Friday, November 30, 2018

How to Make Yearly Numerology Predictions

Image for 'How to Make Yearly Numerology Predictions' numerology article

You can make yearly numerology predictions using the calendar year number — about the kinds of things that are likely to happen during the year.

Before I describe how to do it, let's introduce the concept and talk about what the energy is.

The Concept

The energy represented by the calendar year number affects humanity. It's the significance — the fact that the year number represents something — that gives the energy the power to influence.

Thus, the energy affects all of humanity that uses the year number as a reference.

It does not affect animals or plants. Animals and plants don't possess significance related to the year number. It's not in their consciousness.

Let's find out what the calendar year energy is and what its effect is. Then, how to make yearly predictions.

(The complete article is at

Numerology/Astrology for 12/1/18- Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 12/1/18

12/1/18 is the number 6. As the month shifts to the beginning of December, the numerology again, takes us backward to go forward. It is a time of reflection and seeking the deeper inner answer over the easy answers. Things are always more complicated than they seem and there is always more to any story. It takes patience and persistence to sit with a pattern or a person to allow yourself to go deeper and feel beyond your known into the well of the vast unknown. There are no fixed answers. There are only the answers you have uncovered with this level of awareness at this time. Once you realize that you are never done growing and you are never done evolving, then you will stress less about the continued poking of the universe for you to keep on and to keep up with the changing tides and circumstances.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

December Overview

December holds a calming effect after a chaotic year. Mars is in Pisces all month (which is not its favorite spot), but it does create a bit of the “peaceful warrior” tone. Mercury will continue to be retrograde until the New Moon on the 6th. Fortunately, between now and then there are not any big challenges-just the normal communications breakdown and adaptability annoyances. If you have strong Mercury, Gemini, or Virgo in your chart, I would avoid purchasing electrical or technology things until after the 6th. Today Mercury backs out of Sagittarius, and now moves into the emotionally intense sign of Scorpio. Expect your communications to go deeper into those feelings you have been avoiding. Mercury will go back into Sagittarius on the 12th. Just in time for a more celebratory mood for the Holidays. Loving Venus makes a harmonious trine to compassionate Neptune at winter solstice. That is a nice and gentle energy. There is a minor mental and/or transportation challenge on Christmas Eve, but the Moon in heart-opening Leo on Christmas Day makes everything feel all right. New Year’s Eve includes an emotionally intense Scorpio Moon with aggressive Mars moving into physical Aries will get everyone moving. Let’s just say, New Year’s Eve starts off with a Bang!

The Moon moves into social Libra on the 1st of December. It is a great way to begin the weekend, a great time for holiday sharing. Mercury has been retrograde, in Sagittarius since November 16th, and now moves backwards into Scorpio. Communicate on deep and vulnerable levels with those in your inner circle. Sex, death and money tend to be the Scorpio topics. With Mercury in Scorpio, you’re thinking is investigative, potentially suspicious and skeptical. Just remember that feeling that does not necessarily make it so. Expect to reassess certain relationships in your life, looking beyond the obvious into the sublime. Sensitivity is high for everyone so be aware and tune your emotional “radar” not towards negativity but towards awareness. Mercury retrogrades arrive just in time to help us see into the past for the information that we might be missing.

This evening expect to have a bit of an “I’m tired” feeling, as the Moon makes a challenge to Saturn. If you want to get your exercise done, earlier in the day and afternoon will be better.
~Suzanne Wagner~


“Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance you must keep moving.”
~Albert Einstein~



People think that you cannot move until you have inspiration.
While that sometimes happens, I often find that I am in the middle of my “work”, and then it hits. That moment of clarity and that brilliant idea becomes like a still point in the normal “routine” chaos of my work day. Waiting for the answers does not always precipitate clarity and knowing. Often you have to go on with your day and flow from the place of acceptance. In that accepting and calmer state of mind where you are not striving, the answers can come through. I have said to many teachers that if I am supposed to be enlightened in this lifetime, then it will not matter where I am or what the circumstances are. You can see such things in the astrology and when the moment happens, it happens. When things align you find that there are external spiritual forces that can and will break through that last bit of resistance and help you manifest the inspiration and clarity you are seeking. Of course, it helps to seek patterns and places of stillness and to learn discipline of the mind. Know that there are not many things you can take with you to the “other” side but the things you learn and the experiences you allow yourself, do carry forward through lifetimes. There are many moments in this life, that something happens and I know the perfect thing to do. Even if I have not done it before. Some part of me knows how do get through this moment effortlessly. That, I believe, is the wisdom that I am carrying from other times into this one. Each one of you have that same experience. Your only job now is to give yourself the greatest gift. The gift of as many experiences as possible so that you can continue to expand that library of information that you will need as you continue your journey towards enlightenment.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Number 651 Meaning

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Love is not about Control


Numerology/Astrology for 11/29/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 11/29/18

11/29/18 is the number 6. The number 6 to me is a very spiritually seeking number. It is a number of your conscience. It is a number where you step out of what you think you know and recognize that there is always more to the story. The spiritual journey never really stops. It never really ends. There is always more to explore internally and externally. And we can never really know the deep inner psyche of another. The best we can do is understand our own. When that happens, judgments go away, and you are left with a way to live open and in acceptance and flow with the universe. You cannot walk another’s path for them. You cannot really save anyone because they are not lost, they are just on a journey and their path may not be one you can follow or walk. And there is no “wrong” in that. Because you too are on your own path and the map of your karmic awakening is yours to follow and not the path of everyone either. All you can do is take responsibility for your choices. That is all. You can never take responsibility for the choices, actions, or decisions of others. It is about trusting the universe and knowing that the paths of each of us are perfectly designed to make us (eventually) take responsibility for how our words, choices, actions, and deeds will shape us in this world and in the next one also. When you step free of compulsive attachments to others being the answer and recognize that you alone have the answers you seek, then life becomes less external and much more internal. It is easy to compromise when you do not need to be right. It is easy to flow and accept the curves and changes that life presents when you do not need to have everything your way. When you stop controlling your reality because of childhood fears and traumas, you might just notice that those things that upset your small mind and your little plan were not really nuisances, but gifts designed to help you and others expand in wonderful ways, then you learn what love really is. Love is not about control but about surrender and acceptance. Love is not about protecting your idea and ideal but allowing in a greater perfection when you accept what is being offered in each moment and find the miracle hidden in the request for change.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


The Moon begins the morning in Leo and at 6:08 am EST it moves into Virgo. This position is busier and more productive but can be a bit nervous, hyper, and strained. This morning you get to see in more clarity the value of organization and how the structures and rules of your life have formed a particular way to flow in your world. You may see the value of your home life with greater certainty and depth and how those choices either allow or limit others from coming into your life. Under this Moon you might finally begin to see how you are using certain things in your mind as a way to protect what you have and not allow in more or others because of a fear of being called out in some way. Such fears are usually from childhood trauma and rarely reflect the reality. After all, if you really trusted, would have to protect yourself in such a way from truth? So often we are afraid to burst our little bubbles of illusion that we have placed around our self to validate our decisions and choices. I find such things are not necessary because I don’t believe there is any way to do anything wrong. We are all doing a pathway on the map to our own karmic journey. Lessons are learned certain ways and so letting go of the judgement is helpful in allowing the universe to give you exactly what you require to grow. It is not about right and wrong. It is about what situations break your heart open into love more authentically and deeply.

Venus is dynamically connected to Neptune at this point and you might notice (as I have) that your dreams are acting wildly. You want to gloss over reality and the details in favor of your actions and choices. That is fine. You often have to do what you have to do, to keep going in life. You may not want to see your own flaws but rather see them clearly in others instead.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Love is not about control
but about surrender and acceptance.
Love is not about protecting
your idea and ideal
but allowing in a greater perfection,
when you accept what is being offered
in each moment and find the miracle
hidden in the request for change.
~Suzanne Wagner~



I find it so interesting how some metaphysical people can use all the correct words and have the lingo down within the concepts of self-realization but when it comes to moving in life with those same tools, they are actually very controlled and rigid in their choices and actions. I find that knowledge is never enough to make us act in ways that are in alignment with the Universe … though it is a beginning. Concepts are easier to understand than implementing those concepts into actual choices and decisions that help us become better and more compassionate people. It is easy to use the right words and concepts in our interaction with others intellectually. But again, actions speak volumes. So often humanity is seduced by those that have a type of charisma and magnetism. But I learned a long time ago that a person can have a magical skill but not be able to use it with integrity. I have learned that if you do not look behind the illusion that the soul’s ego is putting out there then you can become the victim to their charms and manipulations. I have learned that everyone, including the most powerful and conscious people in the world are all human beings. We are all down here doing our own karmic journey. We all have things to learn and we are all doing our very best to navigate this complex emotional world. I believe in the possibility of a very few and special beings being enlightened but I personally have not met any yet. I have met very powerful souls who have grown to places where they have tools to share with others and concepts to expand our intellect and awareness. But if you look closer and closer you see the same human condition that affects us all. That is why I believe it is not helpful to put others before you in esteem. But to seek inward to the best and highest expression of who you can be in every moment. In that way you progress in the karmic journey towards awakening. We are all seekers on the path to awakened consciousness. We are all here to help and serve our fellow man and all of life on this planet. It is really just that simple.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 11/28/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 11/28/18


11/28/18 is the number 5. The number 5 is the fire that ignites movement. Movement breeds confidence and confidence is attractive. It is a trick to find out how to allow your life force energy to flow but to not allow it to be overtly sexual and reckless. This is a number of freedom, change, and experience. All essential for growth that can continue through time. In life, religion and governments learned that to control someone’s energy you had to learn to control their sexual energy and turn it into something that those organizations wanted to manifest, establish, and maintain. That is why nuns and priest make those vows at their sexual energy peaks. (around 19 years old). If you can control and direct someone’s sexual energy you can control the person. Societies create rules around sexual energy and the order or disorder of that energy. Today, take a look at what your rules are around this energy. Notice if you are holding your life force back or if you are allowing it to inspire you to greatness. Knowing how to properly channel that energy is about taking the vitality of the primal brains and directing it through the higher functioning brain so that you can move towards you higher potential.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Venus is in a quincunx to Chiron today and so you may feel some discontent in relationships or a feeling that you need to make choices about money and possessions. It might feel awkward to express what you are feeling in a free-flowing way. But try anyway. Awkwardness is often a marker that someone is attempting to be authentic and struggling.

With Jupiter semi-square to Pluto your beliefs might feel challenged and you are going to potentially need an attitude adjustment. Be willing and open if that moment arises. You might find some having a narrower way of seeing things. Know that you cannot force your beliefs on others. That will only lead to frustration and isolation if you do.

Experiences are attempting to teach us. Some are more open to learn than others. Regardless of dreams there are certain rules that must be followed to succeed in the material world.

The Moon is in affectionate and gregarious Leo all day. You want to find outlets for your creativity, but you may not succeed in finding that perfect outlet and expression.
~Suzanne Wagner~


The purpose of art is washing

The dust of daily life off our souls.
~Pablo Picasso~



Art for me has always been deeply personal and a way to indulge what I am feeling in a safe environment. Ballet is one of those things that feels better to do that even to watch. It is as if the physical world can take you over and you are at one with the forces of energy, movement, emotion, and the light the sparks the spirit to open and be seen. I know that all sports and movement arts are the same way. Something magical happens when you have the physical strength, flexibility, and muscle memory. When you feel confident in those tools then you can let go with your mind and allow something that is transcendental to take you beyond your known reality and into the sublime world of existential consciousness.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Monday, November 26, 2018

Marriage Life Path

Image for 'Marriage Life Path' numerology article

Every marriage has a life path. Certain types of events and circumstances are attracted to the marriage more than others.

In numerology, the marriage life path is calculated with the wedding date.

The life paths of each of the spouses is different than the marriage life path. The spouses are individuals and they attract certain events and circumstances that they experience as individuals.

There are also things spouses experience together — not as individuals but as a marriage. That is the marriage life path.

In other words, a marriage has its own existence. Just like each of the spouses do. Each existence has a life path.

A life path is the events and circumstances experienced during the time of existence.

An example follows. And also information about lucky marriage dates.

(The complete article is at

Numerology/Astrology for 11/27 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 11/27/18

11/27/18 is the number 4. The number 4 is about the four corners that for centuries made up a home. Four corners are usually square, yet they are also stabile and enduring. What are the 4 corners of your life? Family, finances, fulfillment, and fun are mine. Having a system that prioritizes things and makes them work in ways that allow for connection with others is important. But always know that life in this world requires effort, though it does not need to be hard. There is a balance to finding how to have self-discipline and high moral values. With both of those you can begin to build towards a solid base upon which to build that amazing life you want and deserve.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon continues to magnify the emotions and stir up the past as it finishes up in Cancer early in the morning, at which point it goes into the bold and affectionate sign of Leo, igniting a “can do” attitude. That little extra confidence is always helpful especially right at this moment in time. Sometimes you have to let the past go and you have to forgive yourself for what you may have or may not have done. There are moments in time when you did everything in your power to do. And it was not enough. Could you change it? No. Could you do things differently now, sure. But wisdom often comes from choices that did not work as planned and required you to reach deeper. Modifications come to all things. Life tries to collapse us but when we attack ourselves for not having all the information when circumstances could not have given that information to us, it a form of cruelty and self-punishment that is not ever a good choice towards growth and happiness. The Leo Moon makes you look at where you have been beating yourself up for way to long and now it is time to reclaim your roar and take back that which others have taken from you. Know you can do that without tearing down others. Often a Lion’s roar is enough to let everyone know that “You are back!”

The Retrograde Mercury aligns with the Sun in the morning and then with Jupiter tonight. Expansion is the journey to self-discovery.

Mercury will also form a semi-square to Pluto and so you need to watch for excessive ambition that leads to making you take on too many responsibilities or exaggerate your power in a way that you might regret later.

There are new ways to solve old problems. There can be excitement about recognizing those new ways. Your communication becomes more enthusiastic. Just be aware to limit the exaggeration. Instead use that energy to stretch your thinking and verbally express resolution and confidence in the movements forward. Notice if your opinions are too strong when they need to be about faith and belief in someone.

Mars forms a sextile to Saturn, and you feel prepared to take charge in a new way. Direction and a sense of purpose is at the forefront of your mind. You will need to pace yourself. The way to exercise the best judgment is to take each step as they come.
~Suzanne Wagner~


“Modifications come to all things.
~Suzanne Wagner~



Bring heart and soul into all things you do. Find a place to put kindness and understanding first. Learn to listen and to have patience with those who think slower or have trouble finding the words. We live in a world that has allowed intolerance to become the norm. Impatience to seem like you are better than another, smarter and more capable. Learn to discover that there is wisdom in all living things. It is just that sometimes that wisdom may be of a different focus and flow than another. The wisdom of every creature is modified for that creature’s life and focus of sensibilities. The eyes of birds, bees, and butterflies see ultraviolet light and in their world plants and flowers floress. Like in the movie Avatar. The ability of that author and film makers learned how to see and operate from a magical world of animals and plants aligned with nature and created a film to open our minds and eyes to what the shaman have tried to show us for thousands of years. Know that you become fuller, by opening to what is right in front of you. Believing that you have all the answers only limits your willingness to learn and grow.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 11/26/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 11/26/18


11/26/18 is the number 3. The number 3 springs forth with a positive outlook. I love it when the Sun rises and so does my attitude. Holidays have a wonderful impact on our connection to family and others and this one was better than most. Now you get to reflect on the weekend and feel the joy and connection again. Life is filled with moments that can heal and remind us of what is really important. Today, we bask in the highest potential that is the concept of family. And we recognize the importance of being our true self with others. When we are being our true self it is easy and effortless. When we are connecting deeply there are no barriers to or inhibitions that we have with others. When connections feel forced it is an indication that someone is not feeling safe enough to be vulnerable. But the good news is that positive energy is infectious and when you are being authentic and true it allows others to find that doorway also.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


The Sun comes out of conjunction to Jupiter today and forms a semi-square to Pluto as it heads towards another alignment with the Mercury retrograde. You might feel pressure to achieve your goals but now you might see that you set the bar to an unrealistic expectation. It might be that you misjudged house much time something will take, it might make you want to push harder and force the issue, but that would be in vain. Sometimes things take the time they are going to take and no amount of pushing is going to make them move faster.

The astrological pattern makes us take another hard look at our past and makes us question if we are getting anywhere. It illuminates thoughts and ideas and perhaps will give you something that bring insight and a new perspective. This helps you process the recent events in your life more objectively and helps you look at the problems with a fresh set of eyes. Be careful how you say something because it will have an impact for good or for bad.

The ideas that spring forth right now have potential to go the distance and make a difference in your life. Conclusions need to be reaches and you may need to revise some plans. But the end result will be better.

The Moon is in the emotionally deepening sign of Cancer all day.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Patience is not the
ability to wait, but
the ability to keep
a good attitude
while waiting.
~Joyce Meyer~



Being in Spokane with family and looking out at the misty sky, I notice the difference in life from when I was younger. Before I loved the Summer. Not surprising being a Summer baby. Now, I love the winter. I love the cool air. I love the quiet. I love the feeling of being nestled up in a blanket by the fire. Perhaps it is a part of just getting older. Perhaps it is because I am coming into the winter of my own life and season. Perhaps it is about become more comfortable with just being instead of doing. Regardless it is a joy to feel as if the whole world is slowing down and finding a cooler and calmer pace. The contemplativeness of winter is conducive to mindfulness. The cold weather forces the heated conflicts that we have all been feeling “out there” in the world to stop the reactiveness. Instead it helps you find a more productive way to be in connection and communion.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Numerology/Astrology for 11/25/18


Numerology/Astrology for 11/25/18

11/25/18 is the number 2. The number 2 will allow you to see what is off. Observe without needing to be the know it all. Sometimes being the observer is enough. Not all things need to be fixed. Sometimes witnessing dysfunction and not responding has a better impact on manifesting a change than calling someone out on it. After all, defensiveness is a type of “primal brain” knee jerk reaction. Usually, not the best response unless you want to point out the dysfunction even further.  Today, silence is probably a better option or at least wait for an opening. If you have stillness in your core you will know the moment when it happens. Anything else is pushing and that rarely gets you the response that you want.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


Sunday is an enthusiastic day as the Sun aligns with Jupiter in optimistic Sagittarius. It will be exact tomorrow. Armed with feeling more joyous and with a bit more vitality, confidence soars (temporarily) and your generosity and sociability increases.

The Moon is in talkative Gemini until mid day and then it goes into the homey sign of Cancer.

It is time to move towards family and relationships. Just be careful that there might be moments of impatience and irritability.

There are some educational and cultural things that seem stimulated and there is a positive vision that seems to come into your mind for the future.

We are moving towards a Mercury-Mars square. The first one happened in Mid-October, but this one has Mercury being retrograde. Know that old hurts may arise, therefore notice what happened in October and do your best to not repeat the pattern. Do your best to be an effective communicator and practice patience with yourself and then others.

Do your best to not compete with others for the floor or attention. It might be difficult to do but attempt it anyway. Healthy dialogue allows everyone a chance to voice an opinion. Don’t bring up a past hurt when attempting to express this “now” moment.
~Suzanne Wagner~


The truth can wait,
for it lives a long life
~Arthur Schopenhauer~

Saturday, November 24, 2018

3 Universal Year: Tap Into The Power Of Creativity

As we head into a New Year in 2019, it’s as though we can all feel the rumbling underneath our feet. It’s as though the ground we’re walking on is changing its constitution—like we’ve been walking on a gravel road and suddenly the path runs out and we are faced with taking a turn onto […]

The post 3 Universal Year: Tap Into The Power Of Creativity appeared first on Felicia Bender.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 11/24/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 11/24/18

11/24/18 is the number 10. The number 10/1 reminds us that while we are individuals, we are also part of a larger group that is also our family, the human family. We are all connected in one way or another. In truth, there are no differences that really matter. We all feel the same emotions. We all want the same successes. We all want love and safety. And we are all connected to this earth that birthed us and sustains us. So, while finding yourself (the “I”) is important, right now feel into the fact that are a part of a much bigger oneness. That oneness that is about being a part of this beautiful world. You are a part of a community whether you like it or not. Whether you acknowledge it or not. Today, connect to the force of life that surrounds you. Recognize that you have an impact on that life as it circulates around you. And you can assist this world in small and powerful ways when you want to do that. It is not the big things that change minds but the small ones where you reach out your hand to help others that changed perceptions and shatters prejudice.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


Neptune is stationary in the sky prepping to go direct after months of being retrograde. So, all those focus problems should sort themselves out in the next few days and your brain should feel back on track. Today, may be the last squirrely day for your brain. Be patient with yourself and others. Creativity is going to increase. So, Sunday will be the day to do all those Christmas decorations.

Neptune attempting to go direct gives a moment of illumination. As the light increases it pierces the darkness and you are able to see deeper in that abyss of your emotional body. Let your dreams and visions guide you to more understanding of self and others. Let it help you find the inspiration that has been sorely lacking for the last many months.

So many things are changing signs or changing direction that it can feel a bit disorienting. You are confident now that you can take some steps to make you feel more secure and safe. Taking care of your loved ones takes on a stronger and deeper meaning.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Never look down
on someone unless
you’re helping
them up.



I hope everyone is having a wonderful beginning to the holiday season. Find joy in all the small things and all those things that remind us of family and the bonds that hold us together in this world. This is the moment to recognize that we all need each other. We are stronger together. We are stronger when we let go of petty differences and fears. We are stronger when learn to share and keep an open heart for stepping beyond what we think and believe.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Marriage Life Path Tool

Image for 'Marriage Life Path Tool' numerology article

A marriage is an agreement or essence different than the individuals who are married. It has its own existence.

The marriage has a life path energy represented by the numerology number calculated from the wedding date.

The life path energy of the marriage tends to affect the life path energies of the marriage partners. The effects can be subtle or dramatic, compatible or dissonant, depending on the life paths and other energies represented by the partners' numerology charts. ( has more information about that.)

The marriage life path tool further below calculates the life path number. It then responds with an interpretation of the energy represented by that number.

Read the marriage life path article for more information.

(The complete article is at

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Hildegard fotballdrakter barn med Milagros

arsenal draktLiverpool drakt

Uroen plager Inter Milan. De øverste tjenestemennene er etter hvert diskutert med å bestemme Frank de Broer. Dannet fire leirer som utnevner forskjellige kandidater.

De Broers nye Inter-tog starter 9. august 2016 erstatter Roberto Mancini. Den nederlandske arkitekten skal være på vakt i opptil tre sesonger fremover. Dessverre er Ajax Amsterdams tidligere reisearkitekt på San Siro ikke roma drakt så glatt som prognosen.

De Broer kan ikke forvente å spille Inter til den aktive perioden er fullført fordi den er nå på slutten av hornet. 46 år gammel mann ville nesten sikkert bli sparket for å legge ut dårlig ytelse.

I løpet av I Nerazzurri registrerte De Broer kun tre seire, to uavgjorte og fire nederlag i Serie A. Inter slukket bare tre påfølgende nederlag etter å ha blitt slått av Atalanta 1-2. Det forlater Inter strandet i posisjon 14 med 11 tall.

Nederlaget for Atalanta antas å være en hammer for De Broer. Muligheten for et hjemmeparti mellom Inter inter milan drakt mot Torino på San Siro på torsdag vil være hans siste oppgave.

Problemet er, til nå har det ikke vært noe ord om hvem som skal være etterfølger til De Broer. Rapportert er det fire uenigheter, spesielt mellom Suning Group og president Erick Thohir.

Suning Group som den nye eieren av Inter vil at De Broer har sendt italiensk blodtrener som Andrea Mandorlini, Stefano Pioli eller Francesco Guidolin. De kan være midlertidige kapteiner mens de venter på ankomsten av Diego Simeone.

Mens Erick fortsatte å insistere på Inter neste dibesut berømte trener og ikke nødvendigvis fra Italia som Laurent Blanc, Marcelo Bielsa, Louis van Gaal eller Andre barcelona drakt Villas-Boas.

Erick nominert dem for å ha en god rekord. Villas-Boas har god erfaring og har trent Chelsea. Han klarte også å hjelpe Porto og Zenit Saint Petersburg å vinne tittelen.

Blanc spilte en stor suksess i Frankrike. Han hjalp Paris Saint-Germain til å vinne Ligue 1 tre påfølgende årstider. Van Gaal spiser mye salt fordi han trente siden 1991 og bergelimang tittelen. Mens Bielsa har en ganske høy flygingstid.

En annen kandidat ble også presentert av tidligere president Massimo Moratti. Han prøvde å melde seg ved å foreslå Leonardo. Mens Kia Joorabchian, som også er en av aksjonærene i Inter, fortjente dommer Guus Hiddink å være en erstatning for De Broer.

RoyalBrau Fodboldtrøjer VernellSt

IsabelPed billige fotballdrakter SvenGross

HiltonDol maglie calcio DulcieFar

AOKLindse Billige Fodboldtrøjer EthelRobe

JohnnieSh fotbollströjor LeslieGoo

Alexander maglie calcio HuldaHodg

Numerology/Astrology for 11/23//18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 11/23/18


11/23/18 is the number 9. The number 9 asks you to look at where you have faith. What gives you faith and hope? We are in the season of giving and philanthropy. How can you give back today to others? Charity is a source of great compassion and it combines with a knowing that those that have, need to understand that they have a responsibility to help those that have less. Keep idealism to a minimum. Face the challenges that present with grace, truth, artistry, and a high moral sense. Know that today, you will need to use your stabilizing influences to support situations in your life.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


Black Friday is going to get magnified in intensity as emotions run high. The Full Moon in Gemini will bring more and more information into your awareness.

Take the time to release the old, take a stand for something important to you. You might perhaps expect others to get what you are offering. But take it slow as that outcome may not manifest as you expect so don’t go into putting pressure on making your point.

If the reverse is happening and you are at the end of someone pushing a lot of information towards you, listen, attempt to take it all in but don’t make any important decisions. After all Mercury is retrograde till December 6th.

Let all ideas mature and do not expect miracles quickly.

The Full Moon in Gemini is questioning, dualistic, interested in new ideas and information, and feels a bit urgent to get a message across or to make an announcement. Travel and communications of all sorts are going to be attempted.

But because the ruler of Gemini is Mercury and that planet is retrograde, and the Full Moon is squaring Mars, with the Sun going into alignment with Jupiter and Mercury, all this suggests that we are going to have to reflect backwards to our past and look at old information in new ways.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Successful people are always
looking for opportunities to help
others. Unsuccessful people are
always asking, “What’s in it for me?”
~Brain Tracy~



I love the holidays. I love the coming together of family to cook, laugh, sing, play music, and share stories. I don’t mind if I have heard the stories before because every time, they are told they become a worm hole to the past. I find it interesting, familiar. Like an anchor that roots you into this lifetime. Shared moments connecting souls to actions and moments to memories. Enjoy those moments. You will miss that person’s stories when they are gone. What we share and what we remember, tells us so much about who we are and what things make a strong and lasting impression on us. Those are the things that shape us into who we are. It is interesting to notice what things are those moments that anchor you into this self that you are presently experiencing. For me it is less about those peak experiences and more about those small things. Those precious moments that are filled with laughter not challenge. Moments of shared connection not independent successes.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Number 304 Meaning

Numerology/Astrology for 11/22/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 11/22/18


11/22/18 is the number 8. The number 8 brings up the losses over the last bit of your life. It makes you reflect on who is no longer here and your feelings deepen in the missing and longing for their presence. But it goes deeper than that. We reflect on how much we have lost related to so much happening in the world right now. Take a look at what seems to still be reflecting as a deeper loss to you. I believe that sometimes you do not appreciate certain moments until it looks like you are losing them. Take a look at your most cherished illusions and decide if they are real and if they are still valid at this time in history. Grieve the person you used to be. Love that person and have great compassion for yourself. Then have great compassion and love for those that have helped you in great and small ways in your life to become who you are now. Know that egos and personalities breakdown in death and what remains is the love and genuine caring that we have all shared with each other.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


Thanksgiving Day is a bit more of an astrologically subdued holiday under this introspective Void of Course Moons.

The Full Moon is on USA Thanksgiving Day, November 22 (9:32 PM PDT, 1 degree Gemini/Sagittarius). This is an excellent time to share your ideas, especially those regarding travel, higher philosophy, publishing and education. However, Mercury continues to be retrograde until December 6. Allow flexibility in your plans and don’t believe everything you hear. The life-giving Sun is aligned with Jupiter this week, so generosity and enthusiasm is high. Action planet Mars is making a challenge to this full moon. Check to see if both you and those in your life are willing to take action on their ideas or just like the sound of their own voice. Still, it is a good time to give voice to your big ideas-just take a wait-and-see attitude to determine where the actual action (or inaction) will be.

The Sun goes into the playful and party sign of Sagittarius today which I always find fitting and perfect to begin the holiday season. This brings a desire to reach out and help in ways that have impact and meaning. It makes you want to connect with things that are larger and more expansive than yourself.

This Sagittarius time asks you to look at where you can take steps to increase understanding and awareness in the world. It is time to take the courage to expand your horizons and open to new ways of thinking. If you step out of this narrow playing field where, everyday, there is another problem and look at the bigger picture, you move beyond the mundane and into the divine plan that the universe has for you personally. Be aware that overdoing is a problem today but take the opportunities that are offered with faith, hope, and let the new vision evolve into something wonderful.

There is a Mercury-Venus semi square which complicates the Mercury retrograde. Just remember to tell the truth. Do not embellish or add to the story. That story is enough all by itself.

With Mars and Pluto forming a semi-square, you might feel powerless and overshadowed. While resentment is close to the surface, instead challenge yourself to be kind and good to others. While it may feel a bit forced it will be a way to do good when the energy makes you want to be self-centered and quick to find fault. Be charitable and straightforward with your words and actions.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Life has many ways of testing a person’s will,
either by having nothing happen at all
or by having everything happen at once.
~Paul Coelho~



Over and over again, I warned everyone that this process we have been in for 2 plus years will take a long time to move completely through. Such intense times of transformation and change are chaotic and breakdown existing structure that need to be revealed for the darkness and dysfunction that has been hidden and that we have been blinded to by complacency. Well, no one is complacent anymore. And that is a good thing. But it is impossible to rebuild in the middle of things collapsing. So, we must watch while this breakdown continues and wait patiently for the new pattern to reveal itself. What I know is that we do not know the new pattern. How we respond to each situation defines the level of competence we have in coming to terms with life’s upsets. Our actions help the guides and angels define what level of transformation we are at. Our actions tell our guides and angels when the breakdown stops and the building begins. Clearly, we are not yet there. Take the time to take a look at what are your growth edges and where you are still be tested is where you are still not matured enough to understand what it is that you want to rebuild. Thinking you know is not the same and have a congruent knowing that inspires you to your own greatness.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 11/21/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 11/21/18


11/21/18 is the number 7. The number 7 asks you to look at your personal unique thoughts and gifts. Are you taking advantage of them? Do you support the learning curve and embrace the quest for knowledge? Education is the key to stepping beyond our genetic programming and seeing a bigger world. In this day and age, it will be those that are multi-national in their mindset and approach that will succeed the most. In such a global economy, understanding the rules, cultural norms, and social behaviors to support the growth of businesses and economies is important to creating bridges for money and commerce. That requires an intellect that is curious and willing to embrace differences rather than pull back and separate from them. Every culture has unique qualities that are beautiful gifts that we can grow and learn from. Every bit of travel opens our eyes to other ways of doing things. What you discover is that our way is only one way. There are many other ways that work also. Because this number is ruled by Saturn, you have to recognize that all knowledge requires something. That something is a type of sacrifice. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your limited egoic perspective. Sometimes you have to sacrifice getting something done in your personal expectation of timing. Sometimes you have to explain things in a way that is more understandable to others. That can help you in so many ways. It also gives you patience and the ability to think quickly in the moment. It is in the gifting that you discover why you are really here.

Astrology Today


As the Sun lingers in the last bits of Scorpio and the days continue to lengthen into the darker seasons of Fall into Winter, know that there is also a quincunx from the Sun to Uranus today. Notice if you want to make a hasty action and actively choose to not do that. Such moments when you change your mind suddenly cause accidents and create distractions and feeling more scattered than you need to. Keep it simple. There is that phrase, “Don’t drive faster than your angels can fly!” I love that one and it is very applicable to this day. While surprises are probable, they can also be received from a calmer and more conscious place. Expect your plans to change and get disrupted. What ever you think the schedule is, probably will alter in ways that want to make you pull your hair out. Don’t let it get to you. Life is a constant test of center. Life will always throw you one more thing to have to deal with. This is how we grow and it may be time to embrace the chaos and allow it to expand your perception.

While the Moon continues plodding through the earth sign of Taurus, there is a very big part that wishes, life would just calm down and go back to the way it used to be. I am sure all of us feel that to some extent. But we are not in control of the external world only our internal reaction to our life events.

Mercury and Venus are heading into a semi-square, so expect to feel more nervous than normal and that restlessness might be difficult to handle.

~Suzanne Wagner~


“Education is
an ornament in prosperity
and a refuge in adversity.”



Interviewers question:

A person, particularly in the West, must have the foundation of humility, honesty, and an ethical way of life. Once one has this foundation, what else does Your Holiness suggest that one cultivate in one’s life, if there is the foundation of virtue, ethics and humility.

Dalai Lama answer:

The next thing to be cultivate is mental stabilization. Ethics is a method to control oneself- it is a defensive action. Our actual enemy, you see is within ourselves. The afflicted emotions (pride, anger, jealousy_ are our real enemies. These are the real trouble makers, and they are to be found within ourselves. The actual practice of religion consists of fighting against these inner enemies.

As in any war, first we must have a defensive action, and in our spiritual fight against the negative emotions, ethics is our defense. Knowing that at first one is not fully prepared for offensive action, we first resort to defensive action and then means ethics. But once one has prepared one’s defenses, and has become somewhat accustomed to ethics, then one must launch one’s offensive. Here our main weapon is wisdom. The weapon of wisdom is like a bullet, or maybe even a rocket, and the rocket launcher is mental stabilization or calm abiding. In brief, once you have a basis in morality or ethics, the next step is to train in mental stabilization and eventually in wisdom.
~The Dalai Lama – A Policy of Kindness~

Appreciation & Gratitude

Appreciation & Gratitude

What is the difference? This is something I have thought about many times … is there a difference between gratitude and appreciation and, if so, what is it?

It has been something that has always stuck with me … this feeling that they are so similar, yet different. As I tuned in and asked Spirit for guidance, I understood what the difference was for me. I FEEL appreciation more than I do gratitude. I am sure, because I am clairsentient (a feeler), that it makes it different for me than for someone who is Clairvoyant (a seer) or Clairaudient (a hearer). I always knew appreciation “felt” different … deeper to me, but I wasn’t sure why.

So, I did a check. According to the dictionary, the definitions of the two words are:

The state of being grateful; warm and friendly feeling toward a benefactor; kindness awakened by a favor received; thankfulness.

Recognition of the quality, value, significance, or magnitude of people and things; A rise in value; — opposed to depreciation; Accurate perception; true estimation; as, an appreciation of the difficulties before us; an appreciation of colors.

This helped me to understand too, that for me gratitude feels like something I do or have after something is received. I have gratitude for that gift or gesture. Appreciation is something I feel, whether something is received or not. I appreciate the stars in the sky, I appreciate the beauty of the world. It doesn’t have to be given to me, in order for me to appreciate it.

I feel like I can be grateful for something in my life without really appreciating it. Like there is this very subtle shift from gratitude to appreciation … I believe the shift is in presence. When we are more aware in the present moment we then begin to generate the feelings of appreciation.

For example, I can be grateful for the salad I am eating for dinner. However, I could go even further into presence and appreciate its value through its aroma, taste, nutrition, and preparation. If you pay close attention, you’ll feel a very subtle difference between being grateful, and being thankful or appreciative.

To me, the difference is subtle, but to the universe I think the difference is obvious. Gratitude is felt after you get what you want … however, you have appreciation for what you have been given … even if it’s not what you asked for.

Can you appreciate something that you didn’t ask for? Some kind of life experience that feels like an overwhelming situation … like the loss of a marriage, the sickness of a close friend or the death of a loved one?

I know it’s hard … we all have things happen that we don’t want. I believe the key is to be present in the moment to truly find appreciation … and in that, you will also find forgiveness. You just have to stay connected to the source within you (the God of your understanding). We didn’t ask for the challenges to happen, not consciously anyway. Yet, if we can appreciate them as opportunities to learn and evolve as spiritual beings, then we can move forward in greater appreciation of all that we are. Appreciation appreciates everything it touches.

Envy-is-a-symptom-of-lack-of-appreciation-of-our-uniqueness-and-self-worthHow does appreciation and gratitude feel to you, are they the same, different… I’d love to hear your comments. Please share below – SDJ

In Appreciation for all that you are and gratitude that you and I have crossed paths on this beautiful journey we call life 🙂 🙂 🙂
– Sunny Dawn Johnston

PS: I’d love to share with you a great message on gratitude vs. appreciation. Not that you have to pick one … they are both fabulous … this just might bring into clarity what I am trying to say with written words.
Enjoy –

Oh.. and by the way… you can share this with your friends on social media by clicking on the buttons below ▼▼▼

If you resonate with this message, I;d love to hear.. Drop me a line by simply commenting below:)

Monday, November 19, 2018

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Clarity Comes When Movement Happens


Numerology/Astrology for 11/20/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 11/20/18

11/20/18 is the number 6. The number 6 is the Lovers card in the Tarot. It is the blending of opposites in order to find the center and understand clarity. When you know both sides of your nature and have learned to love and accept the good and not so good, you stop disowning a part of yourself and it is amazing how much more energy you have when you are not using your energy to suppress yourself. Your mind does have the power to hold back the power of your lifeforce energy but it is a waste of a precious gift. When you learn to accept the past and the present. When you cling not to either. When you reconcile with your disowned parts and past life experiences, then you have the ability to become fully responsible for your choices. When you are not balanced with the dualistic sides of human nature you become hypercritical, morally superior, shallow and selfishness. When you even attempt to look at all reflections in your life as tools to re-integrate your shadow, you become more caring, protective, honest, peaceful, and gracious. So often we seek the answers outside our awareness. But the answers are always inside us all the time.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon continues in the energetically bold sign of Aries, until around 6 pm this evening. At that time it moves into the consistent and plodding sign of Taurus. The energetic pushing turns into the dependable desire of the Bull.

Because of this you can make some good progress with your emotions. You might have felt in the last few days that you were analyzing things again and again, attempting to figure out the swings of your emotional state. Today in the evening it will settle down a bit.

With the Sun in harmony to Chiron (the wounded, healer, teacher) progress can be made with less effort. There is a desire to grow and forget about making mistakes. Sometimes you just have to try something new. And let go of the worry while you do it. Often clarity comes when choice and movement happens.

The Sun trines the North Node and its influence asks us to aspire and rise to the present challenge. It is a great impulse to grown and improve.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Often clarity comes
when choice and
movement happens.
~Suzanne Wagner~



In this time of change, it is so important to find out how to stretch your compassion bubble to include more and more. We are bombarded daily with things that none of us ever felt we would need to navigate in our modern times. We had gotten lulled into believing that people would just do what was right and good for humanity, nature, and the world.

How wrong we were!

So here we sit, in a world on the edge, and the intensity of the distortion that desires to magnify suffering is strong. And there is also the desire for truth to be told and for humanity to awaken further so that in the future (although a very distant future now) we could come back to that blissful place of human potential to create a world where we are all co-existing together in peace and hold each other in a place of compassionate acceptance and understanding. I still believe it is possible. I believe we got very close before. And that triggered the darkness to attack in a fight to the death.

Because what has to die is hate. What has to die is fear. What has to die is prejudice. What has to die is ignorance.
It is going to be a long road. I may or may not see it through to fruition. But I know that I can contribute in the ways that I am directed to do.
And so can you. And so it will be.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Number 153 Meaning

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 11/19/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 11/19/18

11/19/18 is the number 5. The number 5 is about immersing yourself into the physical world. Unfortunately, it can also be a bit reckless and self-indulgent. Be careful to not take things too far. While this is a number of freedom, you must also be highly responsible for your actions and choices. Your decisions always impact those around you. Be vivacious an unconventional but practice kindness and mercy. Recognize that you are an explorer on this beautiful planet. You are a soul that came to learn and grasp new experiences. Notice where you feel confined and allow that restlessness to activate something inside that wants change. It is a choice to become freedom in action. There is a curiosity that propels you forward when you allow your spiritual connection to life, fill you up and lead you into new experiences.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

With the Moon in the impatient sign of Aries and the Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, continue to watch out for the crazy drivers today. Defensive driving is the name of the game. This Mercury retrograde makes the unpredictable happen.

Mars squares Jupiter today and so it is easy to get riled up. But it is also easy to get enthusiastic about things that need some time and care. Just don’t overdo. It is easy to not know when to stop.

Be aware of becoming hasty, counting your chickens before they hatch and putting money into ventures that need to be further studied. There is a tendency to overestimate what is possible and not realize that you are taking on too much. Many things are possible with time but know that decisions made right now will take more time and effort than you are anticipating.

Take some of this competitive spirit that is arising and move it constructively. At the very least fight for what is fair. This energy can make lawsuits or struggles more intense because they are hitting on the differences in personal philosophy and principals. There is a feeling of urgency and anxiety that may be stronger today. Practice patience though it will be in short supply. Assume that beginning now means completion much later. Do not push because it will be a waste of energy and effort.
Mercury square Neptune in retrograde at the exact degree makes you feel a bit odd. Nothing really goes exactly to plan. Are you willing to make the changes to make this new possibility happen? You may feel like you need to say “Yes” but double check that before you lock yourself into a position that is going to be difficult. You are trying to get to the next level and such shifts take time. Weirdness seems to be the norm. It will take you time to process through all this. Just take today slow. Expecting outcomes will work against you. Slow down. Let it happen in its own designated time. If you are not getting what you want, that means there are things that you still need to put in place.

~Suzanne Wagner~


We are the only
species on earth
capable of preventing
our own flowering.
~David Whyte~



You belong in a world
that is free, wild, and wondrous.
Choosing to live in any other world
will make you feel as if you do not belong.
Seek out that wildness inside
and give it space to run, breathe, and embody.
Those that seek perfection will not find it.
Because what shapes and molds you
into the enlightened spark of the potential
is not seeking what you desire
but what disturbs your core.
That disturbance is what nourishes
and feeds that spark inside.
It is that chaos and wildness that will
help you discover everything you need.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Suzanne Wagner Quote – You Belong in a Wild, Wondrous World


Saturday, November 17, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 11/18/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 11/18/18

11/18/18 is the number 4. The number 4 is about balance. These days it seems that so many things have lost that balance. Things we could count on seem to be being broken down piece by piece. That is why it is up to each of us to have such a solid core within that the external never can distort or throw off this internal. And balance is easy and organic. Fighting is always about a response to an internal imbalance that the mind is trying to sort out. But it is very possible to be balanced and neutral while observing the external chaos. Objective understanding only comes when you are standing on solid ground internally. Within each of us, we know (soul wise) what is right. It is that darn mind that keeps getting in the way. The mind wants to make that which is normal, natural and clearly obvious difficult. The mind loves to compare and then decide what is better or worse. I believe that we are born with that innate balance. Children love everyone at the beginning. You have to teach them to hate. It is not our natural state of being as souls of light and consciousness. Within you is still that child self that is in alignment with the natural world. Just give him or her a chance to show you something that is often very obvious and easy to do. When you find that center again. The stress will melt away.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon moves from Pisces into Aries just before Noon today. It may make drivers bolder and more reckless. Beware of those acting and driving erratically. But use this energy to allow an enterprising energy to take over. Aries is the beginning. And we want to start fresh. We also do not want to waste time on apologies or contemplating the past. Just a reminder that a good knowing of the past will help make more conscious choices in the future. But sometimes our choices from the past do not assist our evolution but loop us into the dysfunction of prior emotionally reactive moments.

The Mars-Jupiter square adds more pressure today. I know! You really did not need that on a Sunday! But you can use this positively if you let it build up your confidence and enthusiasm. Be aware that a joke can get taken a bit too far and feelings can get hurt.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Justice is conscience, not a personal
conscience but the conscience of the whole of
humanity. Those who clearly recognize the
voice of their own conscience usually
recognize also the voice of justice.
~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn~



I was raised in a very Irish Catholic family. Both sides were committed to that protocol. One set of grandparents were lovely, peaceful, more open, and kind. The others were more dogmatic, rigid, judgmental, opinionated, and unbending.

When I was a child I would go to visit (the later set of grandparents) at their home in Oklahoma. They had a cabin on the lake with a boat shed. It was a beautiful place and very peaceful. I would leave to go down to the lake and boatshed to get away from all the control and rules that children had to strictly follow when around them.

One of their neighbors was an older man who was very kind and gentle spirited towards me. He was also retired, and he would show me how to fish and put the worms on the hook, cast the line out and get the fish off the line. He was very kind and an easy peaceful man to be around. I felt safe and relaxed when I was with him. Everything was fine until one day, I came back from the lake and my grandmother (who was always the scarier of the two) asked me where I had been.

I told her the truth (as I always did).

You could see the color rise up on her face as I told how great my day had been and how the old man was so kind and helpful to me. (There were no other children around in this particular area to play with and my sister would have rather died than play with me at that time in our life.) Then my grandmother explained in an aggressive, accusative tone that that man was not Catholic and so I could not talk to him.

That seemed even to my innocent mind a ridiculous statement. I learned very young and being in parochial school that you could believe someone’s words, or you could believe your experience of something. I somehow always knew that you could not completely trust adults because their words did not reflect their actions or choices. Someone who did that was not to be trusted because they were out of touch with the reality. I am grateful that I knew that so young. It saved me a lot of heartache in my life though I would find myself separate from the community consensus often.

My experience of the Catholic church was lovely. I loved the ritual. I loved the repetition of the prayers. I loved the intention of kindness. But I also saw that those same pious people would behave completely contrary to their own words and beliefs at a later time. I did not know how anyone could live with that incongruence.
I marveled at what type of lie you had to hold inside and deceive yourself with to be unable to detect the distortion and perpetuate the self-deception. So, my analysis was that adults had lost touch with the divine and that their egos really made the choices and decisions based on bolstering their belief that they were better than others because of their religion or position.
When I challenged my grandmother’s assumption with my firm belief that I was safe and that he was a very kind man, again she said that he could not be a good man because he was not Catholic and that he would not be in heaven until he became a Catholic.
I again, countered with the belief that it was not the religion that determined goodness it was the actions and the hearts intent that determined goodness in heaven.
That almost made her loose her mind.
My belief angered her and challenged her rules of righteousness and self-importance. I told her that I was sure that this kind man would meet us all there in heaven.
Needing to win the argument, she said, with her deeper prejudice and judgment, “Well, see how much you don’t know. He can’t be in heaven because he is black! And no blacks will be in heaven ever, because that color is the mark of Cain.”
In that moment I realized how deeply dogmatic and blocked my grandmother was. And the depth of that hatred that lived in her frightened me in a way that nothing up to that point had frightened me.

It was clear that she believed that she was right. And an evil light shone from her eyes in self-righteous certainty. There was great power in her darkness, but you could also see that that darkness was going to eat her alive. (which it eventually did)

Stunned I did not know what to say to such a place of hate. Besides I was only 7 years old and this was my grandmother that I was supposed to respect. But I did not respect her. I did love her, but I did not like her.

She turned on her heel and walked away with a stride of justified indifference. It was again in that moment that I recognized how life could break down the core guiding light of truth and love.
Egos needed to be special and they needed to be better than.
I have never tried to be better than another. I have used the gifts and skills of others to challenge myself to be better because of watching and learning from them. But I never felt it was helpful to try to be better than another. I knew the doorway was to be simply your best self.

After all, that would be hard enough and that would be the way to grace and peace.
I am grateful that my mother being raised from such a place, never took on the beliefs of her parents.

In fact, quite the contrary. She marched with Martin Luther King, Jr. in Dallas. We had families of all colors and races to our home.

I was a child when the Vietnamese boat people came to America and many settled in Texas. And they came to our schools not speaking a word of English. They were frightened and ostracized. I tried to be kind and helpful. My first date to a movie was with a very nice Vietnamese boy.

I think within all life is the core of goodness and light. I believe that light can be dimmed, dulled, and hidden because of hurt, wounding, and trauma. But I do not believe that color, race, beliefs, or creeds have anything to do with it.

If there is a mark of Cain, I believe that mark is hate. Because hate you can feel and detect. Hate takes what is good and twists it into an unrecognizable mass that feeds on fear.

Hate is the enemy. Hate breeds other emotions such as jealousy, suffering, violence, anger, rage, and distrust. That is why questioning what you hate and fear is so important to your evolution and consciousness. That is why you must remember to look for the light and love that is at the center of every human being and of all life. That is why you must not always listen to the words of others and take them blindly as facts. You must have your own experiences to help you discern what is right.

And the rules of life are simple.
Number 1, Do no harm.
Number 2, practice kindness to all life.
Number 3, practice self-love.
Number 4, practice aloneness.
Because if you can be alone you can find the truth. If you cannot be alone, you will seek out companionship and you will be desperate enough to give up pieces of your soul to not be alone. If you are doing that, it allows you to become lost in the darkness of human suffering. But the steps are simple. The steps are doable. Those steps can help you fight the distortions and fears that this life has generated. Freedom comes at a cost. That cost is your ego. Everyone can and will find their way out of karmic suffering. We will all find our way back home. In another time and place we are all laughing about the drama we created down here on earth. Remember, the greatness that is within your soul. Remember, that spark of the divine that can and will guide you if you let it. Remember, that this is just a game to discover the importance of compassion.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Friday, November 16, 2018

Numerology-assisted Gift Selection

Image for 'Numerology-assisted Gift Selection' numerology article

Find a perfect gift for a friend, loved one, co-worker, or business associate.

Delight the recipient with a gift that is highly appreciated. The article is designed to help you determine that exactly-right gift.

Numerology can be used to make gift choices easier. And more likely your gift is truly appreciated.

It works like this: Determine the recipient's name number (there is a calculator to help you). The name number represents certain energy. Gifts that resonate with that energy tend to be more wanted and appreciated.

As an example, a person with a 5 name number tends to enjoy experiencing new things — meeting new people, becoming immersed in new cultures, traveling to new places, learning about new discoveries (and making their own discoveries), and other things that resonate with an expression of a personal sense of freedom.

Therefore, gifts the person with a 5 name number is likely to appreciate the most have to do with learning about or experiencing things they have not yet been exposed to. They relish new interests.

(The complete article is at

Numerology/Astrology for 11/17/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 11/17/18

11/17/18 is the number 3. The number 3 reminds us that there is always someone to make you smile in a day. There is always space to express joy regardless of external circumstances. If you continue to let your heart lead the way, you will continue to grow and open to the possibilities. Life is a dance of learning how to be the hollow bamboo and move with the winds without attachment and to have the wide-eyed wonder of a child watching life unfold before it. When you see the world as a new unfoldment of possibilities, you can be brave without being confrontational. Let your life become an outpouring of energy, creativity, and exploration. When the negative side of this number takes over you will have trouble concentrating and you will tend to feel scattered and not unified in your flow. That is when accidents can happen. So, pay attention to what you are doing and do your best to not rush. When your body, soul, and spirit are aligned then regardless of external events you can find peace and acceptance.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Aggression seems to astrologically continue to build but you need to become more and more aware of your surroundings. Be alert to drivers that are stressed, in a hurry, or distracted. Defensive driving is the way to go.

The Moon is still in the emotionally expressive place of Pisces and that encourages you to find that compassionate side and explore your creative places that allow for the mind to calm down and find joy.

Let the boundaries dissolve and let go of needing to make firm decisions right now. Everything is too much in flux and so what ever you think you know you will not know later. Avoid confrontations with others because the ground upon which you are basing your reality is actually quicksand. Your decisions are not easy and so step back from making some grandiose commitments at this time. Do your best to follow the flow of your intuition.

Expect the ongoing difficulties of relating to others to continue. Do your best to remember that each person is on their own journey karmically and towards awakening. You cannot walk another’s path for them. No one can clear another person’s karmic journey. It is up to each of us to follow the path that is laid out for us to grow. The hardest thing to keep in mind is that you must learn to treat others as equals. Regardless of whether you have judgment upon them or not. You cannot manipulate your way into heaven. But you can resist the temptations that pull you into a self-imposed hell. It will be hard to trust others right now with the Sun in opposition to Juno. Jealousy is also a factor that rears its head. Disagreements will tend to be about not respecting another. It will be difficult to concede that perhaps you have a trigger and that trigger is a lack of a coping skill that needs to be learned. Everything in life is about learning to come to a balance and compromise with others to find a path that works for the greater good.

~Suzanne Wagner~


You cannot manipulate
your way into heaven.
But you can resist the
temptations that pull
you into a self-imposed hell.
~Suzanne Wagner~



Let the love find a way through the dark.
Let the compassion expand contracted hearts.
May light find the way into the cracks.
May truth expand the existing facts.
How can humanity choose what is right?
How can those with power continue a hopeless fight?
I know that we are better than this.
I know all conflict ends with a hug and a kiss.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Suzanne Wagner Quote – You cannot manipulate your way into Heaven


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 11/16/18 – Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 11/16/18


11/16/18 is the number 20. The number 20/2 is ruled by the Moon Card and the High Priestess Card in the Tarot which are about understanding the difference between cognitive understanding and intuition. Intuition is the silent-knower. It is calm when the information comes in. It is aware and clarifying. It is unifying rather that separating. The Number 20/2 shows you where you are in conflict with someone, something, or an ideal. Cognitive understanding wants to connect the dots in a rational fashion. Intuitive knowing leaps past the game of “connect the dots”. It sees the end result and the overview. Because we live in this dualistic world, we are trained to see the positive and negative in all things. But harmony does not come from seeing the differences but from seeing the similarities. Some see that as weakness but unification is supportive, friendly, and understanding. It is okay to see the differences as long as you train your mind to see the similarities also.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


As Mercury goes retrograde, the tension begins to ratchet up and the emotional stress increases. Mercury will remain retrograde until December 6th. Expect matters to get more confused. As retrograde shift from Mercury being forward to back, it will magnify problems and difficulties. Understanding of information distorts and makes what you hear not necessarily what you were told. With the news media I expect different perspectives that may conflict. In the case of the presidents chart, as he is a Gemini ruled by Mercury, I expect his mood to worsen with the darkening of the sun as we move into winter. At first the retrograde is in Sagittarius and then backs up into Scorpio. Communications will continue to be difficult and tricky. While you may want to focus on the hard facts it will not be easy. It is time to review and re-assess things that darken your heart and makes you feel hopeless.

The best way to use this Mercury Retrograde is to use it to look even deeper inside, meditation is going to be your best help. Reviewing your decisions and choices so that you can rework things is important. It is about learning to find meaning methods of communication.

The Moon in Pisces makes your emotions feel bigger and more intense. Your dreams seem distant. But take heart. When things get this distorted then the recoil afterwards is very strong. I expect the backlash from such difficulty and misguided dysfunction to be very heartening at some point. I wait with baited breath.

Venus turns direct as Mercury goes retrograde. While it will take time, things that are connected to Venus will improve. Such things as love and money. That is good news right before the holidays. Personal power and inner self-confidence builds and inner affection more easy to express. Social relationships calm down. Just know that you will need to take your time and put effort into processing what is coming up.

~Suzanne Wagner~


She walked
on the coals
of fire like
she was stepping
on the defeated
souls of all
of those who
doubted her.
~Matt Baker~



Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self.

~Siddhārtha Gautama~

I took my friends dogs to the dog park today. I love the excitement and joy that dogs show with the freedom to play, connect, sniff, and leave their mark to let everyone know that they were there. I love watching them play with the tennis ball and dive into the very cold water with no hesitation. What would it take for humans to be so able to fully embrace moments with no sense of ego, self, or discomfort? With the dogs as my teachers, I watch and learn. Nature knows more than we give it credit. Animals have wisdom and abilities that we do not have. Their soul’s carry a consciousness that is often more developed and fine tuned to the more subtle, energetic world than humans. Once you allow in the possibility that your teacher could just be an animal, the world expands in wondrous ways.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Unveiling the Compatibility of Number 9 and Number 4 in Love

Unveiling the Compatibility of Number 9 and Number 4 in Love This blog delves into the fascinating world of numerology,  exploring the love ...