Friday, May 31, 2019

Numerology Name Numbers Calculator

Image for 'Numerology Name Numbers Calculator' numerology article

Use the calculator further below to calculate the three major name number positions of a numerology chart. For each major name number, the calculator provides an illustration of the calculations and an interpretation of energy the calculated result represents.

The 3 major name numbers are all core numbers. They are:

  1. The numerology heart's desire number, calculated from the vowels in the name. The heart's desire energy is an inner urge a person is born with, that which drives them.

  2. The numerology personality number, calculated from the consonants in the name. The personality energy influences how a person presents themself to the world — also the general tone, likelihoods, and tendencies of how they approach life.

  3. The numerology destiny number, calculated from all letters in the name. The destiny energy resonates with how a person knows themself to be now, and the person they tend to become more of or evolve into.

See How to Calculate Numerology Name Numbers for more information about how to calculate name numbers.

All the calculator needs is a name upon which to do the calculations.

(The complete article is at

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