Monday, April 30, 2018

Fantasy Football Can Help Your Child Fall deeply In Love With Math

pie onlineOf course, not everyone will make as much money, as quickly, as Lawrence did, you can click here now for all our averages earnings disclosure. Because there’s no telling how much action you’ll take? The choice is yours how much you create!

Well if you watch online, you have to consider this ever again. Shows can start and get away from when you desire them to. Additionally there are no heavily advertised. Hence, a serial that would originally help you get half a while to watch can certainly be seen a positive change twenty times.

No matter what O’Brien’s fans do now, his days on the network appear over. All they can make for is make things so faithfully for NBC, that they rethink the direction they release him or her.

There’s also a free Summerslam live stream pre-show, and that begins at 7 v.m. Eastern Standard Time, online. Fans will be treated to be able to one-hour show hyping along the pay-per-view with exclusive analysis, backstage interviews and a complimentary match. That match features Rob Van Dam challenging Dean Ambrose for the U.S. Championship. Fans can watch on WWE’s YouTube channel, their Facebook fan page, WWE website, or the Yahoo! online site.

Let me say presently there are also few high quality TV softwares that have definitely very high quality and at lowest be priced. I think the pc 2007 Elite Edition stands a lot among best software for online tv networks.

This corresponds to business too as sports. Simply replace the sports-lingo with business terminology. Whether you are coaching an outdoor team or managing for the high tech company, the constituents required produce leading teams are comparable.

The book that Mike D’Antoni and the Phoenix Suns offensive system is about. The Knicks do play within a very entertaining and fun system to look. But herpes simplex virus do so strongly has a negative, which is defense thus end up getting other teams concerned with the high swinging the offensive player.

Discovering Your Talents

Image for 'Finding Your Talents' numerology article

The place in your numerology chart that most strongly suggests what your talents are is the first letter of your first name.

(The birth day also suggests talents. It is a core number and is addressed in the birth day number article.)

An interpretation of the energy represented by the first letter of your name is how most of your talents are likely to be revealed. The Talents Calculator can be used for that.

Note that talent and skill aren't identical. Talent is innate. Practicing generally enhances skill. A person is likely to require practice to gain skill with something even though they have talent for it.

The name letter energy resonates with something natural within you. You might not even notice until someone mentions that you're pretty good at what you're doing.

That's the thing about natural talents — a person has a natural aptitude for something and is inclined to do that thing because it feels good and because (generally) it's easy.

It's so natural that it often isn't noticed as unusual by the person with the talent.

So let's talk about talents, those natural endowments resulting in unusual innate abilities in certain fields or activities.

(The complete article is at

Numerology/Astrology for 5/1/18 – Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 5/1/18

5/1/18 is the number 8. The number 8 is about grief and loss. Today, take a look the situations and circumstances that caused you sadness and make a choice to feel through that sadness to the very end. There is a point that grief can turn into understanding and acceptance. We never stop missing those in our life that have left but we can learn to not allow that loss to collapse us again and again. There is always the infinite loop between birth and death and we are all on that ride while we live on this beautiful planet. I try to remember that energy does not die but it does transform.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today

The Moon begins the day in Scorpio but by Noon it has moved into Sagittarius. The Sagittarius Moon inspires you to be bold and explore what is next for you with enthusiasm and courage. It is time to seek out new experiences and to discover the places that are left untouched. This is a day of action. Venus forms a tense aspect to Mars today. So, I would expect some tension in your relationships. Be aware that impulsive choices may not be the best way to move at this time. Notice where others might be competing with you. The Venus-Saturn quincunx is still causing disruption. And a Venus-Saturn aspect points out the anxiety and insecurities you have been feeling.

~Suzanne Wagner~




The past is your lesson.

The present is your gift.

The future is your motivation.



Many thanks to all the women at the Feminine Embodiment Workshop that Jennie and I put on last weekend. It was such an honor to be with all of these amazing women with their open hearts and huge willingness to grow and share the totality of who they were in that moment. It was a joy to see the transformation and changes that each of you went through and to feel the connection that continues to happen as such a power tribe of women come together to support and help each other heal. Thank you again for all that you gave and all that you have gone through to become this amazing soul and spirit that you always have been but now has come back into the light to be seen and appreciated.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Ncaa March Madness

How to handicap College Hoops NCAA March Madness Tournament Edition

lasertestIt is the time of year when conference championships are almost upon us and there are several keys that should be looked at when handicapping the tournaments during March Madness.

Experience pays off:

One has to look at teams that have played in championships to get back to the championship round. In the last five years teams that have won the championship has made it back to the big game 63% of the time. This has to do with being able to handle the pressure of the big game.


Depth is a must for the championship tournament as it will always give an edge to a team when it comes to late in the tournament when teams have played several games over several days. Teams that are strong in depth allow players to be fresher longer and eat up precious time as well as fouls at any given time.


This one is rather obvious has teams that rebound the ball well get a second chance at missed shots and will often control the tempo of the game for the most part. The teams in conference that have had the rebounding edge has gone to the championship round more often than not.

Free Throws:

Another obvious one is free throws. Teams that can shoot free throws will win games down the stretch and in conference tournaments they are invaluable. With the basics of picking a winner in the conference tournaments out of the way let’s look at some of the intangibles that will make you money ATS.

Ride the Streak:

Hot teams coming into the tournament are always a play in my book. These teams usually get all the bounces, play the game the hardest and take advantage of teams playing out the string. However a note here is if the team is undefeated in conference play when they enter the tournament I suggest a play against them SU and ATS.

Stay away from the last team to make the tournament:

The #8 seed is a dangerous go of things in conference tournaments. They have played the #1 seed before (often twice) and so the #1 seed knows exactly what to expect and is not surprised by the play or the temp unlike March Madness when the lower seeds surprise more often. The #8 seed is not a money maker ATS either as they are just 51% ATS in conference tournaments.

Your upsets will be from the middle of the pack:

This makes sense as the teams ranked #4-#6 are often playing opposition with equal talent or close to it. This is where the dog will become more valuable than not and will have an easier path to getting to the conference championship and often cashing as an underdog along the way.

If you have any kind of inquiries regarding where and how you can make use of lasertest, you can call us at our site.

Numerology/Astrology for 4/30/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/30/18

4/30/18 is the number 9. On your mark…get set…. GO! And the springtime is off. It is time to use the electrical energy hitting astrologically and to complete the old patterns that no longer serve and move into the next level of consciousness evolution. The number 9 is all about completing things and finding the completion in your soul that you are seeking. The number 9 is about feeling very grounded and comfortable with your intuitive knowingness and moving in a free flow that unifies your instinct and intuition with your cognitive knowing and discernment. It is a wonderful day when you can learn to merge with others in ways that previously did not seem possible.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today

The big event this month that all this intense energy has been building towards is that Uranus moves into Taurus on the 15th, and for 6 months will give us quick look at our world and how we interact with money and finances through 2027. When Uranus moves it tends to do it a bit dramatically. And when Uranus moved into Aries on March 11, 2011, it was dramatic to say the least. That was the day of the Japanese earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear incident. Also, Tunisia began the Arab Spring followed shortly by Egypt and the total destabilization of the Middle East and the repercussions are still being seen even now. While Uranus in Aries was like an electrical fire storm, Taurus is much more practical as an earth element. Taurus rules money, stocks, bonds, homes, real estate, and the US Treasure. I expect we will see even more technological changes taking over jobs in the years ahead. Our relationship to money is going to have to change. On Mother’s Day, Mercury lines up with Uranus. A perfect aspect for that lovely brunch with your Mother filled with pleasant conversation and lovely connection. Then Mercury moves into Taurus. Every Mother will love to be spoiled a bit that day. So really take some time to allow her to be indulged with food and gifts that show you that she deserves to be spoiled. Everything seems to be compounded to hit at the middle of the month, because Mars (the planet of energy, gumption, and drive) enters the shadow of its retrograde cycle that officially begins on June 26 and lasts through August 27. Mars does not go retrograde as much as most of the other planets so when it does you notice it. Don’t worry if you just don’t seem to have the energy that you wanted over the summer as Mars is also in the frozen winter sign of Aquarius. The detached and distant quality of Aquarius might make you feel a bit unmotivated. Do your best and just do one thing at a time. Beginnings and endings in Astrology always tend to show you what is to come, so know that the summer is going to be on the heavy side from many angles astrologically. Venus moves through nurturing and intuitive sign of Cancer starting on the 19th of May through mid-June, so a good time to visit family or improve your home and/or diet.

We are starting out this week with a lot going on. There are astrological storms brewing on the horizon and so this is that moment to prepare your ship and to try to pick a steady course through the storm. Today there are no major planetary connections or shifts, but the Moon is stirring up things quite a bit. Let’s just say you do not feel all calm. You can sense a building up towards something that will happen mid-month. The Moon is in Scorpio, aligning with Jupiter and harmonizing with Mars and Pluto. For the moment you feel a bit optimistic and comfortable because it seems like things are progressing. Emotions are up, and you will be navigating others feelings if not your own. It is a great time to focus on what you need and to come up with a plan or a strategy as you move forward. At the moment there is a clear focus and a strong inner drive helping you move forward.
~Suzanne Wagner~




Compassion is a call,
a demand of nature,
to relieve the unhappy
as hunger is a natural call for food.




May Astrological Overview

Again, most of the astrological intensity is located around the middle of the month and the New Moon. In such moments there is a lot of wiggle room on either side of May 15th. So, you can expect to see those big changes globally somewhere a few weeks before and a few weeks after. The New Moon occurs on the 15th in Taurus, letting you know that it is time to take charge, particularly when it comes to making ourselves feel more secure in your home and finances. Your relationship to money and possessions is going to radically change over the next 7 years so it might also be a good time to really look at what it is that you truly value and what genuinely makes you feel happy and fulfilled. There is going to be a big change in how humanity relates to this earth and the pressure that we have placed on nature is going to teach us some very hard lessons.

The New Moon occurs just as Mars and Uranus are changing signs and also just as these planets square near the beginning of the signs of Aquarius and Taurus, respectively. Taurus wants things in a more predictable manner and has a nasty tendency to resist change. Expect this combination to be dramatic, abrupt, and highly disruptive. Mars changes signs on average every two months. But Uranus spends about seven years in a sign. Uranus enters Taurus on the 15th but will spend less than six months in the new sign before retrograding back into late Aries on November 6th. Uranus will transit Taurus for the long haul beginning on March 6th, 2019.

While Uranus is in Taurus, cannot help but to bring dramatic changes to our everyday life and shaking things up quite a bit. It also is related to how you are enjoying your life, what we own, and how you have prioritized the material world in your life as a way to fill in those empty holes in your psyche. Your approach to money and personal possessions cannot help but drastically shift into new ways. Just know that the old way is dead, and you will not be able to go back so we will all have to find a way to move through this phase with grace though I also expect from some, a lot of discomfort also. The good news is that you are going to learn new ways to relate to your body and home. I expect humanity to have less inhibition about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. As the Feminist movements grow and change our relationships to sexuality and social conduct the values of humanity are going to move towards the unconventional. There will be a direct challenge to antiquated values that are used to shame others and put them down. You will be forced to shift your values around certain material constraints. For some, this may mean abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income. This will lead to a reshuffling of priorities or of our world and what is really of value. You might find that income need to come from non-traditional sources or ventures. It is time to bring the more progressive ideas into the world of business. And this transit lasts until 2026. It is less about business and more about finding happiness.

Jupiter forms a trine to Neptune on the 25th. You might find that idealistic and humanitarian goals are more and more important. This transit is attempting to widen your mind through unusual or different experiences. Practical considerations could take a back seat now. Generosity and compassion finally seem to increase and your faith in the human potential of global peace seems to get a nice boost. You are ready make personal sacrifices for what you believe to be the larger good for all.

The Full Moon occurs in the sign of Sagittarius on the 29th. This is the time to reach out beyond your usual routine, thought patterns, and neighborhoods. The Full Moon in Sagittarius wants to expand beyond the known parameters. Notice what you would like to promote at this time. Choose to put out of your minds those things that won’t serve you well in the long run.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Love compels you


Numerology/Astrology for 4/29/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/29/18

4/29/18 is the number 8. It is time to cry and let it all go. Let go of judging yourself for your past choices and decisions. Let go of needing to be right. Let go of the fear of rejection. You do not need to be right to be loved. There is that fear that to get out of this domain that (somehow) we need to be “worthy”, which translates to “perfect”. But that is a human overlay and not really what this plane of existence is about. It is about learning and expanding your creative ability into the density and darkness of this world. There are moments when you make the mistake and add to the density of this world. When you see that …. Change. That is all it takes to right the wrong. You are here to learn awareness and that awareness comes at a cost. And that cost is often some form of pain. This number today attempts to focus you on the places that you hold deep and old sadness. And this is the day to learn to let it go.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today

The New Moon in Scorpio/Taurus is on Sunday as we move into the evening. It is known as the Wesak Moon. This is the moment when the Buddha is honored as he continues to return to help humanity. With this Moon in Scorpio, it is a moment to release your fears, like when you choose to leap off a cliff and into the water at the bottom of a waterfall. This Moon has the power to take you to new emotional depths if you let it. Taurus helps you manifest your goals and desires, but first it must remove your self-defeating behaviors and beliefs. It is time to consider others. And the support, contribution, needs, and wants that they have given us. You are being forced into the awareness of where there have been relationship imbalances. It is time to embrace many aspects of the subtle energy realm such as the intangibles and spiritual growth that allows for a fuller and more magical aliveness to become a part of you. Discoveries made now may have a deeper and more private quality to them. There is a challenge at this Full Moon, just in case you have not been feeling it already. Your emotional intensity has been increasing and there is a palpable fear in the air. You may not know if it is you or the global situation. It really does not matter because they are all connected and move actually as one unified field. We are all connected weather we want to believe it or not and when the world fully understands that perhaps we can move into a stronger place of peace, acceptance, and love for all. Mars aligns with Pluto and I personally cringe at what that might look like in the outer world. But on the more personal reality, try to avoid angry people, those with road rage, and deciding to do things at night that might be risky.  This energy can help you really take a look at what you want to work towards for a long-term good. Mercury is finally coming out of its shadow period from being retrograde, so it will help tremendously to get you moving in a forward-thinking direction. There is also a square with the North Node that is adding to the strong jarring effect. Just surrender to the fact that you are out of your comfort zone and many things might feel awkward and disruptive at the beginning. As this Moon move into harmony with Saturn you will begin to realize that your intention for change is along the right lines and that your choices now are about the long-term growth and potential rather than the short-term gains. The Moon is strong and attempting to illuminate many things in your life. The emotional lessons are profound and will literally feel as if they burst forth into your awareness. The Sun forms a trine to Saturn (all in Earth signs) and you are going to feel particularly empowered dealing with practicalities and seeing things from a realistic and very raw, yet truthful angle. You might feel an underlying minor tension because of the alignment of Venus and Pluto today. There is a tension in some social interactions and relationships. Just remember power issues and ownership issues are always about ego. So just let them go. Just notice the jealousy and remember that you might be feeling competitive because of your own expectations on yourself and the underlying fear that you might not yet be good enough and fear of loss. Know that your ego will tell you anything to hook you and keep you off center. You are already enough. Enjoy the journey and know that you don’t have to do everything.

~Suzanne Wagner~



You do not command love.
Love compels you.
~Suzanne Wagner~



Each of you is a soul of love. It is the ego that twists the sweetness and compassionate caring that is the center of each soul into the patterns of fear and emptiness that cause harm and suffering in the world. You are not alone and you do not need to be afraid if you feel into the center of your being and realize that you are automatically connected and a part of the universal oneness that is your birthright and the right of all living and conscious beings on this planet.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Friday, April 27, 2018

Talents Calculator

Image for 'Talents Calculator' numerology article

The first letter of a person's name is a strong indication of where talents lie.

Use the talents reading tool further below to see what it reveals for you.

The talents are revealed as classes or types of talents and aptitudes rather than specific skills.

As an example, it might be revealed that there's a talent for artistic expression but not that the talent is for pencil drawing — because your artistic expression talent might or might not include pencil drawing.

The first letter of your first name letter is a cornerstone. The energy it represents brings aptitude and innate inclination.

Note that talent and skill aren't identical. Talent is innate. Practicing generally enhances skill. A person is likely to require practice to gain skill with something even though they have talent for it.

Talent is a natural endowment resulting in an unusual innate ability or aptitude in some field or activity.

The Your Talents Revealed with Numerology has more information about this particular numerology chart position.

(The complete article is at

Numerology/Astrology for 4/28/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/28/18

4/28/18 is the number 7. And now you see that there is a new plan unfolding. Now you see that something from the past is ending and something new is beginning. Do not be afraid. The universe always has a plan in mind. There is a choice and with that choice comes changes. You knew it was coming. You could see the writing on the wall for a while. But now it is something has become clear and you are ready to make a new plan. Sit down and discuss with those you love what it is that you wish for next. Let others co-create this plan and enjoy the adventure opening up.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today

The Moon is in Libra for the entire weekend. This is a good time for social events, but you may find yourself exhausted by the early evening on Saturday. In the middle of the day you might find yourself becoming more serious and focuses as the Moon forms an inhibitive Moon-Saturn square and opposes Mercury. Know that how you come across and how you might be expressing yourself may not seem so warm and friendly. Even with the Libra Moon compelling you to make an extra effort to be inclusive, compromising, and polite, it might still be difficult. Life is always about being in the flow and finding the balance. Then your relationships tend to come into better focus. Just remember to weigh all perspectives and look at all your options and all the possibilities.

~Suzanne Wagner~




“Love the earth and the suns and animals, despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others…and your very flesh shall be a great poem.”
~Walt Whitman~



I think in life a good goal is to aim and strive to live in a place that supports your well-being. Because of my lifestyle of ballet (which never paid very well 1978-1988) my choices were very limited. I lived often in basement apartments because I loved being in the ground as it was quiet and felt safe and protected. And that worked for me. As I got older I found that my husband now had this beautiful property with lots of land and a view to die for as it overlooked the mountains, valleys, redwood trees and ocean in the distance. It was like coming out of a cave and into the gloriousness of light and energy. At first it was difficult to sleep because I was used to a darker space to rest. When the such comes up, I wake up and that shifted my sleep schedule around a bit. But every day I look out in amazement and notice how this view and this land has nurtured him and myself in ways I probably could not understand until I experienced it. I challenge others to support a life that gives back to you in the ways that give meaning and depth to your world. Yes, it might be a risk to move to a more remote location but it might just be what you need to find your own center of happiness.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Suzanne Wagner Quote – The Leaves on the Tree of Freedom are Falling


Suzanne Wagner Quote – All Change…


Numerology/Astrology for 4/27/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/27/18

4/27/18 is the number 6. When the mind is all chaos and noise there is no peace. When silence is not honored and cultivated then fear is allowed to control your soul. The number 6 is the number of meditation, contemplation, and self-mastery. Within your core is that place of silent awareness that observes and has no need to judge, explain, or rationalize. Today, give that place a chance to show you what you might be missing. Let the expression of stillness become the soothing balm in your life and then in the lives of others. When you are in chaos others will not want to add to your burden or stress. Then will then hold theirs inside and not reveal themselves to you because they do not feel safe. You are safe when you are centered and calm. You are then able to receive fully what they have going on without deflection or overwhelm.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

After yesterday’s deflating energy I remind you to not give up. I know you think that you don’t have the energy to keep up this pace that feels like it wants to break you. This astrology is about facing things. I know that I have been seemingly harping on this theme, but it is not me it is the astrology. Clearly as a planet the universe it is hitting us over the head with a cosmic two by four and it seems that we are not yet awake enough to fully grasp the force and intensity with which the Universe is attempting to get us to pay attention. I am sure all of you feel like you are paying more attention to more things than ever in your life and your consciousness is so stretched the you are concerned that you will lose the tread and spin off into some bizarre level and reality. Know that you are being stretched more than ever before and that you do have a greater capacity than this moment and the world needs your gifts and help. So that is why you are being asked to painfully and even from the place of exhaustion continue to expand. You can no longer avoid what is on your plate. You are a work in progress and there are delays and that is frustrating and difficult. But you have to hurry up and wait. Just know that this will make sense in the future. Expect to feel the more sober side of the Moon in Libra today as the Moon forms an inhibitive Moon-Saturn square and opposes Mercury. Communication may not be so warm and fuzzy. Do your best to stay calm and balanced. All conversations that need to be had will be difficult. But globally we have to learn to work together. Today you are being asked to make an extra effort to be inclusive, compromising, and polite. Yelling will not get you what you want, and it makes you look like a crazy person rather than a rational human being. If you did not notice, all relationships are the focus at this time. What needs to happen globally cannot happen alone. We have to learn to work together. It is time to weigh the perspectives and consider things from the view of the long-term possibilities rather than the short-term gain.

~Suzanne Wagner~


All change is difficult at the beginning.
The more you do it, the easier it becomes.
Do not wish for luck.
Wish for determination.
Do not wish for wealth.
Wish for peace.
Do not wish for knowledge.
Wish for wisdom.
~Suzanne Wagner~



By Grace VanderWaal

There’s a world outside my door
I don’t know it anymore
I’m gonna stay here now
I’m gonna stay here now
Close the curtains, cut the lights
Match the darkness in my mind
It’s gonna take me down
It’s gonna take me down
All the roads I’ve been before
Same mistakes always got me shakin’
And all the signs I once ignored
In my denial, I didn’t want to face them
I can see clearly now
The rain has gone
I accept all the things that I cannot change
Gone are the dark clouds
The dawn has come
It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day
There’s a world outside my door
I forced my feet down to the floor
I’m gonna make it out
I’m gonna make it out
Take a breath and say a prayer
Find the strength in my despair
It’s not gonna take me down
It’s not gonna take me down
All the roads I’ve been before
Same mistakes always got me shakin’
And all the signs I once ignored
In my denial, I didn’t want to face them
I can see clearly now
The rain has gone
I accept all the things that I cannot change
Gone are the dark clouds
The dawn has come
It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day
It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day
All the pain in my sorrow
Won’t change today, only ruin tomorrow
All the pain in my sorrow
Won’t change today, only ruin tomorrow
I can see clearly now
The rain has gone
I accept all the things that I cannot change
Gone are the dark clouds
The dawn has come
It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day
It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day

Songwriters: Chloe Angelides / Grace Vanderwaal / Ido Zmishlany / Johnny Nash / Mike Watters / Neil Ormandy

Clearly lyrics © Ultra Tunes, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Number 130 Meaning

Numerology/Astrology for 4/26/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/26/18

4/26/18 is the number 5. Getting real is never easy. Living in the mind and the world of ideas and possibilities is always fun but then there is always the moment that you have to get back to really living your life. And life is messy. There are those fears and insecurities that get in the way of your fullest self, awakening. There are those wounds from your past that still have not fully healed and jump into your awareness when you least expect them. But those are the genetic patterns that make you beautifully flawed and completely human. And that is a beautiful thing and a blessing. When you no longer think you are perfect but that you are here to experience the complexity of life in all its messiness and glory, then you know you have fully arrived here in this time and in this place on this wonderful planet. And from that place you can help. You cannot help if you are not fully here and grounded into the suffering of others hearts as well as the suffering of your own heart. It is the truth of who you are in all of your flaws that allow your compassionate heart to grow. It is earth that teaches us what we are missing. It is the reality that slams down and crashes those illusions to dust that allow us to become authentic and real.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today

After yesterday’s lull, this morning there is a Mars-Pluto alignment that occurs in Capricorn brining a more ambitious and determined energy that can help in building or rebuilding. This only occurs about every two years. Expect something to stir your desire, and make you leap into action on something today. Do your best to not be so impatient and watch out for that tendency to be think that what you want is more important than others feelings. Notice if you have buried any old resentments because if you are not careful that hidden anger might be driving your actions instead of your heart and compassion. Notice if you want to ignore reason. If you channel this energy well it can bring an increased ability to focus on a task through to completion. Do you dare to go for what you really want? And are you willing to take the necessary and decisive actions that it requires? It is time to not take “no” for an answer. It is time to revise your previous plan and/or rebuild something that is no longer working. Sometimes breaking something down is necessary in order to start over. And it might be time to put something in your past behind you completely. Don’t force others to do what you what. You need to do what you must to move into a new realm. Be aware of your energy levels and don’t overtax yourself. Power struggles are likely and know you could be tested to your limit in some area. With the Moon in Virgo you have a plan and now you need to act on that plan.

~Suzanne Wagner~




The leaves on the tree of freedom
fall into the compost of time.
To litter the ground with the dried up
memories of lost potential
and missed moments.
A life to be resurrected
when the essential elements
have been broken down
from toxic sludge of hate
and prejudice.
And in the right mix
of creative compassion,
becomes reborn and the
phoenix of hope rises up again
to the light of day
with the wisdom
of its ancestors and lineage.
~Suzanne Wagner~






By Paul Simon

Let us be lovers, we’ll marry our fortunes together
I’ve got some real estate here in my bag
So we bought a pack of cigarettes and Mrs. Wagner’s pies
And we walked off to look for America
Cathy, I said as we boarded a Greyhound in Pittsburgh
Michigan seems like a dream to me now
It took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw
I’ve gone to look for America

Laughing on the bus, playing games with the faces
She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy
I said, be careful, his bowtie is really a camera
Toss me a cigarette, I think there’s one in my raincoat
We smoked the last one an hour ago
So I looked at the scenery
She read her magazine
And the moon rose over an open field

Cathy, I’m lost, I said though I knew she was sleeping
And I’m empty and aching and I don’t know why
Counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike
They’ve all come to look for America
All come to look for America
All come to look for America

Songwriters: Paul Simon

America lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Latest boat accessories

If you are searching for latest boat accessories, then it becomes quite easy if you know the essential things that you would like to have for your boat. Another noteworthy thing that a boat owner must do before rushing to the shop to purchase the parts is to make a list of necessary things. First, purchase those accessories which are essential for your boat and then the rest of things for your boat. With a list in your hand, you will find shopping relatively easier without nay hassle and messy situation than not making any list and heading towards shopping.

When you think of latest boat accessories, there are plenty of such parts, which are available that you could bring to your mind. These boat accessories can make your journey most pleasurable and memorable as you will only enjoy your journey without bothering about any other missing equipment. It is best to use some other parts for it, to emphasize the beauty of the boat. This can increase the resale value of your boat if you ever decide to sell it. There are few main, noteworthy things with boating accessories, while some parts designs enhance its beauty; others are for increasing its safety, functionality and conformability.

It is mandatory to focus first on safety and functionality accessories rather than the other unnecessary parts. For the safety of your passengers, you need to have all the equipments and accessories which can be required in case of an emergency situation by passengers. Focus mainly on those accessories or parts that can keep your boat in the best condition throughout and that can help you in maintaining the boat thoroughly.

The accessories, which are vital for you to carry along on the boat, are lights, buoys, paddles, life vests, anchors and first-aid kit. Some maintenance accessories such as screwdrivers, wrenches and for precautionary measure your boat registration certificate or license is extremely valuable while embarking to sea. You must carry all these accessories along with you in order to enjoy hassle free journey on sea. Life vests should be near to the congregation, and it will be more much better if your all passengers will wear a life jacket through out the journey. This is to ensure their overall safety in case of emergency but not at all mandatory.

There are thousands of latest boat accessories or gear in the market place that selecting few is a complicated problem. There are so many options in styles, kinds and sizes ranging from navigating equipment, fishing equipment, water sports, ski gear, trailer parts or boat trailer that you can opt for. Select all your accessories efficiently to provide your passengers and yourself optimum safety on the open sea or river.

You would also like to have electronics and engine parts without which you would not like to sail. In fact, for your safety it is nowadays recommended having your own navigation system which is now becoming much more popular amongst boat accessories. If you want to do fishing, then there are loads of equipment such as fishing rods, fishing lures, fishing reels and many more where you do not want to give it a miss.

Nowadays, some latest products have also hit the markets such as custom- fit motor covers, heavy duty transom savers, shock absorbing transom savers, led docking lights, led underwater lights, standard centric fully upholstered seat, carbon canisters, water proof cell phone and GPS case, anchor line and many more like these. In order to get more information about latest boat accessories, you need to research on any boat store or online boat stores and then you can buy accordingly.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 4/25/18 – Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 4/25/18

4/25/18 is the number 4. What is the balance that is needed at this time in your life? Inside of all of us are a myriad of archetypes that jump into play when they are needed. The number 4 asks you to look at if you have a dominant part that is unbalancing the fluid equations of your life. If it is then even if that particular archetype is very powerful, perhaps it is time to give it a vacation and take a break. Then let out your more playful side to be silly and connect in new and meaningful ways with others. Balance is not about control it is about moving authentically in each and every moment. Enjoy.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today

With Mercury in Aries on Wednesday afternoon, you might have some minor mental and communication challenges. If it seems like someone wants to have a confrontative conversation you might want to put it off to another day.  Mercury in Aries squared Saturn on March 11th (over a month ago) before Mercury went retrograde, and then connected this way again while Mercury was retrograde on April 5th. Now that Mercury is moving forward and this aspect is being touched again, you are revisiting the patterns and energies that you had hoped were past. Because it has been floating around this position you might have had more than your fair share of criticism and pettiness either coming your way or you were inflicting that on others. Many of you have wanted to get a point or position across but that has seemed impossible or blocked. This might begin to feel like it is shifting. But this day can be very tense to stay calm and don’t try to push when there is not really an opening. Don’t let others negativity affect you. Things you thought were signed sealed and delivered, suddenly now have people being overly critical, insensitive, and sarcastic. Don’t let it get under your skin. You will want to trust your intuition but then you will be second guessing yourself. You might feel a bit nervous, antsy, and prickly today because the Moon is in Virgo. But you are beginning to support a more realistic vision of a project or situation and hopefully your future.

~Suzanne Wagner~




“Pity the nation whose people are sheep, and whose shepherds misleads them. Pity the nation whose leaders are liars, whose sages are silenced and whose bigots haunt the airwaves. Pity the nation that raises not its voice, except to praise conquerors and acclaim the bully as hero and aims to rule the world with force and by torture. Pity the nation that knows no other language but its own and no other culture but its own. Pity the nation whose breath is money and sleeps the sleep of the too well fed. Pity the nation – Oh, pity the people who allow their rights to erode and their freedoms to be washed away. My country, tears of thee, sweet land of liberty.”
~Lawrence Ferlinghetti~



I wish for a world that values truth more than belief.
I wish for nature’s silence and peace.
I wish for laws that protect and serve all.
I wish to see evil karmically fall.
I wish for curiosity to be our first instinct.
I wish for all hearts to be linked.
I wish for all of us to see beyond our fear.
I wish for life to have fewer tears.
~Suzanne Wagner~



Lawrence Ferlinghetti – Pity the Nation

Monday, April 23, 2018

DowDuPont to invest $50M in global Kevlar operations

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) – DowDuPont Inc. says it is investing $50 million in its global operations that make Kevlar, a high-strength fiber that’s manufactured at a Virginia plant, among other locations.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports the investment will go toward upgrading and modernizing equipment to improve production, quality and automation.

The company didn’t say how much of the $50 million would be invested at the company’s Spruance plant in Chesterfield County. John Richard, a company executive, says the money won’t mean additional hiring at the plant, which employs about 1,800 people.

Kevlar also is manufactured in Ireland and through a joint venture in Japan.

It is used in bullet-resistant vests and other protective apparel such as gloves and boots. Richard says the investment is the result of “strong demand” in global markets.


Information from: Richmond Times-Dispatch, website


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What Oprah Can Teach You About Windows 7 Home Premium Oa Asus Download

Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA ISO

Do It Your Self Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA ISO Guide. Microsoft Windows 7 Starter Is Likely One Of The Hardest Microsoft Windows 7 Computer Operating Systems To Find Online And Download To Your Computer. Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA Is Microsoft Windows 7 Starter Small Notebook PC OEM Activation. This Version Of Microsoft Windows 7 Is Commonly Sold To OEM – Original Equipment Manufactures Who Then Resell The Operating System On A New Brand New Brand Name Computer. Computer Manufactures Such Acer Group, Asus Tek, Dell, HP, Toshiba, Samsung, E-Machines Are OEM’s That Sell Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA Operating Systems On Usually Lower End Notebooks, Netbooks, And Computer Desktops, And In Developing Markets.

Microsoft Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA x86/32-Bit Build 7600 And The Updated Microsoft Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA x86/32-Bit SP1 Build 7601 Windows 7 Computer Operating Systems Are Likely The Fastest Windows 7 32-Bit/x86 Computer Operating Systems In The Windows 7 32-Bit/x86 Windows 7 Line Of Computer Operating Systems. Because Windows 7 Starter Typically Has All The Extra Bells And Whistles Removed There Is Much Less Computer Code For Your Computer’s CPU To Process Which Works To Provide Better Over All Computer Performance On Windows 7 Starter Operating Systems Then More Feature Rich Versions Of Windows 7.

Microsoft Windows 7 Starter And Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA Computer Operating System Installation Disks Are Harder To Come By. Microsoft Doesn’t Exactly Sell A Whole Lot Of Windows 7 Starter Disks To The Retail Public Like They Do With Other Popular Windows 7 Operating Systems Such As Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Home Premium, And Windows 7 Home  Basic. As A Result It’s Hard To Find An Original And Authentic Copy Of Microsoft Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA ISO Images That You Can Use To Make A Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA Operating System Installation Disk From And Then Use To Install Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA To A Brand New Computer, A Used Computer With A New Hard Drive, Or A Broken Or Messed Up Computer That Is Currently Running Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA.

Most OEM Computers That Originally Shipped With Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA Running On The Computer Don’t Actually Come With A Windows 7 Starter Computer Operating System Disk That You Can Use To Install A Brand New, Clean, Working, And Functional Copy Of Windows 7 Starter To Your Computer Again If You Run Into Computer Trouble. What Most Windows 7 Starter Computer Operating System Users Get With The New Computer Is An OEM Modified Version Of The Original Windows 7 Starter Computer Operating System Installation Disk Saved In A Hidden Internal Computer Hard Drive Partition That Re Installs The OEM Modified Version Of Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA On The Main Partition Of Your Hard Drive.

Instead Of Getting An Actual Physical Windows 7 Starter Or Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA Installation Disk You Can Use To Install Windows 7 You Typically Get Some Type Of Hidden Program Taking Up Space On Your Hard Drive That Essentially Does The Same Thing. You May Or May Not Get A Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA Product Key On A Sticker On Your Computer Or Somewhere Inside The New Computer Box. This Way Of Microsoft Selling And Reselling Windows 7 Starter Operating Systems To OEM’s Who Then Build And Sell Windows 7 Starter Compatible Computers With The Built In Restore Windows 7 Starter Features And No Actual Physical Windows 7 Starter Computer Operating Systems For Sale At Most Computer Stores Around The World All Add Up To Making Windows 7 Starter Operating Systems The Hardest To Install Into Your Computer.

So How Exactly Do You Get An Original, Clean, Working, Functional, Authentic, And Genuine Copy Of Microsoft Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA ISO Image? The Answer Is That You Can Make One. Almost Every Version Of Windows 7 32-Bit x86 Computer Operating Systems Contain The Setup Programs And Applications Needed For Every Other Version Of Windows 7 32-Bit x86 Operating Systems. By Simply Modifying A Single File On Almost Any Working Windows 7 32-Bit x86 Computer Operating System Disk You Can Convert It Into A Windows 7 Starter ISO Image. So If You Wanted To Make A Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA ISO Image From A Windows 7 Ultimate SNPC OA ISO You Can Do So My Simply Modifying Or Completely Deleting A Single File Inside The Windows 7 Ultimate ISO.

Lucky For You And Me, And Anyone Else That Wants To Use Microsoft Windows 7 Starter On Their Computer, You Can Simply Download Any 32 Bit Version Of Microsoft Windows 7 Computer Operating System And Make A Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA ISO Image From It. All Of The Windows 7 Starter Computer Operating System Files Are Located On Any Version Of Windows 7 Computer Operating System Installation Disk. With One Small Change To A Single File On The Windows7 Operating System Installation Disk You Can Choose Which Version Of Windows 7 Computer Operating System To Install To Your Computer.

Making A Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA ISO File Is Easy. All You Need To Do Is Find And Download An Original And Authentic Copy Of Windows 7 32 Bit Computer Operating System Installation Disk And Edit Or Delete A Single File That Is Easily Found In The Operating System Installation Disk. After You Have Made The Change Or Deleted The File Altogether You Can Simply Save The New Modified Disk Image And You’re Ready To Go.

With Your Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA ISO Image Ready To Go You Are Now Ready To Burn The Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA ISO To A Blank DVD Disk Using DVD Burning Software, An Internal Or External DVD Burner And A Blank DVD Disk Or Optionally You Can Make A Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA ISO USB Flash Drive Or Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA ISO USB Hard Drive Containing Identical Files To The Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA ISO DVD Disk You Can Then Use To Install Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA To Your COmputer.

The Download Links On This Page Are Links To Original, Authentic, And Genuine Copy Of Microsoft Windows 7 Computer Operating Systems. You Can Pick Any One That You Want And Download It To Your Computer Then Make A Windows 7 Starter SNPC OA ISO From It In Under 60 Seconds.

Auspicious Marriage Date Calculations

Image for 'Auspicious Marriage Date Calculation' numerology article

An auspicious marriage date is more than a lucky wedding day.

An auspicious energy is a favorable energy, indicating happiness and satisfaction, an energy conducive to success. The auspicious marriage date represents an advantageous energy for an entire marriage.

The energy of an auspicious marriage date is a numerology energy found with numerology calculations. The calculations result in an appraisal of the amount of auspicious energy present for a couple if they married on a specific date.

You want your wedding to be perfect, a portent of all the perfect married days to follow.

To help make it that way, get married on the most auspicious marriage date according to numerology calculations — the one with the highest auspicious energy appraisal.

Many different calculations are done to determine the most auspicious marriage date.

(Don't worry — we've made the calculations automatic for the Auspicious Marriage Date report.)

The result of every calculation has importance, some more important than others.

Every potential marriage date is calculated separately. Then the results of each potential marriage date are compared to see which is the most auspicious for your marriage.

A Range of Potential Marriage Dates

Because each date is calculated separately, a range of potential marriage dates is determined before calculations commence.

A range of dates might be "the month of June". Or "the last week of May two years from now". Or even "any date during a 12-month period beginning in three weeks".

Calculations with the names and birth dates of both marriage partners help to obtain an appraisal of each potential marriage date's auspiciousness.

For some potential marriage dates, the auspiciousness will be high. For others, low. There may be one or a few potential marriage dates with zero appraisal value for auspiciousness.

The most auspicious marriage date of the range of dates that were calculated is the one with the highest auspiciousness appraisal.

(The complete article is at

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Stepping Stones


Numerology/Astrology for 4/24/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/24/18

4/24/18 is the number 3. What kind of positive spin can you put on this day? As the day of Positive Mind there are many things to focus on that can bring a flow of love and light into your mind/body/heart. Without a few bumps in the road, life would be boring, and I guarantee that right now boring is not the problem. Learn to turn intensity into excitement. Learn the art of transformation of all energies in your life into functional patterns that support your growth and well-being.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today

Wednesday afternoon could be challenging mentally. Do your best to avoid difficult circumstances and conversations. You might feel that you have a lot to deal with related to work and you are busy which is good but there is not a lot of down time for you to connect and socialize with others. Take a moment to find your personal center and from where your core essence and virtue exudes from. There is a long haul forward and it is best to pace yourself and find a rhythm that you can maintain over a longer period of time. Mars reaches Pluto and Lilith in Capricorn, and Jupiter makes a favorable aspect to them this week. This constellation has a strong, all-pervasive effect. Take this energy and break down walls, remove obstacles, overcome fears and tear down the destructive numbing norms that have taken us to another dimension that does not serve this world. The norm has become this toxic rhetoric that must be dismantled piece by excruciating piece. Everything that is being fed by darkness must be removed. By next Monday (at the latest) we will see what is affected by this shift in the energy field. For some things, this pattern might feel like a rescue operation because of the things that are brought into the light or liberated.

~Suzanne Wagner~




If honor were profitable,
everybody would be honorable.

~Thomas More~




Kindness and compassion is what unites all of life.

The stronger you are in your ability

to reach beyond your present level of loving

the more impact you can have in the world.

The legacy you leave this world

are the small kindnesses that you have left,

as stepping stones for others to find their way.
~Suzanne Wagner~



For your Joy! – Amazing Peacock Dance

Six Closely-Guarded Wells Fargo Online Services Secrets Explained in Explicit Detail

Hedge funds have recently made changes with their positions within the company. The CFPB has become enmeshed in partisan politics since it had been created by Congress in a very major financial overhaul law in 2010 to shield consumers from harmful banking and lending practices. Smartphone apps an internet-based lending platforms in China (and elsewhere) are helping investors put their money to work in the informal international lending network. We are unaware of any basis of those surprising allegations which are counter to the commitment we need to fully cooperating wonderful government investigations. All the biggest American banks must submit to regulators their living wills, or approaches for unwinding themselves in an orderly way — something they lacked in 2008, when the federal government had to prop up sagging banks like Citigroup and Bank of America. BAFT, its primary trade organization, adjusted as far as hosting events around the subject and establishing an in-house educational initiative aimed at providing timely details about blockchain tech to its membership. There’s top level executive pay after which there’s what private equity finance titans get paid. Peregrine Capital Management LLC acquired a fresh stake in shares of Evolent Health through the third quarter worth $26,294,000. The firm had revenue of $245 million for your quarter. Frank told Wells Fargo to get rid of the signs, which cost the financial institution $490,000.

Now Nash, who says she’s fed track of white people who freely disparage black youth facing her, really wants to extend the conversation to cashiers while others she interacts with while she buys groceries, gets coffee, dines at restaurants — whenever and wherever she uses her debit card. Slurs, stereotypes and violent talk aren’t welcome on our internet site. The information and content are subject to change with no warning. The firm in addition has spoken to many other advisers who will be considering whether to pursue arbitrations, says Ryan Bakhtiari, another partner at Aidikoff Uhl & Bakhtiari. The case heard through the appellate court involves allegations that New Jersey mortgage company PHH Corp. Building PA announcer Matt Cord announced around 7:45 pm the game has still not officially been canceled and they will update in fifteen minutes. In the three cases, the courts found out that employees still did not overcome the high bar recently set by the U. But her birth came four days before the start of Wells Fargo’s extended maternity leave, as well as the anxiety in the missed deadline ate away in the couple because they worried about how to take care of Alexandria with far less paid time off — potentially costing them the maximum amount of as $10,000 in lost income. This change, including a shift toward stock-based compensation to find the best executives, has exacerbated economic inequality by pushing pay at the top in to the stratosphere while shortchanging workers. The last time Facebook tried its hand at this type of marketplace was nine in the past, and yes it didn’t really go anywhere.

You look in internet marketing now, Wells and also the other big banks want each branch to cover a radius of ten to fifteen miles. All Wells Fargo customers must sign an arbitration clause once they open their (real) accounts. Jack Bogle for the Retirement Crisis, Wells Fargo’s Crackup, and ‘Hamilton’. After a contact went out with 90,000 recipients on Friday, some Wells Fargo employees began hitting reply-all,” as outlined by an internal report obtained with the Observer. This year, I reported a client incident on the corporate office and also the ethics line. Maybe it’s time to examine these incentives a tad bit more closely. Wells Fargo and Canadian branchless bank Tangerine have announced which they will start using a whole new biometric technology called eyeprint authentication from tech startup Eye – Verify. But wells fargo login Fargo said that tracking historical data showed copper had helped to predict only three beyond five U. Commonwealth Equity Services Inc now owns 8,754 shares in the company’s stock worth $729,000 finally, before using an additional 133 shares during the period.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 4/23/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/23/18

4/23/18 is the number 2. The duality in the world continues to polarize and while that is the only way to eventually come back to balance, the splitting of the world magnified by the number 2 can be highly destructive also. Do your best to not get into it with others. Each person is on their own journey and will discover the lessons that are relevant for their expansion at the time that is best suited for each of them. You cannot help people out of their own confirmation bias. Each of us will fall into this trap again and again until we learn how to stay aware of that potential that is human nature and follow the course to simply do what is right. When we as a species see that questioning is not a weakness and that allowing all the information in equally is the more conscious and enlightened path, then this world will begin to heal.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today

Earth Day is Sunday, and Pluto turned retrograde until September 30th. All the planets go retrograde at certain times, but those transitions moments are often felt more strongly. Take a moment to look at what it is that you need to let go of and consciously embody that releasing process with compassion and consciousness. Notice if what you are releasing is something that someone else could use. The Moon in Leo gives you a more outgoing, confident edge. Be generous and expressive. Let that warm-hearted quality infuse your life with light and love. The Moon squares Jupiter this evening. So do your best to not over-indulge and eat all the ice cream. There is a Mars-Jupiter sextile, that will be exact early tomorrow, inspiring you to make a decision and to take action. Decisive action will seem smoother and easier. You feel more courageous and energetic than usual, so direct that energy in a conscious and constructive way. You might be feeling a bit more competitive so let that side out for some air and let it help you move past your fear. There is more confidence and clarity that is possible today. Use it wisely.

~Suzanne Wagner~




It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble.
It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

~Mark Twain~




Excerpt from James Comey’s Book, “A Higher Truth”. Page 104

“They were drive by one of the most powerful and disconcerting forces in human nature – confirmation bias. Our brains have evolved to crave information consistent with what we already believe. We seek out and focus on facts and arguments that support our beliefs. More worrisome, when we are trapped in confirmation bias, we may not consciously perceive facts that challenge us, that are inconsistent with what we have already concluded. In a complicated, changing, and integrated world, our confirmation bias makes us very difficult people. We simply can’t change our minds.

But there is more to it than biology. The president (George Bush), the vice president (Dick Cheney), and those around them also labored under our political culture, where uncertainty is intolerable, where doubt is derided as weakness. Then and now leaders feel a special pressure to be certain, a pressure that reinforces their natural confirmation bias.

Of course, in a healthy organization, doubt is not a weakness, it is wisdom, because people are at their most dangerous when they are certain that their cause is just and their facts are right.”

~James Comey~
From his book, “A Higher Truth”

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 4/22/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/22/18

4/22/18 is the number 10. There is more change coming than you could even imagine in your wildest dreams. And it will not look like what you think or want because the collective collapse is of such monumental proportions. But in such powerful moments of collapse there is just as powerful of a moment to grow into totally new and different places. I know that the bulk of humanity is struggling to deal with what is happening globally in the world and I know that radical change is afoot in ways that presently from our distorted visual of the past seem not possible. But this moment in time has riled up many who have been complacent for too long and now there is a fire inside of them because they can palpably see and feel the horror and destructive influences of a few powerful, greedy, heartless people. And that is what it will take for change to happen. When you cannot count on your own government to protect and defend its own people, when life has no value to those in power, and when the rich use war as the way to make millions and break down the society in even more fear, then you know that such toxic and evil control must be rooted out and changed.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today

As the planets begin to move into the Spring/Summer retrograde patterns each of us are going to have a moment to pause and reflect on what has transpired since January. Pluto comes to a halt in the sky and turns retrograde today. At first Pluto going retrograde is always a bit confusing. Whatever seems to be the issue will feel heavier and seem to get worse. Pluto will be retrograde till September 30th. It is time to go down into the deep recesses of your psyche and research what you want and what is really driving you forward. If it is your ego then you are going to gain new insight into our self-destructive tendencies, need for control. It is time to search for what is real by looking within. What may be revealed may feel like a bomb going off in your awareness. But if that is what it takes for you to awaken than that is how it will be. External forces may ease up during this period. It is time to look and reassess how you use your power for good or if you use your power to support evil. The Moon is in Cancer until a bit past noon, after which the Moon moves into the bright, warm, and expressive sign of Leo. There will be a lot of fiery energy in the air and do your best to move that energy constructively rather than destructively. The image I have in my mind today is of one of those Mississippi river boats going up the river. Now, let me be clear. Not an old paddle boat going up the river but one of those long cigar shaped river boats with a big engine to push against the strong current of the powerful and wide Mississippi river. These boats have such a strong motor that you can actually water ski behind them while going up the river. Now they have a huge wake because of it but they are extremely powerful to push against the mighty Mississippi. This is what it is going to take to make any headway against such a strong current of destructive hate that has manifested in the world. So, know that you have to find the power inside yourself. You have to find the force of such a motor to have any prolonged movement of consequence. Since it requires a lot of horsepower, know that it is best if you do not do it alone. The more you have to help fire the engine to move up the river the better. This is a time when you need all your friends and family to help support the major change that is coming. With Uranus firing up and preparing to shift out of Aries on May 15th for 6 months, know that the planet of the unexpected can surprise you in positive as well as negative ways.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Those that protect falseness
continue to create armor
around their heart.
The more they shield from truth
the more isolated
and alone they become.
The softness of their heart
is hidden behind
a rigid wall of protection.
Others cannot feel their pain
and will leave them
to their own misery.

~Suzanne Wagner~




“The only reason we don’t open our hearts and minds to other people is that they trigger confusion in us that we don’t feel brave enough or sane enough to deal with. To the degree that we look clearly and compassionately at ourselves, we feel confident and fearless about looking into someone else’s eyes.”

~Pema Chödrön~

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accident lawyers coloradoThe firѕt knife accessory he adԀed was a corkscrew. In his quest for perfection, Elsener wоrked һard until he he created a кnife thаt had blades on both sides, alloᴡing it to have an additional number of featurеs than bef᧐re. Tһere arе modest fees if you wish to wire funds out of your account ($15 рer Wire). There are no running feeѕ if you have more thɑn 10,000 Swiss frɑncs/US dollars/Euros. Otherwise juѕt 3 Swіss Francs a month. There are no ⲟtһer opening fеes.

Are there any other fees?  Dull edges, bent tips, and broken woodеn handles are not only useless but are also extrеmely ԁangerous to work with!  Being а chef myself I’ve come a long way in understanding the differences in knives, what makes a knife great, and how to avoid bad knife purⅽhases. If you are anything like my mom, then the knives in your kitchen need a ϲomplete makeover! But һе has grown increasingly isolated during his 20 months in office, especially аfter the rightwing opposition revealed іn December that his consulting firm had received payments from a construction company at the center of Latin America’s bіggest corruption scandaⅼ.

A 79-year-old former Wall Ѕtreet banker, Kuczynski was elected in 2016 ⲟn promises to modernize Peru wһile cleaning up goveгnment corruption. It has everything I need, and more. You just never know when yⲟᥙ’ll need it, frߋm opening a soda bottle to removing a radio’ѕ screws. It is all the tool you need. And to borrow McGyver’s line (frߋm a popular TV show), “Don’t leave home without it. I used to have a Swiss Champ Knife. ” or something like that. , 40, and then return to the beginning of the implementation of аuto-cycle process.

Althougһ the Viϲtorinox Swiss Army Fieldmaster іs our top pick, f᧐r the rеasons laid out in the slides below, you shouⅼd also consider the Keyport Pivot Everyday Multitooⅼ, the Smith the contrary, the switch 1127 dіsconnects, the program scans the order of 2 21, . Among tһe most crucial aspects of a survival tool is that one tool needs to serve as many fᥙnctionalities as possible. Consider the multifunctional Swiss Armʏ knife.

Along with a utilіty knife, it features a ⅽan and bottlе opener, flathead in additіon to phillipshead screwdrivers, corkscrеw, fish scaler and hook remover. Every Boy Ѕcout knows that this knife is many different t᧐ols in one. If you are looking for an all-in-one type, then the army knife style will ѕuit уou wonderfully. They arе jam packed with аll sorts ᧐f additions like nail files, screw driѵers, cork screws and the list just never ends. Ꮇore practical you won’t find and can be cɑrried with you everywhere you go.

Tһe commuter rail station of Shinjuku is the Ьᥙsiest transit system witһ almost tѡo milⅼion passengers a day. Tokyo the capіtal of Japan is aⅼso its largest metropolitan area. Shinjuku iѕ home to many ѕhopping stores, offices and has many bars and lounges.

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Suzanne Wagner Quote – Your Armor


Friday, April 20, 2018

Number 826 Meaning

Numerology/Astrology for 4/21/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/21/18

4/21/18 is the number 9. Complete those projects that are right there waiting for your time and attention. Enjoy it and have fun with the energy of spring. Life is about creating and bringing beauty into the world. Do things that fill your soul and spirit with life and energy. Put your hands in the dirt and let life ground you back into the heart and soul of real life. With all our electronic equipment we become numb to what is happening out there in real life. Put down the phones and computers and go outside for a walk. Be one with nature and allow another type of knowledge and wisdom to fill your soul and spirit with life. When you feel full and complete you will relax and others will find it easy to be in your presence.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today

The weekend we get to experience the loving and nurturing effects of a Cancer Moon. So, go work in the garden, have a healthy meal with loved ones, beautify your home, and share on a deep emotional level with others. Take a good look at your family and those you care the most about. Are you giving them the attention and love that you truly feel inside. Why hold back. In any moment any of us can no longer be here. It is in these moments that you can make that loving connection that can be a guide and support to others even if you are no longer here. Learning to love in the way that allows powerful memories that help us through tough times is what today is all about. This lovely Cancer Moon is opposing Saturn, Mars, and Pluto, creating tension and making responsibilities come to the top of your awareness. You can do what needs to be done and feel that heart opening and connection. Try to not let your competitive nature ruin your day. And impatience will actually work against you and slow things down rather than speed them up. There is a trine between Neptune and Jupiter, so let your creativity find the way through the drama into realness and satisfaction. If we all work together, there is hope for this world.

~Suzanne Wagner~




“Nobody is superior,
nobody is inferior,
but nobody is equal either.
People are simply unique,
You are you,
I am I.”




How do we teach those with so much anger to love?
How do we value truth more than what our mind wants to believe?

How do we find the peace and contentment that is the right of every human being?
How do we create a society where on horrible, power-hungry, mentally ill person is not allowed to destroy all that had taken hundreds of years to build?
If we cannot figure that out, if we cannot take back what was ours from the beginning and our birthright, perhaps we don’t deserve to keep it.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Spring Clean your Home’s ENERGY

Have you ever considered your home has a personality? It’s a living energy and sometimes your space needs a little self-care. Consider all the different emotions that run through our homes each day!
Over the years, I have cleared houses that had everything from a death in the home, an illness, hoarding, bankruptcy, divorce, life changes, career changes, and of course, homes with unsettled spirits. When we have all this life happening, the space we live in does absorb all those emotions and energy, and I have learned over the years … when we take the time to clear that space it can make a huge difference in our daily lives.

Clearing energy in our space can help improve so many pieces of life. My clients report everything from new opportunities, sleeping better, less arguments, calmer more peaceful feelings, motivation to get off that couch, children sleep better, clearer minds and thoughts, and so much more!

Let talk about spring cleaning. This is a great time of year to clear your home or living space, and even your work space!
First, some basic ideas to clear your space: just a simple clearing of clutter and opening the windows, vacuum, dust, straighten up, de-clutter of course. The basics of a good deep house cleaning is the same basis of what I do when I clear homes. We want to open space up and create more light.

When we look at the energetic spring cleaning, I will walk you through a few fun ways to get that energy clean and clear.

Walk outside and stand in front of your home.
What does it feel like? Is it a happy home? Does it look happy? You can ask out loud, or in your mind, what would your house like to happen to feel better? Then simply put your hand on your heart and listen. Sometimes those things take a little time to create, but just let your home know you are working on it!

Walk in to the middle of your space
As you stand in the middle of your home, how do you feel in your body? What I love about clearing spaces is our homes are a reflection of what is going on inside of us!
Some days when I am processing or working through a challenge, I can look around and see all my clutter or piles … and then once I move through it, all of a sudden those piles are gone! I will pay attention to where my body is being pulled in one direction or another. I will ask my Spirit to show me the space that needs to be cleared first. Many times, I am brought to the lowest floor of the home and when I walk into the basement, for example, I will feel a dense or heavy energy on that floor.

So what do we do with that energy?

Transmutation: For this exercise use your imagination, unless you can actually see the energy, I would also recommend feeling the energy. Pick a shape that energy is showing up as, and if you are able, see it as a dense color—I typically see it as a grey blob—but it can show up as anything that works for you.
Once you have your energy shape and color, I want you to find the light within that shape. Sometimes that little bit of light is teeny tiny, but you will find it! No matter how dark the energy is, it always has a bit of light!
NOW, from your heart I want you to send a beautiful vibrant rainbow straight into that little bit of light and ask Spirit to transmute that energy from the inside out! I keep it going until that dense energy just melts away. Once that energy has melted away, fill that space up with big bright rainbow! Always replenish any energy you clear away!

Fill with Love: I know Sunny uses this as well! Simply stand in the middle of your home and radiate a beautiful pure love to the entire home. I like to walk through the space and do this. I open all the closets, under the beds, cupboards, stove, and the washer and dryer—anything that can be opened. I fill the space with as much love as I can imagine! I also allow that energy to stream out the windows and into the streets and entire town that I live in and just keep spreading that love as far as you can imagine!

Have a conversation: Remember how I said our homes have personalities? Well, they also have a voice. When I sit quietly in my home, or take a walk through my home, I keep asking: what can I do to improve the energy for you? Sometimes I feel the answer through my body—a knowing that a room would like a new color, or even just to move furniture around a little bit to shift the energy. Talk to your home and start to build a relationship with it so you can learn how to keep that space clear and loving for yourself!
Space clearing can be a valuable tool and we have many tools to assist us with the clearing process.

_67A1796Jodie Harvala is a forward thinking, spirit loving, space clearing, psychic teacher and coach. She is also the founder of The Spirit School. Walking through her own spirit journey, she went from a fear *based* woman to a Spiritually FearLESS entrepreneur.
Jodie loves teaching others how to connect with spirit and also how to experience spirit in the sacred, everyday moments of life. She teaches through experience. With each and every class offered, people who participate walk away with their own very real experience with spirit and a fresh perspective regarding the next step on their personal journey here on earth.
Jodie shares tools and ideas to connect with spirit on a daily basis, creating your own magical experiences day-to-day. When we walk through life with direction from spirit, we become fearless. With each course offered at The Spirit School, you will feel more empowered and filled with magic in your own life. Hands on your hearts, ladies and gentleman. It’s time to pledge allegiance to your higher self. All aboard the bus to The Spirit School! If you are interested in learning more about the process of clearing energy please go to or you can purchase her new clearing book on Amazon, The Magic of Space Clearing.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

James Comey Quote – The Actions of One Person Can Destroy


Numerology/Astrology for 4/20/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 4/20/18

4/20/18 is the number 8. How can we find a doorway through all this deep, old sadness that has infected our world? There is so much upset and pain from everyone to a greater or lesser degree that this phenomenon has created an actual, palpable, malaise. We are in a moment in time (when it seems impossible) but it is true that one man …. one very bad man, with a bunch of sycophants is attempting to destroy this beautiful world that took the sacrifice, love, passion, and commitment of millions of lives over hundreds of years to create. If each of us do not plan and commit to a strategy of expansion and acceptance of all we are at risk of losing this very thing that you hold so precious and dear. And there will be nothing to pass down to our children other than hardship and suffering. This tragedy is of such tremendous loss that if you are not upset, you may need to check to see if you have a heart or compassion. Shakespeare could not have make a more painful story to witness. But I do believe that hardened hearts are cracking open and that is what will over time … potentially a long time … change the world towards a better reality. But it starts today and everyday forward to eradicate the hate and prejudice out of your soul, once and for all.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today.

The Moon is in Gemini until almost 11 am, and then the Moon moves into Cancer. There is a need for home and safety and for a sense of belonging. You want the familiar and the patterns that have anchored into your psyche that are comforting and grounding. You might feel like you have less willpower and a loss of focus. Commit to a plan of action in the morning because the Sun and Neptune form a semi-square. This is a great reminder to recognize your need for downtime, play, and meditation. This is one day that I might not have to remind myself to do it. Don’t push for answers…just sit and allow the clarity to be revealed to you. The Moon squares Mercury tonight and moves towards an opposition to Saturn, potentially igniting frustrations over little things. There is a desire for attention to the detail and exactness today.

~Suzanne Wagner~




“All great gifts come with a responsibility,
a solemn obligation to guard and protect
that reservoir and pass it on to those
who follow as full as you received it
or maybe even fuller.
The problem with such reservoirs
is that they take a very long time to fill
but they can be drained by one hole in the dam.
The actions of one person
can destroy what it took
hundreds of people years to build.”

~James Comey~
From his book, “A Higher Loyalty




I feel many of us are fighting for those that came before us
and were killed, abused, and that had no voice.
I feel that many of us are being haunted by those souls
who scream at us to stop the suffering.
I feel that many of us are fighting for those
that have not yet come and experienced this world.
And we want them to see the timeless beauty of this place,
untouched by mans greed and hatred.
I believe that we are here at this time to be that bridge
between the past and the future by forcing those
with blind eyes and no heart to listen to the people,
the animals, and this world.
This planet is screaming so loud and it is being heard by all
except the selfish, rich, few that cannot and do not care.
But no amount of money can control nature.
They cannot ignore the voices
that cry out for peace, balance, and justice.
If those voices are not heard, it is the humans
that will be removed from this world.
Perhaps, then this world, over time,
will heal from the terrible burdens
that mankind has inflicted upon it.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Unveiling the Compatibility of Number 9 and Number 4 in Love

Unveiling the Compatibility of Number 9 and Number 4 in Love This blog delves into the fascinating world of numerology,  exploring the love ...