban, Universal Movement, Adventures Quest
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Tower, Hanged Man, 6 of Disks
Aleister Crowley Deck: Ace of Cups, Swiftness, Prince of Disks
Words of Truth: No Movement, Sexuality, Powerless



You can’t say this month that things are not shifting.


The sacredness of the three Medicine Cards illustrates that perfectly. The introspectiveness of the Bear has finally awoken a thread of moral fortitude that the great sacrifice of the Turkey has offered up for the greater good of all. And the Eagle has opened eyes on a global scale and forced us to see the horror that our denial and fear has manifested in this world.


There is a surge of sorts. For some that surge is going to challenge their old world and ways of doing things.


But for others this is that breath of wind that stirs the sails of your boat after a long 2 plus years in the doldrums of the ocean without any wind to fill the sails so you could move that boat forward.


And the wind is going to blow. Presently, it is not a huge gust of power. But it is a constant flow that gives hope and renews the spirits of many.

The changes that have needed to happen have proceeded in the method that was designed to open and awaken others to the bad trajectory of this world. And it is working. The global mind is being reset. It is not functioning at a high frequency but it is strong enough to move this ship forward. And as winds continue, they gather power and momentum.


Take this month of springtime energy and recognize how much the earth has given up in the most sacred of ways to allow for the moral and conscious awakening of humanity. Notice that there is a trend to see beyond the finite into the infinite. A shift to see, not from the narrow moment of convenience but in the global sense and impact that our selfishness has done to this world. It is now a time to begin to clean up this mess. And there are some powerful and wealthy players coming onto the scene.


It will be a long journey and it will not be fast but it will be gaged in the choices that all agree too. None of this massive life’s work can be done in isolation. Despair is the domain of unacknowledged fear. And there has been a lot of that moving in this world up to now. But now, hope and action has moved through the paralyzing despair and the blocked energy is finally noticeably gaining ground.

The Political World is still a walking disaster but there is a force of good moving underneath it all and it is noticeable and tangible.


Caring is outweighing fear. Concern is pushing back against hate. And the evil that lives in the hearts of men is being exposed as the rot that destroys societies and great civilizations.

Those that will not move will be powerless in the face this new awakened global consciousness. More and more the power of the feminine sexuality is standing up to be heard and is choosing to make others become accountable for their denigration of a whole, huge, essential part of humanity.


We all have a wild and wooly adventure coming but this month there is a playfulness in the mood and tone. If we cannot enjoy this process that needs to be desperately cleaned up, then it will be a long and hard slog through the garbage. You can help. You can contribute to this new world in your choices and actions. Get excited! See the possibilities. You are going to be a part of one of the greatest global shifts in humanity. You might as well enjoy it.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Number 167 Meaning

Numerology/Astrology for 4/22/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/22/19

4/22/19 is the number 11. There is so much that you can do when you have your mind working with your heart rather than against it. Alignment is essential otherwise you just end up arguing with yourself. Which is so counter-productive in the long run. And a waste of energy. Learning to negotiate agreement within the chaos of internal opinions is the first step in being able to handle external conflicts in the real world. In general, the more you learn, the more open your mind becomes. It becomes less rigid and more fluid in recognizing the infinite possibilities that exist in all situations. Just because you prefer one way of seeing things does not mean that is the only way. The more you practice openness and an inclusive way of living, you will expand into a wondrous ways that will give you variety, wonder, and joy.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

With the Moon in Sagittarius opposing Mars in Gemini, can cause that feeling like an itch that you cannot scratch. It makes you a bit irritable, reactive, and willing to pick an argument. It can create stresses between men and women increase. Work towards calm and think before you speak. Those that handle stress by wanting to go on a shopping spree need to hide their credit card from themselves. You can try to make yourself feel better with wasteful expenditures. It is an uneasy day.

The Sun is in Taurus conjuncting Uranus in Taurus. This pushes that need for a new level of freedom and individualism. No matter what your preferences, support your unique self. Try some new things. Think over your relationships and notice where you really belong.

The Moon squares Neptune expanding that dreamy, illusion-based perception and it can promote emotional disturbances. You might feel lost in thoughts and have flights of fantasy.

~Suzanne Wagner~


First they ignore you,
then they laugh at you,
then they fight you,
then you win.

~Mahatma Gandhi~





I believe that school and art should be intimately linked. That ability to learn cognitive skills is important but it is in learning how to balance the right and the left brain in unison through the arts that allows for a more balanced and discerning mind. Creative thinking is a doorway to expanded perception. I believe learning how to deal with wanting to create an ideal artistic expression and learning the patience and attention to detail that good art requires, is a huge skill in being an effective adult in the real world. School taught me a lot but it was in the pursuit of my art that I have to this day the most integrated tools that I use every day in my world.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Famous 4 Life Paths

What do Megan Markle and Jimmy Fallon have in common? They are both 4 Life Paths in numerology. Find out who else has a Life Path 4.


Famous 3 Life Paths

3 Life Path:  The Creative Communicator The 3 Life Path is emotionally attuned, highly creative, and is working on infusing joy and optimism into their lives. A 3 Life Path’s optimal expression is buoyant, self-assured, joyful, emotionally balanced, expressive, and inspiring. The personal mission is to develop creative expression and emotional sensitivity. The ultimate life’s […]


Famous 1 Life Paths

What do Lady Gaga and Dick Cheney have in common? They both have a 1 Life Path in numerology. Find out who else shares this Life Path.


Famous 5 Life Paths

What do Mick Jagger and Abe Lincoln have in common? Both are 5 Life Paths. Find out what famous people have the 5 Life Path in numerology.


Numerology/Astrology for 4/21/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/21/19

4/21/19 is the number 10. We can only begin again. We can only make new choices based on the old ones that have not panned out the way we want. All live requires moments of renewal. Each day we are reborn into the light of a new energy and in the numerology, we have a cycle of 10 days that gives us the incentive to change our mind, attitude, and priorities. There is always power in choice. And that choice is always yours to discover. When you do not choose or believe you have no choice you are not looking fully at all the infinite possibilities. You limit yourself and then project that limit onto others. Even the Divine itself. The universe is limitless. That energy gives you all the options you could imagine. The problem is that mind that loves to get in the way of magic. Power is always there for you to claim it when you are ready, willing, and able.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Expect a revolutionary, vocal, and outspoken expression of protests today on Earth Day, when the Sun aligns with cutting-edge technology Uranus.
The Moon moves into Sagittarius brining more passion into your actions. It can make you feel a bit restless and unsettled as all that fire energy moves through your emotions. It allows you to feel more philosophic about your life and you recognize where you might need more knowledge and information to find clarity.

The Moon trines Venus. You are planning and preparing for something. Perhaps it is a home project, perhaps it is bigger than that. The prevailing emotions are modification and change. There is a joyfulness and a desire to not bring up old stuff. You recognize that the past is the past and it is time to move forward.

The Moon trines Mercury. You are adapting to navigating a more awakened mind. That causes some problems and challenges. It is all good, of course. But there is a constant demand that you need to look and really see with your own eyes. Without being awake, your reasoning becomes unfocused and shifts in the major paradigms will be more difficult.

~Suzanne Wagner~


When you dance, your
purpose it not to get to
a certain place on the
floor. It’s to enjoy each
step along the way.

~Wayne Dyer~





The music of life is what instructs me to move and assist me in expressing the flavor of my emotions when I dance. Life has a sound, a texture, a flavor. Even silence speaks volumes as you glide into that stillness, disrupting the innocent quiet with your own energy field. Your energy changes silence and fills it up with the very essence of your energy field. All its longings. All its desires. All its expressions. Within you is the music you seek. But in moments the external sounds of nature can re-align your circuits and guide you towards what needs to be revealed to your mind through your soul. Your soul’s song is constantly forming, unforming, and rearranging around the ebbs and flows of your life and your reactions to those energy patterns. Not all patterns are comfortable. It was never designed to be that way. Discomfort is intentionally discordant. Designed to disrupt the re-existing patterns that no longer serve.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 4/20/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/20/19

4/20/19 is the number 9. I often think that completion of the journey and experience of this human condition is about integration between our higher mind and out primal self. Getting those two to work in tangent is a challenge because one is designed to protect and defend and the other wants to observe, analyze, and conclude. But there is a glue that can hold the two of them together. And that is intuition. Intuition can feel in the gaps that exist between these very different perspectives. It can weave a connection to validate both without denying either. And intuition is deeply connected to the heart. The survival instincts are one thing, the cognitive ability to make sense out of things quite another. But to be able to use both and then allow intuition to connect the dots that are not clearly defined is a skill that takes practice and grounded connection through the heart to all things in life. You cannot have good intuition if you judge anyone or anything else as inferior or superior. We are all gifted with these same tools. It is up to each of us to use them wisely and for the greater good.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Today we move into Taurus. The spring sign that is all about practicality, relationships, intimacy, comfort, and connection. Priorities rearrange around family and the home. Perfect for getting all that spring cleaning set up so you can make your home, yard, and garden ready for all the beauty you want to create in your world.

At the same time, Venus enters one of her least favorite signs, Aries until May 15. This adds to the Full Moon re-balancing of self vs partnership. Expect an adventurous side to peak out into your world. Be aware that you might feel a bit more impulsive. Use it with consciousness. It is great to be passionate and ardent when it is channeled appropriately. Avoid hasty decisions and actions. Make your life beautiful and refined.

The Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune so you might just be pleasantly surprised. Imagination is heightened and your intuition is more accurate than normal. Open your mind to artistic endeavors.

The Moon sextile Saturn makes you feel not just responsible but more reliable also. You have objectives. It is time to face them. You may feel inspired by enthusiastic personal deliberation.

The Moon also sextiles Pluto, allowing an arising of increased interest in traveling and creating a life more rich and experiential.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Intuition is a sense of knowing how to act
spontaneously, without needing to know why. The
why question leads to indecision, anxiety, caution
and self-limitation. There are all responses which
originate in fear-based emotions.

~Sylvia Clare~





I reflect often on how many times I would be dead without my intuition and knowing how to trust it. Because you cannot blindly trust such a subtle energy without having some internal system of checks and balances. I believe intuition has been given to all of us in order to learn how to balance the energies of this dimension with the more spiritual and subtle energy dimensions that co-exist within our world.
Some people prize knowledge above all things. But that is just a level of mental discipline and integrative awareness that is necessary to navigate this reality. Primal instinct is there to allow us to survive in impossible situations and to give us the drive to keep going beyond our normal abilities and stamina. And intuition gives  you the insights that are not necessarily logical but end up being essential to making the correct choices that lead to survival.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Friday, April 19, 2019

Career Determination Using Numerology

Image for 'Career Determination Using Numerology' numerology article

Numerology can be used to help make career decisions.

You'll still need to make the final determinations yourself, of course. But interpretations of numerology calculation results may provide useful information for making that decision.

Determining a career for oneself can seem like a daunting task. It can feel like finalizing a life direction — without knowing what the future will hold.

Careers that are compatible with the energy of a person's numerology chart are more likely to be successful. The reason is because that type of a career is more likely to feel right and to be satisfying.

There are things a person generally can't control and that are outside the realm of numerology calculations, which may affect a person's career — things such as the future economy, population shifts, and government regulations. The things a person does not know, and is unaware that the information is missing, generally can't be used to make a better decision.

But traditional numerology calculations can always be used to see what tendencies and likelihoods they reveal.

(The complete article is at https://affinitynumerology.com/using-numerology/career-determination-using-numerology.php)

Numerology/Astrology for 4/19/19


Numerology/Astrology for 4/19/19

4/19/19 is the number 8. Letting go is what takes the real courage. You know when you are not in the right place but habits die hard. It feels good to help others. But today, it is about helping yourself. If you will not do what you can to protect your own interests, no one else will either. Letting go brings up grief, an emotion that most want to avoid at all costs. But life is to be filled with all the emotions not just the positive ones. Grief lets you know that you cared. Grief is part of that energetic shift that accompanies all growth. The old must die for the new to be reborn. Give permission to what you feel and allow it to move you into that new space.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Full Moon in Libra peaks this morning. Be more careful on your drive to work as many can be short-tempered. Disputes arise when you don’t want them and you may want to find a quiet refuge and stay there.

The Moon enters into Scorpio shortly after and brings with it a lot of energy. There is a passion that appears to want to move unimpeded. Remember your objectivity when choosing things. There are serious and significant changes to be made over the next few days. Things are different. You know it and now it is clear what needs to be let go.

The Moon opposes Uranus in Taurus. This is a bit of an eccentric position because desires combine with misguided emotions can cause erratic behavior. Heightened fluctuating moods stir more problems to the top than they solve. A new individualism is arising. What you want to do with this energy is up to you. You might want to revel in the pure sensual expression or you may want to restrain that same impulse. Notice if either is exactly correct because tragic and dramatic situations can arise in either direction.

You will be noticing where you think you are in relationship but where you actually are not. You are choosing to rebalance your relationships with your own individuality. The one caution is to not take on too much today. Over the next few months there is going to be a major restructuring happening globally.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Tears from the sky allow for new growth.
Tears from your eyes clear the illusions
that you have held onto for too long.
Tears from your heart break you open
and allow for expansion into
your definition of what love really is.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Tears


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 4/18/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/18/19

4/18/19 is the number 7. You know it. It is time to make some new boundaries. And it is time to say exactly what you need. It is not about others now, it is about if you are in alignment with what is true for you. Each of us have paths that we must step on. We distract ourselves helping others with what they need and often (because we are not sure what our path is) we put aside our own wants and needs. That time is over, astrologically and numerologically. The shifts have to be back to self. Just because you are not sure what is next does not me you don’t step off the cliff and into the void of the unknown. It is really freeing and satisfying if you allow spirit to make the path rather than your mind.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

While you were asleep the Moon in Libra Trined Mars, giving more willpower and courage to your activities. It allows for a more open-minded way of looking at things. All good news for what is happening in the world right now.

The Moon squares Saturn in Capricorn so expect a few obstacles and know that restraint is capable to those that hold a good center. You might feel a bit melancholy and unhappiness seems to follow you around. In dealing with relationships you know what you need to do. Now you just need to find the right time to do it.

The Moon squares Pluto in Capricorn this evening. Expect extreme shifts in your mood. Follow the flow of the emotions but do not think that any of them are actually 100% valid. You have been holding a lot of old stuff and it needs to move. Let it move through and out. Clarity is on the other side of constriction.

~Suzanne Wagner~


“You can’t stop the waves,
but you can learn to surf.”

~John Kabat-Zin~






In the distance you can feel the wave.
Bigger than anything you have felt.
At first it is the stillness that catches your mind.
Because the birds have gone and they know what is coming.
In that emptiness there is a void calling for change.
It pulls at the energetic cords that connect all things.
There are moments you know that beyond the viewed horizon
is something that you could not imagine….ever.
And it is coming.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Career Suggestions Tool

Image for 'Career Suggestions Tool' numerology article

Careers that are compatible with the energy of a person's numerology chart are more likely to be satisfying and a success.

When something is compatible with your personal numerology chart, it is said to have a resonance.

The calculator, further below, responds with a list of careers likely to resonate best with the two most important core numbers of your numerology chart. Those core numbers are the life path number (birth date number) and the destiny number (name number).

The most career resonance is generally determined by the birth date. That is because the life path number is the base for most experience calculations.

A list of careers compatible with the destiny number is also included (provided the destiny number is different than the life path number).

Please understand, this website only provides suggestions. It does not provide a final determination. The final determination of what is good or best for you is your own.

The results provided by this calculator don't list every career available that resonates with your numerology profile. Instead, the results reveal types of careers in general.

Where the types of careers would be different when considering the name number, the birth date number-related types of careers are listed separately, above the name number-related types.

(The complete article is at https://affinitynumerology.com/numerology-tools/career-suggestions-tool.php)

Numerology/Astrology for 4/17/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/17/19

4/17/19 is the number 6. Going within is often the only way, the only door, and really the only answer. The external is a huge distraction from your authenticity if you have not yet discovered it. Longing to be something that you are not pulls you in directions that do not allow for a natural evolution of your spiritual consciousness. When you are reaching you are not always reaching from a place of ease but a place of lack of self-worth. “If only I could be….” Egos love to play the game of not being worthy of things. It is such a lie. You are worthy because you are here. You are worthy because you would not be at this place and time without the skills to be able to take things up to a new level. That choice of going to that new level is completely up to you. All things take effort. Not all things have to be hard.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

With the Moon in Libra, you long for more harmony and balance in your life. What is out of balance is often what is no longer necessary for your growth and needs to be let go. It is the love we feel for others that creates attachments that continue to pull the scales out of balance. But there is a feeling now that what you need to do is essential for you and other agendas are becoming less and less of a pull. Choice is also what Libra is about and to choose, you have to often follow the gut, not the mind. Be open to the moment for that conversation that is to set you free from your past desire to help others at the expense of yourself.

As Mercury is not in Aries, a period of communication is now raising to a new level. Success is supported by an active mind that is constructive in its organization and concrete in its choices. For some this is going to appear as fierce discussions with hints of severity. Use this energy to co-create vivid and new loud clarifications to what needs to happen next for you.

With the Moon in Opposition to Mercury it is a good day to expand or enhance your spiritual gifts. But stick to the truth ruthlessly. Difficulties arise quickly when you live in supposition.

~Suzanne Wagner~


“Chaos is a ladder”

~Game of Thrones

What Bran Stark said to Little Finger~






Chaos is a pack of wolves you hear in the distance.
Chaos is the antidote to complacency.
As the howling gets closer there is a desire to run.
But run where? What are you running from? What are you running towards?
If you cannot answer those questions then you sit and wait.
The more fear you hold the longer you wait.
And the closer those wolves get.
Those wolves are your wildness that is calling out to you.
Where are you? We are over here! We are coming to find you!
If you fear your own wildness, you will freeze up.
If you embrace your wildness, their call stirs something deep inside.
If you fear conflict you are not in touch with your wildness.
If you fear being wrong you are not in touch with your wildness.
But those wolves will never stop stalking you on the inner and outer planes.
You are a part of this wild planet.
Wildness is in your nature.
You cannot tame it with books and knowledge.
Wildness is a “She”.
And “She” cares not about your opinions.
“She” cares only about you reclaiming your own experience.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 4/17/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/16/19

4/16/19 is the number 5. Keep both feet on the ground and look both ways before crossing the streets. It’s a bit crazy out there. Full presence is what is required for all activities. Don’t let life throw you off your center. Healing is the emblem of this number and sometimes the physical world requires more time than you mind would want. But in the end, you have to be willing to do what it takes to make things happen. You can either be at the whim of the waves or make a few of your own.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon is in Virgo adding order and structure to your day. But it is in Opposition to Neptune in Pisces. This may cause flights of fancy, passivity, over sensitivity, and mental interference. Your thinking might keep jumping around so remember that truth is relative. You continue to feel uneasy but your passionate side is alive and well.
The Moon Trines Saturn in Capricorn offering up responsibility and more organization. The goals have shifted to a new emerging dream. There is a clarity and objectivity as your mind is inspired in more deliberate ways. This is great energy for motivating you towards career.
The Moon also Trines Pluto. On an emotional level it puts you in a more vulnerable and tender mood. It is attempting to get you to re-orient yourself around some new priorities. This newfound depth and sentimentality can lead you to new doors and shows that you are changing and looking at things on a career front differently.
This evening the Moon Squares Jupiter in Sagittarius. This type of aspect can make you have run-ins with the law. Extravagance is not going to be taken well by the authorities. Drinking is not advised at this time. Your bile and liver are unusually weak under this aspect.
Overall a decent but emotional day. Rein in those places you want to go too far. Excess will only lead to more problems.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Everyone has doors in the living room of their
lives that they assume are locked. Doors that
lead to artistic expression. People say “I have no
I can’t dance or sing or paint or write poetry
or play an instrument.” More often than not the
doors are not locked, just closed. One may turn
the handle, open the door and pass through into
a larger life space.
~Robert Fulghum~






With the fire at Notre Dame, it is not hard to see the multifaceted metaphorical meaning to this one event in relation to the world. I have spoken often over the past many years how the Divine Mother is attempting to warn us. Attempting to get our attention. Attempting to steer us off a destructive course that seems to continue to spiral out of control. This is one more of her attempts to wake us back up and remember what is important.
I am reminded of another powerful moment in history when two great women died a week apart. Princess Diana died August 31, 1997 and then on September 5, 1997, Mother Teresa died. That moment also was profound because two very different types of mothers left us.
Archetypically, Diana was our modern side that tried to break out of the dogma of old rules and structures. She was a protector of children and those suffering. She cared not for old stereotypes or sexual orientation and treated all as equals. Mother Teresa was a religious figure that many considered a saint. She was the older school mother but still unconditionally loving and chose to serve those that had nothing and care for those that others saw as worthless.
Notre Dame is the symbol of the “Mother Church”. The very heart of the Catholic Church. She is feminine and in general, “fire” tends to burn away in the heat the negative “Karma” that has been accumulated by the Catholic Church over the centuries. Religions are not bad. But the humans that attempt to interpret the laws of great saints and teachers, or God, fail again and again. Everyone is down here doing karma. And the recent revelations from the very honest Pope reveal the dark and dirty secrets that have been festering in the toxic environments of rigid, fundamentalist, dogmatic, beliefs for way too long. The feminine is waking up. The feminine is not going to allow itself to be dumped on any more. Times change and this is at least a good change and flow in a direction that has needed to happen for a long time. How it will unfold is going to be interesting for all to see. We have stood on an old path for too long and now this shift is going to open previously closed doors.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Monday, April 15, 2019

Number 197 Meaning

Numerology/Astrology for 4/15/19 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/15/19

4/15/19 is the number 4. The astrology is pushing and pulling at you today. You are going to have to find a better balance. Unfortunately, it is all up to you. No one is in the position to help you. Find your center first then move from that center and know that you have options when you are flexible in mind and heart.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon moves into the sign of Virgo today and you will perhaps get the tidy bug going as you attempt to clean up things. Make small headway  and allow that to be satisfying enough. Because the Moon also squares Mars and that can create a bit of a frenzy.

Venus and Jupiter square and that points to not making hasty sudden decisions. Remember the Moon in Virgo likes everything in its place first.

There is an impulse to overdo, overindulge, overspend and overstate your feelings. Show maturity and restraint.

Let today give you a braver social face and know that procrastination is highly likely.

There is a minor relationship challenge on Monday afternoon, so take some quiet time and hold off difficult relationship conversations.

Mercury is still coming out of that shadow period and expect a few glitches one way or another. But the effect is lessening.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Words have no power to impress
the mind without the exquisite
horror of their reality.
~Edgar Allan Poe~






I can’t believe that we are at the point (again) where somehow there needs to be reminders to some that, it is about being kind, good, compassionate, caring, and simply doing what is right. I wonder at why that so hard? Why is it so hard to have humanity recognize that we are all in this together? The equation for contentment and a peaceful world is to just do the right thing when you are asked to do it? It is not hard to know that to have world peace we have to have stable societies. It is not hard to see that with all our intelligence that we need green energy systems to become the priority and fast. It is not hard to recognize that our polluting of the world’s oceans and water systems causes disease, death, and eventually war for others suffering. It is not hard to elect officials that want to do good and do what is right for the planet. (Unless you have not been brainwashed by information designed to stall the progress of mankind.)
And the worst kinds of people actively do things that are against the interest of the people. Only the most corrupt and evil types can look you in the face and directly lie to you to get their way, knowing full well that they are trying to get you to swallow garbage so they don’t have to change their filthy ways.
But the tide is changing and while you cannot fix everything, you cannot fall into the most obvious traps. Just because you do not understand the technology does not mean it is wrong.
My husband has been a solar engineer for over 38 years and when he was working in India at the beginning, he had engineers with degrees tell him that you cannot turn energy from the sun into usable energy for electricity, again and again. Just because someone has not had an experience does not mean these things are not possible. When he would tell them that he had lived off the grid with solar in his own personal house exclusively for over 32 years, they were shocked.
It is time for everyone to open their eyes and see the active manipulation that the oil companies have used on the minds of many to make them continue to be dependent in foreign oil. Which is completely insane because those that want to actively destroy the US are those very oil companies. How insane do you have to be to allow such a destructive force to continue to rape this beautiful world and somehow manage to keep your eyes shut.
When you recognize that you have been used, hopefully you will get mad. And when you get mad, I hope that you make your own choices that change your personal behaviors. Because as long as we buy the products, they will continue to do what they are doing.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Unveiling the Compatibility of Number 9 and Number 4 in Love

Unveiling the Compatibility of Number 9 and Number 4 in Love This blog delves into the fascinating world of numerology,  exploring the love ...