Sunday, September 30, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 10/1/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 10/1/18


10/1/18 is the number 4. The number 4 asks us again to decide where the balance is. Clearly, we have not yet figured it out and clearly there are levels of imbalance that continue to threaten our world in a myriad of ways. There are those whose clear intent is to tear down the fabric of our societies. All we can do is become the voice that holds the values, needs, and desires of all deep in our heart and to dissolve away the injustices that attempt to divide and separate one group, color, or gender from another. Everyone should have the right to choose. Everyone should have the same opportunities as another. Those that continue to divide this world destroy the very thing they believe they are protecting. Life cannot thrive in a space of such imbalance. Just as when there is not enough oxygen, certain organisms die allowing others to invade and thrive on the death and destruction happening. Such is our world at this moment. We shall see how this all unfolds in quite a rapid succession. These moments are like a bunch of boulders rolling out of control down a hill, while eventually crash and stop, but the destruction is evident for all to see.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


The desire to communicate and connect is still very high with the Moon in Gemini until early afternoon. With the shift into Cancer further along in the day you will want to find comfort in small things and to be with things and people that are familiar.

The Moon opposes Saturn and harmonized with Uranus and while frustration is still clearly on the docket that pull you away from things that seem important, do your best to go with the flow. There is a strong desire to turn tensions into something that gives a winning edge.

Find the things that give your life meaning and then allow that to bring breath and light back into your world.
~Suzanne Wagner~


May we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.
~Dwight D. Eisenhower~




The Elemental Feminine Workshop that Jennie Smith and I do two times a year went wonderfully. I am always so honored to see women open and explore the beauty and light that is within each of them. In life there are moments that you know make a difference and these workshops are some of those moments in my life. In a world where there is so much emotional upset, confusion, and chaos, it is fabulous to have a space to be real and to allow the complete and total flow of feminine emotion to be explored without judgement or shame.

While all of us are deeply feeling oriented, so many have not been given the tools to navigate complex emotions nor the mental skills to learn objective reasoning when in the most intense moments in life. I hope for a world when such tools are available to all and that such types of learning become the norm for conscious societies.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Saturday, September 29, 2018

Find Your Missing Name Numbers

Image for 'Find Your Missing Name Numbers' numerology article

Every letter of a person's name has a single-digit number associated with it. Some names have one or more numbers missing.

If the numbers missing in the letters of the name are present as major name numbers, those numbers are not considered missing.

'20181001' or ( date('Ymd') >= '20181001' and intval(date('H')) > 11 and intval(date('i')) > 32 ) ): ?> See Numerology Life Lessons and Missing Numbers for more An article being readied for publication on October 1st will have important information related to missing name numbers. Article content includes a description of what it means when there are missing numbers in a person's name.

The calculator below determines if any numbers are missing from your name, removing any major name numbers from the list. The calculator then provides an interpretation for each missing number.

(The complete article is at

Numerology/Astrology for 9/30/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 9/30/18


9/30/18 is the number 5. The number 5 asks you to take care of your body, your family, your emotional well-being, and this beautiful world. Do something that makes a difference. Go out and pick up trash. Go help a neighbor. Find a cause that means something to you and volunteer. Change your diet and bring health and vitality back into your body. When the stormy winds blow it is always good to have certain anchors that you know you can depend upon. Heath is a big one. When you are healthy, you take advantage of it and don’t notice how smoothly the body can run. Today, if you are healthy, appreciate your body and do something to support it. If you are not feeling great, make the necessary changes that will give your body what it needs to find that homeostasis.

Astrology Today


Pluto turns direct after 5 months of retrograde which will add intensity that I am sure everyone would prefer would dissipate. It is building towards a profound change that is coming over the next few weeks and months. The power to make a change is now less internal and more external. It is also becoming more insistent and direct. The tendency for the masses to take matters into their own hands is extremely high. Pluto can be brutal and as it is the planet of karma, transformation, and change. I would be prepared for many to actively make critically essential changes that matter to them.

The Moon is still in the talkative sign of Gemini all day and while thoughts keep swirling around in your head as you look at both sides in an attempt to understand the absolute meanness in this world, know that there are no easy answers and the challenges to communication continues.

Mercury forms a quincunx to Neptune making the emotional waters murky, muddy, and toxic. Uncertainty is the name of the game. Indecision in the external world continues to thwart constructive movement in the direction that is helpful to this world. Logic and intuitive knowing are at odds in moments. So, while daydreaming is longed for, productivity and clear communication is noticeably lacking.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Autumn shows us
how beautiful it is
to let things go.




Glimpse into October Astrology


October Astrology begins with Chiron (the Wounded Healer Teacher) moving retrograde back into Pisces. It has been there since 2011 and touched over into Aries over the last few months. But it returns in late February 2019 and will then be there until the spring of 2027. When a planet or asteroid goes backwards for one final hit in a sign it is the indicator for you to clean up a few more things that are dogging you from 2011. Take an honest look and determine where you need more compassion (Pisces). Forgiveness is a skill that is a choice. Just remember that people are often lost and confused in this density and believe things that are not always real. While ignorance is not an excuse, meanness is also not acceptable in civil society. This would be the moment to do that workshop, vision quest, special journey that you have been waiting to do. Venus is turning retrograde in October and will be dancing to a different toon until November 16. All of your relationships are up for review. But Venus is also about money. It is a good time to make a critical adjustment to the financial planning you have for the future. Now, would be the time. Perhaps you want to beautify something like your home. Just know in this astrology, do not take on a huge project that is expensive right now. The finances globally are very tricky. Do not get in over your head. As Venus begins her retrograde cycle, she is in the introspective sign of Scorpio, bringing you into deeper touch with what really matters to you. But what Scorpio reveals is often not what you want to see. Know that your unhealed issues and vulnerabilities are going to be right on the surface. It moves back into a more balanced place of Libra on Halloween.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Numerology Report: Step Forward –The Gift of October’s 1 Vibration

Step Forward –The Gift of October’s 1 Vibration

September’s 9 vibration presented us with endings, completions, reassessments, clearing clutter (physical, mental, digital), taking a hard look at what’s working what’s not, and letting go… or preparing to let go. Kind of like full moon energy, only all month long.

Many of the shifts and stresses that showed up had to do with one or more of your relationships (including the one you have with yourself), since we are in a 2-year. It may have required forgiveness (the 9), letting go of how you thought it should be (the 9), and also seeing things from a different perspective (the 2).

Another aspect of September’s energy was asking you to learn (or be willing to learn) to be comfortable with not really knowing what comes next, but knowing things as they are  just isn’t cutting it anymore. Yeah, that’s unsettling. And possibly triggering you in ways you don’t understand.

In tune with the 9 vibe of September, I cleared out a bunch of clutter from my house and released my office, again. Plus there was a lot of family stuff going on, including our cat Dexter preparing us for his departure. And boy can he be annoying in the process! I have to remind myself that he is a stubborn old man in cat years (he’s 18), but he thinks he’s still the baby.

Now we shift from the 9’s spotlight on what no longer is working well or has run its course to October’s 1 vibration of what do you want instead.

October is a 1 vibration month. The primary essence of the number 1 includes Beginnings, Creativity, Ideas, Originality, Inventive, Individualistic, Leadership, Organization Positivity, and Independent.

Other Aspects of the 1 vibration are: intelligence, inspiring, courage, proud, possibilities, opening, initiation/initiating, development, methodical, determined, authoritative, assertive, healthy ego, self-focused, opportunity, manifesting, and intention.

And because October is the 10th month of the year, you also have the subtle manifesting energy of the number 10 working behind the scenes. This is a good news/bad news vibration, as the number 10 is the Wheel of Fortune – whatever you focus on you bring to you. So if you are stuck in worry or lack, then more of that energy of worry and lack show up. ARRGH!

So this month (and really, every month) be the thought police for yourself.

Don’t go crazy thinking “cancel, cancel” or “erase, erase” every time you catch yourself in those yucky places in your mind. Because when you do that “cancel erase” shtick it just puts even more energy towards what you don’t want.

No, instead of throwing more fuel into your negative mind chatter, just acknowledge the thought and let it float away like a bubble. Then think about what you do want. Appreciate the things you do have. Gratitude and appreciation really help you raise your vibe to a more attractive manifesting place.

So if September was like an immersion in full-moon releasing energy all month long (whew), October will be more like being immersed in new moon energy all month long.

I wish I could tell you that the intensity of the energy on beautiful planet Earth will calm down and move from a category 3 hurricane to a light breeze, but that would be delusional and misleading. The energy is amped up for a reason and that is to help us strip away the old programming, the outdated systems, and all the things you cling to that are really not part of who you really are… just something you picked up along your journey.

We started a new 9-year cycle in 2017 that was about coming home to you, then moving into self-mastery with the end goal of self-sovereignty. You’re on the path. You might be kicking and screaming because things aren’t working the way they used to. And that’s because the old has to crumble to make way for the new.

On the bright side, this is a month ripe with creative energy. If you’re an artist or any kind, you can tap into this and boost your creative expression. If art isn’t your thing, this creative energy can be harnessed to help you create what you want in life, career, business… or at least get you moving in that direction.

That’s why when I tapped into the energy and asked my guides what the theme for this October was, the message I received was:

Step Forward.

Yes! It is time for you to step forward in one or more areas of your life. It can be a baby step or a giant step, or something in between. Your choice.

“Ahh,” you say, “but what is my first step?”

Your first step is to commit fully to moving forward and being open to whatever that next step is. The step doesn’t reveal itself until you make a decision to take that step into the unknown.

And that, my friends, is one of the hardest things for adult humans to do. Take a step without knowing what the step is, what it entails, if it will hurt, if you can really do it, or if you will make a fool of yourself, or if you will fail (or succeed). I totally understand. I get this way too. Yet kids leap into the unknown all the time. They call it play. We, on the other hand, might feel the need to control, which gets in the way of creating anything new.

Maybe this month you let your adventurous inner child out to play more.

The next part of October’s theme is designed to help you take a Step Forward…

Be Inspired – and – Show up for yourself

So I ask you to sit with both of those things, feel into them…

Be Inspired

  • What does it mean to be inspired?
  • How does it feel to be inspired?
  • What inspires you?
  • How can you add more of that into your daily life?

Show up for yourself

  • What does show up for yourself mean?
  • Does it feel selfish?
  • Are you better at showing up for others then yourself? If so why?
  • Do you self-abandon, thinking others are more important that you?
  • Do you put yourself last on your list?
  • What do you currently do to show up for yourself?
  • What one thing can you do to show up for yourself?

Now sit with taking a Step Forward…

  • What’s the first thing that comes to mind?
  • What would you like to do or have?
  • What vision or goal did you create at the beginning of the year? Is it time to take a step forward into that… or maybe shift course a bit?
  • If you knew you would succeed, what is it you wish to do or create?
  • Are you willing to commit to moving forward in one or more areas of your life now?
  • Which areas?
  • Decide to take that baby step or leap forward now… trusting that the right opportunity will appear, the step will be revealed and the new adventure begins… be sure to dump your attachment to what it looks like!

Ready, set, go…

If it helps, you can say one of my favorite affirmations as you take that step (or contemplate taking that step): “Things are always working out for me!”

You can do it. I believe in you. Have courage.

The Shadow Side of the 1 vibration may show up as:

  • Overthinking
  • Controlling
  • Trying to make something happen
  • Impatience & frustration
  • Being hypersensitive
  • Blocked and fearful
  • Stubborn

When you realize you are exhibiting shadow elements, stop what you’re doing and take a nice deep breath. If you put your hand on your heart, it shifts your attention from your head and crappy thoughts.

Take 3 deep breaths – inhale slowly and exhale slowly. Imagine a pink light surrounding your heart space and your thoughts as you do this. Imagine the fear, resistance and any other undesirable behavior floating away in that bubble of pink light. Imagine filling yourself with the light of unconditional love or joy. I like to use gold light, but you can choose whatever feels good to you.

I invite you to then think about what you would like your life to be like instead of whatever was going on that sent you into the shadow.

Now what one small thing can you do today to take you in that direction?


Step fearlessly into that uncomfortable territory of the unknown. For that is where your growth and opportunities await you.

With Love and Appreciation,


KarenMWinkelman_nature(4x4,100dpi)Karen M. Winkelman

Intuitive Consultant for Your Life and Your Business

An eclectic mix of creativity and business, woo and practical, spirituality and science, Karen is a natural counselor who can help you reframe a situation, reconnect with your creative essence, and rediscover your sense of self.

For most of her life, Karen’s empowered other creatives and heart-centered professionals to find clarity and direction, bust through blocks and get unstuck. Whether working with clients, speaking at an event, or chatting with friends, Karen blends intuition, wisdom, and spiritual teachings with deep listening, practical guidance, and a wickedly playful sense of humor.

Intuitive numerologist, idea generator, and illuminator, Karen can help you see possibilities and give you permission to stop “Shoulding” yourself and be and do “You” instead.  Karen is available for consultations, workshops and speaking engagements.

If you’d like your personal numerology forecast for 2018 or if you’d like clarity and direction for those pesky issues in your life or business, I’d love to work with you if we’re a fit. Let’s connect: and



Friday, September 28, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 9/29/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 9/29/18


9/29/18 is the number 4. The number 4 is about the inner Buddha nature that is the seed of potential within all of us. And while it needs to be cultivated to be fully realized and expressed in the world, it is always a part of on living beings on this world. At this time in society, learning to consciously focus on bringing more of our own Buddha nature into being is an essential and powerful tool. If you do not know who you are deep down in that place where your life essence is sparked, you do not know really who you are or what your life is for or about. Take some time today to let the dark clouds of fear in your mind clear for a moment through meditation or spending time in nature and reconnect to that bring light within your own core. Then shine that out into the world and remind others of who they have hidden away within their own mind.
~Suzanne Wagner~

In teachings by Khenop Tsultrim Tenzin, the teacher explained it this way: “Impurities and defilements are the fruition of mistaken view… When defilements are removed (it is like) when the sun is freed from the clouds, then all the sun quality is there.”

Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche defined Buddha Nature as: “… our fundamental nature of mind is a luminous expanse of awareness that is beyond all conceptual fabrication and completely free from the movement of thoughts. It is the union of emptiness and clarity, of space and radiant awareness that is endowed with supreme and immeasurable qualities.”

“Buddha nature is all-encompassing … This Buddha nature is present just as the shining sun is present in the sky.” — Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

The sun may be hidden by clouds, but it is always there. Our Buddha Nature, likewise, maybe obscured by our attachments and defilements, but it is always there. It’s not something we have (like a soul) but something we are.

Astrology Today


Stability continues to be a priority while the Moon is in Taurus this morning but it will shift about 9:30 am into the curious sign of Gemini.

The Moon, Mars, and the Sun trine giving confidence and momentum to the things that are important to you.

Be careful of going too far in your words and actions as the Sun semi-square Jupiter makes the discontent stronger and more pointed. While you might feel elated, you will also be operating from a less than stable energetic structure. Seek the truth. Stay within the reality. Growing is hard and the restrictions are often necessary to keep things in check, even when you wish they were not there. Be gentle with yourself and others.

Life requires you to live by the values and energy that compliments and harmonizes with the powerful forces that rule this world. Regardless of what you think, the mind of men, do not rule the laws of this reality. There are great spiritual teachings that all agree on certain principals of conduct. Those are the universal laws of this world and those laws are about learning to value and accept all things in this world as having value. All things are to be protected and cherished. Those that hold hate are those that contribute to the destruction of this world.
~Suzanne Wagner~


If something is
exceptionally well done it
has embedded in it’s very
existence the aim of lifting
the common denominator
rather than catering to it.
~Edward Fischer~

To reflect on everything in
daily life is to nurture your
buddha nature.
~Shinjo Ito~




The Dalai Lama: “On Buddha Nature”

« “If the Buddha Used Twitter” by Soren Gordhamer | Mark Epstein: “Beyond Ordinary Happiness” » 

9 March 2010

On Buddha Nature

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

From Buddha’s viewpoint, a human being has—through training, through practice—has what we call the highest enlightened mental state. So through practice, a human being, through a sort of purification one’s own mental state, can eventually, finally, become an enlightened one. Even Buddha himself, in order to get final enlightenment, needed hard work.

In his previous lives, Buddha is like some others [in the] Indian tradition; sometimes as a human being, sometimes as an animal, but then gradually, his practice becomes higher and higher, deeper, deeper. And then, at last, his birth as a human being as the son in one small kingdom. At that stage, he is enlightened.

Every sentient being—even insects—have Buddha nature. The seed of Buddha means consciousness, the cognitive power—the seed of enlightenment. That’s from Buddha’s viewpoint. All these destructive things can be removed from the mind, so therefore there’s no reason to believe some sentient being cannot become Buddha. So every sentient being has that seed.

Buddha in the public eye is still a human being. He acted like a human being. So sometimes he also failed to influence some people. Then sometimes he wants to express his sort of sadness like that or disappointment. One time, one king takes some action to kill many of the Shakya clan. Buddha belongs to that clan, that tribe. So that day, Buddha, under one dry tree, remained sad, and he sees his kind as the same as hundreds of other tribes killed. So he shared their sort of sadness.

He failed to perform a miracle. So Buddha says, “these things are due to individuals’ karma.” Buddha cannot change their karma like that. So Buddha can teach them how to change their own karma—show their path. So unless they themselves practice—change emotion, change action—then Buddha cannot do much. Sometimes Tibetans say, “oh, the Buddha failed to protect us,” but actually according to Buddhism, it’s very clear; unless we carry some certain discipline and create a positive karma, [then] the consequences [we] have to face, have to take.

In order to develop unbiased infinite love, you first need the practice of detach[ment]. But “detach” does not mean to give up desire. Desire must be there. Without desire, how can we live our life? Without desire, how can we achieve Buddhahood? Strong desire to become Buddha; but desire to be harmful, that’s bad—but desire to self right that also the concept of ego, I, self, itself is nature, and in fact in order to develop self confidence and willpower, we need a sense of strong self. It’s very necessary in order to tackle all these biological factors of hatred, or anger, these things [for which] you need tremendous sort of will power. So the self-confidence is very, very important, but the ego which disregards other’s right—that is bad. In other words, I think egotistic attitude based on ignorance is negative. Egotistic sort of feeling based on reasons is positive.

Then, whether Buddha’s physical [body] is there or not, Buddha’s spirit is always there. Now for example, my own case. I’m a small practitioner of Buddhism, so historical Buddha now [gone] for more than 2600 years, but to me and many other practitioners Buddha is still very much alive. Maybe [we’re] wrong. Maybe superstition, I don’t know, but of course you see although I have no such experience. Some of my friends, you see, actually have seen Buddha and receive some teaching from Buddha. So Buddha’s spirit must be there.

Buddha also stated “you are your own master.” Future, everything depends on your own shoulder. Buddha’s responsibility is just to show the path, that’s all.

These are excepts from an interview conducted by David Grubin for The Buddha.

Suzanne Wagner Quote – A Tribute to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford



A Tribute to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford


The longest day began with a sigh.
A strong woman stood determined to try.
She looked upon the faces of fraud
Men in suits who believed they were god.
A squad of hate meant to tear her down.
The puppets controlled by an orange clown.
In her eyes was an innocent trust.
Not for them to believe her just.
For all women she spoke with a heart so true.
And slowly the smirking smiles unglued.
Replaced by fear, shock, and alarm.
Because her story could clearly disarm
The trap they had set from their pulpit of lies.
Success crumbled and revealed their disguise.
In the face of truth, the shadow was revealed.
That truth became the strongest shield.
The weakness of men reviled and feared.
Revealed itself to those they would have smeared.
A day to be remembered, burned in the brain.
Of all those who listened and even those that distained.
I stand so proud to be the witness of a great light.
Of a woman who faced the darkest night.
And in the end freed not only her past.
But all those who had been harmed and harassed.
From the ancestors of old you could hear the applause.
From the children right now, you could hear the awes.
I felt the world shift as the reality became
More about the truth and less about blame.
I hear the voice of the softest light.
Open to the suffering of the feminine plight.
Yesterday a crack opened in the rigid world
And the American flag became unfurled.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Number 149 Meaning

Suzanne Wagner Quote – When Powers Serves Itself


Numerology/Astrology for 9/28/18


Numerology/Astrology for 9/28/18


9/28/18 is the number 3. The number 3 asks you to enjoy the wild and unpredictable side of life. If you finally understand that you cannot control life, you will stop wasting time in egoic pursuits. If you recognize that you cannot pray your way into getting what you want if it is not yours to have in the first place, you will discover the hidden talents you do have and learn to practice and enhance them. If you finally know that something much bigger and more powerful than you is the author and creator of this world, you might learn to follow the paths presented with less resistance and more grace. Humanity tends to contract and make up stories when they do not get their way. But life on this world is not about being a petulant child and having constant temper tantrums to get what it wants. This life has something to give you if you are finally past all that drama and open to the magnificence that is right here right now.
~Suzanne Wagner~




Astrology Today

The Moon is in Taurus, reminding everyone what is really important. Love, family, homes, stability, and compassionate care for all of life. Common sense is the rule for the day.

You will get to put that energy to good use when the Moon trines Pluto this afternoon.

We all want to feel safe. And yet there is a restlessness that is stirred up this evening.

Order is the name of this day and when things are not aligned, chaos reigns. Do not get caught up in the combative energy.

Remember that relationships are mirrors of ourselves. Learning to love the reflections that you detest is a test of courage and consciousness. When you are dealing with someone whose reflection triggers you, reflect on the possibility that their choices and decisions are so upsetting because perhaps you have been that person, making those same bad decisions in another lifetime. That is how we all grow. From making choices, making mistakes, and learning from them all. But when you still have not forgiven yourself for past patterns then someone reflecting them back to you brings up deep seated feelings of disgust. You do not need to really learn to love them as much as you need to learn to love the reflection of yourself that you were in another time and place. Learn to find the balance while the Sun is in Libra. Become the peacemaker of your own soul. Only then will you find that center that seems so elusive. Libra is a sign of tact and diplomacy. Both traits are desperately needed right now in the world. Just remember, that the shadow side of Libra is a person who is self-serving, indecisive, passive aggressive, and superficial. All qualities that need to be actively looked at and transmuted into more productive and enlightened traits.

With Venus in Scorpio till October 31st, you will want to seek out deeply passionate connections. Superficial contact is unsatisfying. This position of Venus puts everyone is a sort of all or nothing position. Just notice if your distain for mediocrity and superficiality is compelling you to create crisis after crisis to feel alive. Most of us are exhausted from the crisis’s that others are constantly creating for the past few years. Don’t add to that mix today.

The Uranus in Taurus continues to reshuffle your priorities and values around money. I must admit that I look forward to when Uranus enters Aries for its final transit from November 6, 2018-March 6, 2019. It could give us this much needed final push to break free from this yokes of control that others intend to bind us with. It makes us break the chains of the oppressors and claim power and independence back. Let’s cross our fingers. ~Suzanne Wagner~


When power serves itself,
rather than the greater good,
it begins to eat itself
from the inside out.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 9/27/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 9/27/18

9/27/18 is the number 11. The number 11 allows you to continue to see the cracks forming in the mirror that continues to bend and distort under the heat of these times. If you feel like you are in a funny farm or a carnivals hall of mirrors you would be right. The number 11 shows the fracturing that is happening right now inside and outside in our world. Be careful that you do not break under this fractured cartoon of a moment. The number 11 is either about transcending to a higher plane or collapsing into the places of negative mind, duality, and needing to be right. Obviously, one looks much better than the other. Sometimes, there are moments when people and the voices of a society are not being heard so things become more and more negative until there is an explosive moment. I personally would love it if our leaders would hear up before that terrible moment. But right now, those people are deaf, dumb, and blind to the truth right in front of them because they have been bought by big money and other governments. This creates a crisis, the proportions of which none of us have seen in our lifetime. And it unfortunately continues to build. The 11 in its most negative place is schizophrenic. A world that does not know truth from illusion. A world that reacts as if everyone is against them. A world that justifies violence over discussion and finding the middle ground. Honestly, I am afraid we are still not done with this fracturing of our society yet. I know in the divine plan this is what it takes for some to recognize their own folly. But it is a painful ride to watch. May we transcend beyond hatred at some point on this planet. It clearly is not this moment. So hold peace and love in your heart and recognize that evil wears many faces.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon finishes up its transit in Aries before most of you wake up. Then the Moon goes into the more loving and stable sign of Taurus. For the moment you are standing on stable ground. Use it to launch yourself into your next path. Keep your goals practical and down to earth. Know that hasty and reckless will not work but graceful and connected with others will. Keep it simple.

There continues to be unstable currents in world issues. Expect sudden outbursts and upsets. With the Moon and Taurus Conjunct there are more and more revelations and realizations. Keep your eyes open.

There is a temporary atmosphere that you can say what you need to say. Practice re-assurance rather than wild, over the top responses while the Moon trines Saturn.

With the Moon Square Mars, repeating yourself is just going to irritate others. Keep it short and sweet. Know that the swing continues between certainty and uncertainty.

Things happening today are destined to create more turmoil tomorrow. You may feel like so many things are tugging at you that you are not sure anymore where to stand of what to do or say. Let all decisions rest today. Make choices from a more clear and calm place tomorrow.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Falsehood is invariably the child
of fear in one form or another
~Aleister Crowley~




“The pious pretense that evil does not
exist only makes it vague, enormous, and menacing.”

~Aleister Crowley~

“Modern morality and
manners suppress all
natural instincts, keep
people ignorant of the
facts of nature and make
them fighting drunk on bogey tales.

~Aleister Crowley~

is evidence of
~Aleister Crowley~

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 9/26/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 9/26/18

9/26/18 is the number 10. The number 10 gives energy to the power of the people coming back into play. And the power of the feminine finally drawing a line in the sand and indicating that enough is enough. Within each woman is a warrioress. And the compassion of the feminine has finally been abused to a point that the feminine as a whole is standing up against the patriarchy and the manipulative control that men have been using to suppress the feminine for thousands of years. It was not always this way. There were many societies before that were ruled by women and that all the land was owned by the women. As we turn back towards the Aquarian Age, the feminine is standing back up to the masculine and showing the horror and mayhem that an unchecked masculine has inflicted upon the world. It clearly needs to change before it is too late. The feminine needs to reclaim her position of power in order to save this world from the destructive tendencies of those in power at this time. So, Amazon women of the world, stand. And together we can tear down the lies and denials and bring the world back to balance.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Revising and re-evaluating your relationships and how you see the world as well as express in the world is changing. Your needs and values that have not been listened to, is no longer acceptable by those in power. Something massive has to change and the up leveling anger is palatable to everyone except those most in denial and numb. There is a drive for action as this Aries Moon continues to emotionally impact the world.

Those that wish to hide things are going to be discovered and the consequences are extremely high. Stand for truth and you will flow with the energy of change that is attempting to happen in the world. The old arguments no longer hold any value what-so-ever. The methods that those in power are using have finally dulled and the fear that they used to implement is over. People have learned to have an immunity to treachery and distortion. The discernment is there, and we will no longer be fooled. In truth, the game is over. Just those playing still do not realize how much they are in jeopardy.

Deep feelings are emerging and will no longer be held back by the manipulators. This is very good. It will be messy and upsetting to hear all the pain and suffering that so many have endured. But the discussions need to be had. So many that have had versions of PTSD now are standing up to force a conversation and to give back the “Power to Serious Discussion” (PTSD)

Abusers should be warned. Now, there is a movement that will not be stopped.

~Suzanne Wagner~


There is something about
a woman with a loud
mind that sits in silence,
smiling, knowing she can
crush you with the truth.
~R.G. Moon




Please know that I know there are many, amazing, honest, and integrous men out there in the world. And I happen to be married to one of them. So, my energy is not directed at those honorable men that have been supporting their women and families.

I believe that there is a dawning of knowledge and awareness that is finally happening for women. We have believed that power would be given to us when we honestly earned it. But that is a lie. The masculine has been in power, destroying this world for over 2000 years and they have no intention of giving that power back. In fact, the more the feminine rises, the more horror and distortion they inflict upon us to keep us down. It is dawning on all of the feminine at this time that as we rise together as one voice to speak of the damage the masculine has inflicted upon us, that that power we believed needed to be earned will need to be taken. It is time for the feminine to take back that which was stolen from her. It is time for the feminine to recognize that the Age of Aquarius is about the feminine coming back into power because of her choice and her actions. Nothing will be given because of the masculine’s fear of the tremendous power of the feminine. Their only recourse was to abuse us and minimize us to keep us down. That is no longer going to work. The Age of Men is over. The Age of Women is at hand.

~Suzanne Wagner~

It’s so much easier to watch Netflix and eat Ice Cream

Last month I opened the doors to my NEWEST LOVE, my membership site and 5 step process called ELEV8 Your Life. What a whirlwind the entire month of August was for my team and I. We had so many amazing experiences as people started watching the videos, learning about how to take their power back and how important CHOICE is in their world. Creating this program has been, by far, one of the greatest labors of love in my life. I would also say that it has been AMAZING to witness all of the growth that has already happened in just a couple of weeks. It is absolutely inspiring 🙂

This video was in response to one brave man’s question…

Maybe you can relate too?

My hope is that you are willing to do something different than stay comfortable in the pain. YOU, my friend, have the ability to heal those old patterns. You can take your power back from the past. Are you ready?

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments on the video. Can you relate? Have you been in the same place? I sure have. What has worked for you to get out of it? I’ll tell ya, taking my power back was the biggie for me. How about you?

Blessings my friend, SDJ♥

PS: The doors to my ELEV8 Your Life membership program are closed right now, but you can still join the free area. There you have access to hundreds of hours of teachings on a variety of subjects that you might find interesting including: Angels, Intuition, The Afterlife, Personal Development and even Business. If you’d like to learn more, go here and sign up for ACCESS to the FREE Members Lounge. Check it out. It’s FREE!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Words are only the Beginning


Numerology/Astrology for 9/25/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 9/25/18

9/25/18 is the number 9. The number 9 reminds you that Spiritual Laws take precedence over human laws. That is because they are about serving the greater good and not just serving a person, the powerful, a church, a religion, or the pocketbooks of the greedy. There are those out there that manipulate spiritual laws to make money for themselves. That was never the intended ideals. Take a look at where you override truth with your mind. From that position you can never be complete. Which is what the number 9 is all about. Twisting spiritual laws around to manipulate others for your own ends will always backfire on you. When you know from deep in your core that you are operating from a place of truth, you have no doubt because you recognize that winning or losing is not even important. What is important is standing up for others, protecting the innocent, brining fairness into the equation, and having a life that leaves a positive legacy for others. What is your legacy right now? What will others say about you when you are gone? What is still left that you really want to accomplish in this lifetime? And what can you do to move in that direction?
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon in Aries fires up that desire to act. When things move it is important to be very conscious, patient, and selfless. Embrace your courage. Stand up to bullies directly but with a calm demeanor. The opportunities are there if you are willing to grab them though movement forward will be happening later.

Expect others that have less awareness and that are more ruled by their primal brain to be acting as if someone gave them sour grapes. If something upsets you. Let it go. Many will be feeling very insecure today. It is best to not make upsets worse.

There are places where the spirit of things can improve and there is a bit more energy to keep on keeping on. Set your pace and then maintain it.

Words and actions may contradict. You might be wise to write down the pros and cons. Honestly look at the facts and decide rationally.

At work expect people to criticize in a nagging sort of way. Pause and think when insecurity and self-doubt arise. Know that there will be those people who choose to linger and obsess about things. Do your best to step away from such behavior.

Do not allow yourself to express clinging or controlling behavior. Fear may want to drive you forward. Don’t let it.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Art, freedom, and creativity
will change society faster
than politics.
~Victor Pinchuk




I marvel at why others would want to waste the time and energy to tear down others and this world when we all have to live in it. Besides each of us have been given a precious amount of energy with which to make a difference in this world. And each of us has a certain amount of time with which to do that and be effective with that energy. You can waste a life with harboring hate for others. It gets you nowhere in the end and actually sets you back in the evolution of your consciousness. Hate is a series of weights that holds you down in this density and does not allow your heart to become “light” so that your soul can be “enlightened”. And you can follow a religions “rules” until the “cows come home” but if you hold hate, it festers and becomes a toxic energy that will continually pull you down back into the quagmire of your own making.
I see that a lot.
Very religious, church going people who repeat the beautiful spiritual words like good automatons, but then they do not really understand them deep in their core. They have not embodied the words and that is clear by their actions. It is your actions upon which you will be judged in your spiritual evolution. Words are only the beginning of understanding. Integration of knowledge is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom comes from knowing truth intimately.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Personal Note from Suzanne – Democracy Needs You!

Personal Note from Suzanne

Just so you know I will get to the Astrology for October next week and send it out in another email. It is a big month for many reasons and sorting it all clearly will take some time to do. I appreciate your understanding about that.

But I did want to go ahead and get this out because there is so much going on in the world related to this upcoming election and the nomination for the Supreme Court.

It does not matter what you want or what you believe about a person.

What is essential in a Democracy, is that the rules of law are followed. The breakdown of the rules that have guided this country for the past 250 plus years and have made America a super power and the most influential country in the world are not being followed. That is a recipe for disaster and the destruction of everything we hold near and dear to our hearts.

We have been the beacon of hope and the potential salvation to a world where hope is fleeting and freedom even more so.

America has offered a type of freedom to this world and implemented values that other countries have looked at as a potential model for success.  We used to be the moral leader in the world.

Not any more.

Those morals are being torn down by a bunch of very rich, religiously zealous, and powerful men and women who wish to systematically tear down all that has made this country the shinning light of possibility and hope.

The breakdown of the following of those great rules of law by our wise Founding Fathers is the beginning of the end of our society if we cannot pull the reins back from this insanity that the Republican Party is doing to destroy everything of value that any of us have ever known.

A democracy is not about one religious affiliation imposing their will and beliefs on others.

That is not a democracy.

That is a Totalitarian Regime.

That is a Dictatorship.

And that is what we have become at the moment.

You should be horrified beyond belief.

Even if you personally hold the values of your religion near and dear to your heart. You should know that all the great religions talk about tolerance. Not from the place that you tolerate the behavior that is happening now. That word tolerance is not to be used to allow dangerous perpetrators to undermine and manipulate vulnerable people. It was about learning to stop, listen, learn, and accept the positions and beliefs of others.

Too many wars have been fought and too many have died meaningless deaths because of a few who manipulated them to fight and die for the petty power games that allowed those in charge to feel good about themselves and what they believed.

Come on America, you are smarter than that!

I often have to force everyone to take a look at what a word really means. It is amazing to me how unaware and uneducated our society has become that they use words completely inappropriately and in ways that are designed to promote a slant or distortion that validates their bad behavior and choices rather than support truth, clarity, and justice.

Honestly, I am appalled and sickened by it.

So, today’s word is Tolerance.

Websters definition is as follows;

Willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs of others.
A disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior.
A permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits.

Notice the last part, “Allowing some freedom to move within limits.”

Even tolerance has limits. You cannot blindly forgive those that have not shifted and recognized that they have done harm. You cannot blindly forgive those that will continue to do those actions. Especially when they believe that placid Christian forgiveness is a “pass” for them to quietly continue to do what they want to do without any consequences.

In this moment, conscience is knocking at the door and without enough people to stand up and take the control back from the greedy and mentally ill, we are (as a world) in great peril.

I believe that we can take back our country and really do a big cleaning up of the crooked laws that have taken the power from the people and given it to the rich corporations and the powerful.

I believe it is the best thing for everyone. The rich are not hurting. They are fine. Yes, their egos might get a bit pinched but we are talking about saving Democracy in the world!

We are talking about saving the world from the environmental destruction that may not be reversible in this life time!

And regardless, these next few years are going to be hard on everyone. The potential of economic collapse in this country and globally when we have trillions of dollars in debt mounting up, year after year, because of a mentally ill person being in charge is a very real thing that will impact all of us.

So the focus for this month is about voting.

Without your vote, what is happening that is literally driving the world crazy will continue. Do you want that? Can you emotionally take much more of this constant barrage of chaos?

Without your vote those in power will continue to manipulate you toward their personal agenda that does not consider your family, your children, your job, your families education, your retirement, your body, your social security, your health care, your medicare, etc.

All the things that you believed you could count on after a long life of working hard and doing the “right” things will have no value in their eyes at all.

You mean nothing to them!

They want your money and taxes. They want you to do what they say. They want you uneducated and confused. They want you to be puppets on a string that they control. They could care less about your feelings or what you want. (Anyone that has attempted to contact your representatives should know that by now!)

I know that I personally cannot do that.

I am sure you cannot either.

You can (with your) vote in November, literally, save America.

Is America worth it?

Has she given you enough to give you a drive to give back to her?

She needs your help.

She gave you the best life time any human in this world has ever seen. (Even if you wanted more.) She gave you better health, wealth, and opportunity than at any time in recorded history.

I hope you honor her with your vote.

And vote to save the America that we were all led to believe in. The one that gives opportunities for all.

The America that believes that “All men are created equal”.

Thank you.


Numerology/Astrology for 9/24/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 9/24/18

9/24/18 is the number 8. The number 8 is all about the tears that are hidden and suppressed in this world. Right now, it is very clear that there is a lot of pain that has been suppressed and not allowed out because of a world that is filled with those whose behaviors are allowed to continue to cause harm to others. We are a country that is supposed to create laws that protect those weaker and once again, it is pointed out to us, that we have failed miserably in that goal. When sadness is not acknowledged and then the truth of that suffering rejected, the reaction of those being suppressed will eventually turn to a more aggressive expression. That is not what anyone should want. Especially when we can show compassion, hear the truth, admit our failure, and support those that we (by our Constitution) are supposed to protect and serve.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


The Moon is still in Pisces until 7 pm, at which time it moves into Aries. This pulls the emotions up and out of the quagmire. Instead of feeling pulled under by the emotions you are a sailing ship moving on top of the water for a moment. It will be easier to feel better but remember that everyone has light and dark sides. If you cannot see someone’s dark side, you should never completely trust them. Now, you can always trust your ability to grow from all experiences, but it is important to look at all people and see where they are congruent and trustworthy. No one is perfect in every area. Learn to discern. And your life will move much more smoothly.

While the Moon’s energy in Aries definitely picks up speed and tempo, know that this is not some competition. How can you be quick but not pushy? How can you be fresh and refreshing to be around but not dominating? You can figure it out.

Reminding everyone that the full Moon in Aries is called the “Hunter’s Moon”. So be careful on the roads as this is where many animals are nervous, unpredictable, and stressed. Be more aware on highways and roads. This energy can be a bit crazy in the chase, with sudden turns, reversals, quick dodges, and arrows let loose. It may be hard to keep track of all the action as it unfolds in the news. This is a moment to not stomp around but to size up situations and move carefully. Calmness will create success.

This is the full moon where you re-balance your individual needs and your relationship needs. Because this Moon falls so closely to Autumnal Equinox, the energies are similar. Chiron (the wounded/healer/teacher) is aligned with this Full Moon. Healing your emotions or helping others with their emotional well-being is the way to go. Be willing to take small steps towards your goal. It would be best if your goals are tangible and long-lasting. There is an abundance of planets in three action signs (Aries, Libra, Capricorn). This helps you accomplish a great deal, but don’t over committing yourself. Also note that the planet Venus is slowing down to turn retrograde October 5-November 16. Begin to look at what is working in both relationships and finances and know that this Full Moon begins a process to make you review and revise all types of relationships and your material world needs and values.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Whoever is careless with the
truth in small matters cannot be
trusted with important matters.
~Albert Einstein~





The ire and upset continues to climb.
The lies and distortions continue to malign.
Those in power refuse to see
That the avoidance of the values of their constituency
Will come to a point of explosive response.
And those that believe they are firmly ensconced,
Will suffer the fate that they forced on us.
The difference is that we will be much more just.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Let us Stand Together


Numerology/Astrology for 9/23/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 9/23/18

9/23/18 is the number 7. The number 7 today points to the eccentric and the bizarre. It would be impossible to not notice how those words and being reflected in the world at this time. We are gifted to live in a time with an extraordinary amount of information at our finger tips. But the question is, “Is mankind mature enough to be able to utilize that information in ways that serve, unite, support, and uplift this world and mankind?” Clearly that is the biggest question right now. Is mankind willing to grow past this tribal mentality of consciousness and awareness? Are we willing to analyze information with our minds rather than react from the muddied waters of our emotional reactive primal brain? It seems that there is a majority that knows and has the capacity to take the correct path. But there are those in positions of power that want to use the chaos for their own financial ends and to manipulate the people, spread seeds of disorder and mayhem, and generate fear that paralyzes systems. But it is a shortsighted approach. When you do that, and even if it succeeds in the short run, in the long run it collapses system, governments, and financial balance in the world. The shortsightedness of those in power will inevitably, (as history shows us again and again) destroy what they believe they are protecting. The inability of such people to see beyond their own agenda harms everyone and the world. Therefore, this moment requires a plan. A plan that places spiritual independence and individualism ahead of the powerful and wealthy. A plan that everyone can live with and that serves the greater whole rather than the parts. This number is the number indicating a moment of powerful evolution is possible, if we stand together. And we stoically choose to create a world that shows dignity to all, opportunity for everyone, and a desire for peace that is greater than greed.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


Because the Moon is in monk-like Pisces all day Sunday, the morning is particularly challenging if you must have mental focus (best to put off those type projects until later in the day. Turn off the alarm clock on Sunday and ease into your day. Sunday evening will be much more favorable for conversation and quick activities.
With the Moon in Pisces and the square between Mercury and Saturn, you will notice problems to situations and that may be a bit discouraging. The good news is that you will figure out that things are not as bad as they seem, but you will experience delays, obstacles and restrictions. What may help is when you know what you want and move consistently towards that. There is opportunity if you look closely at your life. Notice the negative thoughts and do not allow them to confuse already challenging situations. Finding that downward spiral is an easy thing to do. Just know that criticism will not really get you where you want to go.

With the Moon conjunct Neptune there is a type of surreal reality that makes it difficult to pin anything down. Your mind may want to wander off in the directions of speculation, hopefulness, and the infinite potential. But know that you are in a pipe dream and nothing will formalize from that position. While ideas are fun concrete efforts take a different approach to manifest.

Today, work towards a sense of easy, fluid, power. The type of power that is not flashy or that needs to be scene. Reclaim that confidence internally and know you are a gift in whatever form it takes. Then go give that gift to the world.

While I know it is difficult, having faith in your ideas is important still. If you start off today, serious and smart, you can get some much-needed momentum.

Know that you are easily influenced today. You are vulnerable to those with an agenda or an idea. Make no decisions for the new few days. You need to have a clear head and today is not that day.

~Suzanne Wagner~


We are in a moment
that a powerful evolution is possible,
if we stand together.
And we stoically choose
to create a world
that shows dignity to all,
opportunity for everyone,
and a desire for peace
that is greater than greed.
~Suzanne Wagner~




My father was a great man.
He knew that presidents change
and Congress changes.
He knew that this time would come.
And he warned me in 1978.
He could see the pattern unfolding
like the spread of toxic waste
based in the destruction of education.
He could see what those with power
and money were up to even then.
But so many were asleep.
So many did not want to be bothered
with the chipping away
of the wall of American freedoms.
You destroy freedom
by making the people dumb.
You destroy freedom
by the spreading of hate and lies.
You destroy freedom methodically.
In subtle ways that do not
seem important at the time.
Until the people are left with no voice,
no choice, and restricted in their ability to protest.
You muzzle the people by making them feel confused.
How evil do you have to be, to intentionally
break the back of the most powerful country in the world?
That kind of evil has lived and thrived in the environment
of denial, laziness, addiction, greed,
and the power-hungry for eternity.
As a people, we are fighting not just for ourselves
but for the hope that this country brought to the world.
Up until now, we have been a shining point of light
of the possibility to which humanity was striving to attain.
That does not mean that we were perfect.
Quite the contrary.
This county has made mistakes.
And the values that guided
this country have been crumbling
under the weight of bureaucracy for a long time.
So that now we are at this moment in time.
What will you do?
What will you be willing to sacrifice?
What is the line that will be your breaking point?
For each person it is different.
And you will have to choose.
The flag of freedom is burning on the pole of wisdom.
Will you let that flag burn completely to ash?
Will you allow others to tear down the pole of wisdom
with their fear, hatred, anger, and displaced resentment?
I cannot and will not wait another moment.
I will do what needs to be done
to serve the voice of our Constitution.
The Founding Fathers are watching you.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Let's Smile - Happy bee music instrumental 1 hour

Let's Smile - Happy bee rock music 1 hour

Friday, September 21, 2018

Suzanne Wagner Quote –


Numerology/Astrology for 9/22/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 9/22/18


9/22/18 is the number 6. The number 6 is connected to the Lovers Card in Tarot. While I do believe love is the basic element in life and connects all things, the problem is in what people love and what they are putting the energy of love into. If you love yourself in a maniacal way you can have the power to manipulate others to get your own way. You can love a belief whether it is true or not. You feed that belief. But love is really about loving in a way that serves the greater good, not yourself. You learn that when you do for the greater good of all that you are rewarded in ways that touch deeply into your core and give you things that you did not even know you needed or wanted. It is childishness that fuels so many human wants and needs. But when is the moment when you really grow up? When do you recognize that just going for what you want will never really satisfy you or fill you up the way you wanted, then you step beyond the ego and into your soul’s essence.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today


This morning before 9 am the Moon shifts out of Aquarius and into Pisces. Emotions are heightened again, so try to find ways to move and flow with it. Don’t commit emotionally to something that you don’t really know what it fully entails. Use a softer approach and try the backdoors rather than barging through the front doors that are more defended and blocked.
With the Moon sextile Uranus, continue to do some small adventures. Go to a new restaurant. Take a different drive or walk a different trail. Newness will bring a fresh look at old patterns.
Things will seem volatile but not really a threat to you unless you push it. Just know that change is what is happening and while you may wonder why it is an unnecessary question at the moment. You might feel like you are in a race with time. Just a reminder that time usually catches up and wins in the end but go ahead and push against that thing and make great progress while you can. This race require strategy. Being in front all the time does not necessarily mean you will win in the end. Think though your strategy and look for pitfalls or places that you will have to adjust.
With the Moon in Pisces the subtlety may reveal itself to you if you are willing to pay attention. Let the intuition show you a way that your mind did not figure out.
Learn to let go and notice where you are clinging or controlling your behavior. Know that if you are doing that you are actually afraid. Deal with your own fear instead of projecting your minds behaviors over external situations.
Notice your dreams and recognize that your subconscious is attempting to tell your conscious mind something or you are processing unresolved emotions in your dreams. This is a moment when it will be difficult to be objective. Be careful to think before you speak.
Accomplishments come from completing your work and dealing effectively with your responsibilities.
Know that deeper feelings and insecurities arise at this time and can be disruptive. Emotions make concentrating difficult and distractions high. You may be surprised by how much effort things are going require.
~Suzanne Wagner~




the destroyer of Arrogance,
begets arrogance in fools;
even as light,
that illumines the eye
makes owls blind.




What promotes excellence in your life? What is your passion and how does that passion relate to the gifts you came to give and your mission at this time?
You can exist, or you can excel. You can survive, or you can thrive.
While there are moments when taking a break and relaxing is completely healthy and essential for being human and dealing with a physical body, there are also moments to challenge yourself to move in the direction of what sparks your spirit into bliss.
We live in a world where the majority of people are numbed out because of addictions to phones, internet, television, drama, suffering, depression, sex, etc.
And that numbness is a survival mechanism for a life that has not enough positive emotion, depth, or passion.

Addictions are misplaced passion
in a person who has lost touch
with their essential nature.
Those addictions will never feel enough.
They never allow you to feel truly full.
They never satisfy the hunger.
And they will never give you a reason
strong enough to really want to live.
Addictions place you in an old house
that is falling apart at the seams,
while you see the green world outside
and yet are afraid to move towards real life
~Suzanne Wagner~

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Suzanne Wagner Quote – The Return of the Goddess


Numerology/Astrology for 9/21/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 9/21/18

9/21/18 is the number 5. The number 5 is all about the body. Right now, that is a focus in the world. Especially for women. We are in a world where the feminine body seems to be abused and used in ways that do not allow it to be respected and honored for the miracle that it is. I believe that the power of the feminine body is something that is frightening for many. And because of that they attempt to control it in ways that continue to entrap women in the roles of femininity that they find acceptable. What they do not realize is that women are not going back to some caveman mentality, as much as some may want them to. And the voices of the feminine are becoming louder and louder. It is time to stop talking so much about abstaining from sex (which clearly has never worked for any religion or tradition) and instead start discussing how to work with this chaotic energy that is so powerful and so much a part of life. The conversations need to be opened up not shut down. Children need to be educated about sexuality in a way that allows them to take responsibility for this tremendously essential energy. I know that none of us were told how to work with this energy. And we all bumbled through learning about it in our own ways. But it does not need to be that way. There is a lot of information out there that is very helpful and instructive, if we would just be willing to use it. Yes, we learn through experience and that is what the number 5 is about. But experiences can also be classrooms with honest conversations and the sharing of ideas and ways to connect that show respect and honor.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


On Friday, Mercury moves into Libra until October 9. This supports more social activities. Communication in all of your relationships expands. Be diplomatic, to the best of your ability. But do be careful of being an excessive “people pleaser.”

Because of the Moon squaring Jupiter, know that feelings are still raw and on the surface. It is highly likely that that many will get wound up in their own feelings and experience. Notice where you are attached to an outcome and where you want to believe that you have a big one on the hook. But if you have been hanging onto that rod for a long time you need to see that there are diminishing returns and you might need to cut the line and move forward. Hanging onto the old turns hope into disappointment.

With Mercury in Libra, know that the back and forth is going to continue with everyone taking sides for weeks. Just because someone has a clever comeback does not mean they are honest or truthful. Stay awake to the double-entendres as the air becomes thick with competition for the intellectual edge. Just know you are being played for your vote. Stand separate from the drama and make the choice that is right.

Patience is a virtue that needs to be acknowledged. Do not succumb to feelings of frustration and sadness. Use that energy to fuel you to a new level of interaction and choice.
~Suzanne Wagner


A beautiful woman delights the
eye, a wise woman, the
understanding; a pure one,
the soul.
~Minna Antrim~




A woman who has the power
to create life,
should have the power to choose
how that power is manifested.
Women are the embodiment
of the Goddess,
who created this world
and is the mother of us all.
The time of abusing women
to use their power to promote
the agenda of men is over.
Women will not tolerate
the continuation of this cruelty.
The age of men is over.
The dawning of the
Return of the Goddess
is at hand.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Suzanne Wagner Quote – The Power of Endurance


Numerology/Astrology for 9/20/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 9/20/18

9/20/18 is the number 4. The number 4 tells us that in the midst of great change it is important to pragmatically look at what is. We are all together in moving towards great change over the next 4 years and with great change you often find yourself at the edge of storm fronts. Imagine those big cloud banks that come across the plains and how you can see a wall of clouds and water coming at you while you stand in a clear sky. And where those two masses of air meet is the place at which we stand now. That front edge is chaotic, as two vastly different energies battle for dominance. One pushing into the other. Have you ever been at such a juncture in real life? Can you feel the power and immense energy that swirls around you? It is like being in the center of the Divine Breath. It energizes and enlivens you. With that energy comes a presence that awakens from deep within your core. You know you are standing in an enlivened point and that full presence is required, while you stand calmly and witness the massive power that is beyond your small mind. Staying stable and realistic is important. Having discipline and conviction even more so. You know in that moment that you are at the whim of fate and that you have to surrender completely and let go. There is no other option. That choice creates neutrality. That moment of clarity comes from recognizing that there are forces that control this world that are beyond your attachments and agendas. Your only choice in the face of such power is to hold the highest values possible in this life, to tell yourself the truth, and to know that regardless of what comes you are complete with this moment in time.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon continues in the fixed air sign of Aquarius. It is a time for some social engagements. Have some fun and get out of your ruts.

With the Moon conjunct Mars expect some people to make rash and overblown moves. Emotional conflict and anger is lurking around every corner so treat others with respect. Know that you might feel pushed into places you may not want to go. Keep your solvency and don’t let others manipulate you into places that are not aligned with your purpose. It is also possible that others may use compliments to hook your ego into an action that is harder than it looks. Don’t bite the hook.

With the Moon Squaring Venus, it becomes more and more clear the things that are wasting your energy and time. Look at your own personal goals and move towards them. Do not do the work for others that is really theirs to do for their own growth and development. Right now there are a lot of pots boiling. You will want to let things cool down before making any decisions.

I imagine that quite a few things are going to come at you all at once today, stimulating your mental energy into a real bring boiler. Stay cool, stay present, and keep a list running or you will surely forget something. Remember all good ideas have their time but this time may not be quite right yet. Be present and involved. Seek out the potential problems and actively begin to solve them.

Look for the signs from the universe that things are going to change. While this time has been frozen in a space of no-movement. There are indicators to give you hope that change will come.

Because so much is in flux, stay open to the possibilities because permanent decisions are not clearly there yet.
~Suzanne Wagner


Standing fast in the storm is the power of endurance.
Holding tight to what really matters is the basis of truth.
Knowing that you are not here for yourself
is what enlightenment shows you.
And peace comes when you simply
allow the flow to be your guide.
~Suzanne Wagner~




Your prejudices are your karma. Your fears are your karma. Your resentments are your karma. Stop thinking that you need others to change when you need to change. Those emotions are intense to get you to notice where you are still stuck. If what you want does not serve the greater good and everyone, then you are putting energy into something that will never really be of value in this world. Notice how much energy you waste in fantasies that do not make a difference. It is your life and your energy. You can waste it any way you like. But what a sad state of affairs if that is all you accomplish in this life.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Time to relax - 2 hour classical calming music

Numerology/Astrology for 9/19/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 9/19/18

9/19/18 is the number 3. The number 3 is all about learning to find the joy and optimism in small things. There is always joy to be found in every day if you are willing to look at the places that you can give others joy. Bring muffins to the office. Give another person a compliment that is real. Take time to play with a child one of their favorite imagination games. Recognize that it is in connection and appreciation that each of us can assist others in shifting into a more positive realm. But at this time think big. Think in a way that can assist others in the long run or the world. Perhaps, a contribution to a group that is attempting to help the planet would be worthwhile. This number is associated with the Empress card which is about nurturing this world and all those things living on it. How can you help the world in a small way? I personally feed the wild birds that transit through my land. I make sure the hummingbirds coming through have a way-station for the sugar water they need for energy to keep going. You can find ways that do make a difference that are not flashy but that take a bit of your time. All things need love and love is about taking time to care for others besides yourself.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


The Moon spends most of the day in Capricorn until almost 8 pm tonight at which time it goes into Aquarius. Stick to the structure and stay in your grounded approach today but later this evening, attempt to get out socially and hang with a group or friends for dinner. You need to reconnect to others in a way that feeds your soul. Too often we do too many things alone. And while we may feel productive, it does not give joy the same way that laughing and connecting with others does.

You have a feeling of conviction about something and the desire to express those opinions. Situations will arise that will give you more clarity and a desire to reinvent yourself in some way. Once your head and heart are aligned, the energy will move in that direction.

If it feels right, do it. With the Moon trine the Sun there is a confidence that begins to match what you feel and results will naturally move your direction.

With the Moon conjunct Aquarius, there is a coolness in the air with a distance emotionally from others. Do not mistake a warmness for a feeling of attraction. Know that people tend to be warm (especially now) as a way to help others during these difficult times. Let kindness and warmth be the theme of the day but know that moving things into a place of romance is not appropriate.
~Suzanne Wagner


A kind gesture can
reach a wound that only
compassion can heal.
~Steve Maraboli~




Do you notice those moments when people “gap out”? It is usually from a trigger of some sort. I personally watch people’s eyes glaze over and they usually stop breathing. They are suddenly vacuous and “not home”. They are somewhere else. They are in a void of their own making. It is often a protection mechanism to something that is not what they expected, not what they wanted to hear, or a thing that throws them back into a pattern in the past. As in a memory or trauma. The way to cope in such moments is to mentally go somewhere else. I often say, it is as if they went into the basement of their mind. Now, don’t get me wrong, we all do this at different times. Learning to become conscious as to when those moments are happening is a real challenge. Because they usually happen so fast. The way I can catch it after the fact is when someone says something about a recent event, and I recognize that I do not know what they are talking about. I remember a moment when I was watching some relationships videos by an interesting man names, Gary Smalley. Suddenly my husband, paused the video (notice how long ago this was), and ask me what Gary Smalley had just said? I did not know. My husband detected that I was suddenly not there and realized that what was being said was something that I do frequently. So, we rewound the video and I listened this time with intention. But once again, I could not formulate what he was saying. I listened to it 10 times or more. And it was as if, it just would not go in. My brain was rejecting the information. And I could not tell why. That is when my husband and I had a great conversation because he attempted to tell me what he heard that Gary Smalley was saying and relate it to a pattern that I was doing that was not the most functional pattern to be doing. Even then, it took hours of discussion for me to really understand and finally integrate into a method that helped to me alter that pattern. I relay this story because I always believe that I am a “typically normal” person. And that if I am doing it, then probably everyone else is doing it. What would it take for you to ask someone that you really trusted the question, “What do you think I am doing as a pattern repeatedly that is actually dysfunctional and not really letting my authentic self out?” Then listen to the answer and really discuss it. In this way you will lovingly learn to unravel those places that you are not present and actually gapped out.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Unveiling the Compatibility of Number 9 and Number 4 in Love

Unveiling the Compatibility of Number 9 and Number 4 in Love This blog delves into the fascinating world of numerology,  exploring the love ...