Showing posts with label Affinity Numerology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Affinity Numerology. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Numerology Name Analysis

Image for 'Numerology Name Analysis' numerology article

Analyzing a name is interpreting the numerology energy represented by the name.

The purpose of an analysis is to provide someone with knowledge about themself and a feeling of certainty. When the name is accurately and appropriately interpreted, the analysis can give the person considerable personal understanding with which to make life choices.

A name analysis is a numerology reading. But the intent may differ. A name analysis is a focus on the name. A numerology reading generally interprets both the name and birth date.

The name focus, omitting the potential distraction of birth date energy, allows the analysis to be deeper or clearer than general numerology readings.

With a basic or foundational name analysis, each of three specific name numbers is deeply analyzed. No number relationships to other numerology chart positions apply here.

There may be analysis of additional name numbers. But a basic name analysis generally addresses only those three most important numbers.

Now, let's talk about the three most important name numbers.

(The complete article is at

Friday, May 10, 2019

How to Determine Master Numbers

Image for 'How to Determine Master Numbers' numerology article

Whenever a personal numerology chart has master numbers, there will be at least one in the core number positions.

When one master number is found in the core numbers, then the same number elsewhere in the chart can have an influence.

The influence comes from a resonance with the number in the core position. They enhance or encourage each other. The resonance gives the non-core master number the energy to have a master number-like effect.

For book: The REAL Numerology Master Numbers History of master numbers. People, including pseudo- or wannabe-numerologists, like the sound of "master numbers". The 33 was added. Then the 44. ("If 33 is a master number then surely 44 is, too. And 55. Right?!") They search for master numbers within their chart like it would give them god-like qualities, assigning master-number qualities to what appears to be a master number but doesn't resonate like one. Suddenly, we are all super beings. Which, of course, we always were. Now, let's ground ourselves and see what real master numbers really are.

Before we go further, let's state what a master number is:

A master number is the number 11, the number 22, or the number 33 in a numerology chart that is not reduced to a single digit.

When none of the core numbers are master numbers, any other number 11, 22, or 33 in the numerology chart is reduced to its 2, 4, or 6 single-digit equivalent.

As an example, let's suppose a person's personal year number calculates to the number 11. If that person does not have a master number 11 in one of their core numbers, the personal year 11 is further reduced to the number 2.

(The complete article is at

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Master Numbers Tool

Image for 'Master Numbers Tool' numerology article

The numbers 11, 22, and 33 are often found in numerology charts. But they are not always master numbers.

Master numbers can occur in numerology chart core numbers. When none of the core numbers are master numbers, any other number 11, 22, or 33 in the numerology chart is reduced to its 2, 4, or 6 single digit.

When one or more master numbers are found within the chart core number positions, then something else happens: The same number in other chart positions can now resonate with the core master number. Because they are the same number, they support each other and the energy of both can be enhanced.

The article about determining master numbers explains that in more detail.

The master number search tool is further below. It finds any master numbers in the core number positions of the personal numerology chart for the name and birth date the calculator is provided with.

(The complete article is at

Friday, May 3, 2019

Telephone Number Meaning

Image for 'Telephone Number Meaning' numerology article

Like house numbers and street addresses, telephone numbers represent numerology energy that can be interpreted.

House, address, and telephone number energies are effective only when they are interacted with. In other words, the energy represented by a telephone number can have an effect only when the number is being used or otherwise associated with.

There are 3 ways the numerology energy of a telephone number can have an effect.

  1. When your telephone number is a person's first information about you, the energy can have a subtle effect on their first impression of you because it is all they know about you. First impressions are made from whatever is available and might or might not be compatible with who the person really is.

  2. The energy may have a subtle effect on the caller when they dial the number and on how they approach the conversation — because they are interacting with the telephone number directly. The number, and the effect the caller experiences, might or might not be compatible with the person who owns the telephone number.

  3. The energy can have a subtle effect on you while you are using the telephone or otherwise associate with it.

It is important to keep in mind that the energy represented by telephone numbers are external influences that can have a direct effect only while associating with them — unlike personal chart numbers that have potential for a perpetual effect.

(The complete article is at

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Telephone Number Compatibility Tool

Image for 'Telephone Number Compatibility Tool' numerology article

Telephone numbers represent certain numerology energy, as do other named or numbered products, services, or geographical areas that are not part of a personal numerology chart.

It is important to keep in mind that the energy of telephone numbers are external influences that can have an effect only when associating with them — unlike personal chart numbers that can have a perpetual effect. In other words, the energy can have a direct effect on you only while you are using the telephone or otherwise associating with it.

The calculator further below calculates the compatibility of one or more telephone numbers.

The compatibility is calculated for the telephone number owner's name number and birth date number or, if a company, its start date number. Optionally, also for one or more uses you anticipate for the telephone numbers — personal, family, social, and business or career.

When specifying a telephone number for the calculator, specify the local number, not any area or country codes that might be applied by those calling from outside your local area. If your telephone tells you what your number is, specify that number for the calculator.

The numerology of telephone numbers article has more information about telephone number compatibility.

Use the calculator below to calculate the compatibility of the telephone number or numbers you have in mind.

(The complete article is at

Telephone Number Meaning

Image for 'Telephone Number Meaning' numerology article

There are 3 ways the numerology energy of a telephone number can have an effect.

  1. When your telephone number is a person's first information about you, the energy can have a subtle effect on their first impression of you.

  2. The energy may have a subtle effect on the caller when they dial the number and on how they approach the conversation.

  3. The energy can have a subtle effect on you while you are using the telephone or otherwise associate with it.

It is important to keep in mind that the energy represented by telephone numbers are external influences that can have a direct effect only while associating with them — unlike personal chart numbers that have potential for a perpetual effect.

(The complete article is at

Friday, April 26, 2019

A Guide to Free Online Numerology Calculators

Image for 'A Guide to Free Online Numerology Calculators' numerology article

This website has dozens of free online numerology tools and calculators.

is to provide guidance about the three types of calculators — personal characteristics, life path, and love — with links to the calculators in those categories.

There are other types of calculators in addition to those categories, but the three lists contain most of the calculators on the calculators index page.

These are the 3 types of tools and calculators:

  1. The Personal Characteristics list includes character traits such as personality, destiny, heart's desire, and outlook on life.

  2. The Life Path list includes career suggestions and also events and circumstances likely to occur in the future.

  3. The Romance & Marriage list includes marriage dates and compatibility.

The lists are further below. A few calculators are listed in more than one category.

(The complete article is at

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

All Your Other Names

Image for 'All Your Other Names' numerology article

You have a birth name, your name as first officially recorded at or soon after birth.

And then there are all your other names.

They may be names used with your friends, private for yourself, for convenience, for traditional reasons, or for professional reasons. Here is a list of other names a person might have:

  • Your familiar, informal name that friends and co-workers use to address you.

  • A married name — a name assumed because of marriage, generally in honor of tradition.

  • An official or other name change to have an augmented or different numerology chart.

  • A playful or private name assigned to you by a loved one.

  • An author pen name.

  • A professional name self-determined to better resonate with a profession or career — such as a stage name.

  • A name that you think of yourself as, perhaps privately.

  • Any other assumed name or nickname assumed by choice or assigned by circumstances.

Using a name other than the birth name can have a remarkable effect on a person. Or little effect at all.

Some of the effects may be unexpected.

(The complete article is at

Friday, April 19, 2019

Career Determination Using Numerology

Image for 'Career Determination Using Numerology' numerology article

Numerology can be used to help make career decisions.

You'll still need to make the final determinations yourself, of course. But interpretations of numerology calculation results may provide useful information for making that decision.

Determining a career for oneself can seem like a daunting task. It can feel like finalizing a life direction — without knowing what the future will hold.

Careers that are compatible with the energy of a person's numerology chart are more likely to be successful. The reason is because that type of a career is more likely to feel right and to be satisfying.

There are things a person generally can't control and that are outside the realm of numerology calculations, which may affect a person's career — things such as the future economy, population shifts, and government regulations. The things a person does not know, and is unaware that the information is missing, generally can't be used to make a better decision.

But traditional numerology calculations can always be used to see what tendencies and likelihoods they reveal.

(The complete article is at

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Career Suggestions Tool

Image for 'Career Suggestions Tool' numerology article

Careers that are compatible with the energy of a person's numerology chart are more likely to be satisfying and a success.

When something is compatible with your personal numerology chart, it is said to have a resonance.

The calculator, further below, responds with a list of careers likely to resonate best with the two most important core numbers of your numerology chart. Those core numbers are the life path number (birth date number) and the destiny number (name number).

The most career resonance is generally determined by the birth date. That is because the life path number is the base for most experience calculations.

A list of careers compatible with the destiny number is also included (provided the destiny number is different than the life path number).

Please understand, this website only provides suggestions. It does not provide a final determination. The final determination of what is good or best for you is your own.

The results provided by this calculator don't list every career available that resonates with your numerology profile. Instead, the results reveal types of careers in general.

Where the types of careers would be different when considering the name number, the birth date number-related types of careers are listed separately, above the name number-related types.

(The complete article is at

Friday, April 12, 2019

Name Energy Intensification

Image for 'Name Energy Intensification' numerology article

A numerology number represents energy. Every letter in a name is represented by a single-digit number.

Repetition of a number tends to intensify the energy the number represents.

Therefore, when a number represented by letters of a name is repeated, the energy represented by that number is intensified. The number repeated most often is the name energy intensification number.

When the energy of a number is intensified, it reveals additional meaning in your name.

These are meanings not addressed by the name's core numbers. Instead, the meanings are interpretations of the energy that is intensified.

The energy generally has less force than the name core number energies, unless the intensified energy is identical to the energy of a core number.

Interpretations for each of the intensification numbers are further below.

(The complete article is at

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Name Energy Intensification Calculator

Image for 'Name Energy Intensification Calculator' numerology article

A numerology number represents energy.

Every letter in a name is represented by a single-digit number from 1 through 9. When a number is repeated, there is more of that energy.

The number repeated most often represents a special intensification of the number's energies. When more than one number is tied for the most often repeated, each of the tied numbers represent their own special intensification.

The special name energy intensification article elaborates on that idea.

Use this tool to calculate name energy intensification numbers and read the interpretation of that energy.

(The complete article is at

Friday, April 5, 2019

External Influences

Image for 'External Influences' numerology article

There are two broad numerology energy influences that can affect every individual.

  1. The energy represented by the personal numerology chart. This is intrinsic influence.

  2. All other influences are external influence.

External influences on the energy represented by your numerology chart are the subject of this article.

External Influences on Numerology Readings

There are several different types of influences that are good to be aware of.

The name first recorded at birth is an innate static influence. The influence may evolve by changing the name. Yet the basic influence is always there.

The birth date is an innate influence, both static and cyclic.

External influences are outside the person, not innate or intrinsic like the personal numerology chart.

"External" as used in this context means such things as the personal telephone number, the names of siblings, the name of the town of residence, the calendar year — anything outside a person with a name or number that can be subject to numerology calculations.

Now, we'll talk about the several types of external influences.

(The complete article is at

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Finding a Soul Mate

Image for 'Finding a Soul Mate' numerology article

I often get asked whether or not someone is a soul mate or when they will find their soul mate, and even if there is a soul mate for them.

Some people seem to have the idea that a soul mate is someone who understands them and they understand the soul mate.

Other people think a soul mate must be the person they marry and have life-long happiness with.

I've responded to questions about whether or not a certain person is their soul mate. The person they are dating is someone they really, really like. But they hesitate to begin a romantic relationship because what if this person is not their soul mate and their soul mate shows up later in life — it would mean they would miss their soul mate or they would have to end their current relationship.

Some believe there must be one, and only one, soul mate for every individual. Others trust that there are multiple potential soul mates for everybody.

Soul mate answers depend on what a person believes or feels a soul mate is and what it means. The meaning is subjective.

It can be a conundrum.

(The complete article is at


Unveiling the Compatibility of Number 9 and Number 4 in Love

Unveiling the Compatibility of Number 9 and Number 4 in Love This blog delves into the fascinating world of numerology,  exploring the love ...