Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Most Powerful Numerology Cycle

Image for 'The Most Powerful Numerology Cycle' numerology article

There are short numerology cycles, long cycles, and even a whole-life cycle. There are cycles within cycles. And transits, which may change every year but generally last longer.

A question may be asked in reference to all the cycles and transits in a full numerology chart:

Which Numerology Cycle Is the Most Powerful?

In general, although not accurate for every personal numerology chart, the longer the cycle the more powerful it is.

(Exceptions are when numbers in other chart positions resonate with a smaller cycle and not with a larger cycle.)

A longer cycle is more powerful than other cycles because, as a long cycle:

  • It affects shorter cycles within it.
  • It has more time to affect the events and circumstances attracted by the cycle.

So, which cycle is the longest?

(The complete article is at

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