Friday, August 31, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 9/1/18 – Plus Astrology for September 2018


Numerology/Astrology for 9/1/18

9/1/18 is the number 3. The number 3 shows that momentarily you might be feeling better. While there are many things shifting around, it is that a bit of optimism is sprinkled into the day. Perhaps everyone is just so happy to be out of the intense heat of the summer astrology. I know I am. Indifference is lessened and there is a bit more stamina and concentration that is arising out of the muck. This moment feels like a seed that has sprouted and is reaching up towards the light and has finally pushed through the darkness and dirt and it begins to feel the warmth of the light for the first time. While this moment has also with it a lot of vulnerability because of the fragility of this new growth there is also an optimism mixed in. Let that enthusiasm make you grow and leap quickly into this uncharted territory in which you find yourself just like a plant that has very speedy growth at the beginning, so it can establish itself solidly before anything manages to take a bite out of it.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

September Overview

While we are not out of the woods, you could at least say that you are feeling like you have come into a partial clearing. The eclipses and Mars and Mercury retrogrades are finally behind us. So now, it is time to move on those projects and plans that would not go anywhere over the summer. There is a planet, Saturn, holding things back. As it slowly traces the intense effort that is going to be required as it trudges through the deep snow of Capricorn. Saturn has been retrograde since April. But Saturn moves forward on September 6th, helping you get to work on those long-term future projects and responsibilities. Mental Mercury is in Virgo September 5-22. this helps you to get organized and become more efficient. This is a great time for internal and external cleansing, whether it is your body or your house. There is a big harvest moon on the 24th that is going to challenge your patience because of Saturn. This moment will be requiring you to move quickly and be patient with others at the same time. Autumn equinox on the 22nd has a similar feel to it. Be willing to take half steps towards your goal. Running and rushing is not going to get you where you want to go nor is it going to be good for your health and well-being.

This month with Mars going direct and moving back into Aquarius, only to square Uranus in Taurus, there are equations that seem still impossible to answer. Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are preparing to move direct, thus adding to the weight of decisions that are pressing about where are you really going. Venus will enter its shadow period and enter into Scorpio (where she does not like to be). We are all preparing for the retrogrades and shifts of October and into November of 2018. There is a building up in a way that if you are not feeling then you are completely numb. Your relationships, money, and current projects are all about to come into scrutiny. You cannot see how it will all come together. And whatever you think it will look like, will be wrong. So the way through is to stay open with your heart while calm and clear in the center of your own mind.

You have a strong emotional tone today that is reflected in your words. Your action come from a solid place of spiritual clarity and there is a glow about you. Emotional currents can take you away so recognize that you must learn to hold a tighter focus. You can have a more sustained type of confidence that supports follow through on a new level. Your clarity conveys conviction.

Just know that what might seem like a great idea might create a hidden misunderstanding with someone. So check clearly before leaping into anything. With that conscious commitment to healing you can build some bridges that had potentially been burnt. While you are trying to open there is a great deal of awkwardness also stirring up old issues. Be patient because you are making progress. This is a day where your connections with others intimately can expand. And those that you are connecting with have a karmic repayment or benefit. So this moment has come because of good and kind things that you have done in the past. Show restraint, be kind, and don’t obsess. You are making major adjustments to your core energy. Notice the insecurities and don’t allow them to control you.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Action separates the heroes from
the cowards, the achievers from the
complainers, the successful from the mere
dreamers, the happy from the envious;
separates those who rise to the challenge
of their goals from the haters who cower
in the shadow of stagnancy.

~Steve Maraboli~



Astrology for September 2018

Has there ever been a time when so much astrology has been like this?

Sure. But this fragmentation of our soul and physical self, continues. And the difficulties are hard to process. While there is serious stuff still happening and continuing to build, there is help from Jupiter as it attempts to bring things together rather than tear them apart. But Jupiter has his work cut out for him this month.

I did warn all of you years ago that nothing was going to be solved quickly. We are in a time of purification physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Venus is about to enter into a shadow period and is continuing to square Mars, which is going to bring up karma around money, property, relationships, etc.

Do you trust? Do you believe in the connection you have to the divine? Will that support what you are wanting to create? The fragmentation has been so extreme that you have wanted to escape the suffering. However, there is no escape. Now you know that for sure.

This astrology is trying to clean things up that really began in the fall of 2014. You were in a crisis there, but you had no idea how far you were going to have to trek into that dark cave of your soul essence. You lost a lot of energy in the stress and strain of 2014 and now it has a doorway to come back in. You really began changing in October/November of 2010. This year, on Oct 4th, 2018, Jupiter is going to fix and repair all the shit that got dug up in 2010 and magnified in 2014. You can reclaim some of that exciting energy that you thought was going to happen in 2010 but actually did not.

Jupiter semi-square Saturn. Semi squares are odd. These two planets don’t like each other. One wants to expand and the other contract. You think that you might get what you want but it is not quite there at the beginning of the month. It is like you are coming up for air, but you caught a bit of water in your lungs. So, as you come up, you want to take a gasping breath of fresh air but instead you get some water with that air and you are suddenly coughing and struggling to breath. It can be a bit frightening and in moments, you may question if you will be able to breath. You will because Jupiter is protecting you.

Pluto quintile Chiron in Aries. This is some deep inner soul searching and intense transformational work that has been coming up. By now you should have the realization that you can only get what you want if you are willing to change yourself. The old way of pushing your will onto a situation to make it shift the way you wish are no longer an option because life is just pushing back harder and with more force than you can defend against.

The result is that you have to change. You have to do it differently. You finally begin to recognize that you are the problem and that if you really want what you say you want, then you are going to have to radically stretch far beyond what you have known in the past.

When Mercury enters Virgo on the 5th of September, things will finally externally appear to be moving. Mercury is home. It loves being in Virgo and so it is ready to kick some ass. Virgo wants to figure it all out, get a structure in place, and then the following day Saturn goes direct. Saturn belongs to Capricorn, but it is a bit serious there and so expect things to get down and dirty. It is like you have wanted to build a new house. However, you have had no supplies delivered. You have been waiting all summer for something to show up, so you could begin and get started. On the 6th of September, the trucks pull up and now you can begin to do the job that you have been wanting to do all summer. And you are ready to get your hands dirty.  Saturn is ready to go. You are uncovering some deeper needs in your life. The last 8 years of your life, there has been a lot of stuff you have had to swallow. The layers of time are revealing themselves to you and how and why you have been on this difficult path.

Decide now on Sept 7th to not freak out, nor escape the raw and real truth. You have to face things that you don’t want but you have to let go of regardless. You will not be able to throw your hands in the air and give up. You cannot give up. Don’t be a baby. Don’t act childish. You have some necessary things to do that are not what you want to be doing. But you cannot give up because you will lose all the energy you have created. In order to get where you need to go, you will have to restructure and yes, it is going to be hard and take time. I know walking away looks easier. But it is not going to help it will make it worse.

Venus has been in a shadow period but on Sept 9th it goes into Scorpio. This is a big aspect really even more important than Saturn going direct. Watch your money, properties, etc. This moment might be a problem for real estate. You might want to feel like you need to save yourself financially.

The New Moon in Virgo is positive so set your intentions and do a ceremony to help you focus the energy moving forward. But know that you may not be thinking clearly.

Mars goes into Aquarius on September 10th and it is going to square Uranus. By the 10th, you might feel like you are on a sinking ship. But you cannot get off the ship quite yet.

Can you find a way to keep going? Can you find a way to do the hard work to keep the ship from sinking? You are in situations that are not quite working out and it is frightening. To bring things together you have to recognize what is falling apart and deal with it. You are going to have to give up something. You are going to have to serve and sacrifice to keep things afloat.

On September 16th, do not do crazy things. This would be a terrible moment to lose your mind and attempt to do things that should not and cannot be done without big, horrible consequences.

September 17th Jupiter sextile Pluto will give you a chance to fill those empty tanks that you have been running on fumes. You get the power back that others have somehow taken from you. Somehow there are door that open. For each person it is going to look different. Things get more intense from here. You are going to have to have honor and integrity by the end of the month.

September 20th, Saturn will quintile Neptune. Are you trying to escape the reality instead of dealing with it? This requires no more slacking off. You recognize that you have to get your life back on track and no one else is going to do it for you.

Mercury is going to enter Libra on September 21st. It is going to be very speedy. But you have to think clearly before you choose an action.

The Sun is going to enter Libra on the 23rd.  It is about upholding the contracts and agreements that you have in place. You have to be fair just noble and generous. You have to do what you agreed to do. Even if it takes more than you wanted or expected.

The Full Moon on September 24, this is about not allowing our ego wounds to become a cancer that eats you alive and destroys all that you value. You do not think things are going to work out. This astrology wants to compel you to do something crazy. But don’t do it. These types of aspects drive people insane and people die because they will do anything to win. Egos do not fear death. They see death as a vindication of the lie that has been believed by fear. But egos want to wreak havoc on the world. The choices you make during this Full Moon make you feel like the Universe has handed you much less than what you wanted or deserved.

Regardless, you have to stay level and fair.

Chiron retrograde enters Pisces on September 25th and that brings in even more extremes. You might be feeling like you are drunk and want to drive a car fast. But that is a really bad idea. Continue to have great restraint and control over yourself and if need be, stop and control others that are out of control and a danger to themselves or others.

Pluto goes direct on September 30th. And even more goes forward. You end this month looking at the choices you made, and you now have to deal with the repercussions of those choices. So don’t let the inner crazy side of your mind escape into the outer world. If you do, you will regret that lack of control. And the consequences can impact you for a long time. This is a month to do whatever you can to bring things together rather than tear them apart.

Venus goes retrograde on Oct 5th and that is again not a good moment. There is a great reveal in October. You want to stay tuned to the station rather than walk away and not find out the end of this story. You cannot make huge choices in September other than personal ones when you refuse to let your minds fears destroy what you have attempted to create.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Number 148 Meaning

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Fear Causes Confusion

creepyblurred headquote

Numerology/Astrology for 8/31/18 – Plus Personal Blog

creepyblurred headquote

Numerology/Astrology for 8/31/18

8/31/18 is the number 5. The number 5 is related to that connection between fire and earth. A fire needs to have something upon which to burn. If you have been resenting the restrictions of your life and the responsibilities that are just a natural part of living then you undercut the ground upon which you can build that fire to ignite your life. Freedoms always come at a cost, because freedoms have to be earned through careful consideration of more than just yourself. If you focus on your own freedom but do not allow others that same consideration, that is not true freedom. And yet, we have rules and laws that are put into place to define what is acceptable or not for a reason. That reason is that all men are created equal but not all are in a equal place. Meaning that you can have a person who has worked to evolve in one area but they may not be balanced in all area. Laws are there to remind those that have less awareness of where the lines are. As they say, “Locked doors keep honest people honest.” So while each of us need to practice mercy and kindness, we also have to recognize that there are volatile and reactive people too. The card associated with the number 5 is the Hierophant, who represents the rules of a society. Know that the energy of this number today may be used by opportunists to attempt to persuade you into stepping outside the lines of acceptable society. Do not allow yourself to be coerced into co-creating chaos. Impulsiveness is ramping up. Do not let yourself get caught in that wave. The consequences may not be what will elevate your soul’s potential.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

As we astrologically continue to move towards crisis, know that calm heads and warm hearts are going to be essential moving forward. We continue in this cycle of instability and expect the worlds affairs to react with sudden outbursts. Tempers flare and things that seem small can quickly get out of hand under these aspects. Stay as calm as possible because many things can startle you so keep your eyes open.

What supports now is a reassuring touch and a gentle smile. Again, things are not moving as quickly as anyone wants but that is the way it is, so everyone has to step in accordance with the flow, tempo, and rhythm. There is so much going on that you have to work with the flows that are slowly making their way forward. There is still a lot of restriction and resistance the has to be dealt with.

You know what is right. Do not let anyone strip you of your personal code of ethics, no matter what the circumstances. You are being tested to see if you have learned to hold your own counsel and truth or if you will become a mindless minion.

We are in a time when all things require endurance and tolerance. You are being asked to make choices not for your ego or the ego of others but for the greater good of all.

You might feel that you have to protect your feelings and hold certain thoughts internally for now. That is fine. Some people have not earned the right to know your deepest self. Don’t worry if you feel unappreciated. Most people are too distracted on navigating the tumultuous currents of life to notice those that support and help create those miracles in your life.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Evil vs Broken

Do not confuse a broken
person for an evil person.
A broken person can be fixed
an evil person cannot.
An evil person causes pain,
they hurt others. They deliberately
cause chaos. A broken person
would never do any of those
things because they know how it
feels to be on the other side of
those actions. Don’t confuse
someone who can be saved with
someone that you will need to be
saved from.



Fear is causing that confusion.
Chaos is created by a mind
seeking to make sense.
A mind that cannot step
beyond its own wound
is incapable of finding
order or clarity.
It will continue
to infect others
with the words,
and ramblings
of a madman.
It will endlessly
loop and repeat,
Seeking a way
out of the misery
of their own soul.  

~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

My 15 Min Manifestation Product Review

So how do you breakthrough and release all the deep seated thoughts that won’t let you go when everything else you’ve tried has failed?

Here’s what I learned and I didn’t need to spend hours or years meditating (which, by the way, I’d already tried). You don’t need to interpret dreams, read countless books on attracting and intending, create vision boards, or pay for costly seminars (which I’d also tried).

I was able to bypass all the time-consuming techniques and go straight to the source – the subconscious.

  • It only took a few short minutes a day
  • I was able to make “corrections” to my subconscious thought patterns so they rejected negative thoughts that were deeply rooted, the thoughts that continued to hide themselves even though I went through all the meditating, mantras, intending and all the rest of the techniques that are popular today
  • And I was able to form new, powerful thoughts that will became my reality in the same way the old thoughts did.

I’m sure by now you’re asking the same question I had when I first discovered this incredible program:Let me explain it in simple terms.

15-Minute Manifestation uses theta brainwave technology to bring your brain into the theta state almost instantly. And this is where the magic happens. This is where the subconscious is most receptive to messages.
You may experience, as I did, vivid imagery, long forgotten memories, and intuition leading to creative ideas. I experienced information that apparently was beyond what I are able to receive during my waking hours.
But I wasn’t asleep and I didn’t forget the thoughts I had, as is so often the case when we dream.
15-Minute Manifestation is the last tool I’ll ever need and it only took 15 minutes a day
  • There are no long and tedious books to read, no theories to understand and nothing to memorize
  • All you need is a pair of headphones
Why are you still holding on to all those destructive subconscious thoughts? The technology is available NOW!
By utilizing your brains naturally occurring theta waves - the same waves that occur in sleep and deep meditation – you can reprogram your thoughts to get rid of those that have been making you miserable and keeping you from moving forward.
15-Minute Manifestation is easy and inexpensive (thankfully, because I’d already spent a small fortune and a lot of time on books and seminars that didn’t work). And the benefits are enormous. There’s absolutely no risk because the program comes with a 60-day money back guarantee!
Don’t waste any more precious time being frustrated because you’re unable to live a life that’s fulfilling your dreams. Get this program in hand today and discover what I did – that in just 15 minutes a day you can become the person you want to be. It’s easy and quick and you’ll wonder why you lived so long without it! I know I did! To Know More Cick Here

The Power Number

Image for 'The Power Number' numerology article

Something happens about midlife — your power energy comes into force.

The power energy is represented by your power number.

The energy has always been there, but with a hardly discernible resonance. During early midlife, around age 40 to 45, sometimes a few years later, its resonance becomes more apparent, more forceful.

When the power energy wakes up, it doesn't come full force right away.

It generally takes a year or two of gradual increase for the energy represented by the power number to arrive at it's full force. During that time or soon thereafter, the person is likely to realize their outlook on life has changed.

How dramatic the change is depends in large part on whether or not the power number is the same as one of the core numbers.

With a unique power number, a new resonance is introduced. With an identical power number, a current resonance is enhanced.

(The complete article is at

Numerology/Astrology for 8/30/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 8/30/18

8/30/18 is the number 4. The number 4 calls out to your practical and pragmatic side. Where does your power center lie in your body? True power comes from a calm center not a reactive mind. If you want to defend against some insult you are responding not from a power position but one that needs to attack that which challenges a belief that you hold. Beliefs are not always true. But if you know yourself then the beliefs of others bounce off your aura without causing harm or discord. When you know yourself deeply you have no need to defend against others projections on you. You recognize them as reflections of their own unresolved issues. You are simply being a mirror to parts of themselves that they cannot or will not see. From that place it is easy to stay calm and neutral as you walk away. The number 4 is all about the progress and management of justice. The number 4 indicates the passage of the soul from a difficult place into one that is more aware and accepting. In this day, you get to recognize how fate is in control of your reality at the moment. While you cannot change the circumstances that you are experiencing, you can move in constructive ways regardless of what the world is doing around you. It is your personal duty to build a firm foundation for your soul’s progression. You will be asked to persevere regardless of circumstances or outcomes. It is your duty to stand and protect this world and all those things living.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


While the astrology this week is at the very least, intense, it is important to look at the truth with the clarity of calm. There are those that want to undercut the things that mean the most to you in a way that is covert and treacherous. There are dark forces that want to create chaos to generate fear to make others do what they want. You cannot allow such people to influence you into behaviors that are not in alignment with your core values and deepest soul expression. The use of force to make others bend to your will is actually very self-defeating in the long run and is a tactic of the mean and weak. Hold tight to your heart and do not let those with mental manipulation take you off the path of truth and goodness. Each moment over the next few years becomes a continuous stream of defining moments that will determine the direction and fate of your soul’s progression as it moves forward. Your head and heart need to align with supporting life and the expansion of compassion to all. There are those that only have the intention to generate more chaos. Today’s beginnings are going to mature into the turmoils of tomorrow. Choice is essential and the ability to not react in haste even more so. We are in a time of great uncertainty. You cannot force certainty in such moments, no matter how much you try. Something is being launched today. Make yours one of compassion and beauty. I know each of us craves predictability, stability and security. Those precious commodities are few and far between. That is why you have to hold those within yourself internally as the external spins more out of control. There are those that fuel others into more extremes and more disruptive ways. Choose to not be one of them. Learn to manage the tensions that are building. Because that tension is not going away any time soon. Do your best to take time that is calm and loving with your family. Do your best to not obsess over what the external world is doing. Notice the tendency to over-react and choose to exhibit patience.
~Suzanne Wagner~


“Insults are the arguments
employed by those who are
in the wrong.”

~Jean-Jacques Rousseau~



Those that project that others will do a particular thing are always in the end, the ones guilty of the crimes they project onto others. Those that fear certain things are always the ones that make those fears into the reality. I watch it again and again. So in this moment notice what you fear. Recognize that that fear inside of you (unowned) will externalize and manifest out in the world. Own your own stuff. Acknowledge your own fears and do not project them onto others. Those fears you hold will cause you to overreact and do more harm and suffering in the external world. All great warriors do not react. They respond from a calm center. They move from a place of protected, observing awareness to what is happening in the external world and to what is coming towards them. When you have fallen asleep and have hidden your head in the sand for too long you will wake up with a start and have a highly volatile reactive response.
I had a friend of mine that was a Vietnam Vet. He stayed alive in the jungle by aggressively reaction to any situation or when any sound happened. His brain was on hyper alert to protect himself. While that saved his life in Vietnam, when he got home it was a terrible response to his wife. She could not sleep in the same room as him because any sound would cause a protective, violent, reaction from him even if he was asleep. He would not even be consciously awake, and yet, he could pin her down violently in a few seconds. It caused their marriage to break up because it was so frightening for her. And he did not know how to control that behavior. We are in a time when the dream states of the subconscious seem to be aggressively manifesting in the external world. Illusions seem real. And this reality seems to be some bizarre dream that we are caught in that we cannot seem to awaken from. It is essential in such moments to recognize the reality from the dream. To awaken the peaceful warrior within you that is constantly aware of the surroundings and territories but knows how to respond consciously rather than unconsciously as if in a dream. Each person must learn responsibility for their inner and outer world. While you are allowed those inner beliefs. Some of those beliefs have intense consequences if you bring them into this world. Certain things are best left in the deep subconscious because of their reactive nature. We all have to learn to get along in this world. Everything is about compromise in life. None of us will ever get everything that we want. Just ask yourself, “Do you want this for your ego and to be right? Or do you want this for the greater good for all?” The choice should be an easy one if you have a healthy and balanced mind.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 8/29/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 8/29/18

8/29/18 is the number 3. The number 3 helps you look at the beauty in life and allow it to inspire you. There is a lightening of the energy momentarily but at this point we all should gratefully embrace any “breather” we get in this washing machine of chaos. How can you be brave but not confrontational today? This is a day to protect the growing confidence you have been building within. Learning to focus and concentrate your energies in areas that you can best serve takes a bit of extra effort but is worth it in the long run. Let out that enthusiasm for living life and be open to the messages and inspiration that life is offering up. What stabilizes the wide swing of the number is aligning with that deeper knowing and earth connection that is the basis of what this world is about.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

With the Moon still in Aries just keep going with those new projects. You have more courage and directness working in your favor so let those opportunities inspire you to take a few risks.

Don’t let your fears make you cling or attempt to control behaviors. Some people might be overly sensitive and moody today. Don’t take it personally. Listen more than attempt to give advice.

There is still some opposition going on in the mental/intellectual world with others opinions. Remember, defensiveness is a clue that there is a deeper insecurity happening.

Expect the plans to continue to modify and change around still. I know it is irritating but so much is in flux that constant small shifts is easier than one large shift that impacts many others.

The way through today is to stay in touch with the physical world. Keep a practical approach to choices. Know that it might not feel as imaginative as you would like but deliberate steps that are well thought through are going to get your further than sudden inspired actions. Avoid trying to impress and just do what is needed and required at this time.

The recent imbalances that have come into your awareness are still working the kinks out. Put your cards on the table. Honesty is best when there are unknown choices unfolding.

~Suzanne Wagner~


I walk slowly into myself,
through a forest of empty
suits of armor.

~Thomas Transtromer~


The energy it takes to maintain those protective layers of armor (called your ego) are astronomical. Taking them off brings up life and death, survival fears that seem very real in that moment. But what you do not see is that you are slowly killing yourself and wasting the precious energy of your life by believing that you have to build those walls and shells in the first place. If you are doing that, then you don’t really know who you are. If you really knew who you were, you would not need to pretend to be something that you are not. You would know the magnificence of your soul and trust that its expression in this life is one of goodness in all the ways it attempts to show up in this world.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Monday, August 27, 2018

Power Number Calculator

Image for 'Power Number Calculator' numerology article

The energy represented by the numerology power number comes into force during early midlife, around age 40 to 45, sometimes a few years later.

It's an additional influence that, once it comes into force, gradually becomes more influential over a period of several years. The influence lasts for the rest of a person's life.

The person might not notice the energy at first. Eventually, however, as the energy grows in strength, the individual realizes their outlook on life has changed.

Depending on whether or not the person has the same power number as one of the core numbers of their numerology chart, the outlook may be an enhanced version of energy they already experience or it may be entirely new.

The energy the numerology power number represents is, as its name implies, powerful.

See the Numerology Power Number article for more information.

(The complete article is at

Numerology/Astrology for 8/28/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 8/28/18

8/28/18 is the number 11. The number 11 continues to point out the intense separation and duality that this world is in. There are those out there that define themselves by not believing in the truth. And it goes so far as to not believing their own eyes and senses. They believe superstitions of what others say and that becomes their form of rebellion and how to make themselves stand out and feel unique and different. Unfortunately, it only shows their ignorance, lack of discernment, and lack of ability to see the underlying core universal truths. It is a form of brainwashing that our society is allowing to continue. The end results of such a split is never going to be good. There are those that cannot deal with the reality right in front of them so they are creating their own reality but just as in all brainwashing, it creates a non-functional person who cannot navigate what is really going on and the more they hang onto that obvious lie the more fractured and fragmented they become inside.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The moon is in Aries from Tuesday morning through afternoon on Thursday. While this is great for physical activity it can also make the best laid plans suddenly go sideways. There seems to be a lot of small problems that are awkwardly lining up to make decisions buggy. There are a lot of small things that keep stopping the launch of things so take the time to attempt to de-bug the problems first.

The flow of the day attempts to be one of ease but you are going to need extra energy in places to sustain this seemingly long day. Let the pace be set and reserve some energy for later.

Because things keep altering you need to not get frustrated or displeased. Don’t push because there is an insecurity in people at the moment. You are implementing a new direction and all new things take more time. This one feels like cutting a path through the jungle with a machete.

You are itching to start but something keeps delaying the race. Much to your frustration. Exercise patience and selflessness when possible. You have great courage today so direct it in a way that allows for those opportunities to happen.

You want to express tenderness and care but there are so many distractions, especially work seems to keep getting in the way. Don’t let your insecurity get the better of you. You are not being rejected. Everyone is attempting to work within their comfort zones.

Emotional vulnerability seems high so you might need to let that out in the right places today. There are signs where you can really express your deepest feelings. Take the door when offered.

The hard part about today is the dance between self-control and self-indulgence. Both want some space to move but they may feel at odds with each others. What feels right is going to clash with logic today. Do not trust what people say as they might misrepresent their true feelings. You are feeling a lot. Getting that out into the air might be challenging.

Don’t let your critical thinking skew your mind into an overly negative place. It may feel like things are not flowing because you and others are more guarded and unnatural. Take your time. Find the doorway to connect.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Anger is one letter short of danger.


Just because you feel anger and frustration, that does not give you permission to be cruel. I do not know why at this time so many feel that it is their right to express the mental chaos in which they live internally and then choose to project that internal suffering out into the world to infect and make others hurt. It is an indication of a mind that has not evolved in its natural progression of awakening and awareness. It shows a mind that is stunted in a developmental place somewhere. While we want to blame our childhood, our parents, our circumstances for our actions the reality is that you know what is right and wrong and it is always a choice to cause harm to others. Yes, I know that when you have been harmed that you want to cause harm to others in a type of victim/victimizer pattern but that never really gives you the fulfillment and healing that you are seeking. And the truth is that many people are subjugated to horrible actions by others and they turn to compassion and they choose a path away from the perpetuation of such suffering. Today, notice where you want to lash out. Step into your own heart and take a look at where you are hurting and then have a chat with that part that is attempting to get your attention and awareness. Ask that part what it needs to feel safe and loved. Then do that. This moment in time each of us is being tested to see what we are made of and what are deepest core values are. We are being asked to move from that place of our core essence. That part that knows right from wrong. That part that knows compassion is always the doorway to healing. Only when you have total compassion for yourself can you extend that energetic pattern out in the real world functionally. The huge problem we have at this moment is that there are so many that are not mentally/emotionally/spiritually responding from a place of aligned center. And you cannot have a conversation that ends well with those that are mentally ill and disturbed.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Hyperlink Vào Win2888 Mới Nhất, Nhanh Nhất Win2888 — Thông Tin Về Nhà Cái Win2888 Lừa Đảo

nằm mơ thấy ma Đánh ngay con gìNhư các anh chị em đã biết thì tại từng khu vực mà nhà cái Win2888 đang hoạt động cũng như tại mỗi quốc gia có thể truy cập nhà cái Win2888 điều cung cấp cho khách hàng một mã đại lý gọi là Affiliate Code thì mã đại lý này có tác dụng gì và chức năng sẽ như thế nào khi chúng ta đăng ký thành viên. Các bộ số chỉ dùng cho mục đích tham khảo, bạn nên cân nhắc trước khi chơi. Và để tham gia đánh lô đề online với mức trúng 99.5 và hoa hồng lên đến 29,5% với mức trúng 1 ăn 80, hãy đăng ký ngay một tài khoản tại Win2888 – nhà cái số đề on-line trúng cao nhất và uy tín nhất hiện nay. Hướng dẫn nạp tiền Win2888 chơi Xóc Đĩa On-line dành cho các bạn đã có tài khoản tại nhà cái Win2888. Việc nạp tiền vào tài khoản Win2888 rất dễ dàng và nhanh chóng. Tiền sẽ có trong tài khoản của bạn chỉ sau khoảng 5 phút từ khi bạn làm lệnh nạp tiền Win2888. Mời các bạn cùng theo dõi Admin hướng dẫn nạp tiền Win2888.

Win2888 mang tới độ uy tín cùng tính an toàn cao cho người dùng, đi cùng với đó là các khuyến mãi khủng vô cùng hấp dẫn. Cách thức tham gia đơn giản, không cần chứng minh nhân dân. Chỉ cần 30s đăng ký thì bạn đã có thể tham gia vào mọi trò chơi, từ số đề on-line tới các recreation thú vị và cả các trò chơi Casino trực tuyến chơi với người thật. Trong một số bài viết trước, Admin đã giới thiệu đến các bạn nhà cái cá độ bóng đá Win2888 và luật cá độ bóng đá online. Nếu các bạn chưa tham khảo thì xem tại link bên dưới nhé.

Bạn có thể đánh lô đề Win2888 trên điên thoại di động với đường truyền cực kì nhanh. 2. Nạp tiền vào tài khoản cá độ win2888. Win2888 với nhiều năm hoạt động trên thị trường đã quá quen và hiểu nhu cầu của các tay cược. Với những cải tiến tiện ích, người chơi sẽ có trải nghiệm thú vị an toàn nhất tại Win2888. Ngoài ra các bạn có thể tham khảo video hướng dẫn đăng ký tài khoản Win2888 dưới đây.

Mức trúng và hoa hồng hoàn trả lại cho khách hàng tại Win2888 là cao nhất thị trường hiện nay, với hoa hồng 29,5% và mức trúng ninety nine.5. Với đầy đủ các đài miền Bắc, miền Trung, miền Nam. Đa dạng cách chơi như 2 càng, 3 càng, four càng, bao lô và đá xuyên Đánh lô đề online tại Win2888 là lựa chọn số một hiện nay. Sau khi nhấn tham gia trò chơi online tại win2888, người chơi cần chọn mức cược tùy theo khả năng của bản thân.

Hôm nay sẽ giới thiệu đến các bạn một số cách để truy cập vào website của Win2888 mà không bị chặn, đây là những đường link chính thức được Nhà cái Win2888 giới thiệu cho người chơi. Lưu ý: Mã đại lý mặc định của Win2888 là AF3596, nếu trang đăng ký không điền sẵn thì các bạn tự gõ vào. Đây là mã đại lý tổng chính thức và duy nhất ở Việt Nam. Win2888 còn tương trợ những ngân hàng nội địa trong nước như: Vietcombank, ACB Bank, BIDV Financial institution, Đông Á Financial institution, MB Financial institution, Techcombank, VP Bank, Ngân lượng, Zalo pay, Bảo kim, VIMO… khôn xiết thuận lợi phải không hề nào các Mấy bạn.

Thủ tục đăng ký Win2888 cực kỳ dễ dàng, nhanh chóng và bảo mật thông tin người chơi tuyệt đối. Chỉ cần nhấn vào nút đăng ký tài khoản bên dưới và điền đầy đủ thông tin như yêu cầu. Đặc biệt có nhiều khuyến mãi lớn khi đăng ký và tham gia đặt cược tại đây. Nếu bạn còn thắc mắc về thông tin win2888 là một điều hoàn toàn sai lầm. Mỗi lần bạn muốn nạp tiền vào tài khoản Win2888 bạn PHẢI lấy thông tin ngân hàng. Đây là vấn đề bắt buộc để tránh sự nhầm lẫn khi bạn chuyển tiền.

Sport xóc đĩa đổi thưởng hay còn gọi là recreation chẵn lẻ, không chỉ thịnh hành ở Việt Nam mà nó còn rất nổi tiếng trên toàn thế giới. Luật chơi xóc đĩa đổi thưởng Win2888 vô cùng đơn giản, ván chơi diễn ra nhanh chóng. Kết luận: Bài viết đã hướng dẫn tỉ mỉ cách chơi lô đề on-line trên Win2888 đây là nhà cái lớn hàng đầu thế giới chứ không như những trang nhỏ lẻ khác. Vì vậy các bạn hãy xem kĩ hướng dẫn để tránh gặp sai lầm nhé. Nếu có gì thắc mắc hãy comment bên dưới để chúng tôi hỗ trợ ngay.

Phơ : Tất cả các lệnh, của bạn được hệ thống Win2888 lưu lại vào lịch sử giao dịch. Đặc biệt hơn là Win2888 sẽ thông báo đến tài khoản của bạn về số tiền bạn thắng do đánh lô đề online trên Win2888. Để Phơ ghi đề trong người cũng là một bất tiện. Nếu bị người thân, bạn bè hoặc công an phát hiện. Lúc này có thể bạn sẽ gặp rắc rối khá lớn. Win2888 là một nhà cái uy tín, lâu đời. Nơi đây thuộc sở hữu của On line casino Shanghai lớn nhất smart

Các bạn đăng nhập vào tài khoản win2888 của bạn. Sau đó bấm vào mục Số dư chọn mục Rút tiền. Vào đến đây bạn hãy điền thông tin chi tiết và rõ ràng như hình bên dưới. Chúng tôi xin giải đáp thắc mắc này rằng nhà cái win2888 đã tạo ra mã đại lý này để cung cấp cho mỗi một Win2888 con ở mỗi quốc gia riêng. Như vậy, bạn có thể Nằm Mơ Thấy Ma Đánh Đề Con Gì? Giải Mã Giấc Mơ Thấy Ma ( Win2888 là nhà cái uy tín nhất hiện nay, cung cấp các hoạt động giải trí với mong muốn mang đến cho bạn những giây phút trải nghiệm tuyệt vời nhất, hãy đến với Win2888 bạn sẽ thấy được thư giản và hài lòng các dịch vụ tại đây.

Cập nhật năm 2018: Win2888 hiện có chương trình khuyến mãi tích điểm đổi quà siêu sizzling Iphone X, Xe Sh150i, Ipad Pro, Kim Cương,… để tham gia hãy click on vào link đăng ký mà Win2888asia đã chia sẻ bên dưới nhé. Bước này các bạn tự thực hiện chuyển tiền vào tài khoản ngân hàng do Win2888 cung cấp trong bước 1, có nhiều cách chuyển như: Ra ngân hàng chuyển, chuyển qua cây ATM hoặc chuyển khoản trực tiếp từ internet bankink.

Numerology/Astrology for 8/27/18 – Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 8/27/18

8/27/18 is the number 10. The number 10 gives you the opportunity to begin again. There is power in the willingness to change. There is movement finally happening that seems more tangible. And yet, with that, there is a feeling of a slight calm that allows the psyche to rest (if only slightly). At this point, everyone would love to take any pause from the chaos with grace and relief. Such moments are moments to clarify what you what and where you are going next. Life is a journey that continues regardless of circumstances. All you can do is have the willingness to change.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Take it easy today. Between Mars ending his retrograde cycle in the morning, and Mercury squaring Jupiter in the evening, it is probably going to feel a bit disjointed. You will need to say what needs to be said but there is no need to repeat yourself or force your view onto others who may not be listening.

With the Moon in Pisces beginning to wane and Mars turns direct today after two months of retrograde motion. You are preparing to take some actions. Especially in the upcoming weeks. While the energy is still chaotic and confusing the clarity will eventually come and decisions going to be made and action taken.

While things still feel a bit dreamy and undefined you begin to feel hopeful. Stay loose in your ideas because it feels like you are beginning to awaken from a very bad dream. Don’t move too quickly because you are not fully in this reality yet.

There are some things that are speeding up, such as Mars moving forward. But others still saying to slow down and rest, like the Moon in Pisces. Do your best to deal with the push pull of it all and know that some movement is happening even if it is slower than you would prefer.

You are feeling a bit vulnerable and sensitive. Know that you are easily swayed today. There is great devotion but also a bit of impracticality mixed in just to keep you guessing.

There is a wound up, nervousness under the surface. It is possible that you will get some unpredictable responses from others and perhaps yourself. Just know that emotions are very much on the surface. At such times making permanent decisions is not a particularly good idea.

There is a potential for some sort of karmic repayment or benefit today. You might discover some new information that brings true feelings to the surface.

In love, show some restraint and objectivity in this unsettled energy. Obsessing and making things up will not be completely true in the end.

You do need to pause before moving certain plans forward. Your feelings may put you at odds with others on emotional levels.

You might really need to address where you need to forgive and let something go from your past.

Avoid conflict and competition. Come from a win/win perspective. Stand easy in your personal power and know that the rewards will eventually come.

~Suzanne Wagner~


The most powerful weapon
on earth is the human soul
on fire.

~Ferdinand Foch~



With the death of Senator John McCain, we unfortunately learn something that is horrifying about human nature. And that is that there are always those (who don’t know you and do not even really know what you have accomplished) that express opinions (so we might as well say lies) about someone who has left this earth because they are no longer here to defend themselves. Those that do such things are shockingly weak and insecure people. Now, somehow such people feel brave enough to say what their projections are. It is a level of cruelty and sheer meanness that is shocking to witness. I am alarmed at the level of mental corruption and dysfunction we have fallen too. The hole that such souls are making for themselves is so deep and it seems that with glee the use the energy of their distorted hatred enthusiastically to zealously keep digging that hole. It takes a very gapped psyche to not recognize the suffering they are causing themselves and this world for a very long time. It is one thing to do actions that only impact you. But at this time in history there are many that are actively doing things that tear down the amazing miracle of what is America. And they want everyone to suffer because in their selfishness and childish behavior they are suffering. It is like a child wanting to get even. Regardless of how bad the suffering is going to impact this country and the world. We have a long way to go. This event in American history will go down and the single most dangerous moment ever in the history of freedom. And it was those that could not and would not share the abundance of our country that are responsible for the collapse.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Numerology 101 - A Beginners Pyramid EQ Part 2 of

Numerology 101 - A Beginners Pyramid EQ Part 1 of

Numerology/Astrology for 8/26/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 8/26/18

8/26/18 is the number 9. The number 9 reminds you that completion is almost always emotional in nature. Physical completions while wonderful pale in comparison to the emotional clarity that comes in moments of acceptance and understanding. That is because then the external does not really matter. You see the external only as a perceived limitation upon which you needed to push against to find out who you really are. With acceptance comes peace and tolerance of others along their journey. And the realization that you must let others move along their path and you cannot save them from their own karmic suffering that they have created to learn self-realization. Completion is a dance between the known and the unknown. Unfortunately what you think you know is always a perception of the ego and mind in action. So what you believe to be true is not necessarily true for others. At the core of all great truths is the realization that truth dissolves all ego attachments. And that you must face great challenges in order to claim your own wisdom. Where can you lead by positive example? Where can your strength of character best be utilized? If you are not getting what you want, then know that either that thing is not really yours or that you are still working through disserving issues. You cannot demand that others see you. Only when you see yourself first will others see beyond the façade that you present to the world. You cannot find completion by others accepting you. You have to accept yourself and love yourself into a space of heathy interaction with the real world first.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


It is a Full Moon in Pisces today, which was so obvious last night as the bright light illuminated my room. Therefore, emotions run high and there is a feeling of the ground shifting underneath your feet. This is not the best time for making those hard decisions but figuring out and getting intuitive insights will be easy. Doors are opening to allow those hidden emotions to be admitted. Yet, move with gentleness and grace. People are pretty raw at the moment.

This is a day to explore your world but don’t let ideas get out of control. Things tried at this moment may be something that sticks around for a long time. Expect the world issues to bounce around. Do what you can but do not overreact. There is still a very long way to go.

Give those that earned it praise but know that overdoing it will feel forced and false.

With the Full Moon in Pisces, take moments to reflect on this year and what you have learned and what are you still learning. It seems like there is just not enough time for all the things on your plate. You might be bouncing between producing something tangible and then also feeling like you don’t want to do anything at all. Of course you will have to find that tenuous middle ground no matter what. You can get a lot done if you focus on one task at a time.

There are still long-tern needs and goals that have to be accomplished. Pushing will not work and getting desperate will also not get you where you need to be. Be careful that you do not get yourself in a vicious circle. It is time to leap beyond habits and your known reality. Yes, it might be a bit scary, but you have a lot of life left to live.

The water and earth elements are strong at the moment, providing a sense of emotional stability and support with a gradual and doable level of change. Pisces represents the Divine Feminine which is perfect energy of a Full Moon for Women’s Equality Day. Diplomatic Venus is challenging the raw and real power of Pluto. Perhaps she is trying to teach us that a softer power is every bit as powerful as the aggressive masculine attack mode that has been going on for too long. Complicating this Full Moon is warrior Mars ending his two-month retrograde cycle on the 27th. This may feel like you are on the starting line, holding a type of tension, waiting for the gun to go off and the race to start. Because of this trigger tension you might want to hold off a few days on important actions and decisions. This is the Full Moon where you balance your need to retreat from the world while still getting your task list accomplished.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Don’t worry about
making waves simply
by being yourself.
The Moon does it
all the time.

~Scott Stanile~



Take peace and swallow that pill.
There is a way to go still up that hill.
Life will ask for all of you.
More than you wanted to give it too.
You cannot wait until a time.
When it feels right and oh so sublime.
You have to move when life calls.
It does not matter the change and overhauls.
There is something waiting beyond those thoughts.
Beyond the minds beliefs and snapshots.
You ask for more, then refuse to move.
Continuing that pattern will make you lose.
So grab your courage and close your eyes.
And let lift show you a big surprise.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Friday, August 24, 2018

September Is A Huge Month In Numerology, See What To Expect

It’s an interesting phenomenon, numerologically speaking.  If you’re paying attention—and if you’re willingly reading this, chances are that’s definitely you!) — the energy of your individual year tends to peak in September.  It’s rather like the crescendo to the long piece of music you’ve been playing all year.  

So, what does this mean?  It’s as though the primary theme (or most likely themes) that have been your priority all year long will be held like one looooo-ng note on your life’s sheet of music.  It can be like an aria, a bass-tone, or perhaps even a drum solo!  

One of the fascinating things about numerology—and about math—is that, whenever you add the number 9 to another number, it always reduces to the same number to which the 9 was added.During the month of September (9) everyone is experiencing the same personal month number as their Personal Year number. So in your 1 Personal Year, in September you’re now also in your 1 Personal Month. If you’re experiencing a 2 Personal Year, you’re in your 2 Personal Month, and so on. So you’re doubling the energy of the Personal Year you’ve been navigating the entire year so far with the energy of your Personal Month.

As a reminder, this is the way you calculate your Personal Year.

Take the date of birth:  October 16, 1982

Use only the MONTH and DAY:

October is 10  |  1 + 0 = 1

Day is 16  |  1 + 6 = 7

Then use the CURRENT YEAR.

2018 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11 |  11 is a Master number and is not reduced

Now add the month, day, and current year together.

1 + 7 + 11 = 19

Keep reducing:

1 + 9 = 10  |  1 + 0 = 1

In this example you would experience a 1 Personal Year in 2018

September:  Your Crescendo Month

Numerologically speaking, September is a turning point month where you’ll start feeling the theme of your next phase coming into play. If you’re tuned into these energies, you can feel a distinct level of intensity in September and also begin to feel a sense of walking back down the mountain (metaphorically speaking) throughout October, November, and December as you ready yourself for the new energies coming to you in the new year. It’s as though the energy of your current Personal Year begins to hand the baton over to the next Personal Year.  Yet what I’d also like to emphasize is that we never just leave one theme (or energy) and enter into something fully and completely different.

Optimally, we’re being asked to integrate the lessons and experiences of any given year with the new theme coming into play. When we’re able to use the theme of the current year (and the years prior) as building blocks into the next year—that’s when things feel more in line and on target.  So it’s always great when we can see how each year can positively inform the next. In my experience, September holds heightened energy related to the theme of your current personal year. It’s like your final exam to see if you’ve been in alignment with the Personal Year lessons you’ve been working with all year long.

September Expectations by Personal Year

1 Personal Year:  Independence & New Beginnings

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 1 Personal Year. What have you started this year? Have you followed through with action and determination? Have you learned how to stand on your own two feet and assert your independence in a healthy and dynamic way? Now you’re exiting the final phase of your three-year push time (the Personal Years 8-9-1).   You’ve been “twerking” with a lot of experiences focused on your sense of independence and individuality.  Initiating change and laying out the gauntlet for what new initiatives you want to see grow and prosper has been at the forefront this year. 

Now you’re beginning to open up to the energy of the number 2. This upcoming year ushers in a time where patience is the lesson or the theme of the year. It’ll be a time devoted to slowing down and focusing time and energy on other people, as opposed to the more self-focused energy required during the 1 Personal Year. You’re entering into a year where you’ll experience delays and slow-downs, yet it’s all set up for right timing. The bonus is this: You’ll have the opportunities to spend precious time investing in your loving relationships, developing partnerships and alliances, and involving yourself in larger group dynamics. 

It’s a great year for developing yourself emotionally and learning more about your internal mechanisms and what makes you tick on an emotional level. It’s a time earmarked to learn more about how love has shown up for you and how you show up for love. Love and relationships will be top priority.  Often people rekindle their intimate relationship during a 2 Personal Year.  Certainly the energy of the 2 revolves around love and partnership.  This can extend into your romantic life and into your business life as well.  If you’re ready to welcome your “person” into your sphere, this year offers supportive energy for that purpose.  

Know that this is also a time where you’ll be tested to gain and act upon clear emotional boundaries.  So if this is something you grapple with, expect some experiences that allow you to practice, practice, and practice this tricky feat.  Even though the year is all about giving to others, it’s also (in a rather oxymoronic way) demanding that you define and step into yourself.  Meaning, you don’t mutate yourself to please others or to give others what you think they might want.  This practice (over-giving) will backfire with unprecedented force during a 2 Personal Year where you’re being schooled in the practice of true self-love and healthy emotional boundaries.   

2 Personal Year:  Love & Patience

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 2 Personal Year. Have you cultivated a sense of patient purpose? Have you taken time to nurture your relationships? Have you gotten more in touch with yourself and your feelings? Now you’re exiting the final phase of your delayed-filled three-steps-forward and two-steps-back year.  Do you have a renewed sense of understanding people in a heightened and deep way?  Do you feel as though you’ve earned your Political Science Degree in Diplomacy?  Do you feel as though I’m asking far too many questions?  It’s as though that’s a great way to describe the underlying energy you’ve dealt with all year long.  Like you’ve been babysitting a small child who asks you questions incessantly and yet you have to wait for the child’s parents to come back from their twelve-month long trip abroad before any real decisions can be made.  Oy.  

Now to say hello to the energy of the 3—which is lighter, joyful, expressive, and social. The upcoming year ushers in a time where life can feel as though it’s getting a fresh coat of paint. It’s got the potential to feel more energetic and fun—more social and engaging. The upcoming years theme is self-improvement. How does that fit with that underlying tickle you’re feeling? Creativity and expression are the foundational energies in the coming year. Can you handle it? After earning your Ninja status as the purveyor of patience this year, I bet the answer is “Let’s get this party started!” 

It’s going to be prime time to learn something new, act on your creative impulses, and find your joy. Speaking your truth and creative self-expression will be top priority.  One of the interesting things about the energy of the 3 is that—while it’s all about expressing a more upbeat tone across the board—it can bring emotions up to the surface to be (re)examined and processed.  It’s also a time where creativity is at the helm.  All kinds of creative-problem solving will get you a long way this upcoming year.  And as odd as it may sound, if you’re already a creative (artist, writer, actor, musician, that sort of thing), this is a breakout year to boldly create in a way you’ve never created before!  Trust your gut and lean into your creative impulses.  Act upon it and throw self-doubt out the window.  This is a year to make your creative projects into a reality.  

3 Personal Year:  Creative Expression & Self-Improvement

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 3 Personal Year. Have you been engaged in some kind of self-improvement? Have you gotten up close and personal with your emotional life? Have you tapped into your joy and acted on your creativity? Now you’re exiting the final phase of your creativity-packed year.  Not that you can’t take that with you wherever you go—yet the energy related to your upcoming 4 Personal Year takes a different turn. Your focus for this year was on your own sense of yourself, in refining and expressing your emotions and creativity, and in all things self-improvement. This was a year where your emotional life was served to you on a platter—was it delicious or did it leave you with intermittent indigestion? 

One of the things I see over and over again with the energy of the 3 Personal Year is that sometimes it doesn’t pan out as feeling lighter and more fun for people.  I’m finding that one of the through lines for the year is that it confronts you with your need to lighten up.  Yet this will press you with the most uncomfortable elements that are necessary for finding humor and buoyancy in what are often situations where the habit is to respond with stressful thoughts, with judgment, with the need to control the outcome.  The 3 flirts with you, requesting that you shift your position and see with fresh eyes.  This can present in all kinds of ways.  For instance, your significant other comes to you and either wants to leave the relationship or wants to go to couples therapy.  Or perhaps you have some family issues resurfacing that just can’t be dealt with in the same old way and you’re finding that you’ll either explode from the frustration and stress about it or you can take the opportunity to step back and flow with it in a different way.  Maybe this comes across as a time where you want to finally take steps toward acting upon your creative ideas (writing your book, starting your blog, developing your course, auditioning for that agency) and yet fear or scattered focus detour you from getting it done.  

The upcoming year is a bit more serious and hardworking, devoted to setting goals and foundations for your life, and building what you want from the ground up. You’re moving into a time for step-by-step processes, incremental progress, and a need for a certain tenacity and stick-to-it-ness. It’s the year for working hard to set things up that will serve as the foundation for the next five years and beyond. Clearly defined goals and diligence will be top priority.

Often the locus of the 4 Personal Year is very much connected with some kind of creative project or advanced level of self-improvement that is a result of the creative juggernaut initiated during your 3 Personal Year.  Perhaps that shows up now as a reconfiguration of your business.  This year you redefined yourself (during your year devoted to self-improvement!) and made some decisions about services you want to phase out and then some new services you want to begin to offer.  So this upcoming year is set up to offer your supportive energy in making this reboot happen on a grand and logistical scale.  Time to redo the website, figure out how to expand your marketing net, and bring in new clients who want and need your new services.  So the energy related to this goal setting year is—in its highest and best sense—your posse.  Your entourage.  Your squad.  Move over Taylor Swift.  There’s a new kid in town and that kid is you.  

4 Personal Year:  Longer-Term Goal Setting & Hard Work

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 4 Personal Year. Have you established and acted upon obtainable goals? Have you organized yourself in a way that makes work and personal life more effective? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment yet? Now you’re exiting the final phase of hyper-focus on work and massive devotion to goal setting and self-discipline.  Surely you’re feeling the burn—or the fatigue—at this pivotal point of the year. Yet don’t throw in the towel!  I know it feels as though you’re in the final miles of a very long marathon, perhaps even an Iron Man event.  Perhaps you’re wondering what the hell you thought you were doing when you signed up to participate in this hard-driving 4 Personal Year!  

I’m here to remind you that the resounding reverberating effects of what you’ve put into place this year will prove to be your ultimate wingman for the rest of your nine-year Personal Year cycle.  I’m sure you’ve been able to extract a bit of respite every now and again this year, yet mostly it’s been nose to the grindstone.  If you’ve been ready, willing, and able to carry forward with your foundational efforts this year, what a difference it will make in your success ratio as you careen into the energy of the 5 Personal Year.  Stick with it and endure for the next four months.  The power of what you’re putting into play now can’t be underestimated. 

This upcoming year is designed as a freedom-seeking year. You’re coming into a time devoted to change, flexibility, new and progressive ideas, fun, travel, and fearless adventure. Just remember to usher in just a bit of that focus and discipline you instituted this year so that next year will be more effective and—ultimately—more fun. If you don’t hang on to a bit of that grounded energy of the 4, next year can be too frenetic and therefore somewhat discouraging. This is a year where you can begin to manifest and have fun with all of the things you put into working order last year. 

The 5 Personal Year ushers in a very tactile energy that brings opportunities to enjoy new engagements (or entanglements!) in your intimate life.  It’s a sensual year when your sex appeal will be radiating like an auric ball of light. It’ll be a great year to explore, yet not the best time to make a solid commitment—meaning, not a great idea to meet someone one week and fly to Vegas for your Elvis-themed nuptials the next.  If you’re in a relationship, this is a great time to explore your sense of freedom within that relationship and perhaps redefine certain elements that you would like in order to feel a bit less restricted.  It’s a grand time to up the ante across the board in your sensual life.  Tantric workshop anyone?  If you’re single and ready to invite a new relationship into your life, this year holds great promise for engagement and enjoyment when you can let loose and yet also not get too crazy in the process.  Remember, the number 5 is all about freedom through self-discipline or the constructive use of freedom. 

The energy of the 5 is all about change.  Flexibility and openness to change will be top priority.  Understand that all of the systems building and organizing you’ve accomplished this year (during your 4) will provide you with a level of freedom you have only dreamt about in the past.  Certainly you’re beginning to feel the itch to break out and live a little.  Make sure you complete your tasks at hand in the next several months so that you can allow yourself a little fun and adventure.  Know also that the 5 Personal Year will deal you a pivot point and some lasting change will transpire that you can’t even envision yet.  You’re job is to enjoy the process and to positively push your personal boundaries.  

5 Personal Year:  Freedom & Change

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 5 Personal Year. Have you been open to meeting new people? Have you tried new and different things or learned something new? Can you now see past the “bright and shiny objects” and focus on the specific change you’re ushering in right now?  Now you’re exiting the final phase of your free wheeling, freedom seeking, frenetic, and ever-changing year.  How are you feeling at this juncture?  Often, September is a month during the 5 Personal Year where things suddenly or strangely click into place.  It’s often when you finally are able to make that decision you’ve been struggling with for months—where you take that job offer, decide on the official separation, lock in the plans to move from Ohio to Portugal.  You know.  Those sorts of choices.  

Toward the end of September, you’ll start feeling the shifting energies around you as you move into the more duty-filled and responsibility-laden energies of the 6 Personal Year.Home and family will be the upcoming focus and much of your energy will take a turn from the exploration of “freedom” and all that goes with it and into more of a home-focused year filled with a heightened sense of responsibility and a re-evaluation of all of your relationships. The spotlight is now set on the themes of love, duty, responsibility, and the domestic realm—however you personally define that.  Often this is a time where you feel compelled to do some home improvements, move into a new living situation that feels more in alignment with you at this point in your life, and/or get reconnected with where you feel “at home.”

The year is perfect for stepping up levels of commitment in your intimate relationship, finding “the one,” or making the determination that you need to move on.  This is a time where you will be met with some heightened levels of responsibility and your task is to devote yourself to giving a little extra without feeling used or resentful in the process.  This can manifest as a friend needing your support while they go through a health crisis.  Or perhaps a friend or family member is getting married and you’re expected to participate in the planning and execution of the big day.  This can also be a time where you yourself up-level your relationship and move in together, officially tie the knot, or get pregnant.  You can sense the common denominator.  It’s all about love and relationships and questions regarding how you personally feel about all of it will be up close and personal during the upcoming year.  

6 Personal Year:  Relationships & Responsibility

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 6 Personal Year. Have you made determinations about certain things that need to be discarded in your life? Do you feel nurtured and loved? Have you modulated your sense of responsibility by not being too responsible or irresponsible? Now you’re exiting the final phase of heightened responsibilities with home, family, and relationships.  With any grace, you’re feeling somewhat warm and fuzzy right about now and not too exasperated with the push-and-pull that you’ve undeniably been a part of all year long.  This is a moment where you can (metaphorically, if not literally) stretch out in your hammock and bask in the glow of all those nurturing vibes.

This upcoming year is gearing up as a time of intensive self-discovery. Toward the end of September, you’ll start feeling the shift as you move into more soul-searching energies. You’ve engaged with duties with family and loved ones this year. You’ve been working on relationships—both with yourself and with those around you. Not that you can’t take that with you wherever you go—yet the energy related to your upcoming 7 Personal Year takes a different turn. Yet remember that you’ll be bridging the decisions made during your 6 Personal Year and setting them on the chess board for you to navigate with even more depth.

You’re coming into your 7 Personal Year, which is a sabbatical year of sorts. You were “on call” for everyone else this year. Next year, it’s all about you. It’s a year of knowledge building and internal excavation. Get ready to peel back some of the layers and get to know the up-and-coming you. It’s a year to go inward.  While this year had you on call on so many levels, the energy filtering in demands that you quietly and meticulously probe into the deeper and more profound questions.  The 7 is the spiritual seeker, after all.  And this can take all kinds of twists and turns.  Of course the world around you will continue to spin at its usual pace.  Yet internally, you’ll be moving in slow-mo.  You might already be feeling this odd shift in your internal compass where you feel a lower-energy level—a feeling of retraction, of sorts.  

Knowledge gathering and internal contemplation will be top priority as you traverse your navel-gazing year.  This is a time for planning rather than outright action.  It’s time to dig beneath the surface, so actually study and percolate on some of the biggest questions facing you at this point in your life.  Perhaps that plays out as an overarching question:  Why are we even on this planet in these human bodies?  What’s the point?  Or perhaps it’s more focused on the microscopic realm.  What do I really want in my intimate relationship?  What are my drop-dead core values?  You get the idea.  Be prepared for lots of pondering and note taking.  

7 Personal Year: Introspection & Planning

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 7 Personal Year. Have you taken some downtime to nourish your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health? Have you revealed some hidden aspects of yourself? Are you becoming more spiritually attuned? Now you’re exiting the final phase of the slower moving, internally probing energies of the 7.  This is often a time where there is a peak in some rather quietly intense soul-revealing revelations.  Don’t be surprised if this comes in a form that doesn’t initially feel like angel wings and fairy dust.  

Usually this appears in its starkest most blunt and direct form.  What do I mean?  Well, sometimes this comes to you in a way that can potentially throw you into victim-mode.  You’ve been in denial about your deteriorating relationship and now your partner makes an exit.  You’re pressed to come to terms with a health issue, make the changes, and take the steps to work with it for the long-term.  Or maybe you simply have an entire year of experiences that cumulatively test your sense of trust, vulnerability, and higher spiritual principals, no matter how you might define that.  You get the general trend here.

I love Brené Brown’s definition of spirituality.   In her book Rising Strong, she asserts that “spirituality is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to one another by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and belonging. Practicing spirituality brings a sense of perspective, meaning, and purpose to our lives.”  And that is, in a nutshell, the focus of the 7 Personal Year—to connect with your sense of yourself from within.

Get ready for a bit of whiplash, because you’re beginning to feel the fast-and-furious energy of the 8 Personal Year coming at you.  The energy of the upcoming year is all about finances, personal power, and achievement. Toward the end of September, you’ll start feeling the shifting energies around you as you move into the more materially oriented energies of the 8. Your current year is focused on going inward—excavating the spiritual lessons you’re working with and contemplating deeply. Understand that you couldn’t be working with two more disparate energies as you segue from your 7 Year into your 8 Year. 

This year has hopefully been somewhat restful—a break where you’re honing your internal compass into the direction you want to evolve and expand. Now it’s time to push yourself out of the sidelines and into the game—to make things happen in the physical and material world. Finances and personal empowerment will be top priority and if you’re tapped in (which you most likely are if you’re actually reading this!), you can already feel the more directed and driven energy of the 8 coming to meet you at the door.  Get ready to hit the ground running.

8 Personal Year:  Empowerment & Finances

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 8 Personal Year. Have you stepped up and taken control and responsibly for yourself? Are you taking actionable steps to improve your financial situation? Have you used your resilience to power through obstacles? Have you leaped over small buildings in a single bound?  (How about that Superman reference?!)  Now you’re exiting the final phase of the hard-driving and money-oriented energies of your 8 Personal Year.  How are you holding up?  Do you feel strong, ripped, and in shape—physically, mentally, emotionally and in every other way?  The 8 Personal Year is a magnificent gift and yet it’s not for the weak willed or the faint of heart.  As a friend of mine would say, it’s not for weenie-roasts!  If you’re still standing and can speak in complete sentences, consider yourself an 8 Personal Year Ninja! 

You’ll need all of that endurance and newly formulated muscle mass, because you’re about to say “bring it on” to another powerful and intense year.  Yet while this year is all about working hard and making every effort to get things accomplished, this upcoming year will be a time where you’ll need to allow things to unfold. Toward the end of September, you’ll start feeling the shifting energies around you as you move into the completion and “letting go” energies of the 9 Personal Year. 

You’ve been tested with your sense of empowerment and with your finances this year—and now it’s time to evaluate where you are, what you’re doing, what you want to be doing, and what you don’t want to be doing. Then you must have the guts (and yes, it takes guts) to let go of anything and everything that no longer serves your higher good. This can be relationships, job, or geographical location. It can come in the form of being fired, a divorce, health crisis, death in the family or a birth, graduation, marriage, move, massive success, or other major decision about the direction you want to take. Completions and transitions will be top priority.

Remember that this is year two of your three-year transition cycle.  You’re bringing together the overall issues, desires, and intentions you want to build upon as you carry forward in your purpose-driven life.  This will carry a different resonance and quality depending on where you are in your overall cycles.  For instance, a 9 Personal Year when you’re 16 will be much different than the 9 Personal Year you undergo at 25.  At 16 the changes might have been that you got your driver’s license, got a job, and became class president.  Then at 26, you broke up with your first long-term relationship, decided to go back to school, and moved to a different city.  It’s somewhat of a “no-duh,” yet worth mentioning.  There will often be similar themes with your 9 Personal Year into the 1 Personal Year transition, yet the stakes go up as our age advances.  Decisions made at 16 have importance and life-changing outcomes, yet decisions made at 26, 35, and 44 (and beyond) get more layered with the accumulation of money, children, career choices, relationship status, aging parents and all the rest of it.  

I want to encourage you to see this time of transition as a powerful and empowering time that tests you in terms of defining what you want and taking the steps and actions needed to stay connected with the true and authentic you as you grow and evolve as a person, as a partner, as a friend, and on every other level.  Yet this demands choices and actions that offer a canvas for reinvention.  And reinvention often comes when we clear out unwanted and outdated debris in our lives.  This is an amazing time designed for you to grow into your next amazing phase of life.

9 Personal Year:  Completions & Letting Go

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 9 Personal Year. Have you opened yourself to change and transformation on all levels? Are you surrendering to transitions? Have you allowed the things you no longer need to fall away in order to make space for something new? Now you’re exiting the final phase to the completion energies of your 9 Personal Year.  It’s almost as though you’ve been on an airplane and during the entire flight the captain has had the seatbelt sign on because of the surprising amount of unexpected turbulence. Yet always remember that it’s just bumpy air.  Nothing more, nothing less.   

Now you’re ushering in more (yet very different!) energy that offers another rather intense year.  Yet while this year is all about completions and letting go, you’re moving a year where you’ll start a brand new cycle. You can’t underestimate the power or importance of this significant shift. You’ve been clearing out the old and making room for the new.  Yet the trick of the 9 Personal Year (if you haven’t noticed) is that you’ve gotta’ release, release, and release.   

Toward the end of September, you’ll start feeling the shifting energies around you as you move into the “new beginnings” energies of the 1 Personal Year.  Hopefully you’ve had the willpower to finish and let go of anything and everything that no longer serves you.  How has that shown up for you?  Has it been “business as usual?” (??)  Most likely your desire for business as usual (if that has in any way been a desire) has been thwarted on various levels.  Sometimes it’s somewhat seamless—a graduation, relocation, or other forward-moving action that is obviously positive yet holds some element of fear or uncertainty just because it’s such a huge change.  Or sometimes it holds more drama or gravitas—relationship dissolution, legal issues, or career detour.  You know what I mean.  Some changes feel as though they happen to you and some changes feel as though you’re directing the show.  

Now you’ll start feeling glimmers of something solid ahead of you that may have been eluding you for most of the year. New beginnings and initiation will be top priority as you garner some sense of direction in the new year.  Remember, though, that sometimes you might feel a little “hung over” from your 9 Personal Year as you in some way lick your wounds and start to regroup and develop a plan or a trajectory for your new and invigorating cycle.  It’s still a time that can feel demanding and important and guess what?  It is demanding and important!  The task at hand is all about defining your independence and moving into a new chapter with some creative initiative.  Moxie is required and tapping into your unique voice and vision is mandatory.  This is a time to shine and to take action.

The post September Is A Huge Month In Numerology, See What To Expect appeared first on Felicia Bender.


Unveiling the Compatibility of Number 9 and Number 4 in Love

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