Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Number 118 Meaning

Numerology/Astrology for 5/31/18 – Plus Personal Blog



Numerology/Astrology for 5/31/18


5/31/18 is the number 2. The number 2 shows you the dilemmas that have been plaguing you and that you have been avoiding. Take your time. Go slow. Chip away at that project that you have been avoiding. When you clear spaces you clear your mind. Each room in your house is a chakra in your body. So, take a look at how you are doing. Sit and contemplate what each room means to you and notice the room that you avoid or that you have made into your junk room. That is the chakra that is stuck, bogged down, and not moving well. It is time to balance your body, balance your judgment through intuitive awareness. Cleaning and clearing brings out my inner artist. Artists are discerning and enjoy the process of creating balance. When you approach your life with grace, devotion, understanding and balance, then you begin to discover that hidden path that was buried below the clutter of the ego and the mind that will lead you to your life purpose. To become a peace-maker you have to be at peace. To be intuitively aware you have to cultivate stillness. To find a calm center you have to know who you really are.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Astrology Today

May ends in a Capricorn Moon. Get ready to become super grounded and practical in your approach to life. It is time to get to work before the summer of retrogrades begins the 3rd week of June. The Moon completes its circuit in Sagittarius early this morning, after which it goes into Capricorn.

The Moon in Capricorn supports the shifts in energy that Uranus is instigating in your life. It aligns with Saturn by this evening. Do small things that you enjoy, to make the changes that benefit you in the long run. It is time to clean up and clear out while you have the astrological support to do so. I know it seems like things are not going according to plan but when this happens to me this is always the moment to do the work on the house and in the projects that have been needing your attention, but I had no time to do. Now you have the time. Use it constructively so you can progress forward with more ease in the summers retrogrades. Fortunately, Venus’s diplomacy has the intention to create harmony with Jupiter. It hits exactly on June 1.

You can feel the looming larger sense of responsibility that seems to come into your reality as the day advances. Today, take an inventory of your priorities, what you have, what you might need, and what has the potential to challenge you directly in the future. Life sometimes is about foresight. This is that moment to honestly look and to be prepared. Be cautious and use your common sense when making all decisions.

~Suzanne Wagner~






Courage is a love affair
with the unknown.








The number 2 today calls out to your inner magical side to come out and play. But the reconnection to your magical self requires connection to your total being. Light and dark. Good and bad. Yin and Yang. It is the symbol of the Moon and the Moon is constantly changing how it reflects the light. You cannot really be psychic and deeply intuitive if you do not know your darkest self. If you cannot tolerate who lives within you, you cannot really nurture and support others when they are grappling with their darkest self. It is time to learn to be true to yourself ….. your total self. All of you. To live authentic, you have to befriend your darkest shadow. Otherwise it will externally manifest for you to see it. If you are not at peace, your dark side is attempting to get your attention. If you do not have compassion for others, you cannot tolerate your own inner weaknesses. The test of a soul walking a warrior’s path, is to be supportive in intimate and diplomatic ways when others are lashing out and picking fights. You cannot fight egos when they are hell bend on winning. When people live in areas of absolutes it indicates a person who internally lives in a world of negativity. They are actually indecisive, pessimistic, and live in a made-up fantasy world to make themselves feel better. Confidence is a feeling inside your core. It does not need to prove its point. It simply is. It has no need to fight because only egos fight.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Monday, May 28, 2018

How to Predict Timing of Events

Image for 'How to Predict Timing of Events' numerology article

Although exactness is elusive, predictions and forecasts for timing of specific events can be made with numerology.

Calculations are done on the name, label, or short description of the event to be predicted. It provides an event number.

Assuming you're the one with the question, your birth year, birth month, birth day, and life path numbers are also calculated.

Then, every date from tomorrow up to a year in the future is calculated separately to see how well the date's numbers match the event and your birth date numbers. Each match has a point value depending on the importance of the match.

Thus, there are degrees of matches. Some dates may match slightly. Other dates may match completely.

One of the dates with the best matches is when the event is most likely to happen, if it happens at all.

But you don't have to do any of the calculations. There is a online tool that does all of them for you.

The timing isn't precise. It can't be, because there are many variables outside the scope of numerology algorithms. Instead, the calculations provide likelihoods — how likely it is that it will happen on a certain day compared to happening on other days.

Further below is a link to the free online tool to do the calculations for you — following an example of use.

(The complete article is at

Numerology/Astrology for 5/29/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 5/29/18


5/29/18 is the number 9. The number 9 points towards noticing what you can fully complete today. Yes, I know that many things take longer than a few days. Things of great value take years and in some cases life times. But there is always a sense of cycles and in some way do what you can to complete a particular project. Feel that sense of fulfillment. Notice how it feels to let the past clutter go and create a new and much more workable space. Enjoy that feeling and let yourself rest in it as the energy of chaos is released by the cleaning and clearing. There are many things right now in life that you cannot control. But in your own home and office you can make spaces that are highly functional and spacious. You cannot create new ideas when the old self’s stuff is filling up a space. You are almost there. Keep going. Take the time to make your life smoother. You will feel more alive and less stressed. That is always a good thing.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Astrology Today

The Full Moon occurs in the sign of Sagittarius this morning. And the Sagittarius Moon will oppose the Gemini Sun. Sagittarius must speak a higher truth without the need of approval from others. Gemini must translate that higher truth into a language that all can understand. This is a restless Full Moon that wants to share ideas, take or teach a class, and definitely go somewhere fun. The communications planet, Mercury, helps by moving into Gemini for the next three weeks. Although this is great for sharing ideas, don’t believe everything you hear. Not all brilliant ideas are practical or even possible in the earth plane. Assertive Mars is still trying to open you up to new ways of looking at your world. The best news about this aspect is that myths, that are really illusions, will be burst under this energy. Just remember that rigid thinking people and groups do not like to have their illusions burst. I do expect there to be some sort or reaction or backlash. I pray for calm minds to prevail. The Full Moon brings something full circle. There is a reconnection and a new beginning that is possible now. It is the fertile ground from which to create something great. The Gemini Sun encourages you to think logically, while the Sagittarius Moon persuades you to intuit and to think in a broader manner. Sagittarius indicates that there is a quest for meaning and ideas that expand upon happening in your life. While Gemini is quite comfortable staying put in its immediate environment or neighborhood, Sagittarius is driven to venture beyond it. Make sure you do not neglect the gifts from either signs as it will surely backfire on you. You are looking for balance between the two energies, and this is what the Full Moon is loudly hinting at.

This Full Moon is about communication, attitude, and your sense of adventure. Something has been building inside, and now is the time to let it out. Over the next two weeks, each of you will discover what this means for you personally. You will not be able too sit on your feelings. You need to express them. Holding back could be downright painful.

This Full Moon forms a rather wide square to Neptune, and there may be some revelations that might detour you from the goal you thought you were going for. Be hyper-watchful around misinformation. This is a time to open to new possibilities. But don’t get caught up in energies that seem too good to be true. The Moon also harmonizes with Mars, giving an increase in your resolve, and courage to make changes.

As Mercury enters Gemini your curiosity is going to be piqued, and you can be quite spirited when it comes to reaching out to others for learning and sharing.

~Suzanne Wagner~





By failing to prepare,
you are preparing to fail.

~Benjamin Franklin~





Presently there are so many very loud and strong signs from the Universe about the shifts that we need to do. Unfortunately, we have a government that is trapped in nepotism and greed. Because of that, as a country, we are falling behind the rest of the world in environmental, health, and issues around common decency. The American values have been thrown under the wheels of the bus of the Christian right with all their brainwashed minions. It is a day I never thought I would see in my lifetime. I still believe that the spirit of America will prevail under this test despite all the lies and deceptive tools the right is attempting to use to throw us off the scent of the money mongers. I believe that Americans are not that dumb to believe such idiocy and object lies that are constantly being revealed. I believe that there is a portion of our society that has been being used like a stick and trying to beat us over the head to break our spirit. But I am not a slave to power nor do I believe that the majority of Americans will swallow that garbage either. I believe that truth can and will, prevail.  I believe that the majority of Americans know that we have a problem with prejudice and that now is the time to work for change. I believe that the ideals that made this country great are not going to be thrown away like trash because of the powerful and wealthy that can never have enough. I believe that our country can make the change. But we have to do it together.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 5/28/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 5/28/18


5/28/18 is the number 8. The number 8 says that even in grief you must move ahead. Even if you hold great sadness and pain, you must keep going. Life demands everything of you and in the end, it will take everything from you. But you must learn to live at the end of that fear and now live a life that is so careful that you are locked in a box of things that you are avoiding because you are afraid of them or afraid of failing. Everyone fails. Everyone makes choices that do not seem to pan out the way you intended. That is the way this world is designed. It forces you to question yourself. Because this world is not just about what you think. Nor is it just about getting what you desire. It is about learning to create. And in that creative process you will try things that fail and cause you pain. But you have to learn to let that all go. You have to learn to trust that there is a flow and meaning even to the failures. You will understand the journey later. But for now, just be bold and step onto the path in front of you. And come what may, find out who you really are.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Astrology Today

The Moon continues to deliberately deepen your perception while it is in Scorpio until later this evening when it will shift into the  truth-seeking, energetic, optimistic potential that is Sagittarius. The Scorpio Moon makes you want to seek out the hidden layers in your life that continue to bother you. You are noticing that there is an itch in your mind that you cannot scratch, a grain of sand irritating your mind. That is where you are out of alignment with your own truth and the natural flow and order of life. While you might be inclined to act out and move more under the influence of a Sagittarius Moon. Be mindful as to what is making you move. Look for the deeper underlying motivation that will give you that alignment that is so deeply needed right now. This world does not need more people reacting and acting out their pent up, unexpressed, dysfunctional emotions at this time. We need calm heads and warm hearts to move your mouth to speak words that are unifying rather than destructive.

The Sun and Saturn head towards a quincunx aspect. Do not let your personal doubts or lack of faith, slow you down or hinder your movements and initiatives. You may need to take a break from all the pushing. And that is fine and needed. You might need to adjust your plans (again) based on the new knowledge and the responsibilities that it now creates. This is the moment when you can have a cosmic reality check. Think of it like a break check area in the mountains, where the trucks pull over the check their breaks before they go down a long steep mountain. It is the same for you today and the mountain is in front of you. So be safe, check out what you can check out and go slow as you move forward next week.

~Suzanne Wagner~





Discover that your destiny
awaits just beyond your fear.

~Suzanne Wagner~





We are in a moment in time when destiny is calling you. Some hear the call while others do not. You cannot make that moment happen to hear the call but you know when it is happening. That is because it puts you face to face with the duality that you live daily between your human flawed self and your highest self. Today, it is to those that hear the call that I speak to now. Let go of your fear of not being good enough. Let go of your smaller, insecure human self. None of that matters when you hear the call because when you hear that call something bigger than you is activating you and bringing you more into your fullest presence. You are also not alone if you step outside of the shock of that moment and observe your surroundings. Such a moment is “inspired”. And the word “inspired” means: of extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse.

(of a person) exhibiting a creative impulse in the activity specified.

(of air or another substance) that is breathed in.

When you are inspired an external situation connects you to the infinite power that is on this planet and you become one with that energy and a tool for that energy to move through you. It is in such moments that ordinary people become extraordinary. They step beyond the wall that their fear placed in front of them and they lean into the possibility. Often they do not know what they are really going to do, moment by moment, but somehow they do believe that they can figure it out or be given the information or doorways through. That is because they are invisibly connection to the primary energy source that is available to each person. We just often need a trigger to make us leap through that door. And those triggers are often a surprise. Let yourself find that wonder of surprise and step beyond the doorway of your habitual world. Discover that your destiny awaits just beyond your fear.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Your destiny is beyond your fear.


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 5/27/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 5/27/18


5/27/18 is the number 7. The number 7 reminds you that today might just be that day to clear out the clutter and dive into spring cleaning. Creating space and clearing closets can be very liberating. Creating systems and order to that office of yours is going to help you in the long run. And letting go of things you are not using might be a huge gift to someone else. When you know to let go, you open yourself to receiving more appropriate things from the universe. As Americans we tend to fill the emptiness with “stuff”. But that stuff will not really make you happy. The rule in Fung Shui is that if it is broken, you let it go. If you have not used it in a year, you let it go. If it no longer fits, you let it go. If you are not going to use it again because it is something from your past, let it go. The exceptions are pictures, videos, and family treasures that have been passed down. But take today to do that chore you have been avoiding. Here in northern California, the weather should be great for gardening also. Leap into creating beauty in your life. The world is always filled with many things that are ugly and hateful. You have to learn to counter balance those things with things that help your heart and make you happy.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Astrology Today

With the Sun’s sesquiquadrate with Pluto this morning, so expect small things to aggravate your fears and any feelings of powerlessness or of being overlooked. There is enough going on astrologically that buried emotions and motives will tend to boil to the surface. Many may seem desperate to control their life through some form of mental gymnastics and emotional manipulation when energies align this way. Try to resist that tendency. The Moon in Scorpio is going to make you feel a lot of things. The Moon is going to oppose Uranus as it is in Taurus and this is the first time that is happening since the shift of Uranus. So, know emotions are running high but there is also the possibility that you will finally begin to understand what you have been attempting to work through emotionally. Uranus likes to understand and figure things out but it being in the fixed earth sign of Taurus has taken it a bit of time to get going. It wants to ground that electrical energy of Uranus into a slower but hopefully more stable place. Venus is also going to oppose Saturn, and this is interesting because without a doubt you are going to know that life is changing all around you and you are going to have to adapt to that changing circumstance. You are being asked to better your life. You have to let go of your past and move forward. You are going to create some new value systems. And you are attempting to find a purpose that will lead you to a better place.

However, as the day advances, there might be a loosening of tensions, as the Scorpio Moon aligns with Jupiter and harmonizes with Neptune. The Moon-Jupiter transit also has the effect will magnifying your feelings and attachments. Just remember that what you feel is not necessarily what others feel. Give room for everyone to find that personal expression and to feel free in doing that without being judged.

~Suzanne Wagner~





For every complex problem
there is an answer
that is clear, simple,

And wrong.

~H. L. Mencken~





We see Memorial Day Weekend as the first outing of Spring. For many of us it is a celebration that brings families together for barbeques and social gatherings. But this weekend is to remember those that have died in active military service and to remember their sacrifice. Take a look at your own family and those that served in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places where our military have attempted to bring peace and support to countries in conflict. This weekend, I send love to my Grandfather who was a WWII pilot trainer in an open cockpit plane. He was one of the few men who already knew how to fly and so they recruited those to become the pilot trainers for the army (there was no official Air Force at that time). I celebrate the commitment and courage of him and those that served with him, as well as all of those that continue to serve now. I know that for him that was a defining moment in the development of who he was in that life. It is in the struggles that we discover our true self. It is in facing fear that we find how to give others courage. You have much more to offer this world and you are going to get a chance to show that as time unfolds and life helps you uncover your hidden talents and gifts.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Friday, May 25, 2018

Event Timing Predictor

Image for 'Event Timing Predictor' numerology article

Reliable predictions and forecasts for when specific events will happen are elusive. But numerology can help.

If you are certain the event is actually going to happen, the calculator further below is a tool to predict when it most likely will happen.

If you are uncertain whether or not the event is going to happen, you can still use calculator. The results will indicate the most likely date if it does happen.

There are a lot of calculations. The event timing predictor uses them all when determining most likely dates.

The article about predicting event timing talks about the calculations involved and why it is done in that way.

(The complete article is at

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Paper Walls


Numerology/Astrology for 5/16/18 – Plus Personal Blog



Numerology/Astrology for 5/26/18


5/26/18 is the number 6. The number 6 asks you to get still and be in a place of peace before you speak. So much astrology today is going to make you want to react from ego rather than from truth or clarity. Remember, opinion is not necessarily truth. We are in a time where actively seeking truth from a calm center and a meditative stillness is essential to being clear moving forward. It is time to tear down the paper walls of lies. It is time to recognize the charisma that those with personality disorders can have in manipulating the common man into the illusions that they wish you to see. We have become a world that is hypnotized and mesmerized by what we see and hear on television, the internet, etc. Because of the lack of good schooling that teaches how to think, and problem solve, on a rational level, humanity is in this mess. The tearing down of deception and lies requires a restructuring of many things. Honesty being required in all News Channels is one of them and consequences for not holding to the laws of truth and respect for humanity need to be severe. When people are taught from an early age to believe in illusions and live lives based on those illusions that is where the danger lies. Because if you believed a series of lies that formed the base of your personality, those neurological patterns are forever in your brain patterning. Then you have a consistent weakness and are vulnerable to other lies that come into play. This is where meditation is so important. Self-awarenesss is acquired through patience and inward focus. Only then can you begin to see the lies and the deception that has been inflicted upon yourself and then you inflicted upon others.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Astrology Today

Be very careful about pushing your ideas and opinions on others with this Venus opposing Saturn. It is time to watch what you say and how you say it. Mars in Aquarius has riled up a lot of things and so don’t let your ego get out of control and need to be right. There are a lot of relationship issues up at the moment. You have to learn to control what you say. With the Sun Trine Mars if you look carefully at what you are saying before you say it, it will be much better. Mercury forms minor tense aspects with both Saturn and Venus. This can be a day of harsher criticism than usual and a tendency to see things skeptically or negatively. Try to not let it get you down. You want clarity now, but you may be focusing too much on the practical side of relationships and emotions and failing to see the bigger picture. You can be quite sensitive to what you perceive as rejection. But rejection is how you learn and how you question your actions and choices. The Moon finishes its transit of Libra and enter Scorpio mid morning. The Scorpio Moon is intense, tenacious, tough, and perceptive. Learn to use it positively rather than using this emotional energy to lash out at others.

~Suzanne Wagner~




You are living
in a world
of paper walls
and lies
~Suzanne Wagner~




I can feel the shift from the “Liberal Left” as it moves more and more towards action. (Meaning myself and so many other rational human beings that believe in the ideals of the American Constitution.), “We the People” have literally had enough. There is so much spiritual arrogance being thrown around by those that believe they have the right to hurt others because of their fear and prejudice, that “We the People” (Yes, we are the real people of America) who live and abide by the words of our great Constitution are not going to tolerate such hatred and lies any more. Each of “us” have known that there were those out there with dysfunctional beliefs and we believed in your “right” to have those beliefs.

Honestly, we also believed that some of you would “grow up” eventually and recognize the layers of fear you have been living in, hidden by that huge ego of protection, that shows itself, as self-righteousness. But now that ego has gotten way out of control. Let’s be clear. You have the right to believe what you want. You do not have the right to hurt others, destroy the Constitution of this country, nor to bend it into some unrecognizable distortion of your lies. You do not have the right to be cruel. You do not have the right to break the laws of this country. You do not have the right to create murder and mayhem to make your delusional point. You do not have the right to change the rules created by the Founding Fathers.

The rules of this country have protected your right to live in your little bubble. But now, you have shown your true colors and who you really are deep inside. That is now become a global projection of all the individual dysfunction. And that has become something very dark and very dangerous. Your thoughts have created a matrix of evil and your thoughts feed and continue to give life to something from the darkest depths of disparity. You are not just a danger to this world but also to yourself. And that is what you cannot see past, because of that huge lens that your ego has placed in front of your eyes. Those who believe such terrible things are being consumed by darkness and are going to find out that they are not in alignment with the greater good. They are not in alignment with this country and the founding fathers. They are not helping heal this world. They are trying to destroy it. And it is not okay. And the good people of this country will put a stop to this.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Prejudice and Hate are a Cowardly Escape


Numerology/Astrology for 5/25/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 5/25/18


5/25/18 is the number 5. The number 5 is all about, “Getting Physical”. It is time for some action, and “hands on” treatment of what is happening in this world. It is time to step out of shyness and caution and move into direct action. To be big in this world you have to become physically capable of making an impact and changing something. It all starts with an idea. Then that idea has to manifest. To manifest your dreams and ideas requires a type of courage and passion. One that is willing to give everything you have in that moment for the truth. If you are not grounded in truth, you are rash, irresponsible, thoughtless, and rigid in your thinking. Only you can open and be willing to experience the manifestations of your convictions completely. Sometimes that leads to very hard and harsh reflections coming back to you. The number 5 brings in the laws of multiplicity and progression, meaning that you have to do more than one thing at a time and juggle those things well. And you need to move forward not backwards in life. Living a full life is an act of daring and guile. You just also need to be practical in your application of those truths.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Astrology Today

Mercury forms a trine to Pluto this morning giving you a feeling of having a temporary mental advantage. Use it wisely. That is because your mind is attuned to otherworldly impressions and long term spiritual choices that impact you for the rest of your life. If you have an increased insight about something, please offer it up to those that need it. Without judging, it is time to understand the psychological make up of others. Remember, all men are not created equal. All men have equal potential. It is just that we are not all at an equal place. Each of us is on our own personal evolutionary journey towards awakened consciousness. Some of us are more skilled in detecting certain things than others. But each person has tools that they can use to awaken. But the more resistance there is from the ego, the less truth filters through. Today, look for truth in all forms. Dive into the unexplored topics and ideas. It is time to develop strategies and plans that support the use of compassion and understanding. When you focus you will find that you are very effective at solving problems and getting down to the most important things.

The Moon is in Libra all day, encouraging you to seek out balance and harmony. However, astrologically we are all moving towards a Venus-Saturn opposition, which we will feel the most tomorrow. Expect some negative feedback or blockages that seem intent to slow us down. You will need to pace yourself and to adjust your expectations. Expect to feel criticized by others. Financially things feel tight and your debts and obligations to others seem magnified and more critical to deal with. Burdens, responsibilities, lack, limitations, and problems can loom larger than usual under the Venus-Saturn influence, particularly with regards to love, pleasure, and finances.
~Suzanne Wagner~




Prejudice and hate
are a cowardly escape
from the problems and effort
required to find true peace.

~Suzanne Wagner~




My concern continues to grow as I know so many of you feel the same way. When our freedoms keep getting taken away and when no one does anything this is always the beginning of a social and economic collapse. That is just history (if anyone would ever read a book anymore). It is not okay (by any stretch of the imagination) that any person (much less a president) be able to order owners of football groups that their players must stand for the National Anthem. This is America and freedom of speech is at the root of our society. And then to threaten those players with loss of their job and removal of citizenship is abominable. I cannot believe that we have a Congress that is not willing to stand up for the people. There is no way they are not completely complicit in this heinous act of our sitting president. The only way to shift this is to radically vote for women and minorities in positions of Congress to balance out this overt injustice. I have already sent in my mail in ballot. Make sure you fill it all out exactly correctly. Don’t make any mistakes that they can use to make your vote invalid.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Sunrise and Influences Affecting Her Life Path

Image for 'Sunrise and Influences Affecting Her Life Path' numerology article

Sunrise Fictive is the daughter of the example people family whose numerology charts are used for illustrations, examples, and stories in articles at this website.

This story is about influences affecting her life path. Sunrise's life path energy is represented by the number 4.

The life path 4 energy attracts events and circumstances related to practicality and achieving a secure foundation for the future. These types of events and circumstances occur frequently or persistently as Sunshine lives life.

Being the go-to person when fellow students have problems with math, noticing opportunities to make investments likely to pay off well in the long run, choosing toy building block sets over a pre-built doll house while a child — these are all types of events and circumstances that resonate with life path 4 energy.

Sunshine's personality number and heart's desire number are also the number 4. The energies represented by those numerology chart numbers enhance the energy of the life path number. And vice versa.

Although the life path 4 energy will be with Sunshine her entire life, she approaches her life differently at different ages because of gained experience and maturity.

In addition, her life path 4 energy is influenced by the energy of her various numerology cycles. The pinnacle cycles and life period cycles in particular tend to have a strong influence.

(The complete article is at

Numerology/Astrology for 5/23/18


Numerology/Astrology for 5/23/18


5/23/18 is the number 3. The number 3 lets you look at the 3 important things in your life. Art, Love, and Life. You need creative expression, the feeling of belonging and safety that love brings, and you need the lessons that life decides to give you. Know that all of those aspects, Art, Love, and Life give euphoric emotional states and peak experiences. All of those challenge the control of the mind. And yet we crave such experiences because they help us feel more fully present in the moment and vitally alive. It is a real trick to learn to manage such high emotional states with calmness and objectivity, while recognizing that such moments show you the doorway through but then there is a lot of work that is necessary to ground ecstatic ideas into this world. But allow the youthful and energizing expression of the number 3 to give you an expanded view and help you see the connection between the past, present, and future. May this day help you find the peace, clarity, and love within. Surround yourself with the color yellow. Perhaps as some fresh flowers. After all, it is springtime.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Astrology Today

If you are feeling weird, Chiron is to blame. You have to lookout your work, health, and routines. Those are in need to shift. Focus is attempting to win over the fear in your mind but you have to give it some attention and footing to make any headway. With the Moon in Virgo you want to go do things but there is work that needs to be done. Mercury just opposed Jupiter. So you are trying to figure out who you are and who you want to become. Your old self is outdated and is no longer completely fulfilling. So what is the next step? What is your next step in healing and what can you do to help others step into their own healing. Nothing seems clear but it is also because you are not seeing things in the bigger overview picture. Jupiter in Scorpio is making you look at your deeper desires but with all the illusions of Neptune in Pisces, it all seems a bit nebulous and nondescript. Thus adding to the state of not knowing and confusion. The Sun in Gemini wants to understand. You need to take a moment out of your old routine and stop your “habit-ing” so yo can seen the new path that is right in front of you. The Sun is trining Mars today making you feel caught in-between two places. It is energizing you to take the initiative and to be strong. You may feel the need to keep busy. That will help center the mind and calm the heart. There is energy trying to move but it is not directed. Such as horses that are not pulling in one direction. You are still questioning your identity and who you want to become. And that is not yet in a clear place in your mind. Do your best to not rush at this time. I know we are in Spring and Spring signs want to spring into action but you have to know where to leap and right now, it feels like trying to predicts where the next crisis is going to come from. Uranus is in Taurus and Taurus rules home, family, money, financial systems, stock markets, the US Dollar, and banks. There is a disruption (Uranus) shifting the ground underneath you and you cannot make clear rational choices when the ground is moving underneath you and you are in a panic. So slow down. Breath. Take the time to rest and see from a new place.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Shopping On The Internet And The Ways To Get It Done

One of the primary benefits in the Web is shopping on the web. Nevertheless, although it is actually a straightforward process, you have to be confident that you know the best method so that you can retail outlet effectively. Follow these suggestions to increase your encounter online shopping.

uudet nettikasinot ilmaiskierroksetIf you are going to become doing a bit of online shopping, be sure you be aware of the liability for each and every credit card you make use of on the web. A lot of bank cards have auto fraud reduction integrated and some offer you it for any small cost. You may not would like to get tied to transactions manufactured on your own card in case the variety is taken.

Be sure you prefer into the beloved stores’ news letters to acquire exceptional coupons. First-time shoppers can often get special deals or reductions in price for their first buy or signing up with their website. If you loved this article and you would like to collect more info regarding kaikki nettikasinot please visit our own web-page. They will likely continue offering great deals to individuals that are curious about their manufacturers, so signing up can lead to big cost savings.

Be familiar with the hazards of online shopping with your mobile phone. Although it’s hassle-free for a variety of factors, it can set your own information at an heightened threat for eavesdropping. Open public wi-fi and abbreviated URLs are much better to travel than typical processing from your home, so keep your store shopping repair for your most dependable circumstances.

To protect on your own use a credit card while shopping online. The government has gone by laws and regulations to safeguard customers in the case of scam. The exact amount the customer is accountable for is actually a sheer $50.00 in comparison with debit cards where overall balance might be taken by internet online hackers.

Be added mindful once you search for store shopping deals on social media marketing. Even though it’s a great way to get announcements relating to income and promotion-codes, social media profiles can be simply impersonated or perhaps out-correct hacked. Buy your information about the social media sites, then proceed instantly to the primary website in the store described to wheel and package.

If you may be shopping online, make certain you are employing a good connection. Steer clear of store shopping at public venues due to the fact hackers will hack into community Wi-Fi relationships to be able to steal private information. It is actually okay to do some searching as a visitor, but ensure you are not logged in your profile.

In case you are not sure whether or not an online retail store is trustworthy, speak to their customer service. Request a couple of questions in regards to the products, the payment strategy as well as the shipping and delivery. If you do not get a full impression soon after chatting with an agent on the telephone, discover another online shop.

Should you a great deal of online shopping, it might be recommended that you should download an anti–phishing toolbar in your personal computer. This will aid eliminate any internet sites which may be asking for information and facts with the intention of conning you. You can find this software all over the Internet at no cost.

Shopping online is quite easy and could save you a good deal. Internet shopping has numerous advantages in comparison with shops. However, you need to make sure that you understand what you’re engaging in by doing your research. Keep reading for many ideas to go shopping clever on the web.

It Is Really Important To Maintenance Your Credit score

netticasino bonusShould your credit score isn’t pretty much as good as you would like so that it is and you also are wondering what you can do regarding this, you then have come off to the right location. This article is a list of recommendations and recommendations for improving your credit rating and mending damages it offers accomplished.

Should you be battling to produce the repayments on your own present house loan, consider looking at a choice of loan adjustment. On many occasions a lender could possibly reduced the rate of interest that you had in the beginning agreed on. This method used to be just for houses that were at risk of foreclosure but some lenders are stretching this particular service to many other folks.

Talk about your credit rating condition with a counselor from your no-earnings agency which specializes in consumer credit counseling. Should you be eligible, advisors might be able to combine your financial situation or even contact debtors to lower (or get rid of) specific costs. Get as much specifics about your credit score situation as possible before you decide to make contact with the company so you look equipped and seriously interested in repairing your credit history.

Maintenance efforts could go awry if unrequested lenders are polling your credit. Pre-skilled gives are usually frequent currently in fact it is beneficial for you to eliminate your own name from any buyer confirming details that will permit just for this action. This places the charge of when and exactly how your credit rating is polled in your hands and eliminates surprises.

A poor credit history could influence an employer’s determination when you get a work. Get the best career that one could, so that you can safe a stable regular monthly earnings, which you can use to settle your debt. When you begin to make additional money, you should be able to build up a better credit rating.

Ensure that you use no more than 30% of the credit score available. Your credit rating are going to suffer for those who have any higher credit employment than that. Make sure to make use of your charge cards, though, since employing not one of your respective readily available credit score is painful your report as well.

Never trust a company or person who proposes to clean up your credit for the price. Specially should it be correct info people say they could remove. Adverse entries on your own document stick around to get a expression of 7 several years at least, even though you keep up with the outstanding debts involved. When there is wrong, adverse information, you can find it eliminated.

Using an on the web service to help restoration your credit rating isn’t a poor method. Nevertheless, be sure that you determine what you pay before hand which there aren’t any hidden costs. Companies who fee each month or pay as you go work most effectively choices for you so you are fully clear as to what you will certainly be paying out.

If you check your credit report to see an error on it, contact the creditor immediately. They already have 28 days and nights to respond to you together with correct the challenge or supply you with a good reason that they generally do not feel that it must be an error in judgment. It would preserve your credit ranking in the event you make time to consider this carefully and overcome the faults which you find.

If you liked this article and you also would like to receive more info pertaining to 200 talletusbonus kindly visit our webpage. Discover up to you can in regards to the credit score repair assistance that you are currently considering employing. Together with the most up-to-date phenomenon of credit rating fix providers these days, we have seen a good number of frauds pop up and doing analysis in regards to the services that you are considering must shield you against throwing your hard earned dollars aside with a services that is just over to rip you off.

In case your needs for personal loans have been acquiring rejected, it is actually normally a good sign that you need credit history repair. Acknowledging you need to have your credit rating fixed is the first task to transforming a hard condition. If you want to attempt to repair your credit score all by yourself, you should recognize that it will require time, along with significantly research and self-discipline on your own stop. But, the results may be really worth the energy.

When you are working to fix your credit and possess uncovered errors on your credit track record, you should work to make certain they are fixed immediately. Be sure you make all requests in writing, keep a correspondence file, and file all phone calls, email messages or another communication. You will need the documentation to serve as evidence for the legislation in the event you have difficulty receiving erroneous information taken out.

If you think maybe it comes with an error on your credit report, be sure to send a specific challenge using the proper bureau. Together with a message talking about the fault, distribute the inappropriate statement and emphasize the disputed information. The bureau should start finalizing your challenge in a calendar month of your respective syndication. In case a adverse problem is resolved, your credit history will enhance.

You don’t have to be a monetary expert as a way to have fantastic credit history. You could do plenty of basic things, commencing today, that can effect your credit score in a optimistic way. As this information has shown you, you require a lot of good information, positive steps, and a chance to transform stuff about.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Number 189 Meaning

Numerology/Astrology for 5/22/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 5/22/18


5/22/18 is the number 2. The number 2 brings the discernment of the mind into play to understand the duality that life is offering up. There is always light and dark. There is always opportunity and loss. Sometimes in the opportunity the loss is a part of that change. You have to learn to allow change to mold you and shape you into what you need to become in this life. What you believe that you want may not be a part of your life’s purpose and destiny. Each of us is living according to a map that we created before we came down here and that map is a guide that shapes us even if we do not fully understand the choices and consequences of our actions. We are a walking duality. We are spirit inhabiting a body. We are an immortal essence having a human experience. We will try… We will fail…We will try again. Life is about effort not about winning or losing. Each experience helps us gain tools and skills that may be essential at a later time.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Astrology Today

Tuesday is the day for intellectual conversations. Just make sure that you do not overdo because this is a day when you could realize later that you are exhausted from the effort. The Moon spends the day in the sign of Virgo, turning your attention to the details of your daily life, focusing on your health, establishing good and healthy routines, and being consistent at work.

The Sun’s sextile to Chiron drives you to find your purpose and “mission,” in life. You are attempting to discover how to increase your confidence. Now more than ever, the desire to learn and grow through real experiences, real life choices, and understanding the people in your life is very strong. This is a time for problem solving.

A longer-term influence comes into exact aspect today: Jupiter sesquiquadrate Chiron, and this can be a time when blanketly accepting the opinions of others no longer has enough meaning or understanding. As you search for truth, it can be difficult to find your own personal philosophy or belief system that gives you that feeling of congruence with your life and choices. Don’t let the illusion of Neptune take you off course. Because things are not what they seem. It is hard when you realize that what you have had faith in before is now woefully inadequate. It’s important to look within and come to a greater understanding of what you truly need or believe, rather than blindly following something that doesn’t genuinely serve a higher purpose and calling.

Also tonight and very early tomorrow, Mercury opposes Jupiter, semi-squares Chiron, and sextiles Neptune. This combination further increases your desire for more meaning. You might gloss over technical details and mundane facts and figures at this time. Your mind is stretching beyond its comfort zone. So know that you are not clear right now and do not commit to things that tomorrow might no longer work for you.

~Suzanne Wagner~




History repeats itself, first as
tragedy, second as farce.

~Karl Marx~





There is always a story being told. What is your character doing in that story? Do you play a leading role? Or are you a character that no one really knows or remembers? You cannot be great if you never step up and step into a position. If you are numb with fear, you will not move and you will try to live your life the way you always have. But you cannot really contribute anything to a story froze in the past habit and behaviors of your old world. Those that thrive are those that are willing in the right moment to stand up and stand for something. Sometimes it is only one moment. But if that moment is critical to the story, then you become the brave hero that saves the main character from the angry hoard that wants to take out and kill those that rebel against the establishment. There is a moment when each person is called to do the right thing. And that moment is fleeting. You want to grab those moments because they show the strength of your character and the fortitude of your spirit. You may not be the one that is Frodo climbing Mt. Doom to save mankind. But you can be that one character that at a critical moment protects because that is what is right, even when it puts you in temporary jeopardy. If you do not have the courage in such a moment to do what is right, then you waste a precious moment in your personal evolution into your higher potential.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Visionaries and Change


Numerology/Astrology for 5/21/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 5/21/18


5/21/18 is the number 10. The number 10 reminds you that life is always about beginning again. Nothing is ever finished. Life is perpetually renewing itself and so must we all. Take a look today and see what needs renewal in your life. Is it your attitude? It is where you need to remake some aspect of your life? Are you moving into a new place, phase, or work? Times are shifting and with that shift comes the need for you to honestly look at what has become stagnant in your life and do something about it. Change has a bit of momentum right now, so use it while the wave is building up so you can flow easily into the new configuration. You can do something that makes an impact for others in a positive way. You can always give from your heart on a daily basis. Sometimes that is the best way to step out of your own emotional suffering and into becoming an active participant in the emerging awakened consciousness.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Astrology Today

Tend to all the little details of your life Monday evening through Thursday with this meticulous Virgo Moon. This is just what you need to get organized, clean projects up, and create better strategies for efficiency. The Moon spends most of the day in the creative, generous sign of Leo, entering Virgo very late in the evening. Don’t start new projects as much as clean up old ones.

Tonight, at 11:50 PM, the First Quarter Moon occurs when the Sun in Gemini forms a square with the Moon in Virgo. You feel compelled to take some sort of action but action without organization and structure is just going to make you feel like you are spinning your wheels. Be aware that this can be a time of stress, clashing with others, and discord. But if done properly it can be structured into a time of high energy, motivation, and growth.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Visionaries have one unique capacity.
That is the capacity to change.
Look at those that not only cannot change,
but actively want to pull the world backwards
into places that they have idealized.
But those places were never as good
as the evolution that progress has allowed to happen.
We live in a world where we need those in power
to be able to change with the speed
and complexity of these times.
History only records those that create changes
that make an impact in the world.
Those that don’t become lost in the pages of time.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Personal growth is never about external circumstances being supportive and helpful. Transformational personal growth happens because of abject misery and a feeling that you can’t tolerate certain energies another moment. But when you finally get to that point, you recognize that it is you that must change. The external will never change if the internal has not shifted. That is why in our political world right now nothing is getting done. That is because internally none of these people have been willing to change. It creates a type of stagnation. The wall that our president wants to build is already built inside of too many people. The fear that our government wants us to feel, is that wall. But you cannot become great in isolation. You cannot become enlightened and happy if you do not or will not include others in that journey with you. Your personal lack of motivation and lack of willingness to do anything is a reflection of how big that wall of fear is inside of you. If you cannot see over your own wall then you cannot see hope, you cannot see a way through, and you cannot actually help or contribute to the change that is necessary. Then you are literally a dead weight that change cannot and will not carry forward.

Change can and will leave you behind.

This is not the Army. You must carry your own karmic debt. No one is obligated to carry your crap forward. Right now, there is a wave of change that is going to begin to move very quickly and those unwilling to change are going to be left in the dust and trapped in their own self-created world of separation.

It all comes down to this. Do you want to be right or do you want to be loved and a part of this great world’s evolution? Resistance will leave you only more alone and isolated with your distorted views and antiquated ideas. You will then become one of those angry, hateful, old people, who complains constantly about everything and is eternally unhappy with life. You are an idiot if you think that life is here to make you happy and fulfilled. You are supposed to make that for yourself. Life is the canvas and you get to paint upon that base. You get to create upon the rules and laws of life’s foundation. You do not get to make those laws and rules. You get to use those to help you find the creative expression that helps your soul advance.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Suzanne Wagner Quote – You are a Butterly stretching into flight


Numerology/Astrology for 5/20/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 5/20/18


5/20/18 is the number 9. The number 9 helps to remind you that the mystical world is all that there is left to understand and seek out once you have financial security and stability. In the end of our life, it is the magical and spiritual that draws us in. When you are comfortable in your spiritual self and allow that side of you to fully integrate, normal life stressors will diminish and minimize. Fear takes over when you do not know something or do not know an outcome. But life is full of such moments. In those moments is when you reconnect to your spiritual self. That side knows to trust and knows that there is always a pathway through chaotic moments. Just because your awareness does not perceive a pathway, does not mean that there is not one there. Listen to your intuition and learn to follow the flow of life rather than push the river. You are not so powerful that you can change the course of all of life. But you can change the course of your own life, your corner of influence in the world, and shift what you came here karmically to contribute.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Astrology Today

The Sun moves into Gemini for a month on Sunday. Opening you to new ideas and allowing more curiosity to explore opportunities. This might make you feel more restless because you feel a deep need to know. The Moon is in Leo all day, encouraging affectionate and expressive qualities.

However, Venus is in a position that may make you experience some awkward or unsatisfying moments, perhaps more in relationships. This can also point to problems with money and struggles with conflicting needs and goals. Interactions could be poorly timed and may miss the mark. Romantic feelings and desires may be at odds with one another. When there are blocks in intimacy, it is time to learn about each other in new and different ways. Your insecurities, socially, may be magnified. Avoid making hasty or self-important decisions.

Even so, the Sun’s movement into the sign of Gemini gives a fresh look into matters that have been troubling. The Sun will be in Gemini until June 21st. Knowledge and diversity should be your motivation now. You are more sociable, intellectual, and insatiably curious under this influence. Try to not let your mind scatter as a result of your curiosity as you seek out all of your options. Communication and versatility are more important now.

~Suzanne Wagner~




All things in life are in a constant state of transformation.
Within you is a butterfly stretching beyond safety into flight.
It is through change that you discover your true beauty.

~Suzanne Wagner~




I ask the questions, “What has happened to respect for life? What has humanity unleased and given permission to?”

A society cannot function without respect for each other. A society cannot function from a place where the egos choose again and again to cause harm to others and actively do things that subjugate those that they feel are less than or in some way a threat to them.

This country (that was based on Christian values) has been highjacked by manipulators of hatred, greed, and fear. This was not what our country was based upon. The values of Christ Consciousness, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Understanding have been lost in the twisted distorted minds of those that use the correct words, but they use them without any heart or any understanding of the real and deeper meaning of truths that have guided civilizations forward into places of power and beacons of possibility.

I do not know what it will take to turn this boat back to love and real truth. So many are willing to live from the projected illusions of the powerful. And that seems to be succeeding in subjugating those with less mental clarity into positions that are nothing less than slavery and turning them into tools of evil.

Today, I hold the light high within my own heart. I hold the torch of the Statue of Liberty high even as she falters and hate tears at the base of her truth. If I have to hold her up to keep the light up, that I will do. I know that there are many doing the same in their own way. Somehow, we must work together to force the hand of the liars that seem in control of our country. We cannot allow it to continue. If we cannot find a way, this great country will continue to crumble. And we will stand as the witnesses again of the destruction of a great hope that gave the world a glimpse of something wonderful.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Friday, May 18, 2018

Dusky and His Life Path

Image for 'Dusky and His Life Path' numerology article

Dusky John Alvin Fictive is one of the example people whose numerology chart is used for illustrations, examples, and stories in articles at this website.

This story is about his life path.

The life path number of a person's numerology chart represents energy that attracts certain types of events and circumstances, frequently or persistently, as they live their life.

Although it is the same life path energy for his entire life, Dusky approaches his life differently at different ages.

The different approaches are more than gained experience and maturity. A factor is the energy of cycles calculated from the birth date have differing influences on the energy represented by his life path.

Dusky's life path energy is represented by the master number 22.

A master number provides extra energy of a certain type that a person may take advantage of. It's a potential, not an imperative.

When the master number energy is not resonated with, life path master number 22 is experienced as a life path number 4. This was the case when Dusky was very young. The number 4 also matches his heart's desire number.

(The complete article is at

Numerology/Astrology for 5/19/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 5/19/18


5/19/18 is the number 8. The number 8 attempts to remind you that you have to learn to control your mind in order to control matter. You cannot be effective in the world without mental and emotional clarity and discipline. Within everyone is power but in learning to control and direct power in effective and loving ways you have to have focus and a vision of what it is that you are creating and why. Focus teaches you confidence in yourself, your choices, and eventually your actions. Through focus you learn how to be self-reliant and that allows others to depend upon you, as well. It is through struggling against something that you learn more of what you are capable of. That is how you gain strength.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Astrology Today

Staring off the day there is a semi-square between Mars and Neptune suggesting that you might need some rest and recuperate before you push ahead. Right now, it is difficult to know what you want and where you might be headed under this influence. This is another moment to trust that the universe has a plan and it will make sense later. But at the moment the “not knowing” is frustrating and exhausting.

Venus enters the sign of Cancer today, where it will transit until June 13th. Venus in Cancer will give us some much-needed nurturing, protective qualities, cautious movements, and a fertile potential. You will experience a roller coaster of emotions around love under this influence due to increased sensitivity and heightened awareness. You may feel more tender, romantic, and attached. Rediscover your dedicated, warm, and devoted depth of your heart. Use that emotional complexity to show more care and concern for those you love. Let your affectionate and cuddly side out, and you are at your best when you feel safe and secure. This is a time that you may have a greater interest in home life and home improvements.

Today, Venus forms a sextile to Uranus, which can serve to bring you out of your shell, encourage a bolder you, and a more innovative and expressive side. You are noticing that you want a new life. One with more fun and flexibility. One with silliness and joy. And one with new things that stimulate your mind and heart to open. It is time to experiment, improvise, and try some new ways of relating to others.

You are also moving towards a Mars-Chiron sextile, which is exact early in the day tomorrow, and you feel the need to seek out projects and activities that reflect a new sense of purpose. Today there is an opportunity to take action on matters that lead to healing, cleansing, or teaching now. You may be defending or help others that need help or support. The Moon will be in Cancer until later this evening, after which the Moon goes into Leo.

~Suzanne Wagner~




A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity.
An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

~Winston Churchill~




The Goddess is angry, you can feel her heat.
Taste her wrath while her blood beats.
The ring of fire is letting you know
That for all those who attempt to show,
And feed the lies of hateful souls
Who attempt to fill their empty holes,
The time has come to make a change
Because power that is not contained,
Is a destructive force that takes time to heal.
If you are dead inside you might need time to feel.
Feel the sorrow and suffering you cause.
And notice that karma is closing jaws.
The mouth of the goddess is opening wide
because there are so many who never tried,
To help the earth and support life,
And only sewed distain and strife.
There is a place where such souls go
To contemplate the choices that evil sewed.
And recognize that all the suffering that was handed out,
Must come full circle as that is the only route.
The earth is yelling and still you hear so many lies.
There is a responsibility we each have to the land and the skies.
Will you listen and will you change?
Will you be humble and re-arrange.
Time is running out and there is no place to go.
If you destroy this world you will destroy all you know.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 5/18/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 5/18/18


5/18/18 is the number 7. The number 7 is the seeker, the thinker, and the number that is committed to search for the truth. If you consistently believe what you see and do not ask questions or look below the surface of life you are going to be deceived and hit with the unexpected. Everyone is a walking duality. Everyone has something that they have that is beautiful, magical, and a gift. But with all tools of light there has to be the balance of the dark also. This number is a reminder to dig below the facades that life presents and to not take things at face value…ever. You cannot ever really trust others if you cannot see that person’s shadow or their hidden darkness. Once you know another’s shadow then you can recognize when that person will make the choice based on their highest self or their darkest self. You learn to not listen to the information when the person is in their shadow and speaking from their fear, anger, wounding, and dark self.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Astrology Today

Friday morning is a great time to get the mental activities done. Use that energy wisely because then you can really enjoy the playful mood of the weekend. Venus moves into Cancer on Saturday and will be there for three weeks. This brings the focus into the area of food, nutrition, family, and home beautification. A perfect thing for the springtime. The Moon spends the day in the sign of Cancer. So pay special attention to your emotional needs for familiarity and comfort.

Mercury forms a trine to Saturn today, helping with life’s practical details. It is time to focus on detail work, realistic thinking, and methodical thinking. Mercury-Saturn help to keep the chaos grounded. Do your best to stay centered in your thinking. This is because both planets are in pragmatic Earth signs. Conversations may be short and to the point or instructive. This is a powerful time for helping others understand your perspective. A step-by-step approach to tasks and problems works best right now.

Later today, the Moon forms trines to Jupiter and Neptune as these two bodies come closer to an exact trine (exact on the 25th). This makes a strong desire to believe in something. Make sure that what you put your faith in is worth your energy, effort, and devotion. Mars-Neptune semi-square is getting closer and that tends to make boundaries nebulous.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Our work is to make ourselves visible in the world.
This is the soul’s individual journey,
and the soul would much rather fail
at its own life than succeed at someone else’s.

~David Whyte~




I look at my life and I recognize the dogged determination I have had to express the individual light within me without the borrowed projections or reflections of others. We live in a society where people want to be someone else other than this beautiful light that they are. We think that we want the life of others, famous people, rich people, artistic people. But if we would just stop striving to be a copycat of others and stop choosing to be a shallow reflection of an already established light, we would discover that our unique flavors and configuration are special and that regardless of how hard we try, life is here to show us our special gifts. We are destined for a particular life that was set up for us to learn the lessons that will help us grow and evolve. Know that what is in your life right now is what you are supposed to have in your life right now. When you learn to fully accept that and appreciate it then you will have something special to give others.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Suzanne Wagner Quote – The Universe asks…


Numerology/Astrology for 5/16/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 5/15/18

5/16/18 is the number 5. What is real? That is the question right now. Reality is going to come crashing down in an abrupt and hard way if you have been living in La-La Land. There is too much astrologically in earth signs now and winter signs. The winter aspect makes things a cold, harsh, and bitter pill to swallow. The earth signs make the reality the focus rather than your dreams or illusions. This moment shows that dreams are wonderful but manifesting them in the world is where you have a test of truth and congruence. If something is not based on the rules and laws of this time and place it will often fail or need to wait until another time and place where the proper pieces of the puzzle align in a more congruent fashion. Find your passion and then do something about it. That is the way to knowing that you are learning how to master this physical domain.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Astrology Today

Mars enters Aquarius early today and just when it gets in, it forms a square to Uranus, which just changed signs yesterday. This is a moment of a total new beginning. Mars will be in Aquarius until August 12th when it retreats into Capricorn but will return to Aquarius from September 10th to November 15th. Mars typically spends about two months in a sign but will spend much longer in Aquarius due to an upcoming retrograde (Mars will retrograde from June 26th to August 27th). So, expect the summer to be uniquely intense and potentially volatile.

With the Mars-Uranus square starting the day off, you are inclined to assert your independence in abrupt and forceful ways. Under this influence, you can be tempted to take risks or to act on impulses without considering consequences. You might feel impatient with any type of restrictions or anyone projecting some sort of limitation on you. You might feel rebellious and want to go against any established norms. Especially those you think are outdated, or anything that requires you to turn a blind eye and just suck it up. Expect changes in your work schedules. Life’s circumstances could challenge you in a way that you may need to redirect your energy or alter your goals. Energy is stop-and-go, and it can be hard to focus on only one activity. There seems to be an inner tension that wants some sort of release.

With Mars in Aquarius, the tendency is to let go only if you can totally “get behind” or believe in what you are doing. Be careful that you are not overthinking it as you need to feel as clear in the direction as possible before you take the time and energy to move. Find that crusaders for your ideas at this time. The Moon spends the day in the sign of Gemini, stimulating your curiosity and encouraging movement, communication, and connection.

~Suzanne Wagner~




The Universe is asking …
Show me a new reality,
And I will show you how
to make that reality

~Suzanne Wagner~




I bow my head in prayer for those suffering at the hands of totalitarian leaders who are not looking to the future of peace but a future of war and conflict. I pray for mind who understand the huge importance of education for everyone in the world. And the understanding of true history. Not the history that was written by the winners. I pray for the honest communication that makes people uncomfortable and squirm. I pray for the raw truth that has the ability to stop the repeating of the past again and again, and that continues the suffering of so many. I pray for minds that think beyond themselves. I pray for humanity to grow up and step beyond the narcissism of childishness that has infected this beautiful world. I pray for the strength of this world to heal itself again and again while our selfishness tortures and abuses this great planet. I pray for humanity to step beyond hatred and prejudice. I pray for the peace that can welcome in a new time and a new age for all that live on this beautiful planet.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Monday, May 14, 2018

Number 193 Meaning

Numerology/Astrology for 5/15/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 5/15/18


5/15/18 is the number 4. The number 4 begs to ask the question of yourself, “What will bring you back into better balance? What is the new center and equilibrium?” What was that center point before is going to radically change under the major shifts in the astrology today. There are new ways to open to a better flow in your life and now those options (which were previously hidden or difficult to see) become revealed. Use the energy of this day and recognize that sometimes it is the choice you make today, because of the realization that is what brings better balance into place, that will calm down the chaos. Your center point is changing and it is your job to change with it.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Astrology Today

We are all clearing the slate for new beginnings with Taurean themes.

The New Moon in Taurus is on Tuesday the 15th at 25 degrees of Taurus. This is an important day on many levels because of this New Moon is at the same time as inventive Uranus moves into Taurus for the first time in about 84 years. Technology is going to drastically change how we do factory production and the jobs associated with it for the next seven years. Robots are cheaper than human labor and so they will be taking jobs. We will continue to see new technologies dealing with our money. This New Moon asks you to check in with your values and that which no longer is relevant to your future progression. It is a great time for a physical, emotional, and spiritual yard sale. Taurus wants you to have what you desire, but there is a price and that price is effort. Ambitious Mars moves into idealistic Aquarius and decides to disrupt and challenge to Uranus. Be more careful in this shift because accidents can happen. Under the Aquarius energy my worry is in the area of aviation accidents. Don’t force issues with others and especially don’t force machinery because things could break. It is time to be more innovative in how you want to live your life. It is time to educate yourself on the new technology and get more comfortable and familiar with how things are going to progress. Take notice what comes up over the next the next several weeks because it is going to give you hints about changes you will need to make before autumn.

While Taurus likes predictability and often resists change, Mars and Uranus are changing signs and forming a square around the time of this New Moon, and this combination is dramatic and abrupt. The New Moon also forms trine aspects to Mars and Pluto, it is time for long-term change. You may feel as if life is moving ahead very quickly, and you need to catch up.

Uranus will be in Taurus until 2025-6 (Uranus will return to and finish up its transit of Aries from November 6, 2018, to March 6, 2019). During that cycle, you will learn to approach money and personal possessions in new ways and discover ways to free yourself from certain material constraints. You will learn new innovative ways to make yourself more comfortable.  Sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering become not just wanted but mandatory. Know that you are going to challenge what you previously valued. There will be a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures.

The Moon enters Gemini in the late afternoon, stimulating your desire to connect, communicate, and learn.

~Suzanne Wagner~




“Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.”

~Norman Maclean~




I am on my way back from the wedding. It was so beautiful to be in the Rogue River Valley. It is a must see for anyone in America. There are only a few wild places that are really still free and allowed to be as they have always been. I hope you have the chance in your lifetime to discover the hidden wonders and places where mankind has not yet decimated with their greed.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Unveiling the Compatibility of Number 9 and Number 4 in Love

Unveiling the Compatibility of Number 9 and Number 4 in Love This blog delves into the fascinating world of numerology,  exploring the love ...